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Wanted to purchase Bionic hunter and mutated virus bundle …but I’m using an iphone …. Do you give keys so I can download off of oculus site

(1 edit)

yes i give, just sent message on [email protected] 

I bought the bundle and messaged you using the email I bought it under…

        Hey Greniddevil75, I did not receive it   your message     [email protected]

I just sent another email to that address

you are doing something wrong I have not received any message. try to sent message from here


Trying to organize my Quest games and was wondering if its possible to get a key for the game for App Lab if you own the game through itch?

I bought it a while ago and sideloaded it. 


Please Send you message  here [email protected]  from  email you made the purchase.
Thank you.

I would request a full refund bionic hunter it is incompatible with my android phone please

Hey HWATKINSI15 Bionic Hunter it is VR Game for Oculus Quest 1&2 not for Android phone. For refund [email protected]

Will I be able to get a key for app lab when it comes out? How do I get one of those

Hey Chickenpox117, When Published on App Lab(end of september) we will send email With Free Key ( the purchase  email} to all those who have bought it from  Thank you.

thank you! I enjoy playing the game! I'm sure people ask for update requests and all but this game in multiplayer would be fun! And double hand support on some guns and melee weapons support! Some thoughts and ideas! 

Thank you vary much! 

Please Send you message  here [email protected]  from  email you made the purchase.
Thank you.


I purchased the game with the bundle, is any AppLab key available?

Regarding the game itself: 

It has potential to be doom like BUT:

- The controls are not so intuitive and the reload is SO slow. There's no clear indication of the reloading, so you might think it's ready when it's not.

- you should give more info about where the enemies are coming and which ones are stronger than the others. They just appear randomly and there's no easy access to ammo (like high rating of getting new ammo). You can't escape from enemies running so what's the point on running then...

- the game gets repetitive really quickly and there are not many weapons nor multiplayer.

For half price, this is not a bad purchase but it's not the best game it could be. 

Hi Manurocker95 We're very glad that you liked the game. We woring on a big update on Bionc Hunter , new weapons new enemies , friendly robots soldiers! new abilities ,melee weapons ,history etc. in less than a month it will be ready,.When Published on App Lab we will send email With Free Key ( the purchase  email} to all those who have bought it from  Thank you.

is there any ETA for that update?


Please Send you message  here [email protected]  from  email you made the purchase.
Thank you.

I cant get this to download through here. 

Hey mjshl2 , you must use sidequest methods to install the game Look at this link the videos on the Right corner how to do

If I buy it, will I receive the App Lab key? 

Hey edshigaki,  Bionic Hunter it will be available to App Lab about a Month, if you buy the game from itch you must use sidequest methods to install the game Look at this link the videos on the Right corner how to do  .Note : when the game becomes available at App Lab  we will send email WithFree Key ( the purchase  email} to all those who have bought it from .

Thank you.

Please Send you message  here [email protected]  from  email you made the purchase.
Thank you.

(2 edits)

It Is not  downloading. How do I get It to download?

Downdoad the Game  on your PC then install  using SideQuest application. if you continue to have a problem contact us [email protected] Thank You.

I am using side quest on android, to install games to my quest. Is this posible for your game yet?

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Yes ,the game it is about 1.9Giga give  enough time to  download it correctly.

Are there plans to put this on Oculus Labs?

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Hey JohnlnCayceLex ,Thank you for your comment.We working on a Big update for Bionic Hunter (10 New Enemies with new special abilities , dynamic weather ,new weapons, melee weapons Graphics upgrade and much more etc..) will be ready for Oculus Quest App Lab about 1-2 months. When Published on App Lab we will send email WithFree Key ( the purchase  email} to all those who have bought it from 


thank you for the reply!

Please Send you message  here [email protected]  from  email you made the purchase.
Thank you.