African Journal of Agricultural Research, Jan 18, 2010
Oregano (Origanum spp.), culinary herb, is getting more popular because of its health benefits an... more Oregano (Origanum spp.), culinary herb, is getting more popular because of its health benefits and extensive usage area. Besides Mexico, Greece, Israel, Albania and Morocco, Turkey is also one of the main countries involved in production and export of oregano. Generally oregano is widely grown in Aegean Region of Turkey. This research was carried out to determine the effective factors based on production, structure of farms and information sources on commercial oregano production. For this reason, surveys were conducted on 35 producers in this region, which showed that small farm structure is functional for oregano production in the region. Additionally, it was revealed that decision and appropriation of producers to grow oregano mostly depend on some traditional information sources like fellow farmers, relatives and personal experiences. Multiple correspondence analysis was used to determine how producers access information sources which were under the influence of farm land, cooperative membership and oregano share in income.
Turkey witnesses development in the feed industry, one of the most important inputs of animal hus... more Turkey witnesses development in the feed industry, one of the most important inputs of animal husbandry, which is largely dependent on private sector mixed feed manufactories. However, basic problems in animal husbandry, on the one hand, and the decrease of producers on the other hand, negatively affect mixed feed production. The number of animals suggests that Turkey needs more than the 7 million tons of mixed feed that is produced today. In this study, a long term equilibrium relationship is found between mixed feed production, feed price, number of manufactories and end (red meat, milk, broiler and egg) for each type of mixed feed production using four different models based on the Johansen method. Key words: Turkey, feed compound, management, marketing, stationary test, Johansen model.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2017
Agriculture is an important sector in Turkey’s economy. Access to credit financing is critical fo... more Agriculture is an important sector in Turkey’s economy. Access to credit financing is critical for timely acquisition of different inputs, farm productivity, and ultimately farmers’ financial well-being. Historically, Ziraat Bank and Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, supported by Turkish government, have been the principle supplier of loanable funds in the agricultural sector. However, since 2000, many private banks have discovered the potential of this market and entered the competition. This study was designed to investigate the structure of the agricultural credit market in Turkey and identify factors that influence farmers’ preference among alternative lenders. It was found that although the 550 Turkish farmers surveyed had several options among lenders, low interest rates and attainable eligibility criteria emerged as the most important differentiators among banks. Results from the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) demonstrate the rising role of private banks’ credit. However, Z...
African Journal of Business Management, Jun 30, 2010
Due to the increasing competition in the world market, it has become more difficult for firms to ... more Due to the increasing competition in the world market, it has become more difficult for firms to continue to exist in the market. Relatively larger firms enjoy a greater pool of advantages, such as cost minimization, use of modern technology, qualified personnel as well as customer oriented marketing strategies. Geographical indications are used worldwide as an instrument for brand management and diversifying products. In the EU (European Union), too, efforts continue to protect products through registration of geographical origin and traditional indication. The main aim of this study is to illustrate the practices of EU countries with respect to geographical indication of traditional foods, which is of importance especially to future members of the expanding EU while adapting their own registration systems. To this purpose, the GI system and practices in the EU are analyzed. Of the products with PDO and PGI protection, 24% are in the fruit-vegetable/grain products group, 20% in the cheese group, 26% in the fresh meat group and oil group. The database and the classification of geographical indications in the EU are determined and are found to be rather different from those of other countries, such as Turkey.
Traditional foods play an important role in local identity, consumer behavior, the transfer of cu... more Traditional foods play an important role in local identity, consumer behavior, the transfer of cultural heritage for future generations, and the interaction of this heritage with the rest of the world. In many countries, the promotion and protection of traditional foods is directed through quality, agricultural and special policies. Traditional foods are protected by registering them in accordance with relevant laws. Due to the effects they have, traditional foods need to be examined from the producers', consumers' and marketers' perspectives. Traditional foods, beyond being elements to be protected, have also become important instruments in marketing. In fact, considering the cost of developing new products in marketing, traditional foods form a potential in terms of product diversification. Furthermore, in many countries, the demand for traditional foods is observed to increase and using this tendency may bring advantages to especially small and middle size enterpris...
