Papers by Hayriye Tugba Ozturk
![Research paper thumbnail of Eğitim bilimleri çalışmalarında kullanılan ağ yaklaşımının kavramsal haritalanması [Conceptual mapping of network approach used in the studies of educational sciences].](
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [Pamukkale University Journal of Education], 2022
The practices specific to the structure of today's society, which is defined as the network socie... more The practices specific to the structure of today's society, which is defined as the network society, are
also reflected in the field of educational sciences in various forms. In the present paper, a systematic
literature review has been conducted and the emerging issues have been discussed in an analytical
framework in conceptual integrity to guide researchers and instructional designers. For this purpose,
the BERTopic topic modeling technique, which is used to reveal hidden or abstract issues in large
textual data, was use. Ten topic emerged as a result of the topic modelling. When the topics were
evaluated, the following dimensions came into prominence: 1-) use of Social Network Analysis as a
scientific research method in the definition of the groups involved in education, 2-) widespread
adoption of this concept in matters that require solidarity, cooperation and interaction, 3-) Examining
different types of relationships or roles in learning networks with a structural, managerial and relational
functioning. The results of this research show that researchers need to have knowledge and skills in
techniques such as Social Network Analysis in order to correctly understand a learning environment
that is becoming increasingly widespread in education.
İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 2020

Gender inequality is a pressing issue on a global scale, yet studies on this important issue have... more Gender inequality is a pressing issue on a global scale, yet studies on this important issue have stayed on the margins of open and distance learning (ODL) literature. In this study, we critically analyse a batch of ODL literature that is focused on gender inequality in post-secondary and higher education contexts. We use Therborn's social justice framework to inform and guide the study. This is a comprehensive social justice lens that sees inequality as "a life and death issue," approaching empowerment as a central area of concern. Qualitative content analysis of 30 years of peer-reviewed literature reveals patriarchy and androcentrism as significant mechanisms that continue to produce gender inequality, in particular in women's access to educational resources and formal learning opportunities. We highlight three themes that emerged in the content analysis: (1) ODL and equal opportunity; (2) Feminism and gender-sensitive curriculum design; and (3) Culturally relevant curriculum design. We critique views of access to technology-enabled education as an instrument for social justice, and provide a pedagogical model for an ODL curriculum centred on empowerment and agency, two concepts closely linked to existential inequality. We argue that such a curriculum is public service and requires a model of education that is based on participation and co-construction, and lies at the intersection of critical, feminist, and culturally relevant pedagogical practices.
![Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de geçici koruma statüsünde olan suriyeli yetişkinlere verilen dil eğitiminde bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin yeri [The role of information and communication technologies in teaching Turkish as a foreign language for syrian adults with temporary protection status]](
Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Dergisi/Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, 2019
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de geçici koruma statüsünde olan Suriyeli yetişkin bireylere Türkçe öğretim... more Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de geçici koruma statüsünde olan Suriyeli yetişkin bireylere Türkçe öğretiminde kullanılan teknolojilerin öğrenciler ve öğretmenler tarafından hangi düzeyde ve ne amaçla kullanıldıkları belirlenerek, teknolojinin bu bağlamda dil öğretimindeki rolü araştırılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 20 öğretmen ve 56 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Öğrencilere, hem dil öğrenme özelinde hem de günlük hayatlarında mevcut BİT kullanımlarına yönelik sorular anket aracılığı ile yöneltilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin BİT kullanımlarına ilişkin deneyimleri ve teknoloji entegrasyonuna dair veriler anket ve görüşmeler yolu ile toplanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Öğretmenler en çok çoklu ortam materyalleri ve bilgisayarı kullanırken, öğrenciler en çok cep telefonlarından ve e-kaynaklardan yararlandıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin en çok kullandığı sunum programları, öğrenciler tarafından en az öğrenmelerini kolaylaştıran araçlar arasında sıralanmıştır. Öğrenciler en çok cep telefonu uygulamaları ve internet kullanımları konularında iyi düzeyde olduklarını belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenler teknolojilerden en çok ders esnasında, derse destek sunması amacı ile yararlandıklarını belirtmekle birlikte bu yönde kullanabilecekleri teknolojilerin çok az olduğuna değinmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerle yapılan görüşmelerde Türkiye özeline genellebilecek öneriler ve teknolojinin kullanımındaki bazı kültürel değişkenlere ilişkin önemli bulgular da ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları aynı zamanda Türkiye'de verilen dil eğitimi özelinde kullanılan kaynaklar, öğretim yöntemleri ve geliştirilebilecek yönler doğrultusunda bilgiler sunacaktır. Hayat boyu öğrenme Yetişkin eğitimi Geçici koruma statüsünde olan Suriyeliler Dil öğretimi Teknoloji Makale Hakkında Gönderim Tarihi Abstract Keywords The present study aims to examine the role of ICT in teaching Turkish from the angles of technology use by teachers and students, the extent of technology use and purposes to use technology. The study group consists of 20 teachers and 56 students. Two questionnaires were developed for examining teachers' and students' technology use. Interviews were done with the teachers to deeply explore their experiences. Content analysis was used for data analysis. It was revealed in the findings that teachers mostly use computers, multimedia materials, presentation software. Students use mobile phones and e-resources. Presentation software is found not productive by students. The students are good at mobile phone applications and internet use. Many of the students report that they do not have a computer and this is an obstacle when technology is meant to be used after class. Drawing on the data some culture-related conclusions are presented in particular to Turkish context. The results of the study show some insightful findings regarding the resources, conditions and points to be improved. Lifelong learning Adult education Syrian adults with temporary protection status Technology in language education Article Info

Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 2019
Bu araştırmada Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) öğretmenlerinin ortaya koyduğu öğrenme etkinlikleri ile... more Bu araştırmada Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) öğretmenlerinin ortaya koyduğu öğrenme etkinlikleri ile birlikte öğrenme davranışlarına odaklanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında, 67 BT öğretmeninin katıldığı iki günlük atölye etkinliği düzenlenmiştir. Atölye çalışmasında çeşitli illerde görev yapan farklı uzmanlık ve mesleki deneyime sahip BT öğretmenleri bir araya getirilerek katılımcıların gerçekleştirdikleri öğrenme etkinlikleri ve ortaya koydukları öğrenme davranışları incelenmiştir. Karma desenin kullanıldığı araştırmada veriler çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden öğretmenlerden nitel ve nicel yöntemlerle toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda katılımcıların gerçekleştirdikleri öğrenme etkinliklerinin cinsiyete, mesleki kıdeme, çalıştığı okulun bulunduğu yere (il merkezi/ilçe) ve ders saat sayısına göre farklılaştığı belirlenmiştir. Buna karşın BT öğretmenlerinin gerçekleştirdikleri öğrenme etkinlikleri ile çalıştıkları okul türü ve Bilişim Teknolojileri Rehber Öğretmeni (BTR) görevlendirmeleri olup olmama durumları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır. En baskın ya da öncelikli çevresel engelleyicinin zaman eksikliği ve diğerlerini yeterince tanımamak, kişisel özelliğin ise öğrenme arzusu ve heves olduğu bulunmuştur. Araştırma bulguları farklı bilgi ve deneyime sahip, aynı alana ilgi duyan kişilerin atölye gibi ortamlarda bir araya gelmelerinin dört temel alanda katılımcılara yeni kazanımlar sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bunlar mesleki gelişim, sürdürülebilirlik ve yayılım, psikolojik kazanımlar ve iletişim olarak sıralanabilir.

