Papers by Efsun Karabudak

Istanbul University - DergiPark, Apr 1, 2014
Organik g›dalar; yetifltirilmesinde ve ifllenmesinde genetik mühendisli¤inin, yapay gübrelerin, b... more Organik g›dalar; yetifltirilmesinde ve ifllenmesinde genetik mühendisli¤inin, yapay gübrelerin, böcek ilaçlar›n›n, yabani ot ve mantar öldürücü ilaçlar›n›n, büyüme hormonlar›n›n, antibiyotiklerin, koruyucular›n, renklendiricilerin, katk› maddelerinin ve kimyasal ambalaj malzemelerinin kullan›lmad›¤› bitkisel ve hayvansal g›dalard›r. Tüm dünyada organik g›da üretiminde ve tüketiminde önemli oranda art›fllar meydana gelmifltir. Son y›llarda yap›lan çal›flmalar; organik g›dalar›n tüketimindeki art›fl›n temel nedenlerinin; tüketicilerin sa¤l›kl›, besin de¤eri iyi, lezzetli ve do¤a dostu g›dalara yönelik artan talepler oldu¤u yolundad›r. Ancak organik g›dalar›n bu özelliklerine dair yap›lan araflt›rma sonuçlar› oldukça çeliflkilidir. Bu derleme makalede; organik g›dalar›n üretim ilkeleri, besin de¤eri, g›da güvenli¤i ve lezzet aç›s›ndan geleneksel g›dalar ile olan farklar› tart›fl›lm›flt›r.
Pastries and desserts that is an important place in Turkish cuisine have variety too much accordi... more Pastries and desserts that is an important place in Turkish cuisine have variety too much according to the designs and cooking materials. This research planned and carried out (1) to analyze the amount of protein, fat, moisture and ash and determine to energy values; (2) to determine the places of in the food change lists of the some bakery products consumed by Turkish people frequently. To this purpose, this research was conducted on total 89 pieces consisting of the salty dry pastries, sweet dry pastries, patty, cake and desserts whose production is in the 4 large patisseries located in Ankara. Functional product development efforts in collaboration with food industry and health care professionals should be done related to compositions of these kind products in order to make to bring them healthier.

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2015
The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between coffee consumption and se... more The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between coffee consumption and serum lipid levels in a study population of 122 Turkish subjects (mean age, 41.4±12.69 years), including 48 males and 74 females. A questionnaire was compiled to determine baseline characteristics, and food and coffee consumption. Subjects were divided into three groups, which included non-drinkers, Turkish coffee and instant coffee drinkers, and anthropometric measurements were acquired, including weight, height and body mass index. Serum lipid levels were analyzed, including the total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) levels. Of the population studied, 76.2% had consumed at least one cup of coffee per week over the previous year. Daily consumption values were 62.3±40.60 ml (0.7±0.50 cup) for Turkish coffee and 116.3±121.96 ml (0.7±0.81 cup) for instant coffee. No statistically significant differences were observed in the serum levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C or VLDL-C among the three groups. In addition, no statistically significant differences were observed in the serum lipid levels when comparing individuals who consumed coffee with sugar/cream or who smoked and those who did not (P>0.05). Therefore, the present observations indicated no significant association between the consumption of Turkish or instant coffee and serum lipid levels.

Adolescence, 2008
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of abnormal eating attitudes among Turk... more The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of abnormal eating attitudes among Turkish dietetic students and the relations between nutrition education and eating attitudes. The study population was 568 female university students (248 dietetic students, 320 non-dietetic students). Two scales were used: Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) and Bulimic Investigatory Test-Edinburg (BITE). Psychological factors were measured with the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSE) and the State-trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The mean eating attitudes first scores, bulimic investigatory test scores, and Rosenberg self-esteem scores were similar in both groups. Only the STAI score was significantly higher in dietetic students than non-dietetic students. Skipping breakfast was significantly higher in non-dietetic students. Unhealthy weightloss methods were used more by the non-dietetic students than dietetic students. There were no significant effects of nutrition education on BMI and eating att...

The Indian journal of nutrition and dietetics, 2017
The term gums cover the natural polymers most of which consist of polysaccharides. They are dispe... more The term gums cover the natural polymers most of which consist of polysaccharides. They are dispersible and soluble in water. Some studies have shown that gums, besides their roles in food industry, have important and positive effects on appetite and this has led scientists to consider that gums may play a role in the prevention and treatment of obesity which is a common public health issue. Gums realize their effect mechanisms on food intake depending on their features such as viscosity, gelling, fermentability and changing the expression of some genes. The effects of gums on food intake may differ on the basis of several factors such as type, amount and consumption duration of gums and their combinations with some nutrients. This review article aims to examine and discuss the effects of gums on food intake, the factors determining the effects, and their effect mechanisms.