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Feb 4, 2010
ABSTRACT Today, global climate change and the decrease in ground and surface water sources have i... more ABSTRACT Today, global climate change and the decrease in ground and surface water sources have increased the importance of the rational and economic use of water as a scarce resource. The selection of irrigation systems in the cultivation of agricultural products is also very important. In this study, sugarbeet which is one of the first established agricultural industries, forms the basis of contract-based production, constitutes a substantial share of farmers income, and requires a great amount of water during its growing stage is examined. The effects of irrigation systems on cost, productivity and level of input use are examined within the scope of Central Anatolia in Turkey where sugarbeet is grown on the largest scale. A comparative calculation is made for irrigation methods widely used in the region, such as sprinkler, furrow and with its increase in recent years, drip irrigation to determine their effect on input use, productivity level and profit in sugarbeet production. It is found that drip irrigation in sugarbeet production allows for saving in input use more than sprinkler and furrow irrigation systems, and that it increases productivity and profit. The spread of especially drip irrigation in sugarbeet production has increased the economic use of water and profitability, through savings in input and reduction of costs.
The sector of agriculture needs protection for its critical role in responding to human needs as ... more The sector of agriculture needs protection for its critical role in responding to human needs as well as its vulnerability to various risks. This risk factor emanates from sector's high dependence to natural conditions and it is mainly this factor, which necessitates protection. Insurance is one way to cope with natural risks involved in agricultural activities. The main theme of this insurance is agricultural production in general, covering both crop farming and livestock activities. The importance of insurance in agriculture becomes clearer when one considers that in Turkey, 97% of all cultured land receives precipitation in the form of hail, that farmers' loss in areas with heavy hail may even reach such rates as 46% and that only a small amount of this loss can be compensated for under the existing law. The study is an attempt to examine the present state of social protection in the 9 villages of Siran District, Gumushane and to expose the patterns of crop farming and animal husbandry, risks involved in these activities, existing insurance practices, and level of information and tendencies of local farmers in regard to insurance. It was also the aim of the study to come up with viable and sustainable insurance models in the context of the "Project for Income Generating Activities" carried out in the area jointly by the Turkish Development Office (TDO) and German Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
Sucul alanlarda yaşayan birincil üreticiler olan deniz algleri, önemleri nedeniyle birçok araştır... more Sucul alanlarda yaşayan birincil üreticiler olan deniz algleri, önemleri nedeniyle birçok araştırmaya konu olmakla birlikte ilaç, kozmetik, gıda, yakıt ve tekstil endüstrilerinde önemli rol oynayan ökaryotik ve ötrofik organizmalardır. Makroalgler, potansiyel farmakolojik kullanımları olan birkaç makro besin, mikro besin ve diğer önemli biyolojik olarak aktif bileşikler (örneğin polifenoller, enzimler ve antibiyotikler) üretmesiyle bilinmektedir. Bu araştırmada, Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot 1889’un metanol, etanol, aseton ve su ekstrelerinin kimyasal bileşimi, antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan aktiviteleri (3 yöntem ile), toplam fenolik (TPC) ve flavonoid (TFC) içeriklerini araştırmayı amaçlandı. LC-ESI-MS/MS analizleri gallik asit, 4-hidroksibenzaldehit, 4-hidroksibenzoik asit, p-kumarik asit, salisilik asit, biokanin A ve diosgenin içeren yedi bileşiğin tanımlanmasına izin verdi. Ekstrelerin TPC ve TFC değerleri sırasıyla 10,34±0,13-64,67±0,02 µg GAEs/mg ekstre ve 12,73±2,68-36,78...
