? ?
Journal created:
on 29 May 2007 (#13044991)
on 23 September 2007
Anorexic Friendship Circle
Posting Access:
All Members
This community is all about being open and supporting each other. The biggest part of the community is being non judging.

1. Support each other.

2. Look out for each other. Is a member going to far? Are you worried about their life? Say something to them. Good friends keep each other safe.

3. Tips,pictures,food diaries all permitted. Please try to put pics under cut in case someone is logged on with othes arond them. If the pics aren't safe to be viewed at work or school, label"nsfw."( Not safe for work.)

4. If you don't have an eating disorder, don't get involved. It's a hard lifestyle. Just walk away.

5. No critics of eating disorders will be kept in the community.

6. No excessive swearing. A little is okay, just don't sound like Eminem.

Be safe and enjoy the community.:-)

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