Adolescence, 2006
The eating attitudes and the prevalence of bulimic behaviors in a group of 300 late adolescents w... more The eating attitudes and the prevalence of bulimic behaviors in a group of 300 late adolescents were investigated using the key questions from the Bulimia Investigatory Test, Edinburgh (BITE), and additional questions. Only four subjects (1.3%) scored above the cut-off point on the BITE, and prevalence rates of males and females were the same. Results showed that higher symptom scale scores were associated with the emergence of binge eating behavior and high energy intake. Females were less likely than males to see themselves as normal eaters and more likely to feel "miserable" when they binge. Higher score groups evidenced more dieting behavior than other groups and also more abnormal eating behavior. It was concluded that the prevalence of bulimic behaviors in Turkish late adolescents was low, but there was an increasing risk since they share Western ideals of slimness and engage in dieting.

The Indian journal of nutrition and dietetics, 2016
Aim: To assess the validity and reliability of 26-item calcium-specific food frequency questionna... more Aim: To assess the validity and reliability of 26-item calcium-specific food frequency questionnaire (KABSA) for use in healthy children (9-13 years) and adolescents (14-16 years). Assessing the amount of daily calcium intake and practical KABSA contains the most calcium providing and high calcium foods. Subjects and Method: Individuals participating in the study were selected by random sampling model. The study carried out on 183 children and adolescents in total, including 85 boys and 98 girls, in Ankara. Estimates of calcium intake KABSA were compared with those from 3 days ‘24-hour food records’ for the validity of KABSA. Testing was made by using KABSA reliability test-retest method. While the validity relationship between food consumption record with KABSA was calculated using the Pearson correlation, the reliability relationship between KABSA and KABSA-1 was calculated using intra-class correlation coefficient. Results: Average daily total dietary calcium intakes were 647.7±2...
Organik gidalar; yetistirilmesinde ve islenmesinde genetik muhendisliginin, yapay gubrelerin, boc... more Organik gidalar; yetistirilmesinde ve islenmesinde genetik muhendisliginin, yapay gubrelerin, bocek ilaclarinin, yabani ot ve mantar oldurucu ilaclarinin, buyume hormonlarinin, antibiyotiklerin, koruyucularin, renklendiricilerin, katki maddelerinin ve kimyasal ambalaj malzemelerinin kullanilmadigi bitkisel ve hayvansal gidalardir. Tum dunyada organik gida uretiminde ve tuketiminde onemli oranda artislar meydana gelmistir. Son yillarda yapilan calismalar; organik gidalarin tuketimindeki artisin temel nedenlerinin; tuketicilerin saglikli, besin degeri iyi, lezzetli ve doga dostu gidalara yonelik artan talepler oldugu yolundadir. Ancak organik gidalarin bu ozelliklerine dair yapilan arastirma sonuclari oldukca celiskilidir. Bu derleme makalede; organik gidalarin uretim ilkeleri, besin degeri, gida guvenligi ve lezzet acisindan geleneksel gidalar ile olan farklari tartisilmistir.

Arastirma, Ankara il merkezinden elde edilen 33 ekmek uzerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Ekmeklerden ... more Arastirma, Ankara il merkezinden elde edilen 33 ekmek uzerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Ekmeklerden alinan ikili veya uclu orneklerde kul, nem, yag ve azot (N) tayini yapilmistir. Analiz sonucunda elde edilen N miktarlari, tahil cesitleri icin onerilen katsayilar ile carpilarak protein miktarlari belirlenmistir. Karbonhidrat ve enerji degerleri ise hesaplanarak bulunmustur. Beyaz (BE), tam bugday ve koy (TE), kepekli (KE), yulaf (YE) ve cavdar (CE) olmak uzere 5 grupta toplanan ekmek cesitlerinin protein miktarlari arasindaki fark onemli bulunmamistir (p>0.05). KE grubundaki ekmeklerin yag miktari en dusuk duzeydedir ve YE ile TE grubundaki ekmeklerle arasindaki fark onemlidir (p<0.05). TE ve KE grubundaki ekmeklerdeki kul miktari, BE grubundakilerden daha yuksektir (p<0.05). Sonuclar, beyaz ekmeklerin yapiminda kullanilan unlarda, ogutme sirasinda kayiplarin olustugunu gostermektedir. Tam bugday, kepekli, yulaf ve cavdar ekmekleri, icerdikleri diyet posasi turleri ve miktarla...

Saudi medical journal, 2005
OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of Ramadan fasting on dietary intakes, nutritional status and ... more OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of Ramadan fasting on dietary intakes, nutritional status and biochemical parameters of Turkish pregnant women. METHODS We carried out this study at Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Women's Health Care and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey from October 15th to November 13th 2004. Forty-nine fasting group and 49 non-fasting group (control group) voluntarily enrolled for the study. We analyzed the blood biochemical parameters of pregnant women and obtained the dietary intakes from the groups. RESULTS Compared to the control group, weight gain and energy intake (p<0.05 for second and third trimesters) was less in the fasting group. The percentage of protein (p<0.05 for first and second trimesters) and carbohydrates (p<0.05 for all trimesters) from total energy was higher in the fasting group than in the control group. We noticed a slight increase in the fasting blood glucose, serum total cholesterol high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and triglycer...