Selcuk Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Fen Dergisi, Dec 1, 2014
Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı Hyoscyamus reticulatus'dan elde edilen hekzan ve su özütlerinin antioks... more Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı Hyoscyamus reticulatus'dan elde edilen hekzan ve su özütlerinin antioksidan kapasitelerini ve antimikrobiyal etkilerini belirlemektir. Antioksidan kapasite radikal süpürme (DPPH testi), toplam antioksidan kapasite, demir ve bakır indirgeme testlerini içeren dört farklı test sistemi ile araştırıldı. Antimikrobiyal etki sıvı mikro dilüsyon metodu ile değerlendirildi. Fosfomolibdat testi (total antioksidan kapasite) dışında, su özütünün hekzan özütünden daha yüksek antioksidan aktiviteye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Toplam fenolik miktarı hekzan ve su özütünde sırasıyla 15.86 mg GAE/g ve 24.25 mg GAE/g olarak bulunmuştur. Ek olarak, hekzan özütü su özütüne kıyasla önemli bir antimikrobiyal etki göstermiştir. Bu çalışma ile elde edilen sonuçlar açıkça Hyoscyamus reticulatus'un oksidatif ve enfeksiyöz süreçlerde, doğal ajanların bir kaynağı olarak önemli bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.
Anadolu kardiyoloji dergisi : AKD = the Anatolian journal of cardiology, 2007
Early detection of dyslipidemia and long-term prevention of atherosclerosis by controlling risk f... more Early detection of dyslipidemia and long-term prevention of atherosclerosis by controlling risk factors should begin in childhood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dyslipidemia according to non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) levels in children and also evaluate serum non-HDL-C levels according to age groups, gender difference and living areas. Overall, 2896 children (1467 girls, 1429 boys) aged between 7-18 years, residing in urban and rural parts of Eskişehir, Turkey, were enrolled in this randomized cross-sectional study. Serum non-HDL-C, total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) levels were assessed in all participants of the study. Statistical analysis was performed Student's independent-samples T test for comparison of lipid parameters and relations between lipid parameters and age, anthropometric measurements, body fat percentage were evaluated by Pearson correlation test. Serum non-HDL-C levels were significantly higher in g...
Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışmada; Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren un fabrikalarının buğday satın alımına etki eden kr... more Bu çalışmada; Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren un fabrikalarının buğday satın alımına etki eden kriterlerin, un üretim ve pazarlama yapılarının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren 30 un fabrikası ile tam sayım yöntemine göre gerçekleştirilen anket verileri değerlendirilmiştir. Anket çalışmaları 2015 yılında tamamlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda; un fabrikalarının buğday alış fiyatını belirlemede en önemli kriter buğdayın süne emgi oranı olmuş, fiyata etki eden diğer kriterler sırasıyla; buğdayın çeşidi, enerji değeri, gluten değeri, protein değeri ve hektolitresi olarak tespit edilmiştir. Un fabrikalarının %23,3’ünün süne emgi oranı %1’e kadar, %16,7’sinin süne emgi oranı %2’ye kadar olan buğdayları satın aldığı, %16,6’sının ise süne emgi oranını dikkate almadan tüm buğdayları satın aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Ankara’daki un fabrikalarında işlenen 39 farklı buğday çeşidi kaydedilmiş olup, un fabrikalarının %63,3’ünde piyasada kalite kriterleri birbirine benzey...
The poultry sector provides people and countries with many benefits in the social, economic and h... more The poultry sector provides people and countries with many benefits in the social, economic and health domains. However, the poultry sector faces a number of important problems. One of these problems is information pollution. The rapid advances in information and communication technologies, in particular, made information pollution one of the most important problems of our contemporary age. Information pollution can have significant negative effects on companies and sectors, as well as threaten the reputation of the brand, the products and services offered by the businesses. The poultry industry is among the most affected by information pollution and Turkey represents an ideal case for studying the effects of information pollution on the poultry industry. The poultry sector has achieved significant growth in Turkey in recent years, but the problem of information pollution is an important factor that limits this growth. There are ongoing efforts by various organizations and agencies ...
Yasanan kuresel iklim degisiklikleri dunyada ve Turkiye’de tarimsal urun yetistiriciliginde bir y... more Yasanan kuresel iklim degisiklikleri dunyada ve Turkiye’de tarimsal urun yetistiriciliginde bir yandan bitki ortusunu, diger yandan da sulama sistemlerini degistirmeyi zorunlu kilmaktadir. Bu surecte arazilerde kurakliga dayanikli olan ve az su tuketen bitki cesitleri, su kaynaklarini surdurulebilir kilan sulama sistemleri, uygulayicilar, ekonomistler, cevreciler ve teknik elemanlar tarafindan surekli arastirilmaktadir. Uygulamalarin hayata gecirilmesinde ve ciftcilere benimsetilmesinde, ekonomik yonden kabul edilebilirlik onemlidir. Ozellikle ilk tesis giderleri yuksek olan basincli sulama sisteminin maliyeti ve urune yansimalari ile surdurulebilir cevre ve su kaynaklarinin etkin kullanimi acisindan bilimsel arastirma ve calismalarin gerekliligi sarttir. Bu calismada Orta Anadolu ve ozellikle Ankara kosullarinda hem yem ve hem de yag bitkisi olarak yetistiriciligi artan misirda, farkli sulama sekillerinde uretim maliyeti, verimlilik ve karlilik duzeyi ortaya konularak, karsilastirm...
