Papers by Emine Ozturk Kizmis

Konservatoryum/Konservatoryum :, Mar 13, 2024
This article aims to reveal the similarities between the works classified as the “theatre of the ... more This article aims to reveal the similarities between the works classified as the “theatre of the absurd” by Martin Esslin and the theater works of the group known as OBERIU from the Russian avant-garde period. Although evaluations are found in different Western sources stating OBERIU to have been able to expand the temporal boundaries of the theatre of the absurd genre, the art of OBERIU has been evaluated more in the context of avant-garde art. The concept of the theatre of the absurd, which had been put forward based on the common aspects of the absurd elements in theatrical works written after World War II in different European countries, also shows similarities with the theatrical works produced by the writers from OBERIU who’d witnessed World War I and Russia’s October Revolution. The nicknames of group members, which mean “nonsense” in Russian, absurd derivation of words, and their portrayal of the world in an absurd atmosphere in their art make the similarities appear more visible. This paper aims to show the absurd themes and absurd techniques in Vvedenksy’s “Christmas Tree at the Ivanovs” at the OBERIU, which can be described as the precursors to the theatre of the absurd genre in Russia. Keywords: Absurd, theatre of the absurd, OBERIU, nonsense

Konservatoryum , 2024
This article aims to reveal the similarities between the works classified as the “theatre
of the... more This article aims to reveal the similarities between the works classified as the “theatre
of the absurd” by Martin Esslin and the theater works of the group known as OBERIU
from the Russian avant-garde period. Although evaluations are found in different
Western sources stating OBERIU to have been able to expand the temporal boundaries
of the theatre of the absurd genre, the art of OBERIU has been evaluated more in the
context of avant-garde art. The concept of the theatre of the absurd, which had been
put forward based on the common aspects of the absurd elements in theatrical works
written after World War II in different European countries, also shows similarities with
the theatrical works produced by the writers from OBERIU who’d witnessed World
War I and Russia’s October Revolution. The nicknames of group members, which
mean “nonsense” in Russian, absurd derivation of words, and their portrayal of the
world in an absurd atmosphere in their art make the similarities appear more visible.
This paper aims to show the absurd themes and absurd techniques in Vvedenksy’s
“Christmas Tree at the Ivanovs” at the OBERIU, which can be described as the
precursors to the theatre of the absurd genre in Russia.
Keywords: Absurd, theatre of the absurd, OBERIU, nonsense

Fırtına Habercisi (1901) gibi romantik eserleriyle adını ilk kez edebiyat çevrelerine duyurmuştur... more Fırtına Habercisi (1901) gibi romantik eserleriyle adını ilk kez edebiyat çevrelerine duyurmuştur. Daha çok Sovyet dönemi eserleriyle tanınsa da Gorki, genç bir yazarken, 1905 devrimi öncesinde, Rus toplumunu uyanışa ve baş kaldırmaya davet eden, insanlara umut aşılayan, hümanizm dolu bir dizi romantik eser kaleme almıştır. Gorki'nin edebiyat faaliyetlerine başladığı yıllarda, Rus edebiyatında realizmin bir nevi çıkmaza girdiği dönemde yaşanılan sanatsal çeşitlenmeyle birlikte romantizm de yeniden öne çıkmıştır. Bu geçiş döneminin romantizmi, yazarlık kariyerine henüz yeni başlayan genç Gorki'nin de sanatını etkilemiş ve makaleye konu olan eserlerin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Gorki'nin erken dönem romantik eserlerinde bireysel özgürlük, mutluluk, zafer, mücadele, aşk gibi motifler baskındır. Bu eserler toplumun alt kesiminden gelen bosyakları, hayat kadınlarını, köylüleri, çingeneleri, çobanları romantik bir atmosferde, sanatsal bir şekilde anlattığı * Bu makale 2015 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Rus Dili ve Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı'nda birinci yazar tarafından ikinci yazar danışmanlığında savunulan "Maksim Gorki'nin Erken Dönem Sanatı ve Romantik Eserleri" adlı yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezinden üretilmiştir.

