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Greenways can be roughly considered as linear open spaces with connection functions. They are planned along with either natural corridors or other routes designed for multi-functional uses, and differentiated from the remainder of the... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyUrban form
Troy which is located on the straits dividing the continents of Europe and Asia have retained its geographical significance till prehistoric times. Troia/Troy/Truva was excavated by Schliemann, Dörpfeld and Blegen. Troy mound was formed... more
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This study was conducted to determine suitable plant species for reclamation of an abandoned coal mine area at Ovacik village within the borders of Yaprakli town in the province of Cankiri, Turkey. The paper comprises three basic parts:... more
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In this study, an efficient system to break seed dormancy and plant regeneration was established for perennial vulneraria milkvetch (Astragalus vulnerariae DC.). The seed coat dormancy could be easily released using 40% sulphuric acid... more
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    • Horticultural production
Determination of ecological environmental conditions for using natural vegetation samples in landscape architecture studies: Case study of Ayas Beli (Ankara)
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      BotanyGeographyHorticultureEnvironmental Design
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Kentsel ve endüstriyel yaşamın getirdiği baskı ve monotonluktan uzaklaşmak isteyen, el değmemiş yeşil alanlar, temiz hava, temiz su arayan, kısacası temiz bir çevreye ve doğaya özlem duyan kent insanları, kent içi veya kent yakın... more
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ÖZET Teknolojik ve ekonomik koşulların gelişimi, buna paralel olarak yaşam düzeyinin yükselmesi, yüksek öğretime artan ilgi; büyük eğitim kompleksleri olan yerleşkelerin ortaya çıkmasına ve gelişmesine ortam hazırlamıştır. Genellikle kent... more
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    • Campus Planning and Design
In this article, a method was developed to be used in determining and evaluation of the existing urban green areas from the ecological point of view. To this extent, Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values of urban parks were... more
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    • Environmental Science
Transportation infrastructure effects wildlife populations and may result in habitat fragmentation, loss of critical wildlife habitats and populations. Road network may act as a barrier for wildlife populations but also act as a vector to... more
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    • Landscape Ecology
Ecotourism is an important instrument used for contribution to preservation of the natural landscape and offers a solution to the poverty problem commonplace in underdeveloped regions. In addition, it produces a structure utility for the... more
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This paper concentrates on determining the areas for afforestation and the development of conservation strategies and actions in the case where there is high demand for the conservation of a particular land area. The analysis of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyForestryEcology
Recent studies have shown the value of place names as environmental indicators. Until now they have not been applied to the effects of climate change, because verifying such relationship by this approach requires a multidisciplinary... more
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      Climate ChangeLittle Ice Age
Şahin, Ş., Perçin, H., Kurum, E., Uzun, O. and Bilgili, B.C. (2014). National Technical Guideline for Landscape Character Analysis and Assessment at the Regional and Sub-Regional (Provincial) Levels. TÜBİTAK KAMAG 1007 Program PEYZAJ-44... more
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      Landscape EcologySpatial AnalysisSustainable Rural DevelopmentRural Planning and Development
Ecological monitoring is a complementary component of the overall environmental management and monitoring program of any Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. The monitoring method should be developed for each project phase... more
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      Landscape EcologyImpact EvaluationEcological MonitoringLandscape Restoration
Şahin, Ş., Perçin, H., Kurum, E., Uzun, O. ve Bilgili, B. C., 2014. Bölge - Alt Bölge (İl) Ölçeğinde Peyzaj Karakter Analizi ve Değerlendirmesi Ulusal Teknik Kılavuzu. Müşteri Kurumların T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik... more
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Şahin, Ş., Perçin, H., Kurum, E. ve Memlük, Y., 2014. Akarsu Koridorlarında Peyzaj Onarımı ve Doğaya Yeniden Kazandırma Teknik Kılavuzu. T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, Doğa Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Müdürlüğü adına BEL-DA Belde... more
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      River RestorationLandscape Restoration
This paper proposes a landscape planning and management method for river basins within the context of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and European Water Framework Directive (WFD). This method has been applied to the Zir Valley in... more
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      River Basin ManagementWater Framework DirectiveLandscape ManagementEuropean Landscape Convention
The aim of the study was to evaluate the ecological impact of groundwater recharging in the urban development area in the north of Kastamonu city. In this respect, the urban development area was examined in terms of water permeability,... more
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