Whoa, working eight and a half hours does things to a person, even moreso if that person's not exactly all there to begin with... I was taking out the garbage tonight when I espied a dark spandex-type glove lying on the ground by the dumpster with the fingers crooked at an odd angle. My first thought was "Omigod, the Mafia whacked Thing and tried to dispose of the body (hand?) in the dumpster!" Guess I should try not to inhale any more bleach fumes. Another pointless holiday meme... ( Read more...Collapse ) Edit: Oooh, and I just got another strange idea! An Addams Family/Harry Potter fanfic!! Wonder if it's been done before? Edit the hell outta this thing: Okay, so I'm a bit bored. Here's another meme... ( Read more...Collapse )
Exactly why it says on the user info, I'm tired of vegan pretension. It's my belief that humans as a species evolved to be omnivores, and vegans seem to have forgotten that up until 200 years ago,…
I'd change my name to Harper, Joanna or Lydia. All the other Lindas I know I can't stand. I have a huge hang up on names. What would you like your first name to be?
Leaving a comment and adding you after your post in too_much_info! I would love to be working with animals in such a way and shall vicariously do so. :3
I liked Home Alone and Dumb and Dumber when I was a kid too. I recently bought Home Alone 2. I agree that there's too much violence in kids' movies but I think Home Alone 2 appeals to me because it's…
What would you like your first name to be?