Drafts by Ahmet Akalın

Habitusumdaki Özlem: Türkistan'da İki Hafta, 2019
Yıllardır Türk Cumhuriyetleri ile ilgili gazete, dergi, kitap gibi farklı türlerden yayınları tak... more Yıllardır Türk Cumhuriyetleri ile ilgili gazete, dergi, kitap gibi farklı türlerden yayınları takip ediyorum. Görsel medyada da Türkistan'ı konu alan belgeselleri ve haber programlarını izliyordum. 2016 yılında Bişkek, Isık-Göl ve Almatı, 2018 yılında ise Taşkent, Semerkant ve Buhara şehirlerini kurumum RTÜK'ün resmi faaliyetleri çerçevesinde görmüştüm. Bu geniş coğrafyayı doya doya gezmek, bu coğrafyadaki insanlarla tanışıp onların kültürlerini tanımak istediğim için Türkistan'ın kültürel ve tarihsel olarak önemli olan merkezlerini ziyaret etmeye karar vererek; 2019 yılı yaz tatilimi Kazakistan, Özbekistan ve Kırgızistan'da geçireceğim dolu dolu bir plan yaptım. Bu plan ilk bakışta biraz riskli gibiydi. Uluğ Türkistan'ın kuzeyinden güneyine, batısından doğusuna iki haftalık bir zaman diliminde gitmenin ulaşım ve iletişim açısından sıkıntılı olacağından endişeliydim. Böyle de olsa yüreğimin derinliklerinden gelen bir kuvvet bu gezi planını uygulamamda, yıllardır hayalini kurduğum ve benim için veya bizler için önemli olan yerlere gitmemde etkili oldu. Habitusumdan kaynaklanan bu içsel dürtü ile Kırgızistan, Kazakistan ve Özbekistan'ı içine alan bir gezi programı hazırladım. Zira benim için bu gönül coğrafyasının maddi ve manevi zenginliklerini görmek, yaşamak önemliydi.

Audiovisual Media Economics in Turkey, 2015
In this study Turkish audiovisual media economics is examined via consideration of facts such as ... more In this study Turkish audiovisual media economics is examined via consideration of facts such as changing national and international conditions, national and foreign actors, legal regulations, ownership structure, developments in broadcasting technologies, as well as development and distribution of internet. In the study, historical development of the Turkish media in the last 50 years is examined with a special emphasis on its last 25 years during which the plural private media emerged actually (de facto) following the termination of the public monopoly in 1990. Today, impact of mass media on individuals and society, as well as on propoganda powers has altered structure and strength of communication in unprecedented way. Audiovisual media sector -as a news, idea and entertainment producer, which gains power to impact society with all these production- is indispensible participatory democracy actor, which has a key role in establishment of a modern society. A deep consideration of Turkey‟s demographic structure, education level, as well as daily radio listening and television watching times come up with the importance of audiovisual media on public approaches and decisions. This situation gives a hint on why the sector has been a charming issue.
In the study, spatial distribution of the sector incomes, namely commercial communication (advirtisement) incomes, and sponsorship incomes that arise latterly is investigated. Whether or not the sector is a productive investment tool is discussed with the interpreted output of the study. Besides, concentration in media ownership, which is in contrast with free media conditions necessary to ensure plurality is analyzed with investigation of economic activities of media owners in areas other than the media.

