Papers by Nurullah YAZAR

In a list of the greatest times of transformation and breaking moments in human history, the even... more In a list of the greatest times of transformation and breaking moments in human history, the events whose main components are religion and religious arguments will be the first ones that come to mind. Accepting the birth of Jesus as a direct religious event as the beginning of the Gregorian calendar or the effects of the geographical, political, economic, cultural and technological processes of the geography included in the scope of the crusades in the Middle Ages are just two of the examples that can be given to make the proposition meaningful.
In this study, we will focus on one of the most important religious moments in the history of the world, the beginning of the last messages of Allah to humanity, and analyze what happened after. Thus, we will try to understand the feeling of the Prophet who addresses the divine message, the methods he uses to fulfill his prophetic mission, the reactions of people who were addressed revelation, the violent side of man and the effort to solve problems with violence. The study is a contribution in terms of bringing a new perspective to the narrations about the first revelation and the events after revelation in Islamic historical sources. Additionally, descriptive and analytical methods are used in accordance with the subject of the study.

One of the breaking points in Turkish and Islamic history is the Battle of Dandanakan, which took... more One of the breaking points in Turkish and Islamic history is the Battle of Dandanakan, which took place between the Seljuks and the Ghaznavids in 1040. After the war, the Seljuks became an effective and decisive power, especially in the Sunni Islamic geography with a rapid rise. The Great Seljuk Empire, which came from a nomadic culture and irrepressibly expanded its domination from Turkistan to Anatolian territory in a very short time while it was in the nature of a nomad group, started to mature institutionally as well. At this point, the Persian origin statesmen, many of whom previously served in the state organization of Ghaznavid, met the need for trained personnel that emerged both in the central government and in the provinces. One of these names is Hasan b. Ali b. Isḥāq al- Ṭūsī, who will find fame with the name Niẓām al-Mulk and will get ahead of his name. Niẓām al-Mulk has been an extremely effective name in the institutionalization of the Great Seljuk State with the steps which he took a step and measures in the military, administrative, scientific and economic fields at a time when the state power was indexed to victories in the military field. As a result of that event, he has gained a respectable place among both public and statesmen. Within the scope of this study, the position of Niẓām al-Mulk in the state bureaucracy, his relations with the rulers and dynasty members, and the reflections of the steps taken by him from the his period of vizier to the Seljuk history will be discussed.
Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi

Ortaçağ boyunca birçok şehir sahip olduğu verimli toprakları, ticaret yolları üzerinde kurul... more Özet
Ortaçağ boyunca birçok şehir sahip olduğu verimli toprakları, ticaret yolları üzerinde kurulması, savunmasının kolay olması, ilmî ve iktisadî açıdan sahip olduğu değerler sebebiyle sürekli göz önünde olmuştur. Bununla birlikte her güzellik beraberinde bir takım zorluğu da getirmektedir. Hâkimiyet sahalarını genişletmeyi düşünen bütün hanedanlıkların gözleri bu şehirlerin üzerinde olmuştur. Bunun bir sonucu olarak ortaçağın önemli şehirleri birçok kez farklı hanedanların hâkimiyetine girmiştir. Bu durum hem şehir hem de sakinleri için olumlu sonuçlarla birlikte istenmeyen durumları da beraberinde getirmiştir. Şehirler bir taraftan imar edilip kalkındırılırken bir taraftan da siyasal istikrarsızlıkların yaşandığı dönemlerde harap edilmekteydiler. Bu şehirlerde yaşamlarını sürdürenler de bir taraftan zenginliği, refahı son derece derinden yaşarlarken bahsedilen zor dönemlerde de kıtlığı, vahşeti ve de yokluğu en acı şekilde hissediyorlardı.