Turk mutfaginda onemli yeri olan hamur isleri ve tatlilar, yapim malzemelerine ve yapilis sekille... more Turk mutfaginda onemli yeri olan hamur isleri ve tatlilar, yapim malzemelerine ve yapilis sekillerine gore cok fazla cesitlilik gostermektedirler. Bu arastirma Turk halki tarafindan siklikla tuketilen bazi pastane urunlerinin; (1)protein, yag, nem ve kul miktarlarini analiz etmek, karbonhidrat ve enerji degerlerini belirlemek; (2)bu tur urunlerin diyet degisim listelerindeki yerini belirlemek amaciyla planlanip yurutulmustur Bu amac dogrultusunda bu arastirma, Ankara’da bulunan 4 buyuk pastanenin kendi uretimi olan toplam 89 adet tuzlu kuru pasta, tatli kuru pasta, borek, yas pasta ve hamur tatli cesitleri uzerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Sonucta; tuzlu ve tatli kuru pastalar ile hamur tatlilari basta olmak uzere enerji ve yag miktarlari yuksek, protein miktarlari dusuk bulunmustur. Gida sanayi ve saglik profesyonelleri isbirligi ile bu cesit urunlerin bilesimlerinin daha saglikli hale getirilmesinde konusunda fonksiyonel urun gelistirme calismalari yapilmalidir.

Aim: This study was performed to evaluate the association between dietary energy density and body... more Aim: This study was performed to evaluate the association between dietary energy density and body mass index (BMI) in adults. Subjects and Methods: The study was conducted on 201 individuals, aged between 19-65 years old who were admitted to Obesity Consultation Unit of Mardin Nusaybin Community Health Center. Data about general demographic characteristics, biochemical analysis, nutritional habits and food consumption of individuals were collected via a questionnaire with a face to face interview. Anthropometric measurements of participants were measured and BMI were calculated. BMI were classified according to WHO criteria. Dietary energy density and food quantities were calculated by the assessment of the three-day food consumption records. Results: The mean age of the individuals was 33.9±10.0 years. The diet energy density of underweight and normal subjects was found 1.0±0.23 kcal/g and 1.19±0.18 kcal/g, respectively. The most dietary energy density was found in morbid obese and...
Pastries and desserts that is an important place in Turkish cuisine have variety too much accordi... more Pastries and desserts that is an important place in Turkish cuisine have variety too much according to the designs and cooking materials. This research planned and carried out (1) to analyze the amount of protein, fat, moisture and ash and determine to energy values; (2) to determine the places of in the food change lists of the some bakery products consumed by Turkish people frequently. To this purpose, this research was conducted on total 89 pieces consisting of the salty dry pastries, sweet dry pastries, patty, cake and desserts whose production is in the 4 large patisseries located in Ankara. Functional product development efforts in collaboration with food industry and health care professionals should be done related to compositions of these kind products in order to make to bring them healthier.

The Indian journal of nutrition and dietetics, 2012
The fat substantially makes contribution in the food especially in terms of their appearance, aro... more The fat substantially makes contribution in the food especially in terms of their appearance, aroma, taste and texture. In addition, the fat has vital importance for the body to carry out its normal functions. Despite its organoleptic and physiologic benefits, the recent studies have shown that nutrition with animal fat increases the risk of various chronic illnesses. For this reason, most of the health institutions have recommendations for decreasing the amount of fat consumption. In recent years, the food industry has been introducing low calorie products to the market and these products can find a substantial place in the markets. Fat replacers have been used in order to partially or totally eliminate the vegetable fat or animal fat used in the processed and ready to use products. The decrease in the total amount of the calorie by using fat substitute substances has increased the consumer demand in important amounts. This fact resulted with acceleration of the studies to decrease...

Ozet Organik g›dalar; yetifltirilmesinde ve ifllenmesinde genetik muhendisliinin, yapay gubreleri... more Ozet Organik g›dalar; yetifltirilmesinde ve ifllenmesinde genetik muhendisliinin, yapay gubrelerin, bocek ilaclar›n›n, yabani ot ve mantar oldurucu ilaclar›n›n, buyume hormonlar›n›n, antibiyotiklerin, koruyucular›n, renklendiricilerin, katk› maddelerinin ve kimyasal ambalaj malzemelerinin kullan›lmad›¤› bitkisel ve hayvansal g›dalard›r. Tum dunyada organik g›da uretiminde ve tuketiminde onemli oranda art›fllar meydana gelmifltir. Son y›llarda yap›lan cal›flmalar; organik g›dalar›n tuketimindeki art›fl›n temel nedenlerinin; tuketicilerin sal›kl›, besin deeri iyi, lezzetli ve doa dostu g›dalara yonelik artan talepler olduu yolundad›r. Ancak organik g›dalar›n bu ozelliklerine dair yap›lan araflt›rma sonuclar› oldukca celiflkilidir. Bu derleme makalede; organik g›dalar›n uretim ilkeleri, besin deeri, g›da guvenlii ve lezzet ac›s›ndan geleneksel g›dalar ile olan farklar› tart›fl›lm›flt›r. Anahtar kelimeler: Organik g›dalar, besin deeri, g›da guvenlii, lezzet Abstract Organic foods are he...
Papers by Efsun Karabudak