The improvements in radio and television technologies have made it necessary to carry out legal r... more The improvements in radio and television technologies have made it necessary to carry out legal regulations both in national and international level. In this study, after examining the technological development in radio and television broadcasting, legal changes that are related to the new definitions and areas of activities that are emerged due to technological changes are examined. Some countries have behaved urgently in making regulations that are in line with technological improvements and have updated the existing legislations. Whereas the other group which includes Türkiye, experienced de facto applications since the legal regulations could not keep up with technological advances. The study provides various views and suggestions for Türkiye to carry out regulations which are compatible with technological progress in radio and television broadcasting.
Thesis Chapters by Ahmet Akalın

Yumuşak Güç Bağlamında Türkiye'de Uluslararası Kültür Enstitüsü, 2023
Government-supported international cultural institutes, the early examples of which were seen in ... more Government-supported international cultural institutes, the early examples of which were seen in the 19th century with the Alliance Française and the Dante Alighieri Society, have become an important instrument of the soft powers of their countries in the 21st century. Even the countries that did not give enough importance to cultural promotion activities and language education that were carried out in the international arena, instead investing only in hard power, have realized the importance of soft power in the present age. From this point of view, the reason why a country needs to introduce its language, culture, and art and allocate material and human resources to other countries in today's global neo-liberal world is main point of the study. In this context, the aim of the thesis is to reveal the role and functions of international cultural institutes in Turkiye by making use of the concept of soft power in the literature.
In this study, the aims, policies, and activities of these institutes are examined. Thus, it is aimed to understand the existential functions and roles of these institutes. In this study, besides literature review, semi-structured in-depth interview, which is another technique of qualitative research method, was used to collect data. Based on the data obtained, the ways in which international cultural institutes benefit from all attractive cultural tools, from the language of their own country to the arts, with the aim of influencing the citizens of the target countries in favor of their own countries, creating sympathy and positive image were revealed.

Relations between media and politics have been debated both in Turkey and the worldwide for a lon... more Relations between media and politics have been debated both in Turkey and the worldwide for a long time. In Turkey, relationship between the audiovisual media and politics started when the media was under government monopoly and they increasingly went on after private radios and televisions began broadcasting in 1990. In this regard, the issue of
audiovisual media ownership has gained importance. The history of the legislative regulations in this field dates back to beginning of radio broadcasting in Turkey. In the history of Turkey's audiovisual media, the laws on the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) coming to force in 1964 and 1983 along with the Constitutions of 1961 and 1982 are the foremost legislations which regulate this field. The relevant articles of these constitutions and mentioned laws were amended from time to time because of political reasons or for the sake of keeping pace with developing technology. As a result of advances in broadcasting technologies, Article 133 of 1982 Constitution was amended in 1993 and this amended article established the constitutional basis of the Law numbered 3984 which concerns the Establishment and Broadcasting of Radio and Televisions. Establishing of the Radio and Television Supreme Council with this mentioned law added a new dimension to the matter of audiovisual media ownership. The dynamism in audiovisual media technologies inevitably continued to reflect itself onto legislations that regulate the field and all of the legal regulations, Law numbered 6112 in particular, which were brought about by this reflection ended up with significant outcomes about the matter of audiovisual media ownership.
Papers by Ahmet Akalın

