A downloadable tool for Windows

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Hello Amstrad community!

I won’t present you the Amstrad CPC, the 8-bit home computers produced by Amstrad between 1984 and early 1990s. You probably spent already thousands of hours enjoying a wide range of game software, and the bravest may have typed dozens of “DATA”-filled listing program pages, all by hand. Yes because at that time we did not have a mouse, and there was no such thing as “copy and paste”…

Amstrad CPC computer

You who have invested in computer programming for long months in the late 80s and early 90s know how limited machines were back then, and how you had to trick to gain space or speed. You may have started in BASIC to finally see its limits and move towards Assembly, Z80, or machine language programming.

blonde woman in amstrad cpc blue palette

The Amstrad CPC has 27 fixed colors. The BASIC language has 3 graphic modes:


16 colors
tropical forest island landscape image converted to amstrad with ImgToCpc

4 colors
man standing near seashore at sunset photo converted to amstrad cpc with ImgToCpc

2 colors
white furry cat image converted to amstrad with ImgToCpc

You certainly remember your floppy disks. You had to type "cat" to see its content, and sometimes in the files listed there was an “IMAGE.SCR” or “IMAGE.BIN” file (always 17k), which corresponded most of the time to an image displayed while a game was loading.

These 17k files were actually finary files representing the full screen memory of the Amstrad computer. This is the kind of image that will be possible to create with the ImgToCpc software, and then easily display it on your Amstrad CPC.

Convert an image to Amstrad format

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC (or “ImgToCpc”) is a image processing utility that makes it possible to convert your picture or image file directly to Amstrad floppy format, so that you will only have to type “run” to display your image on the CPC screen.

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC supports JPG, PNG, BMP, PCX, LBM, TGA image formats.

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC will directly create:

  • a preview image to check the results
  • the equivalent 17k image file in Amstrad binary format
  • a launch file that corresponds to the Basic commands to display the image on the screen
  • a floppy file (.DSK) containing the image, the launcher above and readable by an Amstrad CPC emulator such as WinAPE or CPCBox.

Example images - Conversion results

woman face from thispersondoesnotexist run imgtocpc to convert image into amstrad binary image data

nature leaves with water drops amstrad picture of nature leaves with water drops converted with ImgToCpc

bowl of appetizing raspberries image bowl of appetizing raspberries option dither converted with ImgToCpc

How to convert your image into Amstrad CPC image format with Image-To-Amstrad-Cpc

The process can be divided in 3 steps:

First Buy Now to download Image-To-Amstrad-Cpc.
  1. Launch Image-To-Amstrad-Cpc : Preview and convert your image -- you will have the possibility to preview the result of your conversion, in any Amstrad color palette you want.
    For example, type:     ImgToCpc "D:\My folder\MyPhoto.jpg"

  2. Get the resulting DSK floppy file, and copy and paste the result, in your Amstrad emulator “roms” folder (or copy the content of this DSK file to an actual Amstrad 3,0” floppy disk)

  3. When your Amstrad machine prompts “Ready”, insert the disk in your Amstrad floppy drive and
    type: run"imgtocpc"
    The image will be loaded and displayed in a couple of seconds.
  4. To exit, press the ESC key 2 times on your Amstrad keyboard.

snow-covered forest winter landscape image converted to amstrad with ImgToCpc image of a gray striped furry cat to amstrad cpc format

Dedicated page: Details: how to convert your image to Amstrad CPC format

Advanced conversion options

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC handles “dithering” and “mapping with color affinity”.
crocodile amstrad cpc

More lively images on Amstrad - slight pixel animation movement

Ginger cat in orange palette animated pixel noise
jelly fish in blue water to amstrad cpc

Full options list to convert images

- Image-To-Amstrad-CPC complete options list.

sunset sea island landscape photo to amstrad cpc format 2-color pumpkin market photo to amstrad cpc format

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC is a command line utility with an emphasis on the minimalism of the image results, especially when using the 4-color mode.

BONUS "and sometimes glitch happens"

Here is what may occur if you test random options or palettes! This may not be exactly what you have in mind but these strange looks and results can be interesting!
mode 0 image looking fuzzy mode 0 image looking distorded mode 2 pastel green palette


In short, if you purchased "Image-To-Amstrad-CPC" software, Anto80 allows you to use it to produce images for multiple projects, whether commercial or non-commercial. Full license terms.