Hayatın içerisinde var olan birçok zıtlığı bir arada yaşanan bu şehirlerden birisi de Merv’dir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda Büyük Selçuklu Döneminde Merv’de yaşanan olayların arkasında yatan siyasî, dinî/mezhebî ve iktisadî gerekçeleri ana kaynaklar ışığında incelemeye çalışacağız.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Merv, Büyük Selçuklular, Oğuzlar, Başkent, Sencer
The Adventure of a City: The Political History of Marw in the Great Seljuk Period
Throughout the Middle Ages, many cities have been always considering because of their fertile lands, establishing on the trade routes, easy to defend, scientific and economic values. However, every glory brings with it a certain difficulty. The eyes of all the dynasties who were considering extending the fields of dominion were above these cities. As a result of this, important cities of the Middle Ages have often been dominated by different dynasties. This has brought positive results not only the city’s itself but also its inhabitants undesirable situations. On the one side, while the cities were being rebuilt and developed, on the other hand they were being destroyed during the political instability periods. People who lives in these cities on one side was feeling the rich in wealth and welfare very deeply, on the other side, during the difficult times which mentioned, famine, the brutality and the poverty.
Marw was the one of those cities which many opposites that existed in life that lived together in. In this study, will be discussed political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the incidents in Marw during the Seljuk period, in the light of main sources.
Keywords: Marw, Great Seljuks, Oghuz Turks, Capital, Sanjar

* Özet: Büyük Selçuklular'ın yeni bir güç olarak varlığını hissettirdiği XI. yüzyıl, Horasan ve C... more * Özet: Büyük Selçuklular'ın yeni bir güç olarak varlığını hissettirdiği XI. yüzyıl, Horasan ve Cibâl böl-gesinde hüküm süren devletler için önemli gelişmelere sahne olmuştur. Yaşanan siyasî olaylar bölgedeki güç dengelerinin sürekli değişmesine sebebiyet vermiştir. Değişen dengelerden en çok etkilenenler ise devrin siyasî, iktisadî ve coğrafî öneme sahip şehirleridir. Selçuklular, Gaznelilere karşı elde ettikleri Dandanakan zaferinin ardından hızlı bir fütuhat harekâtına girişti. Selçuklular'ın hedefinde kendilerine karşı koyamayacak zayıf hanedanların yönetimindeki zengin orta ve batı İran şehirleri vardı. Bu şehirlerden bir tanesi de, Orta Asya'yı Anadolu'ya bağlayan ipek yolu üze-rinde olan ve Mâzenderân bölgesinden gelen birçok yolun kesişme noktasında yer alan Rey'dir. Selçuklu öncesi dönemde Bağdat'tan sonra devrin en önemli şehri kabul edilen Rey, Büyük Sel-çuklu tarihinin dört başkentinden biri ve kuruluş döneminin en önemli şehirlerindendir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda Büyük Selçuklu Döneminde Rey'de yaşanan olayların arkasında yatan siyasî, dinî/ mezhebî ve iktisadî gerekçeleri ana kaynaklar ışığında incelemeye çalışacağız.
Rayy in the Axis of Seljuk Power Struggle. Abstract: There have been important developments for the states which prevailing throughout the Kho-rasan and Jibal in the XI. century which Great Seljuk taken place in the scene of history. Political events gave rise to constant changes in the balance of power in the region. The most affected places by the changing balance are the cities which have political, economic and geographical significance. After they gained a victory against the Ghaznavids in Dandanakan, Seljuks embarked on a rapid conquest of operation. Great Seljuks targeted rich central and western Iranian cities which ruled by weak dynasties to resist them. This is also one of the cities is Rayy which on the Silk Road connecting of Central Asia to Anatolia and located at the intersection of several roads from the Mâzenderân region. Rayy, which considered the most important city after Bagh-dad before the Seljuk period, is one of the most important cities of the early Great Seljuk history and one of the four capital cities. In this study, will be discussed political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the incidents in Rayy during the Seljuk period, in the light of main sources.

The Place and Importance of Balkh in the Political Struggles of the Great Seljuks Period
While po... more The Place and Importance of Balkh in the Political Struggles of the Great Seljuks Period
While political events narrating, mostly, they are transferred within the framework of cause-and-effect relationship. Nevertheless, the sides who are affected from the power struggle are people people and cities where they are resident. Results of every struggle even if they were lost or won affects cities in positive or negative directions. At the same time cities have significant contributes to their governors with their history, tradition and culture which they have.