Görsel-İşitsel Eserler Üzerinden Ahıska Türklerinde Kadın İmgesi, 2023
19. ve 20. yüzyıllarda anavatanları Ahıska’dan kopartılarak dünyanın dört bir yanına sürgün edile... more 19. ve 20. yüzyıllarda anavatanları Ahıska’dan kopartılarak dünyanın dört bir yanına sürgün edilen Ahıska Türkleri, bugün, eski Sovyetler Birliği ülkeleri başta olmak üzere, dünyanın farklı ülkelerinde diaspora olarak yaşamaktadırlar. Diğer diasporalar gibi Ahıska Türkleri de, kültürlerini, dillerini, örf ve adetlerini koruma, kültürel değerlerini gelecek nesillere aktarma çabası içindedirler. Kültürel mirasın naklinde en etkili yöntem ise görsel-işitsel eserler ortaya koymaktır. Bu çerçevede en dikkate değer platform olarak sinema alanında üretilen eserlere dair bir incelemenin, bize diaspora halklar hakkında yeterince veri sağlayacağı ümit edilir. Ahıska Türklerinin kültürünün korunmasında sinemanın da önemli rolü olmuştur.
Bu çalışmanın konusu olan Ahıskalı Türk kadınının aile ve topluluk içindeki yeri ve rolü sinema filmleri örneğinde incelenmektedir. Çalışmada; bulundukları ülkelere uyum sağlamaya ve sürgün edilerek uzaklaştırıldıkları Ahıska’yı unutmamaya ve unutturmamaya çalışan Türklerin hikâyelerinin konu edildiği görsel-işitsel eserler nitel olarak analiz edilmektedir. Bu kapsamda faydalanılan sosyolojik çözümleme yönteminde filmin üretilmiş olduğu ya da içeriğinde ele aldığı dönemin sosyal koşullarının incelenmesi öne çıkarılmaktadır. Çalışmada örneklem olarak “Tatlı Puvar”, “Borç”, “Gerçek Aşk”, “Uzun Yol”, “Ben de Sevdim”, “Hayal” adlı sinema filmleri, “Büyük Sürgün Kafkasya” adlı dizi film ile “Sıfırlanan Hayatlar”, “Sürgünün 75. Yılında Ahıska Türkleri” adlı belgesel filmler incelenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın sonucunda, Ahıska Türklerindeki kadınların ailede ve toplum hayatında yerleri ve rolleri ile ilgili verilerin elde edilmesi ve kadın karakterlerin temsillerindeki özelliklerin ortaya konması hedeflenmektedir.

Foreign Languages in Uzbekistan
Türkiye’de görsel işitsel medyayı düzenleyen ve denetleyen Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK) ... more Türkiye’de görsel işitsel medyayı düzenleyen ve denetleyen Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK) çeyrek asırdır faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Türkiye’de görsel işitsel medya alanında düzenleme, denetleme ve sektöreyönelik politikalar geliştirmek RTÜK’ün ana faaliyet alanlarıdır. Ancak, bugüne kadar işlemlerin büyük çoğunluğu denetleme kapsamında yapılmıştır ve RTÜK kamuoyunda çoğunlukla denetleme yapan ve ceza veren bir kurum imajı oluşturmuştur.2018 yılında RTÜK,üçüncü kez beş yıllık stratejik plan hazırlamıştır. Bu planda kurumsal imaj sorunsalından yola çıkarak 2019-2023 döneminde kuramsal imajı olumlu yönde geliştirmek hedeflenmiştir. Bu hedef “RTÜK’ü ulusal ve uluslararası alanda tanıtmak, kurumsal imaj ve itibarını güçlendirici çalışmalar yapmak” olarak ifade edilmiştir.Bu çalışmada da kuruluşundan günümüze RTÜK imajı irdelendikten sonra RTÜK 2019-2023 Stratejik Planında kurumsal imaj ile ilgili proje faaliyetler üzerinde durulmaktadır. Туркиядаги аудиовизуал оммавий ахборот ...

