The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back onl... more The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only cream students went for engineering studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to engineering stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of engineering is attending Seminars. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. The research revels that the majority of faculty members in the Engineering discipline belong to thirty five years and their basic qualification is B.Tech. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes.
The review of the literature is a part of the research that tries to fill the gap in the area of ... more The review of the literature is a part of the research that tries to fill the gap in the area of research by exploding various variables that covers the in their study in reference to the prominence of training in CMM level V. Indian IT and ITeS industry. The network of the study contains variables such as trainee motivation, Management orientation, perceived needs, perceived training quality, scepticism and perceived benefits. The first three among them, which is trainee motivation, Management orientation and perceived needs are the independent variables and perceived benefits is the alone dependent variable for the study. The study also has to intervening variables which are perceived training quality and scepticism, where perceived training quality is a mediator variable and scepticism is a moderate variable. The scope of this chapter is to introduce to the various variables that have been selected as a part of the study and to examine the relationship between these variables from previous studies that already been conducted in the context of training and development. The initial session of this chapter would give an introduction to training and other development activities in an organisation specifically to software industry and second part of this chapter give a detail analysis of various studies conducted on the variables selected for the study. (Austen & Seymour, 2009) reveals that talented and well-respected leadership is essential in software industry, as always in other industries with world class systems. Methodologies and processes are required to continuously deliver in a competitive environment in which quality has to be achieved in minimum time. ‗Recruit, Retain and Retrain' would be the ‗mantra' for an effective HR paradigm in this software industry, where people provide the critical competitive advantage. A manageable acquisition strategy is required to realise the benefits of adequate vigilance in the industry and to evolve strategies for adopting and learning new technology and business models. (Rabayah & Sartawi, 2008) describes two alternate models for future growth of top Indian firms: MBG (Manpower-Based Growth) and KBG (Knowledge-Based Growth). In the first model, revenue growth is fuelled largely by growth in manpower. In the second model, the firm penetrates value-added market segments and growth is fuelled by increasing the revenue per person. He says that the Indian software service providers are in an enviable position due to unprecedented market growth, overseas shortage of manpower, access to high quality and low-cost manpower within the country. It is due to this fact that a proper work climate and various kinds of training facilities are provided to the employees. (Blümel & Haase, 2010) states that ‗Training and Development' efforts of organisations have positive impact on their performances. While each industry comprises of skilled, semiskilled and unskilled employees, there seems to exist a possibility of bridging these gaps through informal, on-the-job training by skilled employees. Such training efforts, prima face, look to be economical both in terms of money and time required. Future research could endeavour to find out as to what extent informal training can help in bridging these skill gaps, thereby reducing the load on ‗structured training efforts'. (Tsukamoto, Takemura, Nagumo, & Matsumoto, 2011) lists out the problems faced by the software employees such as working in odd or night shifts particularly in call centers, marital discords due to men's suspicion about their working spouses, problem in securing a work-life balance and carrying employers' displeasure for prolonged leave due to postnatal problems. Therefore, the industry has to make special efforts to make women's stay in work places secure, convenient and
Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employ... more Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows: ï‚· They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment ï‚· Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers " families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity. ï‚· Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation. ï‚· Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace. ï‚· The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the welfare policies. Approach to welfare benefits consulting is designed to provide you with the following: ï‚· Alternatives for controlling health benefits costs ï‚· Programs to help you control costs and recruit competitively within your industry and local labor market ï‚· Employee awareness and appreciation of their benefits' value and cost ï‚· A better fit between employer goals and the employee benefits plan ï‚· Reduced uncertainty about plan design, funding and administration Employee Welfare Schemes Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to
The management education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only... more The management education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only a few went for management studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to management stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of management is attending Seminars and writing articles. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes. INTRODUCTION The Early education in Indian commenced under the supervision of a guru. Initially, education was open to all and seen as one of the methods to achieve Moksha, or enlightenment. As time progressed, due to superiority complexes, the education was imparted on the basis of caste and the related duties that one had to perform as a member of a specific caste. The Brahmans learned about scriptures and religion while the Kshatriya were educated in the various aspects of warfare. The Vaishya caste learned commerce and other specific vocational courses while education was largely denied to the Shudras, the lowest caste. The earliest venues of education in India were often secluded from the main population. Students were expected to follow strict monastic guidelines prescribed by the guru and stay away from cities in ashrams. However, as population increased under the Gupta empire centres of urban learning became increasingly common and Cities such as Varanasi and the Buddhist centre at Nalanda became increasingly visible.