A growing body of research is concerned with the implications of Flipped Classroom (FC) model at ... more A growing body of research is concerned with the implications of Flipped Classroom (FC) model at higher education institutions. There is a wide range of the opinions and experiences on FC model and the model is still being tested by the researchers and practitioners. For the purpose of examining best practices in FC models, the present study was conducted to investigate the effects of structure in the FC models on academic success of the students who adopt deep and surface learning approaches. The study was conducted quasi-experimentally with 119 students. A pre & post achievement test and a study process questionnaire were used to collect data. The results indicate that scores on academic success of students learning in structured FC model is significantly higher than the scores of the students in flexible-structured FC model and control group. In terms of study process approach, the students in FC models who adopt deep learning approach scored significantly higher on achievement test than the students in control group while there is no significant difference between experimental groups. The results are the same for the students who adopt surface learning approach. The outcomes of this study have implications for designing an FC model and strategies for the practitioners.

Along with the dissemination of mobile technologies and wireless networks in teaching and learnin... more Along with the dissemination of mobile technologies and wireless networks in teaching and learning environments, research has shown that students tend to cyberloaf during the courses. As a result, their performance is impeded and they could be distracted from the course. In order to prevent cyberloafing behaviors, in some occasions, information and communication technologies (ICT) have been banned or their use is restricted in the schools causing to harm ICT integration in education. In this context, the aim of this study was to identify the level of cyberloafing situations observed in courses in computer laboratories and reveal likely variables effective on cyberloafing behaviors which in turn would be helpful for practitioners to prevent cyberloafing behaviors of students. This research was conducted by using survey method. Participants in the study were 288 first year undergraduate students who took Computing I course held in a computer laboratory at the Fall Semester of the academic year of 2013–2014. In order to identify cyberloafing behaviors of the students when they were fulfilling the learning activities assigned to them, cyberloafing activities scale as well as Demographic Information Form were used. As a result of the research, by demonstrating the cyberloafing levels of the students, findings related to the cyberloa-fing behaviors were interpreted with regard to the variables addressed in the study, considering the total score obtained from cyberloafing activities scale and the sub-dimensions of the scale, ''individual'', ''search'', ''social'' and ''news''.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) came to prominence with Open Educational Resources Movement (... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) came to prominence with Open Educational Resources Movement (OERM). It was based upon the idea of libre in removal of some permission barriers and gratis in removing the price barrier (Suber, 2008) in learning resources. In line with the theoretical underpinnings of OERM, MOOCs embody primary characteristics of connectivist
pedagogy which are autonomy, diversity, openness, and community participation. However, in time, moving away from its original philosophical and pedagogical values, new variations of MOOCs have emerged and new MOOCs have become more market oriented and are aligned with instructivist, cognitive, and behaviourist pedagogy. In an attempt to empirically examine the change in underlying values of the MOOCs, a survey method was employed by using a Connectivist Learning Environment Assessment Tool which was developed in the scope of this research. The tool could be useful for formulating and justifying a conceptual framework that enables us to reify the connectivist pedagogy and assess connectivist underpinnings of a learning environment including MOOCs. This research aims to contribute to MOOC studies against the
background of previous knowledge from the Open Education and Connectivist fields.
Keywords: MOOCs; connectivism; open education resources movement; connectivist learning
environment assessment tool

British Journal of Educational Technology, 2015
In this paper, we argue that in order to get a fuller understanding of the complexity of conflict... more In this paper, we argue that in order to get a fuller understanding of the complexity of conflict in democratic pedagogies in online and blended learning settings, it is important to know not only how to manage or resolve it, but also how it is triggered and can be avoided. The emancipatory nature of democratic pedagogies fosters differences, and differences provide the basis for the emergence of conflict among learning community members. Much has been written on certain aspects of conflict, such as conflict management or effects of conflict; however, these studies are frequently disparate and fragmented. Conflict has a cyclical dynamic and the main purpose of this study has been to experimentally build an analytical model of this cyclical dynamic of conflict, drawing on both literature and research data. We believe that such a model might empower practitioners and designers of democratic pedagogies to embrace and work with the differences that lead to conflict, as a way to support collaborative learning and action. The model of conflict which emerged at the end of the study is supported by illustrative qualitative evidence and constituted in a diagrammatic depiction of analytic themes that illustrate the connections between these themes, and the values ascribed to them. The outcomes of this study have implications for developing learning strategies for distance and blended learners.
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. , Mar 2013

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been rapidly prevailed among the children a... more Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been rapidly prevailed among the children and youths. Personal technologies facilitating the students to gain some learning experiences both in and out of the schools also include many threats. It is important for students to have high awareness of safe internet and computer use to overcome with these threats. In this research, it was aimed to reveal internet security and computer usage awareness profiles of students studying in the secondary school. The data were collected from 2029 students studying in the secondary schools in Bartın Province in Turkey by using a questionnaire developed by the researchers. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed based on the pre-determined themes and the students’ information security and computer usage awareness profiles were revealed. The findings indicate that the majority of the students are insufficient regarding information security and computer usage awareness and they could be under risk in online settings towards the threats. In the discussion section, some measures for the parents, schools and policy makers were mentioned to increase students’ information security and computer usage awareness.

Assessment of ICT knowledge and skills is as important as gaining these knowledge and skills. The... more Assessment of ICT knowledge and skills is as important as gaining these knowledge and skills. There are two commonly used assessment types as (multiple-choice) Test Based Assessment (TBA) and Practice Based Assessment (PBA) and the question that which one is better still remains controversial. In this research, the focus of the study was examining these factors in relationship with the academic achievement of the students. More specifically, impact of assessing the students with TBA and PBA types on the students' academic achievement scores based on the aforementioned factors was examined. For this purpose, two study groups consisting of 243 students who were assessed with TBA and PBA in a course titled as Computing I were included in the present research. The results showed that there is a significant difference in academic achievement scores of the students and that the students who took TBA are more successful. According to the results, students are more comfortable and more confident with TBA whereas students taking PBA believe that PBA is better to measure ICT knowledge and skills. Therefore, it could be concluded that these two different assessment types are complementary once students' positive opinions, expectations and feelings are pedagogically secured.

Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Yazılım (BTY) dersi temel derslerin dışında seçmeli ders statüsü ile oku... more Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Yazılım (BTY) dersi temel derslerin dışında seçmeli ders statüsü ile okutulmaktadır. Seçmeli derslere genel olarak bakıldığında, bu dersler, öğrencilerin ilgi ve istekleri doğrultusunda ders seçmeleri sonucunda yeteneklerinin ortaya çıkması, kendilerini keşfetmeleri ve geleceğe hazırlanmaları açısından önemlidir. Seçmeli derslerin başarıya ulaşması için öğrencilerin ilgi ve isteklerinin merkeze alınması ve de uygun koşulların sağlanması gerekmektedir. Ancak mevcut uygulamalar incelendiğinde, seçmeli derslerin öğrencilerin kendi iradeleri ile seçmelerinin çok ötesinde gerçekleşen işleyişlerin söz konusu olduğu görülebilir. BT öğretmenlerinin sorunlarını konu alan araştırmalarda da dersin seçmeli statüsü öğretmenlerce ifade edilen sorunlar arasında belirtilmektedir. Bu bulgulardan hareketle, BTY dersinin seçmeli ders statüsü ile okutulmasının okullardaki mevcut koşullar veuygulamalar dahilinde değerlendirildiğinde dersin pedagojik değerine çeşitli düzeylerde yansımasının olabileceği düşünülmüşve bu bağlamda okullardaki genel olarak seçmeli derslerin uygulanmasına yönelik koşullar ve uygulamalar doğrultusunda dersin seçmeli statüsünün öğrenme ve öğretme durumları ile öğretmenlerin mesleki kimlik ve değerlerine yansıması araştırılmıştır.Bu amaç çerçevesinde 80 BTY dersi öğretmenine anket uygulanmış ve 5 okul idarecisi ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Görüşme ve açık uçlu sorulardan elde edilen veriler, Temellendirme Kuramı (GroundedTheory) yönteminden esinlenerek analiz edilmiştir. Likert tipi sorulara verilen cevaplar ise yüzde ve frekans hesaplamaları ile analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında araştırmanın sonunda çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Media Literacy is a rich and interdisciplinary field which has roots in many different fields and... more Media Literacy is a rich and interdisciplinary field which has roots in many different fields and scholarly perspectives such as sociology, psychology, education, political theory, communication, art, and aesthetics. There are some qualitative studies which review the media literacy literature to identify the structure and trends in the field. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no quantitative studies which have attempted to map the field. Therefore, aim of this study is to identify the intellectual structure of the field. For this purpose, document co-citation analysis method was used aiming to reveal the shared perceptions of the authors. Apart from the qualitative methods, co-citation analysis attempts to reveal not only the perception of a particular author, but also the shared perceptions of the authors who work in that field. Therefore, regarded as an objective method enabling researchers to surface status and trends in the scientific fields, co-citation analysis is commonly used in scientific fields to examine their intellectual structure and ecology. In the present study, by adopting co-citation method, source documents were obtained from the ISI Web of Knowledge database. Results showed that the field of media literacy is fostered by seven subfields as Critical Media Literacy Education, Social Psychology, Eating Disorders, Tobacco Use, New Literacies, National and International Agendas and, Digital Citizenship and Democratic Participation. Findings of the study could be used by the researchers and educators of the field in a way of building a collective understanding of the field. Öz Medya okuryazarlığı, kökleri sosyoloji, psikoloji, eğitim, politika kuramları, iletişim, sanat ve estetik gibi farklı alanlara dayanan zengin ve disiplinlerarası bir bilim alanıdır. Medya okuryazarlığı alanının yapısını ve yönelimlerini belirlemek amacıyla alanyazını nitel yöntemlerle inceleyen bazı çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Ancak, alanın yapısını nicel yöntemlerle belirlemeye çalışan herhangi bir araştırmaya rastlanmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, disiplinler arası bir alan olan medya okuryazarlığı alanının entellektüel yapısının ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu amaçla, alandaki araştırmacıların alana ilişkin ortak algılarını ortaya koymak için yazar ortak-atıf analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Ortak atıf analizi nitel yöntemlerden farklı olarak herhangi bir araştırmacının algısını değil alanda çalışan araştırmacıların ortak algılarını yansıtır. Dolayısıyla, ortak atıf analizi bilimsel alanların yapısını ve yönelimlerini nesnel bir biçimde ortaya koymak için farklı alanlardaki araştırmacılar tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ISI Web of Knowledge veritabanından elde edilen veriler ortak atıf analizi yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma
![Research paper thumbnail of [Re-exploring democratic education through virtual learning communities] Demokratik Pedagojinin Sanal Öğrenme Toplulukları ile Yeniden Kesfi](
ABSTRACT. Democratic pedagogy has been a concern in
education for over a century. Although it has... more ABSTRACT. Democratic pedagogy has been a concern in
education for over a century. Although it has been interpreted in a
variety of ways in different epochs, the main underpinning values
have remained the same throughout the century. Now, in the
information age, there has been considerable debate over whether the
technology facilitates the democratization of education. With regard to
this, in this article, in the first place, it was aimed to present the
democratic education in a historical context, and then the virtual
learning communities as a model which has the potential in
democratizing the education was discussed. In doing this, a neutral
approach was taken and pedagogical challenges were discussed. In re-exploring
the concept of democratic education, a critical in-depth
literature review was taken in an emergent area of educational
Demokratik pedagoji, yüzyılı askın bir süredir eğitim
alanına konu olmustur. Farklı dönemlerde çesitli sekillerde
yorumlansa da, özünde yatan değerler hep aynı kalmıstır. Günümüz
bilgi çağında ise, teknolojinin demokratik eğitimi destekleyip
desteklemediği tartısmaları ile demokratik eğitim yeniden
değerlendirilmektedir. Daha spesifik olarak, özellikle internet tabanlı
açıköğretim sistemlerinde yaygınlasan Sanal Öğrenme Toplulukları,
kuramsal olarak demokratik olusumlar olarak varsayılmaktadır ve
özellikle teknolojinin sağladığı öğrenme araçları ile tartısılagelen
ama günümüze kadar uygulama boyutunda “ideal” olarak kalan
demokratik eğitim anlayısını yeniden canlandırmaktadır. Bununla
ilgili olarak, bu makalede, önce eğitimde demokrasi kavramının
tarihi bağlamdaki gelisimi irdelenerek anlatılmaya çalısılmıs ve daha
sonra, sanal öğrenme topluluklarının eğitimi demokratiklestirme
bakımından potansiyeli olan yeni olusumlar olup olmayacağı bu
makalede ele alınmıstır. Bunu yaparken, nötr bir tutum sergilenip
uygulamadaki pedagojik zorluklar dikkate alınmıstır. Demokratik
eğitimin teknolojik bir ortamda yeniden kesfini anlatırken,
derinlemesine incelemelerde bulunulmus, elestirel bir bakıs açısı ile
alanyazında yer alan ana kuramlar benzerlik ve farklılıkları ile
sentezlenerek değerlendirilmistir.
Journal of Educational Sciences and Practice, 2011

Advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) along with the recent
discourse... more Advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) along with the recent
discourses of network societies have some implications in the field of education. These implications could
be ranged from the economy politics of education to digital divide or from global network of the capital to
Illich’s ideal learning networks, from Cross-culturalism to assimilation of the cultures. In this paper, the
changes occurring in the triangulation of globalisation, ICT and education will be discussed in terms of
emerging challenges and concrete or subtle solutions/practices. Understanding the paradigm change
caused by ICT diffusion in Education would help educational theorists and practitioners in a way of making
sense of the new emerging problems and new educational states. In reviewing the education with ICT in
the scope of globalisation and network society, a descriptive study was conducted and a critical in-depth
literature review was taken in an emergent area of educational technology.
Briefly, ICTs have played an important role in emergence of the network societies by connecting
the people and resources. The concept of the network society associates with the globalisation and
globalisation associates with the new economic order. In his seminal book, Castells (2000:77) argues that “It
(new economy) is informational because the productivity and competitiveness of units or agents in this
economy (be it firms, regions, or nations) fundamentally depend upon their capacity to generate, process,
and apply efficiently knowledge-based information. It is global because the core activities of production,
consumption, and circulation, as well as their components (capital, labour, raw materials, management,
information, technology, markets) are organised on a global scale, either directly or through network of
linkages between economic agents. It is networked because, under the new historical conditions,
productivity is generated through and competition is played out in a global network of interaction between
business networks.”
Within the framework of which Castells describes, the field of education is restructured by the new
economy as well as the concept of network society. New educational perspective was emerged as
“connectivism” which is ontologically and epistemologically inspired by the network based learning. As
Siemens (2004) suggests in describing the concept of connectivism, “learning occurs through communities
of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks”. The paradigm change in
education based on the new understanding of the society and economy left us with mostly unquestioned
problems. Education has become an interesting area of the capital market. In connection with this, most of
the lifelong learning courses concern leadership, MBA and web design whilst courses dealing with
Shakespeare, Kant or Art History are barely delivered (Carr-Chellman et al, 2000). Massive companies could
train their employees in overseas countries through networked learning methods such as distance
education. Also, as distance education is mostly originated in a western country, cultural assimilation could
occur. In understanding cultural diversities among the learners, eastern people were analysed mostly by
western researches.
