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Entries by tag: weather

Mar. 10th, 2009

I swear, I have had the worst trouble with my debit card in recent months. First it was the thing with the PIN, and now if I'm trying to place an order online, my card info gets rejected!
I'm trying to change my user name, as I dislike "Jeweleyes", that name came from a fandom I'm no longer really a part of, and overall, "Jeweleyes" is not who I am anymore. I want to be known as "Anodracs", but I've also fiddled with the idea of calling myself "Queso_dip", though with that sort of name, I'm not likely to be taken seriously. Maybe that's a moot point.. However, my token order is not really going through, and it's pissing me off royally.
Or maybe I'm overlooking something because I'm not feeling well. A dramatic temperature change and two days of continuous rain does not do a body good. There's standing water in more than half of the backyard, and now that the ground has thawed, it's doing that gross squishy sponge thing.
I hope I can get my card working soon, registration for the next semester at OCC is starting soon. I have no idea what I'm going to take, but schooling is the only way I can validate my lifestyle right now.
Chessie's pretty much stopped eating, but she's still drinking. At this rate, I doubt she'll make it another week...

Feb. 20th, 2007

Happy Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras!
Haven't updated much recently, haven't got anything exciting to say (do I ever?) but I'm glad it's finally warmed up a bit. I love the smell of of thawing earth. I had the worst time trying to concentrate in class the other day, because even indoors I could smell the very first signs of Spring on the breeze, something sweet and fresh that makes me feel at once excited and incredibly restless. It's a kind of restlessness that makes my current situation feel very tedious. Maybe I just have a gypsy-soul, but I'm tired of my surroundings, I need to move on. I'm considering moving out of the co-op permanently this upcoming Summer, but I have no idea where I'd go or what I'd do. I'm still filling out applications for work on Mackinac Island, though.
My trouble is in finding a place/occupation where I'd be truly wanted and needed. When I'm depressed, I tend to dwell on the oppertunties I've missed, and sometimes I wonder if I should try to enlist with the Navy. I'm not too old yet, and the recruitment branch was after me for years after I got out of high school. Mostly it's just idle speculation, since I'm ASD I probably wouldn't pass the initial evaluations. But I need to be somewhere that'll bring out what little innate talent I have, and I'm just not experiencing that right now.
Oh, happy belated Chinese New Year, BTW. It's now the year of the Fire Pig (I've also read "Golden Boar"). I was born in 1983, the year of the Water Pig, so supposedly this year will bring me lots of challanges. I really have to work on a more positive outlook on life, because I read this and had a "Oh effin' great" sort of reaction. But I'm not a typical "Pig" personality, either. I only have about half the attributes listed for people born in Pig years. I have more in common with the Pieces sign, but then again cynics would say that any sort of Zodaic only lists very broad traits that can be applied to anybody. Still, I like looking at Astrological stuff as a hobby.

Oct. 12th, 2006

Gahhh, son of a bitch, it's snowing out there, and it's only mid-October.
Screw this, I'm going back to bed.


Show me some freaking sun!!! I swear, the sun has not been out for two weeks now, and I'm starting to feel it. I've felt very unmotivated and lethargic today. Hell, I missed my appointment with an LCC adivsor today because my stupid alarm clock was stuck on the wrong setting and didn't go off. I really wish I was more of a morning person, I suppose I could change my sleep habits, but doing so would be incredibly difficult. Why? Because I'm lazy, simply put.
But I did register online for my classes. I'm going to take elementary Japanese, weight-training, basics of photography (mostly because I owe it to my dad), mythology, and an introducion to food services class, the last of which is an online course, so I might be spending a lot of time in LCC's computer lab.
I should go over to LCC tomorrow and see about getting my student ID card. For some reason, I don't feel like everything's set in stone until I have my little peice of plastic identifying me as a student.



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  • anodracs
    2 Jul 2010, 17:35
    Exactly why it says on the user info, I'm tired of vegan pretension. It's my belief that humans as a species evolved to be omnivores, and vegans seem to have forgotten that up until 200 years ago,…
  • anodracs
    2 Jul 2010, 05:48
    Why do you want to be in Anti Vegan?
  • anodracs
    10 Jun 2010, 02:17
    I'd change my name to Harper, Joanna or Lydia. All the other Lindas I know I can't stand. I have a huge hang up on names.
    What would you like your first name to be?
  • anodracs
    9 Jun 2010, 02:30
    Leaving a comment and adding you after your post in too_much_info! I would love to be working with animals in such a way and shall vicariously do so. :3
  • anodracs
    17 May 2010, 12:02
    I liked Home Alone and Dumb and Dumber when I was a kid too. I recently bought Home Alone 2. I agree that there's too much violence in kids' movies but I think Home Alone 2 appeals to me because it's…
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