Papers by Ayşan Ilgın Polat

Mimarlık bilimleri ve uygulamaları dergisi, Dec 1, 2023
This study was conducted to determine the effect of earthquake awareness training for non-structu... more This study was conducted to determine the effect of earthquake awareness training for non-structural elements in the interior, which was conducted in the undergraduate program of the faculty of architecture, on the level of knowledge of the students, with a practice assignment that will increase the professional awareness of interior architecture students. When pilot study and practice study were compared, it was discovered that the practice study had a higher value with an increase of 7.67. The increase in this rate may also indicate that it has an impact on students' professional awareness, particularly following the 6 February earthquake. Consequently, both in the pilot study and the practice study, there was a considerable improvement in students' professional awareness of non-structural aspects in the interior. Thus, it has been demonstrated that 11 modules are effective in disclosing hazards, risks, and precautions while investigating structural applications in the teaching process.
Earthquake Resistant Cities and Disaster Management, 2024
in architecture and MSc. (2006) in interior architecture from Karadeniz Technical University (KTU... more in architecture and MSc. (2006) in interior architecture from Karadeniz Technical University (KTU), Faculty of Architecture. Earned her PhD (2012) degree in architecture from the Institute of Natural Sciences in Karadeniz Technical University. Currently working as an Assoc. Prof. at the Department of interior architecture, Akdeniz University. Major research interests include design and design process, ergonomy, historical environments and cultural heritage, interior/furniture styles and sustainability. Currently working on TÜBİTAK 1001 Project about the earthquake awareness of interior architecture students.

Earthquakes are among the most deadly and destructive natural disasters. They have catastrophic c... more Earthquakes are among the most deadly and destructive natural disasters. They have catastrophic consequences for human life. Every year, thousands of people worldwide are affected by earthquakes, struggling with psychological and physical damage. Educational buildings, which are especially used by students, are damaged by structural and non-structural elements during earthquakes, and individuals caught in the earthquake are injured and even lost their lives. Furniture, which is classified as non-structural elements, can reduce non-structural risks caused by earthquakes with measures to be taken. As a result of the study's keyword search, a literature review was conducted by the use of different academic search engines. The fundamental interior spaces of educational buildings were defined with 7 different definitions. Literature sources found as a result of keyword analysis were used to define the furniture in the interior spaces and 7 fundamental pieces of furniture were defined. Accordingly, 6 different earthquake risk mitigation measures for furniture were analyzed and evaluated.
Social Science Research Network, 2023

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 19, 2023
İnsanlık tarihinin başlangıcının hemen ardından ortaya çıkan barınma ihtiyacı, bireylerin kendile... more İnsanlık tarihinin başlangıcının hemen ardından ortaya çıkan barınma ihtiyacı, bireylerin kendilerini gerçekleştirme yolundaki ilk gereksinimi olmuştur. Bir bireyin sosyal, fiziksel ve ruhsal açıdan iyi olma hali üzerinde mekânın ve barınmanın etkisi büyüktür. Kartezyen (Descartesçı) felsefenin ve ardından aydınlanma çağı ile pozitivizmin bilim ve sanat alanlarında derin değişiklikler yaratması ile mekâna dair düşünceler de çarpıcı şekilde değişmiştir. Pozitivizmin mimari alandaki yansımaları ile "inşaat olarak mimarlık" anlayışı, geleneksel ve detaylarla bezeli birçok yapının göz ardı edilmesine sebep olmuştur. Rasyonel ve kesin bilgiye verilen değer ile toplumlardaki bireyler de duygularından arınmış birer rasyonel hayvan olma yoluna girmişlerdir. Bireyler yaşadıkları mekanlardan koparak onları dışarıdan gözlemleyen birer seyirci haline gelmişlerdir. Doğadaki elementlerin birer tezahürü olarak ortaya çıkan bir yaşam felsefesi olan feng shui bireyin mekan, yer ve ev ile olan ilişkisinde büyük rol oynamaktadır ancak pozitivizmin etkisi ile feng shui ve diğer birçok öğreti mantıkdışı ve metafizik olarak görülerek tasarım süreçlerinden soyutlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, doğu kültürlerinden biri olan Kore'de bulunan geleneksel evler Hanok'larda mekanların belirli feng shui ilkeleri ile nasıl sadece birer barınak olmaktan çıkıp bireyler için kutsal mekanlara dönüştüğü tartışılmıştır. Metinde Budizm, Çin ve Japon kültüründen etkilenen Kore kültürünün en önemli ögelerinden biri olan geleneksel Kore evi Heiddegger, Norberg Schulz ve Eliade gibi düşünürlerin ürettiği kavram üzerinden incelenmiştir.

Journal of Interior Design and Academy
Earthquakes are among the most deadly and destructive natural disasters. They have catastrophic c... more Earthquakes are among the most deadly and destructive natural disasters. They have catastrophic consequences for human life. Every year, thousands of people worldwide are affected by earthquakes, struggling with psychological and physical damage. Educational buildings, which are especially used by students, are damaged by structural and non-structural elements during earthquakes, and individuals caught in the earthquake are injured and even lost their lives. Furniture, which is classified as non-structural elements, can reduce non-structural risks caused by earthquakes with measures to be taken. As a result of the study's keyword search, a literature review was conducted by the use of different academic search engines. The fundamental interior spaces of educational buildings were defined with 7 different definitions. Literature sources found as a result of keyword analysis were used to define the furniture in the interior spaces and 7 fundamental pieces of furniture were defined...

Journal of Aging and Environment, 2022
Older adults have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. They started to use the balc... more Older adults have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. They started to use the balcony as a socialization tool by rediscovering its usage purposes. The study revealed the socialization tools and habits of older adults concerning the use of balconies during the COVID-19 pandemic in two stages. In the first stage, studies including socialization activities of older individuals in their residences during COVID-19 were analyzed using Scopus, and keywords were identified. In the second stage, the word codes were determined as socialization tools searched using the Google search engine to better understand the use of the pandemic and balcony. The search was conducted on sample photographs that had been published on online news sites and had a place in the world literature. Thus, 4 socialization tools for the use of balconies and 11 new usage habits under them were identified in the new normal period of COVID-19. The study's goal is to provide a wider perspective on the concept of the balcony not only as an extension of the residence but also as an effective and versatile space for the socialization of older adults.
Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih... more Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2018.This work is a student project of the Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.The History of Turkey course (HIST200) is a requirement for all Bilkent undergraduates. It is designed to encourage students to work in groups on projects concerning any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. It is designed as an interactive course with an emphasis on research and the objective of investigating events, chronologically short historical periods, as well as historic representations. Students from all departments prepare and present final projects for examination by a committee, with 10 projects chosen to receive awards.Includes bibliographical references (page 20)by Fatma Özden Mercan
Papers by Ayşan Ilgın Polat