Bu calismada Turkiye'nin onemli pamuk uretim, endustri ve ticaret merkezlerinden biri olan Cu... more Bu calismada Turkiye'nin onemli pamuk uretim, endustri ve ticaret merkezlerinden biri olan Cukurova Bolgesi ele alinmistir. Bolgenin 1966/67 uretim doneminden baslayarak pamuk ekim alam, uretim, tuketim, stok miktarlari ile ic ve dis ticaret sorunlari incelenmistir. Ayrica pamuk fiyat olusumunda etkili faktorler analiz edilmis ve pamuk uretim maliyeti, ic ve dis pazarlama kanallari belirlenmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, Turkiye toplam pamuk ekim alam ve uretiminde 1991/92 doneminde Cukurova Bolgesi'nin aldigi pay sirasiyla %27.98 ve %25.54 olarak belirlenmistir. Bu yilda pamuk uretim maliyeti 3.212.57 Tl/kg olarak hesaplanmistir. Bolge tarim isletmelerinde yapilan calismada, 63.99 saat/da isgucu, 2.96 saat/da makina cekigucu kullanildigi belirlenmistir. Bolge pamuk uretiminin %35.9'unu satin alan Tarim Satis Kooperatifleri'nin kalite standartlarim belirlemede onemli olduklari saptanmistir. Abstract Cukurova Region which is one of the important cotton productio...
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Jan 18, 2010
Oregano (Origanum spp.), culinary herb, is getting more popular because of its health benefits an... more Oregano (Origanum spp.), culinary herb, is getting more popular because of its health benefits and extensive usage area. Besides Mexico, Greece, Israel, Albania and Morocco, Turkey is also one of the main countries involved in production and export of oregano. Generally oregano is widely grown in Aegean Region of Turkey. This research was carried out to determine the effective factors based on production, structure of farms and information sources on commercial oregano production. For this reason, surveys were conducted on 35 producers in this region, which showed that small farm structure is functional for oregano production in the region. Additionally, it was revealed that decision and appropriation of producers to grow oregano mostly depend on some traditional information sources like fellow farmers, relatives and personal experiences. Multiple correspondence analysis was used to determine how producers access information sources which were under the influence of farm land, cooperative membership and oregano share in income.
Turkey witnesses development in the feed industry, one of the most important inputs of animal hus... more Turkey witnesses development in the feed industry, one of the most important inputs of animal husbandry, which is largely dependent on private sector mixed feed manufactories. However, basic problems in animal husbandry, on the one hand, and the decrease of producers on the other hand, negatively affect mixed feed production. The number of animals suggests that Turkey needs more than the 7 million tons of mixed feed that is produced today. In this study, a long term equilibrium relationship is found between mixed feed production, feed price, number of manufactories and end (red meat, milk, broiler and egg) for each type of mixed feed production using four different models based on the Johansen method. Key words: Turkey, feed compound, management, marketing, stationary test, Johansen model.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2017
Agriculture is an important sector in Turkey’s economy. Access to credit financing is critical fo... more Agriculture is an important sector in Turkey’s economy. Access to credit financing is critical for timely acquisition of different inputs, farm productivity, and ultimately farmers’ financial well-being. Historically, Ziraat Bank and Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, supported by Turkish government, have been the principle supplier of loanable funds in the agricultural sector. However, since 2000, many private banks have discovered the potential of this market and entered the competition. This study was designed to investigate the structure of the agricultural credit market in Turkey and identify factors that influence farmers’ preference among alternative lenders. It was found that although the 550 Turkish farmers surveyed had several options among lenders, low interest rates and attainable eligibility criteria emerged as the most important differentiators among banks. Results from the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) demonstrate the rising role of private banks’ credit. However, Z...
