Papers by Bedrettin Aytac

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2021
BackgroundMandrake (Mandragoraspp.) is one of the most famous medicinal plant in western cultures... more BackgroundMandrake (Mandragoraspp.) is one of the most famous medicinal plant in western cultures since Biblical times and throughout written history. In many cultures, mandrake is related to magic and witchcraft, which is said to have a psychosomatic effect (especially when mandrake contains narcotic compounds) in addition to the pharmacological influence, as occurs with other narcotic magical plants. Due to its unique properties and related myths, it is not surprising that this plant has many names in many languages.MethodsThis paper presents an attempt to reconstruct the historical, ethnobotanical, and folkloristic roots of 292 vernacular names ofMandragoraspp. in forty-one languages. We used the plant’s morphological data, philology, myths and legends, medicinal properties and uses, as well as historical evidence and folkloric data, to explain meaning, origin, migration, and history of the plant’s names.ResultsThe names were classified into the following main categories: Derivat...
Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2002
This study aims to show how Selma Riza and May Ziadeh, a Turkish and an Egyptian woman writer dea... more This study aims to show how Selma Riza and May Ziadeh, a Turkish and an Egyptian woman writer dealt with the auestion of women in their works. The auestion ofwomen was the main topic, Selma Riza dealt with in her novel, titled "Uhuwet". And May Ziadeh, dealt with this auestion in her essays. Both writers tried to reflect women's status in the society, emphasized the essentiality of education of women and underlined the role of men in women's movement.
Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
Eyyubiler, askeri ve idari yonden Turk devletlerinin karakteristik ozelliklerini tasimistir. Turk... more Eyyubiler, askeri ve idari yonden Turk devletlerinin karakteristik ozelliklerini tasimistir. Turk devletlerindeki tahta cikis yontemlerini Eyyubilerde de gormekteyiz. Eyyubi tarihi icin temel kaynaklardan olan Ibn Vâsil’in Muferricu’l-Kurub fi Ahbâr Beni Eyyub adli eseri, bize Eyyubilerdeki iktidar degisiklikleri hususunda da onemli bilgiler sunmaktadir. Bu makale, Turk devlet gelenegi cercevesinde Eyyubilerde iktidar degisikliginin hangi yollarla gerceklestigini ele almaktadir.

Background: Mandrake (Mandragora spp.) is perhaps the most famous medicinal plant in western cult... more Background: Mandrake (Mandragora spp.) is perhaps the most famous medicinal plant in western cultures since Biblical times and throughout written history. In many cultures, mandrake is related to magic and witchcraft, which and is said to have a psychosomatic effect (especially when mandrake contains narcotic compounds) in addition to the pharmacological influence, as occurs with other narcotic magical plants. Due to its unique properties and related myths, it is not surprising that this plant has many names in many languages.Methods: This paper presents an attempt to reconstruct the etymological, ethnobotanical, and historical and folkloristic roots of 296 vernacular names of Mandragora sp. in forty-two languages. We used the plant’s morphological data, philology, myths and legends, medicinal properties and uses, as well as historical evidence and folkloric data, to explain meaning, origin, migration, and history of the plant’s names.Results: The names were classified into the foll...
Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 1990

