Özlem Atay Özkanlı
Özlem Atay is a professor of Management at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University in Ankara, Turkey since 1996. She is the Head of Management and Organization Chair in the Department of Management. She was Vice Head of Management Department between 1999 and 2002. She teaches Management and Organization, Human Resources Management, Enterprise Policy and Strategic Management, Modern Organization Theory, Organizational Behavior, Management of Multinational Enterprises, Introduction to Management, Management and Organizational Behavior, Principles of Management, Management, Management Practices in Turkish Enterprises, Successful Case Study Method in Turkish Enterprises, Human Resources Management Practices and Women in Management. She worked at Turkish National Productivity Center as a specialist between 1988 and 1996. She has led a number of training/consulting/research missions in public and private sector enterprises. She specializes in management, organizational behavior, productivity improvement techniques, human resources management, strategic management, energy, green management, quality management, gender and women studies. She is the author of eight books, chapters in four books published by international publication companies and many academic articles in English and Turkish. She has received research scholarships from the World Bank, the Turkish Academy of Sciences, Ankara University and the Turkish Higher Education Institution. She was a visiting professor at Curtin University Graduate School of Business, Perth, Australia, in 2006
Address: Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences 06590 Cebeci Ankara
Address: Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences 06590 Cebeci Ankara
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Papers by Özlem Atay Özkanlı
In this study, after the liberalization policies, which started in early 2000s in Turkey, performance of electricity sector has been evaluated. Electricity market liberalization reforms changed the market structure. This market change directly affected the behaviors of market agents and performance of the sector. Turkish electricity distribution market performance based on the data ensured by the primary figures in the sector are evaluated in terms of indicators such as prices, investment, capacity utilization rates, costs and profitability. In the past years, important improvements were achieved in the direction of liberalization of the sector. But key indicators of the success for the reform and liberalization indicate that performance of the electricity sector is relatively not strong. In this regard, capacity utilization ratios are not increased the cost of electricity generation and price of electricity is not decreased so far. Moreover, the institutional financial situation in sector seemed not stable. Especially, the investment, which constitutes the important goal of the reform, is not successful over the years, yet.
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye elektrik sektöründe 2000’li yıllarda başlatılan serbestleşme ve yeniden yapılanma çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilen uygulamalar neticesinde tamamen özelleştirilen Türkiye elektrik dağıtım sektörünün genel performansı değerlendirilmiştir. Elektrik dağıtım hizmeti bağlamında “kamu hizmeti sunumu” açısından değerlendirmeler yapılmış, genel olarak Türkiye’de hassas bir konu olan özelleştirme uygulamalarının elektrik sektöründeki yansımalarına bakılmıştır. Çalışmada, özelleştirmeler öncesi ve hemen sonrasında elektrik sektörünün performansı, sektörel kurum ve kuruluşlardan temin edilen veriler kullanılarak, fiyatlar, yatırımlar, kapasite kullanım oranları, karlılık ve maliyetler… vb. başlıklar çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Elektrik sektöründeki düzenleyici reformların başarısının temel göstergesini oluşturan sektörel performansın henüz çok da güçlenmediği görülmüştür. Bu çerçevede kapasite kullanım oranlarının istenen seviyelere erişemediği, elektrik maliyetleri ve fiyatlarında artış yaşandığı, sektörel kurumların finansal göstergelerindeki istikrarsızlığın giderilemediği izlenmiştir. Özellikle sektördeki yatırımların artırılması hususunda bu aşamada çok da başarılı olunamadığı görülmüştür.
Technologies (ICT’s) in empowering working women in Turkey. Data are collected from
120 working women who are working at service (79%) and manufacturing (21%) sectors
in Ankara, Turkey. According to findings women take advantage of news, communication,
information, business support and education of ICT’s. Moreover managers use Facebook,
Twitter, and Google+ to create awareness, communicate/collaborate, gain new customers,
marketing, information gathering and networking. Finally it is found that the benefits of
ICT’s in the fields of effective communication, information gathering and knowledge
sharing play significant roles in women’s empowerment in Turkey.
Keywords: empowerment, working women, information and communication technologies
success, empowerment and information technologies in professional life, and associate the
results to cultural values in the light of sociological views. The sample consisted of 110
women working in different sectors. An open-ended questionnaire have been used to
collect the data. The results showed that information technologies are significant factor to
empower women. The dimensions of achieving goals, making money, and utmost effort
are frequently mentioned in defining the success; and family support is the most important
factor for women empowerment. All these findings can be explained with the values of
power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and masculinity dimensions along
with the male dominant culture of Turkey.
Keywords: women, success, empowerment, information technologies
and their behaviors at work. Thus increasing the capacity of the organizations to listening or
welcoming stranger, dealing with the differences, diversity and intersectionality, social
inequality and people with disabilities become significant. Survey method will be used to
analyze 250 Turkish Industrial enterprise high level managers’ perceptions on “Value Based
Management”. The paper consists of two parts. The first part puts forward a conceptual
framework and the second part describes a field research. The idea here would be to explore
encounter in its present forms, in ideas which have been “work-place tested”.