African Journal of Business Management, Jun 30, 2010
Due to the increasing competition in the world market, it has become more difficult for firms to ... more Due to the increasing competition in the world market, it has become more difficult for firms to continue to exist in the market. Relatively larger firms enjoy a greater pool of advantages, such as cost minimization, use of modern technology, qualified personnel as well as customer oriented marketing strategies. Geographical indications are used worldwide as an instrument for brand management and diversifying products. In the EU (European Union), too, efforts continue to protect products through registration of geographical origin and traditional indication. The main aim of this study is to illustrate the practices of EU countries with respect to geographical indication of traditional foods, which is of importance especially to future members of the expanding EU while adapting their own registration systems. To this purpose, the GI system and practices in the EU are analyzed. Of the products with PDO and PGI protection, 24% are in the fruit-vegetable/grain products group, 20% in the cheese group, 26% in the fresh meat group and oil group. The database and the classification of geographical indications in the EU are determined and are found to be rather different from those of other countries, such as Turkey.
Traditional foods play an important role in local identity, consumer behavior, the transfer of cu... more Traditional foods play an important role in local identity, consumer behavior, the transfer of cultural heritage for future generations, and the interaction of this heritage with the rest of the world. In many countries, the promotion and protection of traditional foods is directed through quality, agricultural and special policies. Traditional foods are protected by registering them in accordance with relevant laws. Due to the effects they have, traditional foods need to be examined from the producers', consumers' and marketers' perspectives. Traditional foods, beyond being elements to be protected, have also become important instruments in marketing. In fact, considering the cost of developing new products in marketing, traditional foods form a potential in terms of product diversification. Furthermore, in many countries, the demand for traditional foods is observed to increase and using this tendency may bring advantages to especially small and middle size enterpris...
African Journal of Agricultural Research, Feb 4, 2010
ABSTRACT Today, global climate change and the decrease in ground and surface water sources have i... more ABSTRACT Today, global climate change and the decrease in ground and surface water sources have increased the importance of the rational and economic use of water as a scarce resource. The selection of irrigation systems in the cultivation of agricultural products is also very important. In this study, sugarbeet which is one of the first established agricultural industries, forms the basis of contract-based production, constitutes a substantial share of farmers income, and requires a great amount of water during its growing stage is examined. The effects of irrigation systems on cost, productivity and level of input use are examined within the scope of Central Anatolia in Turkey where sugarbeet is grown on the largest scale. A comparative calculation is made for irrigation methods widely used in the region, such as sprinkler, furrow and with its increase in recent years, drip irrigation to determine their effect on input use, productivity level and profit in sugarbeet production. It is found that drip irrigation in sugarbeet production allows for saving in input use more than sprinkler and furrow irrigation systems, and that it increases productivity and profit. The spread of especially drip irrigation in sugarbeet production has increased the economic use of water and profitability, through savings in input and reduction of costs.