A further implication of the education via ICT in the global level is that while some societies could
obtain technology some could not. This in turn brought about digital divide referred to the inequalities in
obtaining and accessing the technologies and inequalities in knowledge and skills to use the technologies.
Some big scaled IT companies such as Dell and Apple donated computers to the schools so as to prevent the
gap and invest in the human capital. This type of donation is called as philanthropic enterprise (Foster,
2011) which seemingly aims to help the learners while in reality they are investment based enterprises.
To sum up, this paper has attempted to question implications of the education with Information
and Communication Technologies in the scope of globalisation and network society. Some concrete
examples were detailed for the educational practitioners to raise awareness of the change in education.
Eleştirel Pedagoji Dergisi
Books by Hayriye Tugba Ozturk

Eğitim Ekonomisi ve Planlaması, 2024
Yüzyıllardır süregelen demokratik eğitim tartışması, günümüzde teknolojinin hayatın her alanında ... more Yüzyıllardır süregelen demokratik eğitim tartışması, günümüzde teknolojinin hayatın her alanında etkin yer bulması ile yeniden ve farklı düzeylerde tartışılmaktadır. Kimi kaynaklar teknolojinin eğitimi demokratikleştirebileceğini düşünürken, kimi kaynaklar tekniği tasarlayan statükonun belirleyici etkisine değinerek ve teknolojinin gözetim gibi bir takım beraberinde getirdiği antidemokratik uygulamalara değinerek tartışmayı iki boyutta ele almaktadır. Bu çalışmada, teknolojinin demokratik eğitime katkıları dikkate alınarak deneysel demokrasi
denemesi gerçekleştirilmiş ve öğretim bileşenlerinin deneyimi eğitim sistemi ve toplumsal değerler açısından incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, bir devlet üniversitesinde okumakta olan 33 öğrenci ve 1 öğretim elemanı ile bir ders kapsamında çalışılmıştır. Veriler odak grubu toplantıları, görüşme, anket ve de sanal öğrenme ortamı üzerinden toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda teknolojinin imkânlarından yararlanılsa da deneysel
demokrasinin sürdürülemediği, eğitim sistemi ve toplumsal değerler gibi statükonun eğitim deneyimlerinde baskın etkisinin olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
Papers by Hayriye Tugba Ozturk
also reflected in the field of educational sciences in various forms. In the present paper, a systematic
literature review has been conducted and the emerging issues have been discussed in an analytical
framework in conceptual integrity to guide researchers and instructional designers. For this purpose,
the BERTopic topic modeling technique, which is used to reveal hidden or abstract issues in large
textual data, was use. Ten topic emerged as a result of the topic modelling. When the topics were
evaluated, the following dimensions came into prominence: 1-) use of Social Network Analysis as a
scientific research method in the definition of the groups involved in education, 2-) widespread
adoption of this concept in matters that require solidarity, cooperation and interaction, 3-) Examining
different types of relationships or roles in learning networks with a structural, managerial and relational
functioning. The results of this research show that researchers need to have knowledge and skills in
techniques such as Social Network Analysis in order to correctly understand a learning environment
that is becoming increasingly widespread in education.
pedagogy which are autonomy, diversity, openness, and community participation. However, in time, moving away from its original philosophical and pedagogical values, new variations of MOOCs have emerged and new MOOCs have become more market oriented and are aligned with instructivist, cognitive, and behaviourist pedagogy. In an attempt to empirically examine the change in underlying values of the MOOCs, a survey method was employed by using a Connectivist Learning Environment Assessment Tool which was developed in the scope of this research. The tool could be useful for formulating and justifying a conceptual framework that enables us to reify the connectivist pedagogy and assess connectivist underpinnings of a learning environment including MOOCs. This research aims to contribute to MOOC studies against the
background of previous knowledge from the Open Education and Connectivist fields.
Keywords: MOOCs; connectivism; open education resources movement; connectivist learning
environment assessment tool
education for over a century. Although it has been interpreted in a
variety of ways in different epochs, the main underpinning values
have remained the same throughout the century. Now, in the
information age, there has been considerable debate over whether the
technology facilitates the democratization of education. With regard to
this, in this article, in the first place, it was aimed to present the
democratic education in a historical context, and then the virtual
learning communities as a model which has the potential in
democratizing the education was discussed. In doing this, a neutral
approach was taken and pedagogical challenges were discussed. In re-exploring
the concept of democratic education, a critical in-depth
literature review was taken in an emergent area of educational
Demokratik pedagoji, yüzyılı askın bir süredir eğitim
alanına konu olmustur. Farklı dönemlerde çesitli sekillerde
yorumlansa da, özünde yatan değerler hep aynı kalmıstır. Günümüz
bilgi çağında ise, teknolojinin demokratik eğitimi destekleyip
desteklemediği tartısmaları ile demokratik eğitim yeniden
değerlendirilmektedir. Daha spesifik olarak, özellikle internet tabanlı
açıköğretim sistemlerinde yaygınlasan Sanal Öğrenme Toplulukları,
kuramsal olarak demokratik olusumlar olarak varsayılmaktadır ve
özellikle teknolojinin sağladığı öğrenme araçları ile tartısılagelen
ama günümüze kadar uygulama boyutunda “ideal” olarak kalan
demokratik eğitim anlayısını yeniden canlandırmaktadır. Bununla
ilgili olarak, bu makalede, önce eğitimde demokrasi kavramının
tarihi bağlamdaki gelisimi irdelenerek anlatılmaya çalısılmıs ve daha
sonra, sanal öğrenme topluluklarının eğitimi demokratiklestirme
bakımından potansiyeli olan yeni olusumlar olup olmayacağı bu
makalede ele alınmıstır. Bunu yaparken, nötr bir tutum sergilenip
uygulamadaki pedagojik zorluklar dikkate alınmıstır. Demokratik
eğitimin teknolojik bir ortamda yeniden kesfini anlatırken,
derinlemesine incelemelerde bulunulmus, elestirel bir bakıs açısı ile
alanyazında yer alan ana kuramlar benzerlik ve farklılıkları ile
sentezlenerek değerlendirilmistir.
discourses of network societies have some implications in the field of education. These implications could
be ranged from the economy politics of education to digital divide or from global network of the capital to
Illich’s ideal learning networks, from Cross-culturalism to assimilation of the cultures. In this paper, the
changes occurring in the triangulation of globalisation, ICT and education will be discussed in terms of
emerging challenges and concrete or subtle solutions/practices. Understanding the paradigm change
caused by ICT diffusion in Education would help educational theorists and practitioners in a way of making
sense of the new emerging problems and new educational states. In reviewing the education with ICT in
the scope of globalisation and network society, a descriptive study was conducted and a critical in-depth
literature review was taken in an emergent area of educational technology.
Briefly, ICTs have played an important role in emergence of the network societies by connecting
the people and resources. The concept of the network society associates with the globalisation and
globalisation associates with the new economic order. In his seminal book, Castells (2000:77) argues that “It
(new economy) is informational because the productivity and competitiveness of units or agents in this
economy (be it firms, regions, or nations) fundamentally depend upon their capacity to generate, process,
and apply efficiently knowledge-based information. It is global because the core activities of production,
consumption, and circulation, as well as their components (capital, labour, raw materials, management,
information, technology, markets) are organised on a global scale, either directly or through network of
linkages between economic agents. It is networked because, under the new historical conditions,
productivity is generated through and competition is played out in a global network of interaction between
business networks.”