Talas Savaşı ve Tarihi Önemi, 2022
Çin’in Türkistan’ı hegemonya altına alma stratejisi bir ulus politikası olarak binyıllar öncesine... more Çin’in Türkistan’ı hegemonya altına alma stratejisi bir ulus politikası olarak binyıllar öncesine dayanmaktadır. Bu stratejinin en önemli dönüm noktası 751 yılındaki Talas Savaşı’dır. Bu savaşta Çinlilerin Maveraünnehir’e kadar Türkistan topraklarında hegemonya kurma çabası Abbasi Ordularının kılıcı ile son bulmuştur.
Bu tarihi Savaş’tan 1270 yıl sonra, 21. Yüzyılın başında ekonomisindeki hızlı büyüme sonucu Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti devleti hammadde, pazar, enerji gereksiniminden ötürü Türkistan’da (Merkezi Asya, Orta Asya) etkisini ve hareket alanını arttırmıştır. Çin’in bölge ülkeleriyle ekonomik, politik, kültürel ve güvenlik gibi birçok alanda işbirliği söz konusudur. Her ne kadar ekonomik yönden ilişkiler bölge ülkelerindeki hükümetlerce önemsense de Çin’in “gerçek ajandası” hakkında bölge halklarının ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının endişeleri sürmektedir. Türkistan kamuoyundaki bu şüpheci bakışı tersine çevirmek isteyen Çin yönetimi yumuşak güç unsurlarından faydalanarak yeni bir imaj yaratmak istemektedir. Özellikle önemli bir yumuşak güç enstrümanı olarak gördüğü kadim Çin kültürünü merkeze alan Çin Komünist Partisi, Konfüçyüs Enstitüleri aracılığıyla ülkeler üzerinde olumlu imaj oluşturmaya ve itibar kazanmaya çalışmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada Çin’in yumuşak güç konseptine, ve bu ülkenin Türkistan’ın batısında yer alan Kırgızistan, Kazakistan, Özbekistan, Türkmenistan, Tacikistan ile Afganistan’a (Güney Türkistan) yönelik geliştirmiş olduğu yumuşak güç politikalarının Konfüçyüs Enstitüleri üzerinden değerlendirilmesi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma belge incelemeye dayalı nitel bir çalışmadır. Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir.

Establishment of Audiovisual Media Regulatory Authorities Platform in the Turkic World, 2022
Regulatory and supervisory authorities are responsible for the regulation and supervision of a wi... more Regulatory and supervisory authorities are responsible for the regulation and supervision of a wide area in the field of audiovisual broadcasting especially in traditional radio and television broadcasting sector, as well as over the internet (OTT) broadcasts and video sharing channels. These authorities cooperate under the roof of international organizations such as International Telecommunications Union (ITU), European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and platforms such as European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA), Black Sea Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (BRAF), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (IBRAF), The Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities (MNRA). In this cooperation process, information, experience and strategy are shared within the framework of technical dimensions such as internet and frequency spectrum sharing of the audiovisual media services and also cultural and social dimensions such as the circulation of audiovisual content on a global scale. In this regard, the aim of this study is to discuss the necessity of establishing a platform (union, council, form), like those mentioned above, for the institutions and organizations that serve as regulatory bodies in the field of audiovisual media in the members of the Turkic Council and observer states. Qualitative research methods and in-depth interview techniques were used in the study. Data were collected through a structured interview form with managers and experts of RTÜK, who participated in the activities of institutions such as ITU, EPRA, MNRA, BRAF and IBRAF and academics who have worked in the audiovisual media in the Turkic World. Data obtained by face to face interview technique were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. Results of the research showed that a platform to be established among the authorities which carry out regulatory activities in the audiovisual media field in the Turkic World will serve to share experience and to increase cooperation.

Karabağ'ın Yumuşak Güç Unsuru Olarak Turizm, 2021
Azerbaycan küresel turizm piyasası içerisinde önemli bir oyuncu olma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu p... more Azerbaycan küresel turizm piyasası içerisinde önemli bir oyuncu olma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu potansiyelin işgal altındaki Karabağ'ın azat edilmesiyle önümüzdeki dönemde daha da artması beklenmektedir. 2020 yılı sonunda Azerbaycan'da, Karabağ'da işgal altındaki toprakların 44 günlük Vatan Muharebesiyle (sert güç ile) azat edilmesiyle yeni bir dönem başlamıştır. Azerbaycan, "Kafkasya'nın Cenneti'ni dünyanın turizm merkezi haline getireceğiz" stratejisiyle Karabağ'da turizm alanında önemli yatırımlara başlamıştır. Çünkü Karabağ bölgesi doğal güzellikleri, tarihi dokusu, kültürel zenginlikleri ve endemik bitki örtüsüyle turizm sektörü için el değmemiş bir coğrafyadır. Bu çalışmada Karabağ'da turistleri cezbedecek yumuşak güç unsurlarına değinilmektedir. Bu unsurların turizm potansiyelinin, Azerbaycan'a ekonomik getirisinin öneminin ortaya konulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu araştırma sert güç (muharebe) ile işgalden özgürleştirilen Azerbaycan topraklarının yumuşak güç potansiyeli bakımından değerlendirilmesini içermektedir. Bu nedenle çalışma, örneklem olarak ele alınan Karabağ'ın yumuşak güç potansiyelinin turizmle birlikte "Azerbaycan için nasıl yumuşak güç unsuru" haline getirebileceğinin tartışılması açısından önemlidir.