The sector of agriculture needs protection for its critical role in responding to human needs as ... more The sector of agriculture needs protection for its critical role in responding to human needs as well as its vulnerability to various risks. This risk factor emanates from sector's high dependence to natural conditions and it is mainly this factor, which necessitates protection. Insurance is one way to cope with natural risks involved in agricultural activities. The main theme of this insurance is agricultural production in general, covering both crop farming and livestock activities. The importance of insurance in agriculture becomes clearer when one considers that in Turkey, 97% of all cultured land receives precipitation in the form of hail, that farmers' loss in areas with heavy hail may even reach such rates as 46% and that only a small amount of this loss can be compensated for under the existing law. The study is an attempt to examine the present state of social protection in the 9 villages of Siran District, Gumushane and to expose the patterns of crop farming and animal husbandry, risks involved in these activities, existing insurance practices, and level of information and tendencies of local farmers in regard to insurance. It was also the aim of the study to come up with viable and sustainable insurance models in the context of the "Project for Income Generating Activities" carried out in the area jointly by the Turkish Development Office (TDO) and German Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
Sucul alanlarda yaşayan birincil üreticiler olan deniz algleri, önemleri nedeniyle birçok araştır... more Sucul alanlarda yaşayan birincil üreticiler olan deniz algleri, önemleri nedeniyle birçok araştırmaya konu olmakla birlikte ilaç, kozmetik, gıda, yakıt ve tekstil endüstrilerinde önemli rol oynayan ökaryotik ve ötrofik organizmalardır. Makroalgler, potansiyel farmakolojik kullanımları olan birkaç makro besin, mikro besin ve diğer önemli biyolojik olarak aktif bileşikler (örneğin polifenoller, enzimler ve antibiyotikler) üretmesiyle bilinmektedir. Bu araştırmada, Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot 1889’un metanol, etanol, aseton ve su ekstrelerinin kimyasal bileşimi, antimikrobiyal ve antioksidan aktiviteleri (3 yöntem ile), toplam fenolik (TPC) ve flavonoid (TFC) içeriklerini araştırmayı amaçlandı. LC-ESI-MS/MS analizleri gallik asit, 4-hidroksibenzaldehit, 4-hidroksibenzoik asit, p-kumarik asit, salisilik asit, biokanin A ve diosgenin içeren yedi bileşiğin tanımlanmasına izin verdi. Ekstrelerin TPC ve TFC değerleri sırasıyla 10,34±0,13-64,67±0,02 µg GAEs/mg ekstre ve 12,73±2,68-36,78...
Selcuk Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Fen Dergisi, Dec 1, 2014
Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı Hyoscyamus reticulatus'dan elde edilen hekzan ve su özütlerinin antioks... more Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı Hyoscyamus reticulatus'dan elde edilen hekzan ve su özütlerinin antioksidan kapasitelerini ve antimikrobiyal etkilerini belirlemektir. Antioksidan kapasite radikal süpürme (DPPH testi), toplam antioksidan kapasite, demir ve bakır indirgeme testlerini içeren dört farklı test sistemi ile araştırıldı. Antimikrobiyal etki sıvı mikro dilüsyon metodu ile değerlendirildi. Fosfomolibdat testi (total antioksidan kapasite) dışında, su özütünün hekzan özütünden daha yüksek antioksidan aktiviteye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Toplam fenolik miktarı hekzan ve su özütünde sırasıyla 15.86 mg GAE/g ve 24.25 mg GAE/g olarak bulunmuştur. Ek olarak, hekzan özütü su özütüne kıyasla önemli bir antimikrobiyal etki göstermiştir. Bu çalışma ile elde edilen sonuçlar açıkça Hyoscyamus reticulatus'un oksidatif ve enfeksiyöz süreçlerde, doğal ajanların bir kaynağı olarak önemli bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.
Anadolu kardiyoloji dergisi : AKD = the Anatolian journal of cardiology, 2007
Early detection of dyslipidemia and long-term prevention of atherosclerosis by controlling risk f... more Early detection of dyslipidemia and long-term prevention of atherosclerosis by controlling risk factors should begin in childhood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dyslipidemia according to non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) levels in children and also evaluate serum non-HDL-C levels according to age groups, gender difference and living areas. Overall, 2896 children (1467 girls, 1429 boys) aged between 7-18 years, residing in urban and rural parts of Eskişehir, Turkey, were enrolled in this randomized cross-sectional study. Serum non-HDL-C, total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) levels were assessed in all participants of the study. Statistical analysis was performed Student's independent-samples T test for comparison of lipid parameters and relations between lipid parameters and age, anthropometric measurements, body fat percentage were evaluated by Pearson correlation test. Serum non-HDL-C levels were significantly higher in g...
Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2018
Bu çalışmada; Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren un fabrikalarının buğday satın alımına etki eden kr... more Bu çalışmada; Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren un fabrikalarının buğday satın alımına etki eden kriterlerin, un üretim ve pazarlama yapılarının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren 30 un fabrikası ile tam sayım yöntemine göre gerçekleştirilen anket verileri değerlendirilmiştir. Anket çalışmaları 2015 yılında tamamlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda; un fabrikalarının buğday alış fiyatını belirlemede en önemli kriter buğdayın süne emgi oranı olmuş, fiyata etki eden diğer kriterler sırasıyla; buğdayın çeşidi, enerji değeri, gluten değeri, protein değeri ve hektolitresi olarak tespit edilmiştir. Un fabrikalarının %23,3’ünün süne emgi oranı %1’e kadar, %16,7’sinin süne emgi oranı %2’ye kadar olan buğdayları satın aldığı, %16,6’sının ise süne emgi oranını dikkate almadan tüm buğdayları satın aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Ankara’daki un fabrikalarında işlenen 39 farklı buğday çeşidi kaydedilmiş olup, un fabrikalarının %63,3’ünde piyasada kalite kriterleri birbirine benzey...
The poultry sector provides people and countries with many benefits in the social, economic and h... more The poultry sector provides people and countries with many benefits in the social, economic and health domains. However, the poultry sector faces a number of important problems. One of these problems is information pollution. The rapid advances in information and communication technologies, in particular, made information pollution one of the most important problems of our contemporary age. Information pollution can have significant negative effects on companies and sectors, as well as threaten the reputation of the brand, the products and services offered by the businesses. The poultry industry is among the most affected by information pollution and Turkey represents an ideal case for studying the effects of information pollution on the poultry industry. The poultry sector has achieved significant growth in Turkey in recent years, but the problem of information pollution is an important factor that limits this growth. There are ongoing efforts by various organizations and agencies ...
Yasanan kuresel iklim degisiklikleri dunyada ve Turkiye’de tarimsal urun yetistiriciliginde bir y... more Yasanan kuresel iklim degisiklikleri dunyada ve Turkiye’de tarimsal urun yetistiriciliginde bir yandan bitki ortusunu, diger yandan da sulama sistemlerini degistirmeyi zorunlu kilmaktadir. Bu surecte arazilerde kurakliga dayanikli olan ve az su tuketen bitki cesitleri, su kaynaklarini surdurulebilir kilan sulama sistemleri, uygulayicilar, ekonomistler, cevreciler ve teknik elemanlar tarafindan surekli arastirilmaktadir. Uygulamalarin hayata gecirilmesinde ve ciftcilere benimsetilmesinde, ekonomik yonden kabul edilebilirlik onemlidir. Ozellikle ilk tesis giderleri yuksek olan basincli sulama sisteminin maliyeti ve urune yansimalari ile surdurulebilir cevre ve su kaynaklarinin etkin kullanimi acisindan bilimsel arastirma ve calismalarin gerekliligi sarttir. Bu calismada Orta Anadolu ve ozellikle Ankara kosullarinda hem yem ve hem de yag bitkisi olarak yetistiriciligi artan misirda, farkli sulama sekillerinde uretim maliyeti, verimlilik ve karlilik duzeyi ortaya konularak, karsilastirm...
Bu calismada Turkiye'nin onemli pamuk uretim, endustri ve ticaret merkezlerinden biri olan Cu... more Bu calismada Turkiye'nin onemli pamuk uretim, endustri ve ticaret merkezlerinden biri olan Cukurova Bolgesi ele alinmistir. Bolgenin 1966/67 uretim doneminden baslayarak pamuk ekim alam, uretim, tuketim, stok miktarlari ile ic ve dis ticaret sorunlari incelenmistir. Ayrica pamuk fiyat olusumunda etkili faktorler analiz edilmis ve pamuk uretim maliyeti, ic ve dis pazarlama kanallari belirlenmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, Turkiye toplam pamuk ekim alam ve uretiminde 1991/92 doneminde Cukurova Bolgesi'nin aldigi pay sirasiyla %27.98 ve %25.54 olarak belirlenmistir. Bu yilda pamuk uretim maliyeti 3.212.57 Tl/kg olarak hesaplanmistir. Bolge tarim isletmelerinde yapilan calismada, 63.99 saat/da isgucu, 2.96 saat/da makina cekigucu kullanildigi belirlenmistir. Bolge pamuk uretiminin %35.9'unu satin alan Tarim Satis Kooperatifleri'nin kalite standartlarim belirlemede onemli olduklari saptanmistir. Abstract Cukurova Region which is one of the important cotton productio...
Papers by erdoğan Güneş