Within the framework of which Castells describes, the field of education is restructured by the new
economy as well as the concept of network society. New educational perspective was emerged as
“connectivism” which is ontologically and epistemologically inspired by the network based learning. As
Siemens (2004) suggests in describing the concept of connectivism, “learning occurs through communities
of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks”. The paradigm change in
education based on the new understanding of the society and economy left us with mostly unquestioned
problems. Education has become an interesting area of the capital market. In connection with this, most of
the lifelong learning courses concern leadership, MBA and web design whilst courses dealing with
Shakespeare, Kant or Art History are barely delivered (Carr-Chellman et al, 2000). Massive companies could
train their employees in overseas countries through networked learning methods such as distance
education. Also, as distance education is mostly originated in a western country, cultural assimilation could
occur. In understanding cultural diversities among the learners, eastern people were analysed mostly by
western researches.
A further implication of the education via ICT in the global level is that while some societies could
obtain technology some could not. This in turn brought about digital divide referred to the inequalities in
obtaining and accessing the technologies and inequalities in knowledge and skills to use the technologies.
Some big scaled IT companies such as Dell and Apple donated computers to the schools so as to prevent the
gap and invest in the human capital. This type of donation is called as philanthropic enterprise (Foster,
2011) which seemingly aims to help the learners while in reality they are investment based enterprises.
To sum up, this paper has attempted to question implications of the education with Information
and Communication Technologies in the scope of globalisation and network society. Some concrete
examples were detailed for the educational practitioners to raise awareness of the change in education.
Books by Hayriye Tugba Ozturk
denemesi gerçekleştirilmiş ve öğretim bileşenlerinin deneyimi eğitim sistemi ve toplumsal değerler açısından incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, bir devlet üniversitesinde okumakta olan 33 öğrenci ve 1 öğretim elemanı ile bir ders kapsamında çalışılmıştır. Veriler odak grubu toplantıları, görüşme, anket ve de sanal öğrenme ortamı üzerinden toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda teknolojinin imkânlarından yararlanılsa da deneysel
demokrasinin sürdürülemediği, eğitim sistemi ve toplumsal değerler gibi statükonun eğitim deneyimlerinde baskın etkisinin olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
also reflected in the field of educational sciences in various forms. In the present paper, a systematic
literature review has been conducted and the emerging issues have been discussed in an analytical
framework in conceptual integrity to guide researchers and instructional designers. For this purpose,
the BERTopic topic modeling technique, which is used to reveal hidden or abstract issues in large
textual data, was use. Ten topic emerged as a result of the topic modelling. When the topics were
evaluated, the following dimensions came into prominence: 1-) use of Social Network Analysis as a
scientific research method in the definition of the groups involved in education, 2-) widespread
adoption of this concept in matters that require solidarity, cooperation and interaction, 3-) Examining
different types of relationships or roles in learning networks with a structural, managerial and relational
functioning. The results of this research show that researchers need to have knowledge and skills in
techniques such as Social Network Analysis in order to correctly understand a learning environment
that is becoming increasingly widespread in education.
pedagogy which are autonomy, diversity, openness, and community participation. However, in time, moving away from its original philosophical and pedagogical values, new variations of MOOCs have emerged and new MOOCs have become more market oriented and are aligned with instructivist, cognitive, and behaviourist pedagogy. In an attempt to empirically examine the change in underlying values of the MOOCs, a survey method was employed by using a Connectivist Learning Environment Assessment Tool which was developed in the scope of this research. The tool could be useful for formulating and justifying a conceptual framework that enables us to reify the connectivist pedagogy and assess connectivist underpinnings of a learning environment including MOOCs. This research aims to contribute to MOOC studies against the
background of previous knowledge from the Open Education and Connectivist fields.
Keywords: MOOCs; connectivism; open education resources movement; connectivist learning
environment assessment tool
education for over a century. Although it has been interpreted in a
variety of ways in different epochs, the main underpinning values
have remained the same throughout the century. Now, in the
information age, there has been considerable debate over whether the
technology facilitates the democratization of education. With regard to
this, in this article, in the first place, it was aimed to present the
democratic education in a historical context, and then the virtual
learning communities as a model which has the potential in
democratizing the education was discussed. In doing this, a neutral
approach was taken and pedagogical challenges were discussed. In re-exploring
the concept of democratic education, a critical in-depth
literature review was taken in an emergent area of educational
Demokratik pedagoji, yüzyılı askın bir süredir eğitim
alanına konu olmustur. Farklı dönemlerde çesitli sekillerde
yorumlansa da, özünde yatan değerler hep aynı kalmıstır. Günümüz
bilgi çağında ise, teknolojinin demokratik eğitimi destekleyip
desteklemediği tartısmaları ile demokratik eğitim yeniden
değerlendirilmektedir. Daha spesifik olarak, özellikle internet tabanlı
açıköğretim sistemlerinde yaygınlasan Sanal Öğrenme Toplulukları,
kuramsal olarak demokratik olusumlar olarak varsayılmaktadır ve
özellikle teknolojinin sağladığı öğrenme araçları ile tartısılagelen
ama günümüze kadar uygulama boyutunda “ideal” olarak kalan
demokratik eğitim anlayısını yeniden canlandırmaktadır. Bununla
ilgili olarak, bu makalede, önce eğitimde demokrasi kavramının
tarihi bağlamdaki gelisimi irdelenerek anlatılmaya çalısılmıs ve daha
sonra, sanal öğrenme topluluklarının eğitimi demokratiklestirme
bakımından potansiyeli olan yeni olusumlar olup olmayacağı bu
makalede ele alınmıstır. Bunu yaparken, nötr bir tutum sergilenip
uygulamadaki pedagojik zorluklar dikkate alınmıstır. Demokratik
eğitimin teknolojik bir ortamda yeniden kesfini anlatırken,
derinlemesine incelemelerde bulunulmus, elestirel bir bakıs açısı ile
alanyazında yer alan ana kuramlar benzerlik ve farklılıkları ile
sentezlenerek değerlendirilmistir.
discourses of network societies have some implications in the field of education. These implications could
be ranged from the economy politics of education to digital divide or from global network of the capital to
Illich’s ideal learning networks, from Cross-culturalism to assimilation of the cultures. In this paper, the
changes occurring in the triangulation of globalisation, ICT and education will be discussed in terms of
emerging challenges and concrete or subtle solutions/practices. Understanding the paradigm change
caused by ICT diffusion in Education would help educational theorists and practitioners in a way of making
sense of the new emerging problems and new educational states. In reviewing the education with ICT in
the scope of globalisation and network society, a descriptive study was conducted and a critical in-depth
literature review was taken in an emergent area of educational technology.
Briefly, ICTs have played an important role in emergence of the network societies by connecting
the people and resources. The concept of the network society associates with the globalisation and
globalisation associates with the new economic order. In his seminal book, Castells (2000:77) argues that “It
(new economy) is informational because the productivity and competitiveness of units or agents in this
economy (be it firms, regions, or nations) fundamentally depend upon their capacity to generate, process,
and apply efficiently knowledge-based information. It is global because the core activities of production,
consumption, and circulation, as well as their components (capital, labour, raw materials, management,
information, technology, markets) are organised on a global scale, either directly or through network of
linkages between economic agents. It is networked because, under the new historical conditions,
productivity is generated through and competition is played out in a global network of interaction between
business networks.”