The successful use of soft power tools creates a positive perception of the state, makes it attra... more The successful use of soft power tools creates a positive perception of the state, makes it attractive, and lays the foundation for its success in other areas. These soft power tools are expressed in the headlines of culture, political value, and foreign policy.
One of the most important tools of the soft power of states is the language that their people speak, which reflects the culture of society. Cultural activities conducted using soft power are an attractive method used to present the cultural wealth of nations to the people of other countries and language is used while performing these activities.
In the study, the role of language in expressing the soft power of states and as an instrument of soft power itself is discussed. Emphasis was placed on the importance of educational institutions that use language in transferring the major soft power tools of states to the international arena. These institutions have many activities including academic studies such as conferences, workshops, seminars, publications, library services, festivals, exhibitions, film and theater performances, arts and sports activities. The language used in all these activities is an important promotional task for the community to which it belongs.
In addition, in this study, it was confirmed that the Uzbek language, which is identified with Ali Şir Nevai, is an important soft force of Uzbekistan. The aim of the study is to explain the role of the Uzbek language in promoting the country, as well as the art, architecture, spiritual heritage, crafts, music, theater and cuisine of Uzbekistan. The study is a qualitative study based on document review. The data obtained from the research were analyzed by descriptive analysis method.

Journalism is transformed, there is an aggravated balance of the proportion of time and space of ... more Journalism is transformed, there is an aggravated balance of the proportion of time and space of communication
and information dimensions, there is a need to consider the form of the audience in a new way. The actual problems
of world journalism, which have achieved freedom in moving away from the vices of ideology and dissemination of
information, partially can not move away from the contradictions of human rights, information impartiality. In the
context of the new century, the study of information presented by science, the state of its presentation, the identification
of negatives and needs, the expected main step from the scientific journalistic Institute. At the same time, the historical
method, comparative and expert actions form the basis of the research in the article. Scientific views are valuable
because they offer deep approaches to the modern problem of journalism and solutions. Because the methodology
of information dissemination is one of the main tasks common to human journalism, which is not divided into races,
Nations, genders. The process of post-modernization of traditional genres of journalism in the category of information
technology integration into a single information resources, information flow transition to neoclassicism, the growing
number of scandals manipulative messaging and technological letter futuristic primitive, carefree, poor journalistic
analysis it is not a secret. In addition, in the twenty-first century, there have been frequent violations of the rules
of ethics in the media. For example, the state of monitoring and compliance with high standards in the news and
media has been neglected, and theoretical and moral reintegration, ethical and professional competence have become
commonplace in the field of journalism.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin On Birinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planında “Kültür”, 2020
Five Year Development Plan is implemented in Turkey since 1963. The Eleventh Five- Year Developme... more Five Year Development Plan is implemented in Turkey since 1963. The Eleventh Five- Year Development Plan covering the years 2019-2023 is still ongoing. In this context, the subject of this study is “culture” in the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan. In the Plan, it was emphasized that preserving and developing cultural richness and diversity, transferring it to future generations, expanding cultural and artistic activities, increasing the multidimensional effect of culture in development by strengthening social integrity and solidarity around national culture and common values.
The study targets on issues related to Turkey’s culture and cultural fields until 2023. Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan is important in the consideration over. In this study, and goals for the coming period of the national culture of Turkey in the international arena are intended to be addressed.
This study is a qualitative study based on document review. In the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan, the subject of “culture” is examined through descriptive analysis. It is seen that culture, which is one of the most conscious human activities, is intertwined with policies prepared for many social and economic fields such as communication, tourism, diplomacy, education, industry, art in the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan. The Plan, which contains important goals directly or indirectly with culture, should be implemented in all risk situations and the results should be analyzed. Otherwise, as Peter Drucker stated, "plans are only good intentions unless they immediately turn into hard work."