The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back onl... more The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only cream students went for engineering studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to engineering stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of engineering is attending Seminars. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. The research revels that the majority of faculty members in the Engineering discipline belong to thirty five years and their basic qualification is B.Tech. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes.
Industries are considered to be the engines of economic growth. This is more so in the case of th... more Industries are considered to be the engines of economic growth. This is more so in the case of the developing countries like India which aims at achieving faster economic growth. However, with the poor capital formation, the objective of achieving is a higher economic growth could be achieved only through the development of small scale and medium scale industries. The IT and ITeS industries are playing a multifaceted role in the economy of Indian like the creation of employment, contributing to export earnings and eventually to the state and the national income of the economy. With such an immense role being play by the IT and ITeS industries, the major problem confronting the industries is their poor output and high average cost of production. With the important characteristics of such industries being the labour intensive units, an important cause of such a poor performance is their poor labour productivity. Most employees have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. An employee who receives the necessary training is able to perform the job better. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. More specifically, awell-structured training and development program organized by the firm ensures the employees to upgrade and update his skills and background knowledge constantly and consistently. Providing the necessary training creates an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision from others. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge.
The trends in Human Resource Management practices throughout the world are changing dynamically. ... more The trends in Human Resource Management practices throughout the world are changing dynamically. Nowadays, employers are more concerned about employee's retention and controlled employees' turnover than cost cut off. The need of employee's retention has encouraged the employers to pay attention towards employee's development through training in order to keep them motivated. The core purpose of involvement in training and employee's motivation is to improve employee's performance resulting in enhanced organization's performance. (Flippo, 1993) defined the word training as " an act that involves growing the knowledge and skill level of an employee in order to perform a specific job ". (Armstrong, 2006) " Training is a procedure of improving the knowledge attitude and skill of employees to attain organization's objectives. It is merely through a systematic course of training in which essential professional knowledge is conveyed, skills are developed and attitudes adjusted to the work situation ". (Flippo, 1993) intense that training is not a choice for any organization that it may skip or keep rather it's an essential requirement. The only o ption that an organization has is to choose the method to be acquired for training of its employees that also depends on the training subject. Training has a vital role in bridging the gap that exists between knowledge and skills required for the job and employee's own calibre. In the absence of planned and systematic training, employees learn their job either with the help of trial and error through observation. These methods cost additional time and energy, thus increasing the cost of training increases too. Still, there is no assurance that the employee will learn properly. This is in this regard that training is essential for effective learning at reasonable cost. (Lettmayr et al., 2008) describes the term development as future oriented, volunteer activity of an employee to enhance his abilities and skills in long run. Development is a long run educational procedure emphasizes on a systematic and organized method through which managerial personnel acquire conceptual and theoretical knowledge. It is intended for the in general development of managers to assemble their long run requirements. Thus, development tends to be an initiative that is intentional and comes from the employee himself. (Boyett, 1997) Indian retail sector is passing through massive changes due to advancement in science and technology and competition from private sector. India has nearly one-sixth of the world's population. This over abundant human resource needs to be converted to asset. This is possible only through proper training and development. The former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi rightly sensed this need and had established a separate Ministry for Human Resource Development in 1985. He stressed on the development of human resources and because of his initiatives, training had taken a front seat in the national economy. Later on, most of the PSEs realized the need and importance of training their employees for better and improved results. The human resource development approach is essential in order to have the optimum utilization of manpower for the benefit of both, the employees and the organization. (Fryer, Antony, & Ogden, 2009) (Ratto & Burgess, 2003) After opening up of the economy, there has been tremendous amount of pressure on the retail to increase productivity of their employees on one hand and reduce surplus manpower on the other. The biggest challenge in VRS is to safeguard talent drain. Talented employees see this as an opportunity and are moving away from PSEs in search of high paid jobs in private and multinational companies, which lead to scarcity of trained manpower. On the one side they get lump sum compensation package by opting for VRS and on the other side they will be attracted by MNCs and other private sector enterprises. Nearly 40% of the employees in Reliance Petroleum were drawn from the public sector. (Woźniak & Dobosz, 2003) This again emphasizes the need and importance of training and employee retention (Mulgan & Albury, 2003) Research conducted by TVRLS on VRS also proves that good outside opportunity is one of the important reasons for employees opting for VRS. (Dey, Government of India promoted retail to fulfill the social objectives since the time of the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. (Kaula, 2003) As a result, reservation for socially and educationally weaker sections of the society was introduced in public sector jobs. The government has banned de-reservation of vacancies meant for the reserved categories since 1989 and reservation for other backward classes was introduced in 1993.