Eleventh century is a reshaped period of the stage of history, in which the new states gained power by changing the balance of power. During this period, on the one hand, some states have lost their territorial dominance, on the other hand some other states have expanded their control of the region. The most affected places by the changing balance are the cities which have political, economic and geographical significance. Statesmen who aware establishing dominance contribute their sovereignty had developed their strategy over the dominate the major cities of this time. The city of Balkh, was a gateway for the Ghaznavids and Karakhanids to Khorasan and, was in a key position for the Seljuks to the defense of Khorasan. Therefore during the this period Balkh was counted between the cities which will be capture the first.
We also, in our study, will try to analyze political status of Balkh, one of the most important cities of Khorasan region during the medieval age, how people react against Seljuks rule, relationships established between people and Seljuks and political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the reaction against to the Seljuk rule, in the light of main sources.
Keywords: Great Seljuks, Balkh, Khorasan, Oguz, Sanjar

While political events narrating, mostly, they are transferred within the framework of cause-and-... more While political events narrating, mostly, they are transferred within the framework of cause-and-effect relationship. Nevertheless, the sides who are affected from the power struggle are people people and cities where they are resident. Results of every struggle even if they were lost or won affects cities in positive or negative directions. At the same time cities have significant contributes to their governors with their history, tradition and culture which they have.
After their victory against Ghaznavids, Nishapur has been an important city for the Seljuks which started becoming a state effort. Seljuks have identified Nishapur for themselves as a political center. Essentially, this determination is not a random choice, on the contrary was a step consciously discarded. Nishapur was the military and political center of the Khorasan province since the Samanid era. Samanid has given importance to the city and in this time it had become the largest settlement of Khorasan. City had kept its significance during the Ghaznavid period and it had continued to be the biggest city and administrative center of Khorasan. In this study the political history of Nishapur in the period of the Great Seljuks will be discussed in the light of main sources.

İsfahan’ın kuruluşu İran tarihi ile eş kabul edilir. İsfahan, ticarî, ilmî, kültürel ve co... more ÖZET
İsfahan’ın kuruluşu İran tarihi ile eş kabul edilir. İsfahan, ticarî, ilmî, kültürel ve coğrafî özellikleriyle tarih boyunca en önemli şehirlerden birisi olmuştur. Bu önemli şehir, Tuğrul Bey döneminde Büyük Selçuklu Devleti sınırlarına dâhil edilmiş ve Melikşah döneminden itibaren de devletin payitahtı olmuştur. İsfahan, Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nin başkenti olmasının ardından her açıdan önemli bir şehir haline gelmiştir. Siyasi olaylar İsfahan merkezli gerçekleşmiştir. Bununla birlikte Melikşah’ın vefatından sonra yaşanan taht mücadeleleri devleti siyasi istikrarsızlığa sürüklemiştir. Bu çalışmada İsfahan’ın Büyük Selçuklar dönemindeki siyasî tarihini ele alınacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İsfahan; Büyük Selçuklular
History of Isfahan considered equivalent with History of Iran. Isfahan, with commercial, scientific, cultural, and geographic features has been one of the most important cities throughout
history. This important city, has been included in the limits of the Great Seljuk Empire in the period of Tugrul Bey and from the period of Melikşah being capital of the state. Isfahan, after being capital of Great Saljuqs state has become a major city in every angle. Political events were based in Isfahan. However the throne fights being after the death of Malik Shah, led the state to Political instability. In this study the political history of Isfahan in the period of the Great Seljuks will be discussed.
Key Words: Isfahan; Great Saljuqs
Veliaht Ebû Şûca Ahmet babasından önce vefat ettiğinden Sultan Melikşah vefat ettiğinde Büyük Sel... more Veliaht Ebû Şûca Ahmet babasından önce vefat ettiğinden Sultan Melikşah vefat ettiğinde Büyük Selçuklu tahtına kimin geçeceği belli değildi. Bu belirsizlikten yararlanmak isteyen Terken Hatun, oğlunu Selçuklu tahtına oturtabilmek için her türlü faaliyeti mubah görmüş ve her yolu denemiştir. Bu uğurda elindeki bütün imkânlarını sarf etti. Tek başına hedefine ulaşamayacağını düşündüğü durumlarda rakiplerini bertaraf etmek için ittifaklar kurdu. Bizde bu çalışmamızda Terken Hatun'un devlet yönetimini ele geçirebilmek için yaptığı entrikalarla dolu mücadeleyi inceleyeceğiz.

Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nde Türk töresi ve devlet geleneğine uygun olarak ülke hânedân üyele... more Özet
Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nde Türk töresi ve devlet geleneğine uygun olarak ülke hânedân üyelerinin ortak mülkü kabul edilirdi. Bu sebepten dolayı Devlet’in kurulduğu ilk günden itibaren hânedân üyeleri uygun ortamı bulduklarında sultan olabilmek için harekete geçerlerdi. Kirman Hâkimi Kavurd Bey de kendisinde Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’ni yönetecek kudreti görmüş ve önce Tuğrul Bey’in vefa-tının ardından, daha sonra da Alparslan’ın vefat haberini alınca Büyük Selçuklu tahtını ele geçire-bilmek amacıyla harekete geçmiştir. Ancak bu girişimleri her defasında başarısızlıkla neticelenmiş ve sonucunda hükümdarlık sevdası Kavurd Bey’in canına mâl olmuştur.
Anahtar kelimeler: İsyan, Taht Mücadelesi, Kavurd Bey, Kirman
Kirman Ruler Kavurd’s Attempts for Capturing Great Seljuk Throne
According to Turk etiquette and state tradition the country was considered the common property of the members of the dynasty at Great Seljuks. For this reason, when they found suitable conditions members of the dynasty have tried to get the throne for the first days of foundation of the state. Kirman ruler Kavurd Beg has attempted to capture the throne of Great Seljuk state twice. Firstly after the death of Tugrul Beg and then when he received the news of Alparslan’s death. However, these attempts ended in failure every time and as a result of these attempts, the passion of domi-nion has cost his life.
Key words: Rebellion, Throne Fights, Kavurd Beg, Kirman
Symposium Presentations by Nurullah YAZAR
Book Chapters by Nurullah YAZAR
Papers by Nurullah YAZAR
In this study, we will focus on one of the most important religious moments in the history of the world, the beginning of the last messages of Allah to humanity, and analyze what happened after. Thus, we will try to understand the feeling of the Prophet who addresses the divine message, the methods he uses to fulfill his prophetic mission, the reactions of people who were addressed revelation, the violent side of man and the effort to solve problems with violence. The study is a contribution in terms of bringing a new perspective to the narrations about the first revelation and the events after revelation in Islamic historical sources. Additionally, descriptive and analytical methods are used in accordance with the subject of the study.
Ortaçağ boyunca birçok şehir sahip olduğu verimli toprakları, ticaret yolları üzerinde kurulması, savunmasının kolay olması, ilmî ve iktisadî açıdan sahip olduğu değerler sebebiyle sürekli göz önünde olmuştur. Bununla birlikte her güzellik beraberinde bir takım zorluğu da getirmektedir. Hâkimiyet sahalarını genişletmeyi düşünen bütün hanedanlıkların gözleri bu şehirlerin üzerinde olmuştur. Bunun bir sonucu olarak ortaçağın önemli şehirleri birçok kez farklı hanedanların hâkimiyetine girmiştir. Bu durum hem şehir hem de sakinleri için olumlu sonuçlarla birlikte istenmeyen durumları da beraberinde getirmiştir. Şehirler bir taraftan imar edilip kalkındırılırken bir taraftan da siyasal istikrarsızlıkların yaşandığı dönemlerde harap edilmekteydiler. Bu şehirlerde yaşamlarını sürdürenler de bir taraftan zenginliği, refahı son derece derinden yaşarlarken bahsedilen zor dönemlerde de kıtlığı, vahşeti ve de yokluğu en acı şekilde hissediyorlardı.