Özbekistan’ın Yumuşak Gücünün Uluslararası Alana Aktarılmasında – Bir Öneri Olarak- “Nevai Enstitüleri”, 2020
O’zbekistonning yushoq kuchini (soft power) xalqaro maydonga olib chiqish.
“Navoiy institutlari”
... more O’zbekistonning yushoq kuchini (soft power) xalqaro maydonga olib chiqish.
“Navoiy institutlari”
Xalqaro munosabatlar sohasida bir davlatning boshqa xalqlarga qaratilgan strategik aloqa boshqaruv usuli sifatida qabul qilingan xalq diplomatiyasining asosi Joseph Nyening “Yumshoq kuch” tushunchasiga tayanadi. Yumshoq kuch orqali amalga oshirilgan xalq diplomatiyasining eng muhim vositalaridan biri madaniy faoliyatlardir. Madaniy faoliyatlar mamlakatlarning madaniy boyligini boshqa bir mamlakat aholisiga tanitishda foydalaniladigan ajoyib bir usuldir. Bu faoliyatlarni amalga oshirish uchun esa tildan foydalaniladi. Adabiyotning asosi va madaniyatning ko`rsatkichi bo`lgan til yordamida bir davlatning ommaviy imijini xorijda mustahkamlash uchun Alliance Francaise, British Council, Goethe instituti, Konfutsiy instituti, Yunus Emre instituti kabi xalqaro madaniy institutlar tashkil etiladi.
Ushbu tadqiqotimizdan maqsad, siyosiy tinchliksevarlik tushunchasi va hamjihatlik madaniyatining markazidan o`rin olgan va O`zbekiston uchun buyuk shaxs sanalgan Alisher Navoiy nomida tashkil etilishi mumkin bo`lgan bir madaniy institutning O`zbek tili, adabiyoti, san`ati, me`morchiligi, ma`naviy qadriyatlari, hunarmanchiligi, teatr va kino sohalarini targ`ib qilishni maqsad qilib, bu yo`lda zimmasiga oladigan ba`zi vazifalarni tahlil qilishdir. Tadqiqotimiz hujjatlarga asoslangan tahliliy bir izlanishdir. Tadqiqotda erishilgan ma`lumotlar ifoda usuli bilan tahlil qilindi.
Tadqiqotda mamlakatlarning yumshoq kuchi tanitilishida madaniy institutlarning roli bilan Markaziy Osiyoning madaniy markazi o`rnida bo`lgan O`zbekistonning yumshoq kuch manbalari tahlil qilinadi; yuzaga chiqarilgan yumshoq kuch manbalarining xalqaro maydonga olib chiqilishida madaniy institutlarga ehtiyoj bor yoki yo`qligi bo`yicha ham fikr yuritiladi. Chunki Buyuk Ipak Yo`li hududida joylashgan shaharlarda asrlar davomida tarixga kirgan, dunyo ilmiga hissa qo`shgan shoirlar, faylasuflar, olimlar, san`atkorlar yetishtirgan juda ko`p va bu mamlakatning targ`iboti xoh mahalliy, xoh xalqaro miqyosda amalga oshirilishida Navoiy institutlarining tashkil etilishi muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bu tashkilotlarning xalqaro maydonda olib boradigan faoliyati bilan O`zbekistonga qo`shni davlatlar uchun ham o`rnak model bo`lib xizmat qiladi. Shuningdek, Alisher Navoiy institutlari har qanday sohada sarmoyachi-tadbirkorlar, sayyohlar, talabalar, tadqiqotchilarning diqqatini jalb qiladigan mamlakat sifatida O`zbekistonning imiji shakllanishiga hissa qo`shishi tahmin qilinadi.
Kalit so`zlar: Navoiy institutlari, Alisher Navoiy, Xalqaro madaniy institutlar, O`zbekistonning yumshoq kuchi, O`zbekistonning madaniy diplomatiyasi, O`zbekiston imiji
Presentation of the Soft Power of Uzbekistan to the International Area – as a Suggestion- “Nevai Institutes”
The basis of public diplomacy, which is defined as the strategic communications management of a country for foreign peoples in the field of international relations, is based on the concept of the soft power coined by Joseph Nye. Cultural activities are one of the most important elements in the field of public diplomacy carried out by using soft power. Cultural activities are attractive method used to enhance the cultural richness of countries for the people of other countries. The language is used when carrying out these activities. International cultural institutes , such as the Alliance Française, British Council, Goethe-Institut, Confucius Institute, Yunus Emre Institute are among the most important actors to enhance the national image of a country beyond its borders through language, which represents the cornerstone of literature and is the bearer of culture.