The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impa... more The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impact in shaping the career of students. In the later stages the extracurricular activities such as technical events, arts, sports and games, has an impact on the overall personality development and hence increases the employability of the students. Apart from that the quality of teaching and medium of instruction are important component at various stages of selection process. The percentage of drop outs in the first and second stage (Screening test and Group Discussion) is the highest in the selection process. The level of interest of students in campus placements whose guardian is in various professions such as business, salaried and professional differ. More over there is association between number of placement drives attended by the students and the percentage marks obtained by the students, the number of times the candidate have cleared the group discussion and the percentage mark obtained by the candidate.
Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency, capacity and e... more Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency, capacity and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge and understanding the skills relevant to perform his or her job. Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and attitude towards the work and people. Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of employees in organizations are at stake. It gives people an awareness of the Rules & Procedures to guide their behavior. It is an application of knowledge to improve the performance on the Current job or to prepare one for an intended job. Organization & individual for their survival & attainment of mutual goals should develop & progress simultaneously; this can be done mainly through training technique because training is the most important technique & it is a value addition to the organization through Human Resource Development for the development of the employee. The employee she/he been selected, placed & introduced in an organization should be provided with training facilities in order to adjust & make them suitable for the Job as no organization can get a candidate who exactly matches with the job & organizational requirements. This study gives a detailed idea about the employee's attitude towards the training program and how the employees apply the knowledge, skills and attitude in job performance.
Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employ... more Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows: ï‚· They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment ï‚· Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers " families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity. ï‚· Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation. ï‚· Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace. ï‚· The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the welfare policies. Approach to welfare benefits consulting is designed to provide you with the following: ï‚· Alternatives for controlling health benefits costs ï‚· Programs to help you control costs and recruit competitively within your industry and local labor market ï‚· Employee awareness and appreciation of their benefits' value and cost ï‚· A better fit between employer goals and the employee benefits plan ï‚· Reduced uncertainty about plan design, funding and administration Employee Welfare Schemes Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to
The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back onl... more The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only cream students went for engineering studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to engineering stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of engineering is attending Seminars. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. The research revels that the majority of faculty members in the Engineering discipline belong to thirty five years and their basic qualification is B.Tech. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes.
The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impa... more The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impact in shaping the career of students. In the later stages the extracurricular activities such as technical events, arts, sports and games, has an impact on the overall personality development and hence increases the employability of the students. Apart from that the quality of teaching and medium of instruction are important component at various stages of selection process. The percentage of drop outs in the first and second stage (Screening test and Group Discussion) is the highest in the selection process. The level of interest of students in campus placements whose guardian is in various professions such as business, salaried and professional differ. More over there is association between number of placement drives attended by the students and the percentage marks obtained by the students, the number of times the candidate have cleared the group discussion and the percentage mark obtained by the candidate.
The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back onl... more The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only cream students went for engineering studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to engineering stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of engineering is attending Seminars. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. The research revels that the majority of faculty members in the Engineering discipline belong to thirty five years and their basic qualification is B.Tech. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes.