Hayatın içerisinde var olan birçok zıtlığı bir arada yaşanan bu şehirlerden birisi de Merv’dir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda Büyük Selçuklu Döneminde Merv’de yaşanan olayların arkasında yatan siyasî, dinî/mezhebî ve iktisadî gerekçeleri ana kaynaklar ışığında incelemeye çalışacağız.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Merv, Büyük Selçuklular, Oğuzlar, Başkent, Sencer
The Adventure of a City: The Political History of Marw in the Great Seljuk Period
Throughout the Middle Ages, many cities have been always considering because of their fertile lands, establishing on the trade routes, easy to defend, scientific and economic values. However, every glory brings with it a certain difficulty. The eyes of all the dynasties who were considering extending the fields of dominion were above these cities. As a result of this, important cities of the Middle Ages have often been dominated by different dynasties. This has brought positive results not only the city’s itself but also its inhabitants undesirable situations. On the one side, while the cities were being rebuilt and developed, on the other hand they were being destroyed during the political instability periods. People who lives in these cities on one side was feeling the rich in wealth and welfare very deeply, on the other side, during the difficult times which mentioned, famine, the brutality and the poverty.
Marw was the one of those cities which many opposites that existed in life that lived together in. In this study, will be discussed political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the incidents in Marw during the Seljuk period, in the light of main sources.
Keywords: Marw, Great Seljuks, Oghuz Turks, Capital, Sanjar
Rayy in the Axis of Seljuk Power Struggle. Abstract: There have been important developments for the states which prevailing throughout the Kho-rasan and Jibal in the XI. century which Great Seljuk taken place in the scene of history. Political events gave rise to constant changes in the balance of power in the region. The most affected places by the changing balance are the cities which have political, economic and geographical significance. After they gained a victory against the Ghaznavids in Dandanakan, Seljuks embarked on a rapid conquest of operation. Great Seljuks targeted rich central and western Iranian cities which ruled by weak dynasties to resist them. This is also one of the cities is Rayy which on the Silk Road connecting of Central Asia to Anatolia and located at the intersection of several roads from the Mâzenderân region. Rayy, which considered the most important city after Bagh-dad before the Seljuk period, is one of the most important cities of the early Great Seljuk history and one of the four capital cities. In this study, will be discussed political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the incidents in Rayy during the Seljuk period, in the light of main sources.
While political events narrating, mostly, they are transferred within the framework of cause-and-effect relationship. Nevertheless, the sides who are affected from the power struggle are people people and cities where they are resident. Results of every struggle even if they were lost or won affects cities in positive or negative directions. At the same time cities have significant contributes to their governors with their history, tradition and culture which they have.
Eleventh century is a reshaped period of the stage of history, in which the new states gained power by changing the balance of power. During this period, on the one hand, some states have lost their territorial dominance, on the other hand some other states have expanded their control of the region. The most affected places by the changing balance are the cities which have political, economic and geographical significance. Statesmen who aware establishing dominance contribute their sovereignty had developed their strategy over the dominate the major cities of this time. The city of Balkh, was a gateway for the Ghaznavids and Karakhanids to Khorasan and, was in a key position for the Seljuks to the defense of Khorasan. Therefore during the this period Balkh was counted between the cities which will be capture the first.
We also, in our study, will try to analyze political status of Balkh, one of the most important cities of Khorasan region during the medieval age, how people react against Seljuks rule, relationships established between people and Seljuks and political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the reaction against to the Seljuk rule, in the light of main sources.
Keywords: Great Seljuks, Balkh, Khorasan, Oguz, Sanjar
After their victory against Ghaznavids, Nishapur has been an important city for the Seljuks which started becoming a state effort. Seljuks have identified Nishapur for themselves as a political center. Essentially, this determination is not a random choice, on the contrary was a step consciously discarded. Nishapur was the military and political center of the Khorasan province since the Samanid era. Samanid has given importance to the city and in this time it had become the largest settlement of Khorasan. City had kept its significance during the Ghaznavid period and it had continued to be the biggest city and administrative center of Khorasan. In this study the political history of Nishapur in the period of the Great Seljuks will be discussed in the light of main sources.
