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I used some of your assets in my game.  I'm letting you know.  I'm also willing to offer you a free steam key once the game gets released.

Looking great , thanks!

Thx for the great assets. Used your bg in my artwork

Looks great, Good job!

Hey Ansimuz Community!

I wanted to give a huge shoutout to the amazing Ansimuz for his incredible GOTHICVANIA asset pack. I've been working on a game series called Bloodytears, a retro-style boomer shooter adventure platformer inspired by classic Castlevania, and Ansimuz's artwork has been a game-changer for me.

The Bloodytears Trilogy is designed to help players and developers learn the mechanics and layouts of various game engines. While I create some graphics myself in Aseprite and Paint.NET, the beautiful decorations and props from the GOTHICVANIA pack have allowed me to streamline the asset creation process and focus on learning and developing the game engines.

Currently, I'm developing Bloodytears 3D, where players take on the role of Aric, a warrior on a quest to defeat Dracula and restore peace to the land of Valdoria. The game is in early alpha, so everything is subject to change, but the journey has been incredibly rewarding so far.

If you're interested in checking out some nostalgic platformer action and supporting a project that features the fantastic art of Ansimuz, stay tuned for more updates on Bloodytears 1, 2, and 3!

Thanks again, Ansimuz, for your amazing work. Your art has truly brought my game to life!

Feel free to follow for updates and more information about the Bloodytears Trilogy!



Thanks for the words. I really appreciate it.

hey, ansimuz.

i abused a few of your pixels for this casual memory game: Forgotten by Virtual Nomad (

thank you!

Glad you did! Nice atmosphere for a casual game :D

I used it in a 2D action.

Thank you for your wonderful work!

This is so dark and enchanting, I love it.

Thank you! Used the ghost and skeleton enemies in our game Deadly Harvest for the cemetery level. I especially love the way the skeletons animate. Great work!

Glad to  know , thanks and best wishes.

Thank you for providing this asset! I used the skeletons from this pack for my tower defense game.

Thank you for your selfless contribution

Thanks <3

Hi there! I recently made a game that used this asset pack along with a few others like your Space Background and Warped Shooting FX pack!

Figured I'd share it with ya! :D

I also included your name in the credits!

Pretty Cool! Thanks for sharing. :D

(3 edits)

Hi, really liked your work, used several of your assets in my app and intro video.  Playstore: Oblidat Souls


would I need to create a character controller script or is this included in the pack?

The pack contains the script for the phaser engine. 

so it won't work in unity?

Nope :p

Check brackeys channel on youtube he has several scripts and tutorials for simple character in 2D.

Ahh, no worries! yeah, I have been watching his tutorials super helpful. 


Hi! What's the license for this?

USe in commercial projects, don't redistribute or sell the assets.

Thank you!

Am I allowed to edit the assets, eg change the colors?


Excellent! Thank you, your work is awesome!

When I played it,I failed because I found a bug.


I just published a very simple prototype using your environments, left you the link, thank you! you are amazing!.


I am using the scenario in a "possible" project.

Hey man this art work is dam awesome. Hope i could make drawings like yours . i wanted to know if i could release my game in google play store by using your assets.  

First of all: All your packages are great! 

The atmosphere and the feeling is the same for all of them and so they can be combined very well.

Although sometimes I was missing some tiles or animations, the packages are free and that makes up for this little disadvantage.

I have made a game with some of your assets. You can check it out here if you want:

Thanks! Great game, I love to see what devs make with the assets.

Thanks for the great assets you provided. They are so cool. 

Here is the game I made using your cemetery assets.

Hi ansimuz, nice work as usual!!

Thanks a lot for all your work.

I made a little metroidvania with all your free Gothic Vania packs for a jam.

You can test it here:

Keep the good work :)

Good Job :D

Really nice looking stuff.  I'm using this package as my first game for Unity.

I finished the game, but had to change to Pixel Game Maker MV.

Your work is so fantastic. I used this cemetary pack for the environment art in a game jam submission with a team of other devs. 

Thank you for putting out some of this stuff for all of us to use no charge. Anyone reading this, please support ansimuz.

I need to figure out the metroidvania I keep thinking about, and get one of the Warped packs.

Thank you for a good work. Can I use your work industrially in games?

Yes, all of my assets.


can I use that in a game that I would sell on stores ? I wouldn't sell the assets I will sell the game that I made with the assets.


This is an unity asset modifiable? ;)

You can use it on Unity by draging the files into unity. There's a unity version on the Unity Assets Store if you prefer.

Thank  you so much.

I used this assets  in my game 

I really appreciates you 

Lovely so supported..

Going to use for parallax in goork.

Goork game.


My game olay

Deleted post



(1 edit)

your attack and jump keys are backwards -- but it looks really nice -- love the flame when I attack

This looks awesome!