Within the framework of which Castells describes, the field of education is restructured by the new
economy as well as the concept of network society. New educational perspective was emerged as
“connectivism” which is ontologically and epistemologically inspired by the network based learning. As
Siemens (2004) suggests in describing the concept of connectivism, “learning occurs through communities
of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks”. The paradigm change in
education based on the new understanding of the society and economy left us with mostly unquestioned
problems. Education has become an interesting area of the capital market. In connection with this, most of
the lifelong learning courses concern leadership, MBA and web design whilst courses dealing with
Shakespeare, Kant or Art History are barely delivered (Carr-Chellman et al, 2000). Massive companies could
train their employees in overseas countries through networked learning methods such as distance
education. Also, as distance education is mostly originated in a western country, cultural assimilation could
occur. In understanding cultural diversities among the learners, eastern people were analysed mostly by
western researches.
A further implication of the education via ICT in the global level is that while some societies could
obtain technology some could not. This in turn brought about digital divide referred to the inequalities in
obtaining and accessing the technologies and inequalities in knowledge and skills to use the technologies.
Some big scaled IT companies such as Dell and Apple donated computers to the schools so as to prevent the
gap and invest in the human capital. This type of donation is called as philanthropic enterprise (Foster,
2011) which seemingly aims to help the learners while in reality they are investment based enterprises.
To sum up, this paper has attempted to question implications of the education with Information
and Communication Technologies in the scope of globalisation and network society. Some concrete
examples were detailed for the educational practitioners to raise awareness of the change in education.
denemesi gerçekleştirilmiş ve öğretim bileşenlerinin deneyimi eğitim sistemi ve toplumsal değerler açısından incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, bir devlet üniversitesinde okumakta olan 33 öğrenci ve 1 öğretim elemanı ile bir ders kapsamında çalışılmıştır. Veriler odak grubu toplantıları, görüşme, anket ve de sanal öğrenme ortamı üzerinden toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda teknolojinin imkânlarından yararlanılsa da deneysel
demokrasinin sürdürülemediği, eğitim sistemi ve toplumsal değerler gibi statükonun eğitim deneyimlerinde baskın etkisinin olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
çok başvurulan yaklaşımlardan Oyun ve Oyunlaştırmanın rolüne ilişkin kuramsal ve uygulamaya dayalı bilgiler ve öneriler sunmaktır. Bu yaklaşım, çocuklardan erişkin gruplara, farklı öğrenme biçimine sahip öğrenenlerde, kadın ve erkek fark etmeksizin hemen her bireye hitap eden bir yaklaşım olması özelliği ile ve de 21 YY becerilerinin etkili ve kolay bir şekilde öğretilebilmesine olanak tanımasıyla öne çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu bölümün amacı özellikle üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik olarak her bir beceri düzeyinde (Öğrenme ve Yenilikçilik Becerileri; Bilgi, Medya ve Teknoloji Becerileri ve Yaşam ve Kariyer Becerileri) oyun ve
oyunlaştırmadan nasıl yararlanabileceğine ilişkin kılavuz bilgiler sunmaktır.
Türkiye’de eğitim felsefesi alanındaki kaynakların hemen hemen tümü, ABD’de 1940’lı yıllarda ortaya çıkan ve alanda 1960’lara kadar –ABD’de eğitim bilimciler arasında halen– yaygın olan perspektife uygun olarak yazılmıştır. Bu perspektiften yazılan kitaplarda yazarlar, idealizm, realizm, naturalizm, pragmatizm, varoluşçuluk gibi oturmuş ve postmodernizm, feminizm gibi daha yeni felsefi “izm”lerin, kitabı yazanın eğitim açısından içerdiğini düşündüğü ve genellikle zorlama sonuçları, söz konusu “izm”ler hakkında özet bir bilgi ile birlikte, sunar. Bu gelenekten kitaplar liberal eğitim, ilerlemecilik ve eleştirel pedagoji gibi daha genel eğitim geleneklerinin Amerikan versiyonları olan ve eğitimin içeriği, öğretmenin ve öğrencinin rolü, eğitim-öğretim yöntemleri, çocuğun doğası, disiplin gibi konular üzerinde odaklaşan ilerlemecilik, daimicilik, esasicilik, yeniden inşacılık gibi felsefi temellendirme ve tartışmalara açık bir biçimde yer vermeyen eğitim kuramlarını da içerir.
Elinizdeki Kılavuz ise hem kapsamlıdır hem de eğitim felsefesinin güncel durumunu yansıtır. O eğitim felsefesi ve kuramı; eğitim felsefesinde önemli düşünürler; feminizm ve postmodernizm gibi “izm”lerin eğitim konusundaki görüşleri veya -yine- içermeleri; ahlak, epistemoloji, metafizik, siyaset felsefesi sorunlarının eğitimdeki yansımaları ve öğrenme, değerlendirme, güdülenme, din eğitimi, çevre eğitimi, yurttaşlık eğitimi, beden eğitim gibi daha doğrudan eğitimsel olan konu veya sorunların felsefi boyutları üzerine alanda uzmanlar tarafından yazılmış bölümler içeren kapsamlı bir giriştir.
Bu yönüyle kitap eğitim felsefesi alanında önceki çalışmaların birçoğunu içermekle birlikte, Türkiye’deki eğitim felsefesi alanındaki kaynaklarda üzerinde durulmamış konulara yeni bakış açıları da getirir; eğitime felsefi bakış alanını genişletir veya eğitim etkinliğinin şu ya da bu boyutunu felsefi görüşler ve yöntemler çerçevesinde ele alır. Bu özelliğiyle kitap eğitim felsefesinin günümüzdeki gelişme aşamasını yansıtır ve Türkçe eğitim felsefesi alan yazınında bir ilktir diyebiliriz.
As computational thinking can offer a systematic way to solve problems and work things out in real life, it is widely accepted that it should be learnt by everyone in early ages as much as possible. However; the scope, definition, teaching and assessment methods of computational thinking are still insufficient. This book looks to discuss and offer a detailed discussion about the definition of CT, its contribution to students during primary education, how it can be taught and assessed.
“Bilgi İşlemsel Düşünme ve Matematiksel Problem Çözme, Bir Analitik Tabanlı Öğrenme Ortamı” (kısaca CT&MathABLE) isimli projemiz hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiye, Ankara Üniversitesi Enformatik Anabilim Dalı’nın web sayfasından ulaşabilirsiniz:
Projeye, 6 üniversite katkı sunmaktadır. Bunlar: Ankara Üniversitesi (Türkiye), Eötvös Loránd Üniversitesi (Budapeşte, Macaristan), Bask Ülkesi Üniversitesi (Bilbao, İspanya), Turku Üniversitesi (Finlandiya), KTH Kraliyet Teknoloji Enstitüsü (Stockholm, İsveç) ve Vilnius Üniversitesi’dir. Proje ayrıca iki uygulama okulunda gerçekleştirilecektir. Bunlar: Klaipėda Gedminai Progymnasium (Litvanya) ve Mamak Özkent Akbilek Ortaokulu’dur (Türkiye). Bu proje kapsamında ortaklar, çeşitli etkinlikler yoluyla öğrencilerde bilgi işlemsel ve matematiksel düşünmeyi geliştirmek üzere hedefler belirlemiştir. Projenin açılış toplantısı 26-28 Ekim’de Bilbao’da (İspanya) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bir sonraki toplantı Budapeşte’de 5-6 Haziran 2023 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir.