The review of the literature is a part of the research that tries to fill the gap in the area of ... more The review of the literature is a part of the research that tries to fill the gap in the area of research by exploding various variables that covers the in their study in reference to the prominence of training in CMM level V. Indian IT and ITeS industry. The network of the study contains variables such as trainee motivation, Management orientation, perceived needs, perceived training quality, scepticism and perceived benefits. The first three among them, which is trainee motivation, Management orientation and perceived needs are the independent variables and perceived benefits is the alone dependent variable for the study. The study also has to intervening variables which are perceived training quality and scepticism, where perceived training quality is a mediator variable and scepticism is a moderate variable. The scope of this chapter is to introduce to the various variables that have been selected as a part of the study and to examine the relationship between these variables from previous studies that already been conducted in the context of training and development. The initial session of this chapter would give an introduction to training and other development activities in an organisation specifically to software industry and second part of this chapter give a detail analysis of various studies conducted on the variables selected for the study. (Austen & Seymour, 2009) reveals that talented and well-respected leadership is essential in software industry, as always in other industries with world class systems. Methodologies and processes are required to continuously deliver in a competitive environment in which quality has to be achieved in minimum time. ‗Recruit, Retain and Retrain' would be the ‗mantra' for an effective HR paradigm in this software industry, where people provide the critical competitive advantage. A manageable acquisition strategy is required to realise the benefits of adequate vigilance in the industry and to evolve strategies for adopting and learning new technology and business models. (Rabayah & Sartawi, 2008) describes two alternate models for future growth of top Indian firms: MBG (Manpower-Based Growth) and KBG (Knowledge-Based Growth). In the first model, revenue growth is fuelled largely by growth in manpower. In the second model, the firm penetrates value-added market segments and growth is fuelled by increasing the revenue per person. He says that the Indian software service providers are in an enviable position due to unprecedented market growth, overseas shortage of manpower, access to high quality and low-cost manpower within the country. It is due to this fact that a proper work climate and various kinds of training facilities are provided to the employees. (Blümel & Haase, 2010) states that ‗Training and Development' efforts of organisations have positive impact on their performances. While each industry comprises of skilled, semiskilled and unskilled employees, there seems to exist a possibility of bridging these gaps through informal, on-the-job training by skilled employees. Such training efforts, prima face, look to be economical both in terms of money and time required. Future research could endeavour to find out as to what extent informal training can help in bridging these skill gaps, thereby reducing the load on ‗structured training efforts'. (Tsukamoto, Takemura, Nagumo, & Matsumoto, 2011) lists out the problems faced by the software employees such as working in odd or night shifts particularly in call centers, marital discords due to men's suspicion about their working spouses, problem in securing a work-life balance and carrying employers' displeasure for prolonged leave due to postnatal problems. Therefore, the industry has to make special efforts to make women's stay in work places secure, convenient and
Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employ... more Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows: ï‚· They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment ï‚· Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers " families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity. ï‚· Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation. ï‚· Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace. ï‚· The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the welfare policies. Approach to welfare benefits consulting is designed to provide you with the following: ï‚· Alternatives for controlling health benefits costs ï‚· Programs to help you control costs and recruit competitively within your industry and local labor market ï‚· Employee awareness and appreciation of their benefits' value and cost ï‚· A better fit between employer goals and the employee benefits plan ï‚· Reduced uncertainty about plan design, funding and administration Employee Welfare Schemes Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to
The management education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only... more The management education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only a few went for management studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to management stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of management is attending Seminars and writing articles. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes. INTRODUCTION The Early education in Indian commenced under the supervision of a guru. Initially, education was open to all and seen as one of the methods to achieve Moksha, or enlightenment. As time progressed, due to superiority complexes, the education was imparted on the basis of caste and the related duties that one had to perform as a member of a specific caste. The Brahmans learned about scriptures and religion while the Kshatriya were educated in the various aspects of warfare. The Vaishya caste learned commerce and other specific vocational courses while education was largely denied to the Shudras, the lowest caste. The earliest venues of education in India were often secluded from the main population. Students were expected to follow strict monastic guidelines prescribed by the guru and stay away from cities in ashrams. However, as population increased under the Gupta empire centres of urban learning became increasingly common and Cities such as Varanasi and the Buddhist centre at Nalanda became increasingly visible.