Tobider, 2021
Fırtına Habercisi (1901) gibi romantik eserleriyle adını ilk kez edebiyat çevrelerine duyurmuştur... more Fırtına Habercisi (1901) gibi romantik eserleriyle adını ilk kez edebiyat çevrelerine duyurmuştur. Daha çok Sovyet dönemi eserleriyle tanınsa da Gorki, genç bir yazarken, 1905 devrimi öncesinde, Rus toplumunu uyanışa ve baş kaldırmaya davet eden, insanlara umut aşılayan, hümanizm dolu bir dizi romantik eser kaleme almıştır. Gorki'nin edebiyat faaliyetlerine başladığı yıllarda, Rus edebiyatında realizmin bir nevi çıkmaza girdiği dönemde yaşanılan sanatsal çeşitlenmeyle birlikte romantizm de yeniden öne çıkmıştır. Bu geçiş döneminin romantizmi, yazarlık kariyerine henüz yeni başlayan genç Gorki'nin de sanatını etkilemiş ve makaleye konu olan eserlerin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Gorki'nin erken dönem romantik eserlerinde bireysel özgürlük, mutluluk, zafer, mücadele, aşk gibi motifler baskındır. Bu eserler toplumun alt kesiminden gelen bosyakları, hayat kadınlarını, köylüleri, çingeneleri, çobanları romantik bir atmosferde, sanatsal bir şekilde anlattığı * Bu makale 2015 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Rus Dili ve Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı'nda birinci yazar tarafından ikinci yazar danışmanlığında savunulan "Maksim Gorki'nin Erken Dönem Sanatı ve Romantik Eserleri" adlı yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezinden üretilmiştir.
Drafts by Emine Ozturk Kizmis
V.N. Voynoviç Örneklemesinde Sovyet Edebiyatında Satirik Distopya, 2022
Papers by Emine Ozturk Kizmis
of the absurd” by Martin Esslin and the theater works of the group known as OBERIU
from the Russian avant-garde period. Although evaluations are found in different
Western sources stating OBERIU to have been able to expand the temporal boundaries
of the theatre of the absurd genre, the art of OBERIU has been evaluated more in the
context of avant-garde art. The concept of the theatre of the absurd, which had been
put forward based on the common aspects of the absurd elements in theatrical works
written after World War II in different European countries, also shows similarities with
the theatrical works produced by the writers from OBERIU who’d witnessed World
War I and Russia’s October Revolution. The nicknames of group members, which
mean “nonsense” in Russian, absurd derivation of words, and their portrayal of the
world in an absurd atmosphere in their art make the similarities appear more visible.
This paper aims to show the absurd themes and absurd techniques in Vvedenksy’s
“Christmas Tree at the Ivanovs” at the OBERIU, which can be described as the
precursors to the theatre of the absurd genre in Russia.
Keywords: Absurd, theatre of the absurd, OBERIU, nonsense
Drafts by Emine Ozturk Kizmis
of the absurd” by Martin Esslin and the theater works of the group known as OBERIU
from the Russian avant-garde period. Although evaluations are found in different
Western sources stating OBERIU to have been able to expand the temporal boundaries
of the theatre of the absurd genre, the art of OBERIU has been evaluated more in the
context of avant-garde art. The concept of the theatre of the absurd, which had been
put forward based on the common aspects of the absurd elements in theatrical works
written after World War II in different European countries, also shows similarities with
the theatrical works produced by the writers from OBERIU who’d witnessed World
War I and Russia’s October Revolution. The nicknames of group members, which
mean “nonsense” in Russian, absurd derivation of words, and their portrayal of the
world in an absurd atmosphere in their art make the similarities appear more visible.
This paper aims to show the absurd themes and absurd techniques in Vvedenksy’s
“Christmas Tree at the Ivanovs” at the OBERIU, which can be described as the
precursors to the theatre of the absurd genre in Russia.
Keywords: Absurd, theatre of the absurd, OBERIU, nonsense