İsfahan’ın kuruluşu İran tarihi ile eş kabul edilir. İsfahan, ticarî, ilmî, kültürel ve coğrafî özellikleriyle tarih boyunca en önemli şehirlerden birisi olmuştur. Bu önemli şehir, Tuğrul Bey döneminde Büyük Selçuklu Devleti sınırlarına dâhil edilmiş ve Melikşah döneminden itibaren de devletin payitahtı olmuştur. İsfahan, Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nin başkenti olmasının ardından her açıdan önemli bir şehir haline gelmiştir. Siyasi olaylar İsfahan merkezli gerçekleşmiştir. Bununla birlikte Melikşah’ın vefatından sonra yaşanan taht mücadeleleri devleti siyasi istikrarsızlığa sürüklemiştir. Bu çalışmada İsfahan’ın Büyük Selçuklar dönemindeki siyasî tarihini ele alınacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İsfahan; Büyük Selçuklular
History of Isfahan considered equivalent with History of Iran. Isfahan, with commercial, scientific, cultural, and geographic features has been one of the most important cities throughout
history. This important city, has been included in the limits of the Great Seljuk Empire in the period of Tugrul Bey and from the period of Melikşah being capital of the state. Isfahan, after being capital of Great Saljuqs state has become a major city in every angle. Political events were based in Isfahan. However the throne fights being after the death of Malik Shah, led the state to Political instability. In this study the political history of Isfahan in the period of the Great Seljuks will be discussed.
Key Words: Isfahan; Great Saljuqs
Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nde Türk töresi ve devlet geleneğine uygun olarak ülke hânedân üyelerinin ortak mülkü kabul edilirdi. Bu sebepten dolayı Devlet’in kurulduğu ilk günden itibaren hânedân üyeleri uygun ortamı bulduklarında sultan olabilmek için harekete geçerlerdi. Kirman Hâkimi Kavurd Bey de kendisinde Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’ni yönetecek kudreti görmüş ve önce Tuğrul Bey’in vefa-tının ardından, daha sonra da Alparslan’ın vefat haberini alınca Büyük Selçuklu tahtını ele geçire-bilmek amacıyla harekete geçmiştir. Ancak bu girişimleri her defasında başarısızlıkla neticelenmiş ve sonucunda hükümdarlık sevdası Kavurd Bey’in canına mâl olmuştur.
Anahtar kelimeler: İsyan, Taht Mücadelesi, Kavurd Bey, Kirman
Kirman Ruler Kavurd’s Attempts for Capturing Great Seljuk Throne
According to Turk etiquette and state tradition the country was considered the common property of the members of the dynasty at Great Seljuks. For this reason, when they found suitable conditions members of the dynasty have tried to get the throne for the first days of foundation of the state. Kirman ruler Kavurd Beg has attempted to capture the throne of Great Seljuk state twice. Firstly after the death of Tugrul Beg and then when he received the news of Alparslan’s death. However, these attempts ended in failure every time and as a result of these attempts, the passion of domi-nion has cost his life.
Key words: Rebellion, Throne Fights, Kavurd Beg, Kirman
Symposium Presentations by Nurullah YAZAR
Book Chapters by Nurullah YAZAR
In this study, we will focus on one of the most important religious moments in the history of the world, the beginning of the last messages of Allah to humanity, and analyze what happened after. Thus, we will try to understand the feeling of the Prophet who addresses the divine message, the methods he uses to fulfill his prophetic mission, the reactions of people who were addressed revelation, the violent side of man and the effort to solve problems with violence. The study is a contribution in terms of bringing a new perspective to the narrations about the first revelation and the events after revelation in Islamic historical sources. Additionally, descriptive and analytical methods are used in accordance with the subject of the study.