CT&MathABLE, dijital dönüşüm araçları ve pedagojilerini kullanarak Avrupa eğitim direncini ve kapasitesini artırır ve yenilikçi okul müfredatlarının hayata geçirilmesine olanak tanıyarak, dijital becerilere ve bilgi-işlemsel okuryazarlık yetkinliklerine sahip vatandaşlar yetiştirerek gelecekteki talepleri karşılamayı amaçlar. Proje, birçok öğrenci ile etkileşimli görevleri olan ve öğrencilerin hızlandırılmış zihinsel gelişiminde kanıtlanmış bir öğrenme mimarisi ve son teknolojilerle bütünleşen Bilgisayar ve Cebirsel Düşünme becerilerinin geliştirilmesi için kişiselleştirilmiş öğrenme yolları (Öğrenme Yolları) sunar. Ayrıca, Otomatik olarak İnternet (Bilgisayar Bilimi) ve Matematik öğrenimini değerlendirebilen yetkinlik çerçeveleri ve büyük ölçekli, etkileşimli görev kütüphaneleri sunar.
CT & MathABLE’nin sağladıkları:
– Kişiselleştirilmiş öğrenme yolları (Öğrenme Yolları), Bilgi İşlemsel Düşünce ve Cebirsel Düşünme yetkinliklerini geliştirir. Bu öğrenme yolları, etkileşimli görevler ile birleştirilen bir öğrenme mimarisi ve öğrenenleri hızlandırılmış zihinsel gelişimde bulundurduğu kanıtlanmış teknolojileri içermektedir.
– Bütünleşik ve otomatik öğrenim değerlendirme için yetkinlik çerçeveleri
– Bilgi İşlemsel ve Cebirsel Düşünme becerilerini geliştirmek için tasarlanmış büyük ölçekli interaktif görev kütüphaneleri bulunmaktadır.
2016). In addition, it is important to establish solid integrated curriculum in different subject areas as well as given the age of the school children a culturally responsive curriculum is a must to include social and emotional aspects. To address this
gap, due to the development phase of the children, the tales from the partner countries in Europe will be used. The tales include culturally responsive themes and also CT elements such as problem-based scenarios, alternative solutions to the problems, role playing method which enables teachers to teach CT by creative drama and so on. The tales are suitable for children development by stimulating their emotional and social feelings and understandings. Thus, we aim to develop culturally responsive curriculum particular to Europe. Here, a further aspect in materializing the aim of the project
concerns adequately embedding the “culturally responsive” element and “CT skills” into the practice. The common point of the culturally responsive curriculum and CT as a thought process needless to technology will occur in an integrated curriculum. In the project, art and linguistic courses as integrated curriculum will be studied since they inherit cultural and real life practices which could be easily dealt with a CT perspective. The implications will be designed through the project, but broadly, the pictorial aspect of the tales will be used in art courses and literacy aspect of the tales will be used in
Linguistics courses. Tales from each participating European country will be selected based on the criteria of representing the CT aspects e.g. whether the tale contains a complex problem, whether there could be different approaches, decomposing and abstraction etc.
This approach will also help students gain culturally sensitive attitudes and concrete solutions in a variety of different life problems. As integrated curriculum, art and linguistics courses will be worked on not only because they have the potential to reflect on culturally sensitive & CT aspects but also these courses are commonly
delivered in the participating countries’ schools. The courses are suitable for a curriculum design since there could be teaching activities such as drama, Socratic questioning, critical thinking etc. which are used in teaching CT. Also, in the
literature, it is observed that usually STEM like courses are heavily worked on and the original contribution of the project would be on an alternative approach. This approach would also support the students from lower-income backgrounds to adopt CT if they lack of digital technologies. The further advantage of the approach would be dissemination of the project outcomes among EU countries since there is no need for digital technologies and easy to access and implement. In the project the standards for CT teaching will also be established due to the outcomes’ usability across EU countries and also a need for defining “a clear vision” (Bocconi, 2016) for EU countries.
The second aim of the project is to encourage unemployed young women from Intramuros, which is one of the poorest districts with high poverty gap in Metro Manila, and the nearby districts to take part in the protection of this heritage. By informing them about the existence of Escuela Taller, they become aware that there is an opportunity for them to build their knowledge and capacities in construction trades related to the restoration of their heritage (e.g. gaining skills in traditional crafts and construction trades such as basic woodcarving, metal working and decorative painting, which include stenciling, marbling), which in turn, becomes a tool for them to build their future. We aim to recruit more young women into our skills training program, in consonance with our endeavor to empower more young women and to promote gender equality through education. Women have misconceptions about preservation of heritage structures as they believe it is essentially related to construction work which is a trade associated with men.
The activities include: (i) three sessions run by the experts and practitioners in the field and (ii) the production of a short video film to raise awareness on these issues and incentivize youth to get involved in heritage protection. The video will be posted in social media sites. The objective of the 3 sessions is to change general misconceptions and raise awareness about preserving heritage by introducing 30 young women beneficiaries to the existing trainees and alumni of the Escuela Taller, who could be their role models and future mentors, should they decide to take part in this program. During the program, various topics and themes are communicated or disseminated to these young women beneficiaries by various means, methodologies and tools. These topics/themes include information about the Escuela Taller program and its role in promoting the reduction of poverty; the importance of the conservation of Philippine built heritage and how it is a community-based effort; the role of women in preserving our own heritage; and the advantages of the Escuela Taller “learning-by-doing” concept of teaching. We organized face to face meetings with these young women beneficiaries and their families as we believe that the support of the family is key in the success of this program. The short video provides sustainability to these outreach activities as it will remain available online.
education can be paradoxical in girls’ education. On one hand, socio-economic conditions, health issues, and geographical
distance are noted as some major barriers to girls’ educational attainment. One of the most disadvantaged groups is out-ofschool
children who cannot continue their formal education for different reasons including armed conflict and war, poverty,
and social discrimination. In that sense, distance education plays a significant role in creating access to education as a
human right. On the other hand, from the perspective of feminism and social reproduction theory, distance education may
reproduce and perpetuate existing inequalities. For example, if education is confined to homes with distance education, this
may reinforce or even legitimize the idea of females living in isolation, away from public spheres. Taking these issues into
account, we highlight some ethical issues in the provision of distance education for girls’ education through a qualitative
analysis of reports and peer-reviewed articles.