Credits - Images

- Rose with droplets and dither effect : Tara Evans https://unsplash.com/@taradee
- Amstrad CPC 464 with CTM644 colour monitor (1984) : Bill Bertram https://en.wikipedia.org
- Straight hair blonde woman in blue palette, Smiling woman with straight hair in grayscale, Man with cap in orange palette, Man with brushing in green/turquoise/skyblue palette, Young woman with wavy hair in glitchy palettes, Woman with glasses in pink palette : "This Person Does Not Exist" www.thispersondoesnotexist.com
- Tropical forest island landscape : Kyrylo Kholopkin https://unsplash.com/@kholopkin
- Man standing near seashore at sunset : Joshua Earle https://unsplash.com/@joshuaearle
- White furry kitten, Ginger cat in orange palette : "This Cat Does Not Exist" www.thiscatdoesnotexist.com
- Nature leaves with water drops : Monika Grabkowska https://unsplash.com/@moniqa
- snow-covered forest winter landscape : Nicolas Wydouw https://unsplash.com/@wydouwnicolas
- gray striped furry cat : Margarita Zueva https://unsplash.com/@margzu
- Sunset sea and island landscape : Steve Douglas https://unsplash.com/@sldoug
- Pumpkin market : Cloé Fontaine https://unsplash.com/@cloefontaine
- Crocodile eye : David Clode https://unsplash.com/@davidclode
- Jelly fish in blue water : 贝莉儿 DANIST https://unsplash.com/@danist07

Crossfade of a man with cap to orange amstrad palette Crossfade of tropical island to mode 0 on amstrad cpc Crossfade of rose flower with droplets to mode 1 red palette on amstrad cpc Crossfade of a woman with glasses to pink amstrad palette Crossfade of nice furry cat to mode 2 white and gray on amstrad cpc


Bonjour Amstradiennes et Amstradiens !

Je ne vais pas vous présenter l’Amstrad CPC, l’ordinateur 8 bits d’Amstrad produit entre 1984 et le début des années 1990. Vous avez sûrement déjà passé des milliers d'heures à profiter d'une large gamme de jeux en disquettes (ou cassette pour les plus anciens). Les plus courageux ont peut-être tapé des dizaines de pages de programmes appelés "listing", remplis de DATA, tout ça à la main à une époque où il n’y avait pas de souris et où le copier-coller n’existait pas…

Vous qui vous êtes frotté à la programmation informatique à la fin des années 80 et début 90, vous savez combien les machines étaient limitées à l’époque, et qu’il fallait ruser pour gagner de la place ou de la rapidité d’exécution. Vous avez peut-être commencé en BASIC pour finalement constater ses limites et vous orienter vers la programmation en assembleur, Z80, ou langage machine.

Vous vous rappelez certainement de vos disquettes. Il fallait taper “cat” pour en voir la liste des fichiers, et parfois il y avait un fichier IMAGE.SCR ou IMAGE.BIN (toujours de 17k), ce qui correspondait à une image affichée le temps du chargement d’un jeu par exemple. Il s’agit en fait d’un fichier binaire représentant la mémoire de l’écran Amstrad. C’est ce type de fichier image qu’il va être possible de créer avec le logiciel ImgToCpc pour ensuite l’afficher simplement sur votre Amstrad CPC.

Convertir une image au format Amstrad

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC (ou “ImgToCpc”) est un utilitaire de traitement d’image qui vous permet de convertir votre fichier image ou photo directement ou format disquette Amstrad, de telle sorte que vous n’ayez qu’à taper “run” pour lancer l’affichage de votre image à l’écran du CPC.

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC prend en charge les images au format JPG, PNG, BMP, PCX, LBM, TGA.
Il va directement créer :
- une image de prévisualisation pour vérifier le résultat
- cette même image, au format image binaire Amstrad de 17k
- un fichier de lancement qui correspond aux instructions Basic pour afficher l’image à l’écran
- un fichier disquette (.DSK), lisible par un Émulateur Amstrad CPC comme par exemple WinAPE ou CPCBox.

Exemples d’images et résultats de conversion

- Pour vous rendre service, les exemples de code en Français sont aussi disponibles.
- Vous pouvez aussi consulter la page de Image-To-Amstrad-CPC en Français.
- Liste complète des options de conversion de Image-To-Amstrad-CPC.

Image-To-Amstrad-CPC est un outil "en ligne de commande" avec un accent sur le côté minimaliste des images, surtout en utilisant le mode 4 couleurs.

Licence: En bref, si vous avez acheté le logiciel "Image-To-Amstrad-CPC", Anto80 vous autorise à l'utiliser pour générer des images pour autant de projets que vous voulez, qu'ils soient commerciaux ou non. Conditions d'utilisation complètes.

[Haut de la page] - Version en anglais

Release date Apr 27, 2021
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withAllegro
Tags2D, 8-Bit, Minimalist, Pixel Art, Retro
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, French
LinksSoftware homepage, Page d'accueil du logiciel (en français)


Buy Now$1.99 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

image-to-amstrad-cpc-converter-windows.zip 725 kB
Version 1.231

Development log


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Great Tool...!!! Thank you :-D

Glad you like it! :) Don't hesitate to post some image results!

PS: Ahh Z80 old memories... ;)


https://pixeljoint.com/pixelart/140089.htm the latest 


Hi, i do art on the CPC if you need some pixel art examples 

Great! Thanks for your input!:)
Don't hesitate to share some images or links here!


Ça a l'air génial ! Tool de ouf pour un effet retro assuré ! Parfait pour craner en société ! Merci Anto80 ! :)

Thanks ! :)