The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back onl... more The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only cream students went for engineering studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to engineering stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of engineering is attending Seminars. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. The research revels that the majority of faculty members in the Engineering discipline belong to thirty five years and their basic qualification is B.Tech. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes.
Industries are considered to be the engines of economic growth. This is more so in the case of th... more Industries are considered to be the engines of economic growth. This is more so in the case of the developing countries like India which aims at achieving faster economic growth. However, with the poor capital formation, the objective of achieving is a higher economic growth could be achieved only through the development of small scale and medium scale industries. The IT and ITeS industries are playing a multifaceted role in the economy of Indian like the creation of employment, contributing to export earnings and eventually to the state and the national income of the economy. With such an immense role being play by the IT and ITeS industries, the major problem confronting the industries is their poor output and high average cost of production. With the important characteristics of such industries being the labour intensive units, an important cause of such a poor performance is their poor labour productivity. Most employees have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. An employee who receives the necessary training is able to perform the job better. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. More specifically, awell-structured training and development program organized by the firm ensures the employees to upgrade and update his skills and background knowledge constantly and consistently. Providing the necessary training creates an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision from others. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge.
The trends in Human Resource Management practices throughout the world are changing dynamically. ... more The trends in Human Resource Management practices throughout the world are changing dynamically. Nowadays, employers are more concerned about employee's retention and controlled employees' turnover than cost cut off. The need of employee's retention has encouraged the employers to pay attention towards employee's development through training in order to keep them motivated. The core purpose of involvement in training and employee's motivation is to improve employee's performance resulting in enhanced organization's performance. (Flippo, 1993) defined the word training as " an act that involves growing the knowledge and skill level of an employee in order to perform a specific job ". (Armstrong, 2006) " Training is a procedure of improving the knowledge attitude and skill of employees to attain organization's objectives. It is merely through a systematic course of training in which essential professional knowledge is conveyed, skills are developed and attitudes adjusted to the work situation ". (Flippo, 1993) intense that training is not a choice for any organization that it may skip or keep rather it's an essential requirement. The only o ption that an organization has is to choose the method to be acquired for training of its employees that also depends on the training subject. Training has a vital role in bridging the gap that exists between knowledge and skills required for the job and employee's own calibre. In the absence of planned and systematic training, employees learn their job either with the help of trial and error through observation. These methods cost additional time and energy, thus increasing the cost of training increases too. Still, there is no assurance that the employee will learn properly. This is in this regard that training is essential for effective learning at reasonable cost. (Lettmayr et al., 2008) describes the term development as future oriented, volunteer activity of an employee to enhance his abilities and skills in long run. Development is a long run educational procedure emphasizes on a systematic and organized method through which managerial personnel acquire conceptual and theoretical knowledge. It is intended for the in general development of managers to assemble their long run requirements. Thus, development tends to be an initiative that is intentional and comes from the employee himself. (Boyett, 1997) Indian retail sector is passing through massive changes due to advancement in science and technology and competition from private sector. India has nearly one-sixth of the world's population. This over abundant human resource needs to be converted to asset. This is possible only through proper training and development. The former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi rightly sensed this need and had established a separate Ministry for Human Resource Development in 1985. He stressed on the development of human resources and because of his initiatives, training had taken a front seat in the national economy. Later on, most of the PSEs realized the need and importance of training their employees for better and improved results. The human resource development approach is essential in order to have the optimum utilization of manpower for the benefit of both, the employees and the organization. (Fryer, Antony, & Ogden, 2009) (Ratto & Burgess, 2003) After opening up of the economy, there has been tremendous amount of pressure on the retail to increase productivity of their employees on one hand and reduce surplus manpower on the other. The biggest challenge in VRS is to safeguard talent drain. Talented employees see this as an opportunity and are moving away from PSEs in search of high paid jobs in private and multinational companies, which lead to scarcity of trained manpower. On the one side they get lump sum compensation package by opting for VRS and on the other side they will be attracted by MNCs and other private sector enterprises. Nearly 40% of the employees in Reliance Petroleum were drawn from the public sector. (Woźniak & Dobosz, 2003) This again emphasizes the need and importance of training and employee retention (Mulgan & Albury, 2003) Research conducted by TVRLS on VRS also proves that good outside opportunity is one of the important reasons for employees opting for VRS. (Dey, Government of India promoted retail to fulfill the social objectives since the time of the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. (Kaula, 2003) As a result, reservation for socially and educationally weaker sections of the society was introduced in public sector jobs. The government has banned de-reservation of vacancies meant for the reserved categories since 1989 and reservation for other backward classes was introduced in 1993.
