Given that we're less than a week out from Valentines, how do you feel about the approaching holiday? Will you participate or abstain? If you're not in a relationship, how will you celebrate your single status?
I'm sort of excited this year, not so much for the schmaltzy cards and poor quality chocolate, but due to the fact that I'm going to be traveling to Japan and visiting Brychan for a couple months, starting in early March. Since I'm going to be flying in to Narita airport, Bry and I will spend a day or two in Tokyo, and he's excited about visiting the section of the city known as Akihabara ("Electric Town") and I'll probably buy him a Valentine's/belated X-mas gift or two for him there and buy him dinner. And for those wondering, my mom will be caring for my rats while I'm gone. She absolutely adores Scoff and Diva, so I have no worries about leaving them in her care.
I probably know hundreds of songs more-or-less by heart, many that I learned when I was a little kid, and have remained ingrained in my long-term memory ever since. I suppose that the Sesame Street theme might have been one of the first that I learned. I also recall every word of "My Country Tis of Thee", even though I haven't recited it in years. We were taught this in kindergarten, and probably said it every morning, because blind patriotism totally RAWKS! Our kindergarten teacher also taught us Whitney Houston's "The Greatest Love of All", to be performed at our little graduation. Imagine 30 fidgety 5 year olds in formal clothes, standing on (and trying to shove each other off) risers, called to reluctant attention by the teacher, and proceeding to screech out an overwrought, hopelessly saccharine pop ballad. Gad, that would be my personal hell were I forced to go back in time and watch the young me perform. At least there were punch and cookies after the graduation, I remember that much. The song mentioned... *gags, twitches, dies*
And just because I'm a smartass, here's another song that I remember to this day. Lamb Chop's Playalong, bitches!
Hmm, this is a tough one. I could say Tetris, but I bet more than a few other people who responded to this question said the same. Super Mario Bros. was good when I had the patience for it, but I'd often get frustrated and end up throwing the controller across the room, either that or I'd start wiggling my arms and shoulders around like a spazz when I played, and my brother (the real game guru in the family) would get disgusted with me. Sonic the Hedgehog was a lot easier for me, and usually more fun. There were a few games that I certainly had no chance of beating, but that I watched my brother play, one that I enjoyed was The Illusion of Gaia. I enjoy playing trivia games like the various versions of Jeopardy, and more recently You Don't Know Jack. Some of the SNES games based on Disney blockbusters like Aladdin were pretty good, but some of the games based on cartoon shows could also be pretty bad, the Addams Family games in particular, but I may be saying this because I hold the orginal sitcom in such high regard. And this has been bothering me in a minor way for some time, I remember my brother borrowing a game from a friend, the main character was this little guy with a springy neck, and it had a villain with a "Mr. Ick" style face on his robe. It was very bright and toony, and it was relatively easy to beat, at least it was for my brother. I was glancing over the list of SNES games on Wikipedia: but nothing's really jogging my memory. Oh, mystery solved, I just asked my brother, and the game was Dynamite Heady and it was for Sega. Wow, I did not know there were so many videos of old video games on Youtube... ( Read more...Collapse ) Edit: Damn, and how could I forget Street Fighter 2?! I especially liked playing as Vega. A pretty Spanish boy with a viscous looking claw weapon thingy... What's not to love? Ole!
Exactly why it says on the user info, I'm tired of vegan pretension. It's my belief that humans as a species evolved to be omnivores, and vegans seem to have forgotten that up until 200 years ago,…
I'd change my name to Harper, Joanna or Lydia. All the other Lindas I know I can't stand. I have a huge hang up on names. What would you like your first name to be?
Leaving a comment and adding you after your post in too_much_info! I would love to be working with animals in such a way and shall vicariously do so. :3
I liked Home Alone and Dumb and Dumber when I was a kid too. I recently bought Home Alone 2. I agree that there's too much violence in kids' movies but I think Home Alone 2 appeals to me because it's…
What would you like your first name to be?