Ortaçağ boyunca birçok şehir sahip olduğu verimli toprakları, ticaret yolları üzerinde kurulması, savunmasının kolay olması, ilmî ve iktisadî açıdan sahip olduğu değerler sebebiyle sürekli göz önünde olmuştur. Bununla birlikte her güzellik beraberinde bir takım zorluğu da getirmektedir. Hâkimiyet sahalarını genişletmeyi düşünen bütün hanedanlıkların gözleri bu şehirlerin üzerinde olmuştur. Bunun bir sonucu olarak ortaçağın önemli şehirleri birçok kez farklı hanedanların hâkimiyetine girmiştir. Bu durum hem şehir hem de sakinleri için olumlu sonuçlarla birlikte istenmeyen durumları da beraberinde getirmiştir. Şehirler bir taraftan imar edilip kalkındırılırken bir taraftan da siyasal istikrarsızlıkların yaşandığı dönemlerde harap edilmekteydiler. Bu şehirlerde yaşamlarını sürdürenler de bir taraftan zenginliği, refahı son derece derinden yaşarlarken bahsedilen zor dönemlerde de kıtlığı, vahşeti ve de yokluğu en acı şekilde hissediyorlardı.
Hayatın içerisinde var olan birçok zıtlığı bir arada yaşanan bu şehirlerden birisi de Merv’dir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda Büyük Selçuklu Döneminde Merv’de yaşanan olayların arkasında yatan siyasî, dinî/mezhebî ve iktisadî gerekçeleri ana kaynaklar ışığında incelemeye çalışacağız.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Merv, Büyük Selçuklular, Oğuzlar, Başkent, Sencer
The Adventure of a City: The Political History of Marw in the Great Seljuk Period
Throughout the Middle Ages, many cities have been always considering because of their fertile lands, establishing on the trade routes, easy to defend, scientific and economic values. However, every glory brings with it a certain difficulty. The eyes of all the dynasties who were considering extending the fields of dominion were above these cities. As a result of this, important cities of the Middle Ages have often been dominated by different dynasties. This has brought positive results not only the city’s itself but also its inhabitants undesirable situations. On the one side, while the cities were being rebuilt and developed, on the other hand they were being destroyed during the political instability periods. People who lives in these cities on one side was feeling the rich in wealth and welfare very deeply, on the other side, during the difficult times which mentioned, famine, the brutality and the poverty.
Marw was the one of those cities which many opposites that existed in life that lived together in. In this study, will be discussed political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the incidents in Marw during the Seljuk period, in the light of main sources.
Keywords: Marw, Great Seljuks, Oghuz Turks, Capital, Sanjar
Rayy in the Axis of Seljuk Power Struggle. Abstract: There have been important developments for the states which prevailing throughout the Kho-rasan and Jibal in the XI. century which Great Seljuk taken place in the scene of history. Political events gave rise to constant changes in the balance of power in the region. The most affected places by the changing balance are the cities which have political, economic and geographical significance. After they gained a victory against the Ghaznavids in Dandanakan, Seljuks embarked on a rapid conquest of operation. Great Seljuks targeted rich central and western Iranian cities which ruled by weak dynasties to resist them. This is also one of the cities is Rayy which on the Silk Road connecting of Central Asia to Anatolia and located at the intersection of several roads from the Mâzenderân region. Rayy, which considered the most important city after Bagh-dad before the Seljuk period, is one of the most important cities of the early Great Seljuk history and one of the four capital cities. In this study, will be discussed political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the incidents in Rayy during the Seljuk period, in the light of main sources.
While political events narrating, mostly, they are transferred within the framework of cause-and-effect relationship. Nevertheless, the sides who are affected from the power struggle are people people and cities where they are resident. Results of every struggle even if they were lost or won affects cities in positive or negative directions. At the same time cities have significant contributes to their governors with their history, tradition and culture which they have.
Eleventh century is a reshaped period of the stage of history, in which the new states gained power by changing the balance of power. During this period, on the one hand, some states have lost their territorial dominance, on the other hand some other states have expanded their control of the region. The most affected places by the changing balance are the cities which have political, economic and geographical significance. Statesmen who aware establishing dominance contribute their sovereignty had developed their strategy over the dominate the major cities of this time. The city of Balkh, was a gateway for the Ghaznavids and Karakhanids to Khorasan and, was in a key position for the Seljuks to the defense of Khorasan. Therefore during the this period Balkh was counted between the cities which will be capture the first.