The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impa... more The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impact in shaping the career of students. In the later stages the extracurricular activities such as technical events, arts, sports and games, has an impact on the overall personality development and hence increases the employability of the students. Apart from that the quality of teaching and medium of instruction are important component at various stages of selection process. The percentage of drop outs in the first and second stage (Screening test and Group Discussion) is the highest in the selection process. The level of interest of students in campus placements whose guardian is in various professions such as business, salaried and professional differ. More over there is association between number of placement drives attended by the students and the percentage marks obtained by the students, the number of times the candidate have cleared the group discussion and the percentage mark obtained by the candidate.
Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency, capacity and e... more Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency, capacity and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge and understanding the skills relevant to perform his or her job. Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and attitude towards the work and people. Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of employees in organizations are at stake. It gives people an awareness of the Rules & Procedures to guide their behavior. It is an application of knowledge to improve the performance on the Current job or to prepare one for an intended job. Organization & individual for their survival & attainment of mutual goals should develop & progress simultaneously; this can be done mainly through training technique because training is the most important technique & it is a value addition to the organization through Human Resource Development for the development of the employee. The employee she/he been selected, placed & introduced in an organization should be provided with training facilities in order to adjust & make them suitable for the Job as no organization can get a candidate who exactly matches with the job & organizational requirements. This study gives a detailed idea about the employee's attitude towards the training program and how the employees apply the knowledge, skills and attitude in job performance.
Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employ... more Employee Welfare Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows: ï‚· They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment ï‚· Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers " families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity. ï‚· Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation. ï‚· Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace. ï‚· The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the welfare policies. Approach to welfare benefits consulting is designed to provide you with the following: ï‚· Alternatives for controlling health benefits costs ï‚· Programs to help you control costs and recruit competitively within your industry and local labor market ï‚· Employee awareness and appreciation of their benefits' value and cost ï‚· A better fit between employer goals and the employee benefits plan ï‚· Reduced uncertainty about plan design, funding and administration Employee Welfare Schemes Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to
The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back onl... more The engineering education in Kerala is undergoing dramatic changes. Around fifteen years back only cream students went for engineering studies. At present students are joining the course not for passion to engineering stream but as a matter of prestige and pressure from external environment. The scenario is not different among the faculty community also in terms of quality erosion. The present study aimed to find out the impact of age group, educational qualification, experience, extend of participation of faculty members and impact of career development programs on the quality of teaching. The most popular career development tool utilized by faculty members in the field of engineering is attending Seminars. It may be due to the fact that it is an easy task. The research revels that the majority of faculty members in the Engineering discipline belong to thirty five years and their basic qualification is B.Tech. Apart from that, attending workshops, faculty development program, participating in national and international conference helps a faculty to increase the quality of teaching. It is viewed that there is reluctance from the part faculty members in participating in career development programmes.
The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impa... more The fundamental skills that are acquired by the students at the school level have an overall impact in shaping the career of students. In the later stages the extracurricular activities such as technical events, arts, sports and games, has an impact on the overall personality development and hence increases the employability of the students. Apart from that the quality of teaching and medium of instruction are important component at various stages of selection process. The percentage of drop outs in the first and second stage (Screening test and Group Discussion) is the highest in the selection process. The level of interest of students in campus placements whose guardian is in various professions such as business, salaried and professional differ. More over there is association between number of placement drives attended by the students and the percentage marks obtained by the students, the number of times the candidate have cleared the group discussion and the percentage mark obtained by the candidate.
Papers by Ajith Sundaram