Halide Aslan
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Papers by Halide Aslan
periods and regions. From the point of view of history and historians, the phenomenon of letters has
become one of the agents or causes that has played the role of the key and lock of human loves, beliefs,
wars, and peace. Especially for the sultans, emirs and presidents who were in the representative office,
the letters were of such importance that they determined the existence and non-existence. To give
an example, the situation that brought Sultan Yıldırım Bayezid and Amir Timur face-to-face in the
Ankara Lowland has a meaning found in the letters. In the present article, we try to decipher the story
of the correspondence between two powerful rulers of the time. This letter consists of the response
letter of the sultan of Anatolian Seljuk, ‘Ala’al-Din Keyqubad (d. 635/1237), to the letter(s) written by
the king of Ayyubid Malik Ashraf (d. 634/1236-7). The reason for the study is that this manuscript,
which was found in the magazine registered with the imprint of Çorum Hasan Pasha Manuscript
Library in 1071, has not been published anywhere before and has not been the subject of an academic
study. Despite the many letters of ‘Ala’al-Din Keyqubad that have been identified, this letter, which
is the subject of the study, is a manuscript that has not been found in any work. Although the date
is not declared, considering the relationship between the two rulers, it is highly likely that it dates
back to 1226. It is thought that by analyzing the letter, it will shed light on the relationship between
these two powerful historical figures, who are also relatives, and the Anatolian Seljuk State and the
Ayyubids. Examining the short but meaningful Arabic written letter also contributed to our making
some determinations about Sultan ‘Ala’al-Din Keyqubad, whom the Turkmens and Ibn Bibi called
‘ulugh/ greatness ‘. There are numerous ways to gain access to these types of letters and similar documents. Among these very fundamental sources are Monsheat magazines, where such important letters
have been published, from which we learn or make sense of the course of history. It should also be added that the letters between the sultans could either be deliberately lost due to security reasons of
the time or they could disappear for different reasons. In the hope that it will give different meanings
to those concerned, the original text of the Arabic manuscript, which is the subject of our article,
has been reviewed, reconstructed, and transferred to the text. This text has been translated, and the
critical edition and analysis of the text have been made within its historical framework.
periods and regions. From the point of view of history and historians, the phenomenon of letters has
become one of the agents or causes that has played the role of the key and lock of human loves, beliefs,
wars, and peace. Especially for the sultans, emirs and presidents who were in the representative office,
the letters were of such importance that they determined the existence and non-existence. To give
an example, the situation that brought Sultan Yıldırım Bayezid and Amir Timur face-to-face in the
Ankara Lowland has a meaning found in the letters. In the present article, we try to decipher the story
of the correspondence between two powerful rulers of the time. This letter consists of the response
letter of the sultan of Anatolian Seljuk, ‘Ala’al-Din Keyqubad (d. 635/1237), to the letter(s) written by
the king of Ayyubid Malik Ashraf (d. 634/1236-7). The reason for the study is that this manuscript,
which was found in the magazine registered with the imprint of Çorum Hasan Pasha Manuscript
Library in 1071, has not been published anywhere before and has not been the subject of an academic
study. Despite the many letters of ‘Ala’al-Din Keyqubad that have been identified, this letter, which
is the subject of the study, is a manuscript that has not been found in any work. Although the date
is not declared, considering the relationship between the two rulers, it is highly likely that it dates
back to 1226. It is thought that by analyzing the letter, it will shed light on the relationship between
these two powerful historical figures, who are also relatives, and the Anatolian Seljuk State and the
Ayyubids. Examining the short but meaningful Arabic written letter also contributed to our making
some determinations about Sultan ‘Ala’al-Din Keyqubad, whom the Turkmens and Ibn Bibi called
‘ulugh/ greatness ‘. There are numerous ways to gain access to these types of letters and similar documents. Among these very fundamental sources are Monsheat magazines, where such important letters
have been published, from which we learn or make sense of the course of history. It should also be added that the letters between the sultans could either be deliberately lost due to security reasons of
the time or they could disappear for different reasons. In the hope that it will give different meanings
to those concerned, the original text of the Arabic manuscript, which is the subject of our article,
has been reviewed, reconstructed, and transferred to the text. This text has been translated, and the
critical edition and analysis of the text have been made within its historical framework.
kalmış, korunmaya muhtaç yetimler olmuştur.
Anne karnında iken bile çocuğun hakkı olduğunu ifade eden İslam hukukuna tabi Osmanlı Devleti’nde, çocuklar ve özellikle yetim çocuklara yönelik hizmetlerin olduğu muhakkaktır. Bu yetimler en çok neye ihtiyaç duydular, iaşe ve ibateleri için kimden destek buldular, sağlık
ve eğitim imkânlarına erişim şartları nasıldı, istihdam edilme şart ve imkânları nelerdi sorularına cevap ararken, bu temel soru ve problemlere sivil toplumun ve devletin kurumsal bazda sunduğu çözümler bu çalışmanın konusudur. Ayrıca Osmanlı’dan devralınarak cumhuriyete de taşınan kurumların varlığı, bu kurumlardaki varsa değişen hususlar yine çalışmamızda ele aldığımız konular arasında yer almıştır. Kaynak olarak birinci el kaynakların kullanımına dikkat edilmekle birlikte, bu konuda yapılmış çok sayıda ikincil çalışmalardan da faydalanılmıştır.
görülmesinin yanı sıra, sadaka verilmesi tavsiye edilenler arasında yolcular da zikredilmiştir.
El üstünde tutulan misafire evin en güzel odası hazırlanır ve hürmette kusur edilmez.
Bir de devletin misafirleri vardır ki, bunlar için de aynı kültürün yansıması olarak
misafirhaneler oluşturulmuştur. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda da padişahlar/idareciler
misafirhane konusuna önem vermişlerdir. Osmanlı’da misafirhaneler çeşitlilik arzetmektedir.
Diğer devletlerin temsilcilerinin, askerlerin, okullarda çalışan görevlilerin, halkın, kadınların
misafirhaneleri zaman zaman farklılık gösterebilmiştir.
Çalışmamızda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Devlet Arşivi belgelerine dayanarak,
misafirhane kurumu incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Tanzimat öncesine de değinilmekle birlikte
ağırlıklı olarak Nizamname sonrası yani Tanzimat sonrası işleyişe yer verilmiştir.
Misafirhaneler nerelerde yapılır, nasıl idare edilir, yapısal değişiklikler var mıdır ve neye
göredir gibi sorularımıza cevap aranmaya çalışılmıştır.