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Entries by tag: stoners

I'm back at my parents' house for a couple of days, so I might as well update my LJ. Not having ready acess to a computer made me realize what an internet junkie I am. Is there a 12 step program? Anyways...
I was orginally sheduled to move into the Atlantis co-op. But when I got to the co-op housing office, I found out that someone had decided not to move, and the only room open was a double. There are certain things I refuse to compromise on, and not having a roommate is one of them. So I went to see the Elsworth co-op, but there were no open rooms, and Elsworth had kind of a creepy feeling to it anyway. Then I went to the Bower co-op, where, after some confusion, I found that a room was open. The only catch was that Bower is a very neo-hippie sort of house, into recycling, leftist politics, and not bathing (kidding on that last one) and the residents are vegetarian/vegan, thus the food plan would not include any animal that was killed for it's flesh. I had my doubts, but I was raised as a vegetarian, so I knew the diet. I signed the contract, and prepared to move in later that evening. What I found when I came back sort of unnerved me. That friday was the last day of the MSU fall term, so to celebrate, the house residents were having a keg party. I don't drink or do drugs, so I was alarmed when one guy produced a plastic baggie and a small pipe. I thought screaming and running from the room would be rude, so I stayed and tried to make polite conversation while everybody else toked. Odd thing was, I didn't get any contact buzz, I didn't find anything screamingly funny, I didn't get the munchies, and I certainly didn't gain any newfound respect for the Greatful Dead, which was playing. My fellow housemates are much better people when they're not drunk and stoned, they're all quite friendly, and one girl has a parrot, some sugar gliders, and assorted snakes. I even got to play with some ratties who were being temporarily housed in my room. My main complaint with the Bower co-op is that the house is filthy, as chores are suspended between school terms. I've been assured that the kitchen usually doesn't smell like feet. And the walls are thin, I was listening to a housemate and a male friend having relations the other night. Sounded like they were both having a pretty good time, though.
It's getting late, and I had a long, throughly shitty Greyhound ride eariler, so I'll try to post more tomorrow. Happy Holidays, all!


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  • anodracs
    2 Jul 2010, 17:35
    Exactly why it says on the user info, I'm tired of vegan pretension. It's my belief that humans as a species evolved to be omnivores, and vegans seem to have forgotten that up until 200 years ago,…
  • anodracs
    2 Jul 2010, 05:48
    Why do you want to be in Anti Vegan?
  • anodracs
    10 Jun 2010, 02:17
    I'd change my name to Harper, Joanna or Lydia. All the other Lindas I know I can't stand. I have a huge hang up on names.
    What would you like your first name to be?
  • anodracs
    9 Jun 2010, 02:30
    Leaving a comment and adding you after your post in too_much_info! I would love to be working with animals in such a way and shall vicariously do so. :3
  • anodracs
    17 May 2010, 12:02
    I liked Home Alone and Dumb and Dumber when I was a kid too. I recently bought Home Alone 2. I agree that there's too much violence in kids' movies but I think Home Alone 2 appeals to me because it's…
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