Keywords: Ethics, feminism, gender inequality, K-12, open and distance learning, social reproduction
Keywords: infographic,pre-service teachers,educational use of infographics
Karademir, T., Oztürk, T.H., Yilmaz, G.K. & Yilmaz, R. (2016). Contribution of using e-portfolio system with peer and individual enhancing computer skills of students. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 945-950). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Yazılım dersi programı, uluslararası eğitim teknolojileri örgütleri, teknoloji okuryazarlığı, öğrenci yeterlikleri, kümeleme analizi
Keywords- online learning, learning analytics, sequential analysis, educational online discussions
I. Introduction
The concept of Learning Analytics (LA) refers to “the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs” [1]. In particular, when facing with big data, LA is a key process to provide users with evidence based, analytical and contextual outcomes in a way of making sense of complex data sets. As Long and Siemens [2] suggest data driven decision making is helpful in improving organizational output and productivity and LA holds promises in extrapolating non-linear data. LA could be considered as a developing but cutting edge discipline which has the potential to give insights into the fields of artificial intelligence, data mining, adaptive learning, inquiry and problem based learning. LA in online educational settings is a matter of educational data mining and as Long and Siemens [2] remark it refers to predictive modeling, clustering, pattern mining. In this conceptual framework, our research has attempted to examine sequential analysis as a likely method to get adapted by LA researchers with its prospects, opportunities and challenges. We focused on sequential analysis since this method demonstrates interaction patterns and enables us to predict likely sequence of interactions and thus, give feedback about the advancement of online discussions. In other words, it is helpful in engaging in analytical processes such as learning analytics. Basically, SA is defined as “the examination of whether one behavior (e.g., teacher instruction) increases or decreases the probability of another behavior (e.g., self-injury) occurring within a specified number of coded behaviors or time units.” (p. 228) [3]. Generally speaking, sequential analysis is adopted to examine which interaction or two-event sequences are more likely to occur in threaded discussions and which sort of events (e.g. engaging in critical thinking) tend to follow these discussions via software “Discussion Analysis Tool (DAT)” [4] as well as to explore which different communication types (e.g. epistolary vs. expository) and message types (e.g. arguments, supporting evidence, critiques and explanations) are more effective in critical thinking in CMC [Computer-Mediated Communication] settings (p.236) [5]. In that sense, sequential analysis has the potential to enable researchers of learning analytics to conduct and guide their analysis, allow practitioners such as teachers, moderators or facilitators to make sense of their students’ or the users’ online discussions.
Purpose of the study
In this research, we focus on online asynchronous collaborative discussion in education. As Hou & Wu [6] (p. 1460) report “studies show that teachers often have difficulties predicting when they should intervene to improve the quality of the students’ discussions [16])”. Furthermore, it is sometimes difficult for educators to foresee which students are to drop out and need support to ensure their success and confidence based on the learner data [2]. Research studies show that not only researchers or practitioners but also learners need to get informed about their online engagement drawing on their earlier learning activity [13] [14] [15]. In particular, in emancipated educational contexts where there is less influence of the tutors and where tutors take the role of facilitator or moderator, feedback mechanisms based on the pure data play an important role to empower the learners in their way of knowledge construction.
The aforementioned cases are in fact a matter of learning analytics. As Hou & Wu remark [6] “a better understanding of the bottlenecks of knowledge construction and project coordination that occur in discussions could be achieved through the analysis of the process, content, and behavioral patterns in students’ online discussions (Hou, Chang, & Sung, 2007; Hou, 2010)” (p.1460). Here two points stand out as coordination and knowledge construction as well as feedback mechanism drawing on data analysis. It is possible to examine these aspects of learning analytics via sequential analysis. However, as learning analytics is relatively new discipline in online literature, it requires to employ helpful techniques and applications. To make it concrete, citing from Baker & Yacef [7] and Bienkowski et al [8], Siemens [9] (p.7) points out two overlapping components of LA (and educational data mining) as techniques and application which would improve LA as emerging field. Siemens then specifies the techniques dimension as prediction, clustering, relationship mining, distillation of data for human judgment, discovery with models [7]; and application dimension as modeling user knowledge, behavior, and experience, creating profiles of users, modeling knowledge domains, trend analysis, personalization and adaptation [8]. These aspects of techniques and application relate to the aforementioned educational problems as we presented at the beginning of this section, and although not all of aspects of techniques and application, SA method has the potential to analyze most of the aspects to which Siemens refers. However, there is little formal research on SA and in this study, we aim to raise awareness of the LA researchers and practitioners about relatively new method, Sequential Analysis, by giving illustrative types of examples from a small scaled study.
Contributions to the field
By doing this research, we propose to contribute to the literature on learning analytics by demonstrating sequential analysis as a potential data mining method to make sense of the big data sets and to surface the data in a way of examining how the discussions of the participants evolve in time.
Furthermore, we aim to draw the attention of computer programmers working on online learning environments such as learning management systems (e.g. Moodle) to use sequential analysis method in order to guide the instructors, moderators and also the students.
In summary, need for cognition and creativity have the potential to indicate an individual’s knowledge seeking behaviour and in that sense, it is worthwhile to investigate the relationships among them. From this point of departure, the aim of this research is to examine the teacher candidates’ creativity, need for cognition and knowledge seeking behaviours. We focus on the teacher candidates as they are the ‘knowledge constructors of the future’. More specifically, we deal with the teacher candidates’ knowledge seeking behaviours on the web-based e-resources. Web based resources could be considered as rich information providers for knowledge seekers. However, individuals from a variety of backgrounds utilise the same e-resources while every individual has his or her particular way of knowledge processing. In that sense, it is important to examine how knowledge seeking behaviours of the users, teacher candidates in this research, could be patterned while utilising web-based e-resources given their diverse levels of creativity and need for cognition.
In the light of the discussions presented, the following questions were formulated
1. How knowledge seeking behaviours of the teacher candidates could be patterned?
2. Is there any relationship between need for cognition of the teacher candidates and their knowledge seeking behaviours?
3. Is there any relationship between the teacher candidates’ creativity and knowledge seeking behaviours?
Descriptive methodology will be adopted in this research to examine relationships between knowledge seeking behaviours, creativity and need for cognition of the teacher candidates through correlation tests. A scale of creativity, a scale of need for cognition and a questionnaire for knowledge seeking behaviours will be used to collect data. Knowledge seeking behaviours of the teacher candidates will be examined through a questionnaire which was developed by the researchers. Creativity of the teacher candidates will be measured by a scale developed by Güngör (2006) and their need for cognition will be examined by a scale which was translated into Turkish by Gülgöz ve Sadovski (1995). The participants will be the students who are on their final year studying at the Faculties of Education at two universities in Turkey.
The outcomes of this study will have implications for better understanding of the future’s teachers knowledge seeking behaviours and how to support the teachers in their search of knowledge who have different levels of creativity and need for cognition especially in the complicated problem solving situations. Furthermore, at the end of this research, it is aimed to make conclusions for the developers and designers of web-based e-resources in their disseminating and storing knowledge for the different users.
Keywords: creativity, knowledge seeking behaviour, problem solving, need for cognition
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Güngör, G. (2006). Coğrafya Öğretiminde Yaratıcı Düşünme Teknikleri Kullanımının Öğrenci Başarısına Etkisi (Unpublished master dissertation). Gazi University, Turkey.
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in Engineering and Vocational Education,
Manado, Indonesia
25 October 2017
The aim of the presentation is to
-Provide an overview of how current situation of TVET (Technical and Vocational Education Training) in Asia is presented in international reports
-Make a comparison between different countries and identify common problems of TVET education
-Point out latent (hidden) curriculum occurred through intervention of intergovernmental organisations
The panel discussion aims to provide STEM teachers and scholars with the knowledge and awareness of Computational Thinking as a 21st century learning imperative, its role in evolving the knowledge economy, and its place in STEM courses. The discussants, who have confirmed their participation are: Dr. Tugba Ozturk, Research Fellow of UPCEd from Ankara University (Turkey); Mylene Abiva, President and CEO of FELTA Multimedia Inc. (exclusive distributor of LEGO Education – Robotics Kits); and the E-Learning Team of British School Manila.
In the second part of the presentation, I will address natural emergence of educational technology in today's 'network society' (Castells, 2000) and its strong connection with knowledge economy. I will also refer to indicators of how technology transforms teaching occupation based on empirical data in a socio-economic context. Then, in accordance with the conference theme, I will discuss the role of educational technology in democratising education; thus, its role in promoting students' democratic participation in a society. I will detail my presentation with the issues revolving around democratic society and media in schools such as hate speech, critical media literacy for civic engagement and digital citizenship.