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 1991
I. ABBASİ NESRİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ Abbasiler Devri, m. 750-1258 yılları arasını kapsamaktadır. Dör... more I. ABBASİ NESRİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ Abbasiler Devri, m. 750-1258 yılları arasını kapsamaktadır. Dört devir halinde ele alınan Abbasiler Çağı'ndâ, daha önceki devirlere göre, edebiyatta bir canlanma ve gelişme göze çarpmaktadır. Nesir de, bu doğ rultuda gelişmesini sürdürmüştür. Abbasi Edebiyatının önemli özellik lerinden birisi, İslam Devleti'nin gelişmesi ve bunun sonucunda değişik milletlerden unsurların karışmasıyla, dili Arapça olan, ancak kendi milli özelliklerini de koruyan, değişik formlar ve üsluplar içeren bir İslam Ede biyatının meydana gelmesidir. Bu İslam Edebiyatı içinde, İranlılar ve özellikle Türkler, önemli bir yer tutmaktadırlar. Arapça eserler veren birçok Türk bilgini, edebiyatçısı, dilcisi yetişmiştir. Bunlar arasında al-Cavharî (öl. 1002), "al-Şıhâh" adlı sözlüğün yazarıdır. Abbasi nesrinde, "hitabet", "risale", "antoloji", "kıssa", "makâlât", "munâzarât", "makarne" türlerinde eserler Verilmiştir. Ayrıca, Yunanca, Süryanice ve Pehlevi dillerinden yapılan çeşitli çeviriler de, Abbasi nesrinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Abbasiler Devri nesrinde, başlangıçta önemli bir yeri olan hitabetin, gittikçe bu önemini kaybetmeye başladığı görülmektedir. Bu devirde hitabet, gittikçe zayıflamıştır. Daha önceleri, hitabeti ortaya çıkaran faktörlerden olan al-c aşabiyya (soy sop düşkünlüğü) ve hizipçilik ruhunun, gücünü zamanla kay betmesi ve insanların görüşlerini ifade için yazılı araçlara başvurması, bu sonucun ortaya çıkmasında önemli bir rol oynamıştır 1. İbn Nubâta (doğ. 946), bu devrin ünlü hatiplerindendir. İbn Nubâta'nın, Bizans ordularıyla savaş halinde bulunan: emirleri cesaret lendirmek için yazdığı hutbelerinin önemli olduğu bilinmektedir 2 .
This book deals with the Turkish words in Arabic dialects.
Dil Dergisi, 2008
Bu yazıda, İbranicenin, yaklaşık 2000 yıl gibi uzun bir aradan sonra modern bir konuşma ve yazı d... more Bu yazıda, İbranicenin, yaklaşık 2000 yıl gibi uzun bir aradan sonra modern bir konuşma ve yazı dili olarak kullanılmaya başlanması ve İsrail Devleti'nin dili olması süreci ele alınmaktadır.
Dil Dergisi, 2008
Bu yazıda, İbranicenin, yaklaşık 2000 yıl gibi uzun bir aradan sonra modern bir konuşma ve yazı d... more Bu yazıda, İbranicenin, yaklaşık 2000 yıl gibi uzun bir aradan sonra modern bir konuşma ve yazı dili olarak kullanılmaya başlanması ve İsrail Devleti'nin dili olması süreci ele alınmaktadır.

Kesher Journal of Media and Communications History in Israel and the Jewish World, 2017
20TH CENTURIES / Aharon Geva-Kleinberger and Bedrettin Aytaç
Togarma (Hebrew: תוגרמה or תגרמה )is an obsolete term that
has simply disappeared from present-day Hebrew and is used
and understood neither in daily life nor in the contemporary
Israeli and Jewish press. This article probes the development
of this etymon, which first appears in the “table of nations” in
Genesis 10:3 that lists the descendants of Noah—peoples and
tribes known to the ancient Hebrews—and was widely used in
the Jewish press in the nineteenth century to denote Ottoman
rule and also the Turks. The use of Togarma in the Jewish press
declined rapidly at the end of Turkish rule in Palestine/Eretz
Yisrael and faded out during the Mandate era. The research
is based on Hebrew press items at the Historical Jewish Press
Web site. The co-authors, one from Israel and the other from
Turkey, describe the historical development of the etymon and its
semantic uses in Jewish texts from a longitudinal chronological
perspective, focusing particularly on Jewish newspapers in the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Papers by Bedrettin Aytac
20TH CENTURIES / Aharon Geva-Kleinberger and Bedrettin Aytaç
Togarma (Hebrew: תוגרמה or תגרמה )is an obsolete term that
has simply disappeared from present-day Hebrew and is used
and understood neither in daily life nor in the contemporary
Israeli and Jewish press. This article probes the development
of this etymon, which first appears in the “table of nations” in
Genesis 10:3 that lists the descendants of Noah—peoples and
tribes known to the ancient Hebrews—and was widely used in
the Jewish press in the nineteenth century to denote Ottoman
rule and also the Turks. The use of Togarma in the Jewish press
declined rapidly at the end of Turkish rule in Palestine/Eretz
Yisrael and faded out during the Mandate era. The research
is based on Hebrew press items at the Historical Jewish Press
Web site. The co-authors, one from Israel and the other from
Turkey, describe the historical development of the etymon and its
semantic uses in Jewish texts from a longitudinal chronological
perspective, focusing particularly on Jewish newspapers in the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
20TH CENTURIES / Aharon Geva-Kleinberger and Bedrettin Aytaç
Togarma (Hebrew: תוגרמה or תגרמה )is an obsolete term that
has simply disappeared from present-day Hebrew and is used
and understood neither in daily life nor in the contemporary
Israeli and Jewish press. This article probes the development
of this etymon, which first appears in the “table of nations” in
Genesis 10:3 that lists the descendants of Noah—peoples and
tribes known to the ancient Hebrews—and was widely used in
the Jewish press in the nineteenth century to denote Ottoman
rule and also the Turks. The use of Togarma in the Jewish press
declined rapidly at the end of Turkish rule in Palestine/Eretz
Yisrael and faded out during the Mandate era. The research
is based on Hebrew press items at the Historical Jewish Press
Web site. The co-authors, one from Israel and the other from
Turkey, describe the historical development of the etymon and its
semantic uses in Jewish texts from a longitudinal chronological
perspective, focusing particularly on Jewish newspapers in the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.