We also, in our study, will try to analyze political status of Balkh, one of the most important cities of Khorasan region during the medieval age, how people react against Seljuks rule, relationships established between people and Seljuks and political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the reaction against to the Seljuk rule, in the light of main sources.
Keywords: Great Seljuks, Balkh, Khorasan, Oguz, Sanjar
After their victory against Ghaznavids, Nishapur has been an important city for the Seljuks which started becoming a state effort. Seljuks have identified Nishapur for themselves as a political center. Essentially, this determination is not a random choice, on the contrary was a step consciously discarded. Nishapur was the military and political center of the Khorasan province since the Samanid era. Samanid has given importance to the city and in this time it had become the largest settlement of Khorasan. City had kept its significance during the Ghaznavid period and it had continued to be the biggest city and administrative center of Khorasan. In this study the political history of Nishapur in the period of the Great Seljuks will be discussed in the light of main sources.
İsfahan’ın kuruluşu İran tarihi ile eş kabul edilir. İsfahan, ticarî, ilmî, kültürel ve coğrafî özellikleriyle tarih boyunca en önemli şehirlerden birisi olmuştur. Bu önemli şehir, Tuğrul Bey döneminde Büyük Selçuklu Devleti sınırlarına dâhil edilmiş ve Melikşah döneminden itibaren de devletin payitahtı olmuştur. İsfahan, Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nin başkenti olmasının ardından her açıdan önemli bir şehir haline gelmiştir. Siyasi olaylar İsfahan merkezli gerçekleşmiştir. Bununla birlikte Melikşah’ın vefatından sonra yaşanan taht mücadeleleri devleti siyasi istikrarsızlığa sürüklemiştir. Bu çalışmada İsfahan’ın Büyük Selçuklar dönemindeki siyasî tarihini ele alınacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İsfahan; Büyük Selçuklular
History of Isfahan considered equivalent with History of Iran. Isfahan, with commercial, scientific, cultural, and geographic features has been one of the most important cities throughout
history. This important city, has been included in the limits of the Great Seljuk Empire in the period of Tugrul Bey and from the period of Melikşah being capital of the state. Isfahan, after being capital of Great Saljuqs state has become a major city in every angle. Political events were based in Isfahan. However the throne fights being after the death of Malik Shah, led the state to Political instability. In this study the political history of Isfahan in the period of the Great Seljuks will be discussed.
Key Words: Isfahan; Great Saljuqs
Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’nde Türk töresi ve devlet geleneğine uygun olarak ülke hânedân üyelerinin ortak mülkü kabul edilirdi. Bu sebepten dolayı Devlet’in kurulduğu ilk günden itibaren hânedân üyeleri uygun ortamı bulduklarında sultan olabilmek için harekete geçerlerdi. Kirman Hâkimi Kavurd Bey de kendisinde Büyük Selçuklu Devleti’ni yönetecek kudreti görmüş ve önce Tuğrul Bey’in vefa-tının ardından, daha sonra da Alparslan’ın vefat haberini alınca Büyük Selçuklu tahtını ele geçire-bilmek amacıyla harekete geçmiştir. Ancak bu girişimleri her defasında başarısızlıkla neticelenmiş ve sonucunda hükümdarlık sevdası Kavurd Bey’in canına mâl olmuştur.
Anahtar kelimeler: İsyan, Taht Mücadelesi, Kavurd Bey, Kirman
Kirman Ruler Kavurd’s Attempts for Capturing Great Seljuk Throne
According to Turk etiquette and state tradition the country was considered the common property of the members of the dynasty at Great Seljuks. For this reason, when they found suitable conditions members of the dynasty have tried to get the throne for the first days of foundation of the state. Kirman ruler Kavurd Beg has attempted to capture the throne of Great Seljuk state twice. Firstly after the death of Tugrul Beg and then when he received the news of Alparslan’s death. However, these attempts ended in failure every time and as a result of these attempts, the passion of domi-nion has cost his life.
Key words: Rebellion, Throne Fights, Kavurd Beg, Kirman