This study aims to clarify the role that the language, literature, art, Uzbek architecture, spiritual values, handicrafts, cinema and the Uzbek theater play in the name of Ali Şir Nevai, who represents the value of the brand of Uzbekistan, which is the focus of understanding, the culture of peace and political reconciliation. The study is a qualitative study based on document review. The data obtained from the study were analyzed by the descriptive analysis method.
In this research, the role of cultural institutes in expressing the soft powers of countries and the sources of soft power in Uzbekistan, the cultural center of Turkestan (Central Asia), are discussed; the issue of whether there is a need for cultural institutes in transferring the main soft power sources to the international arena is emphasized. Because it is important to establish the Institutes of Nevai in the advancement of the country, which has throught history raised poets, philosophers, scholars, musicians, and urban artists who have contributed to world science in the cities located on the historic Silk Road. The international activities of these institutions will show that Uzbekistan is a role model for neighboring and regional countries. The Ali Şir Nevai institutes are also expected to contribute to the image of Uzbekistan as an appealing country for investors, tourists, students, researchers and artists.
Внедрение Мягкой Силы Узбекистана На Международной Арене –
Как Предложение Институт культуры Алишера Навои
Понятие публичной дипломатии, как управление стратегическими коммуникациями страны для иностранных народов в области международных отношений, была основана на концепции мягкой силы Джозефа Ная. Одним из наиболее важных элементов использования общественной дипломатии, осуществляемой с использованием мягкой силы это культурная деятельность. Культурная деятельность является привлекательным методом, которую страны используют для продвижения своего культурного богатства в международном масштабе. Для осуществления этой деятельности в первую очередь страна начинает внедрять свой язык, который является краеугольным камнем литературы и носителем культуры. Одним из ключевых участников укрепления национального имиджа государства за его пределами через язык, являются международные институты культуры, такие как Альянс Франсез, Британский Совет, Институт Гете, Институт Конфуция, институт Юнуса Эмре, Фонд Русский Мир.
Это исследование направлено на объяснение роли Института культуры Алишера Навои в продвижении Узбекского языка, литературы, искусства, архитектуры, вкуса, духовных ценностей, ремесел, кино и театра. Данная работа была проанализирована методом описательного анализа и является качественным исследованием.
В исследовании обсуждается роль институтов культуры стран мира в выражении мягкой силы, а также источники мягкой силы Узбекистана, которые являются культурным центром Туркестана (Центральная Азия); основное внимание уделяется вопросу о том, нужны ли данные институты культуры для внедрения мягкой силы на международной арене. Узбекистан, в городах расположенных на историческом Шелковом пути, на протяжении веков воспитывал поэтов, философов, ученых, музыкантов, ремесленников, которые вошли в историю и внесли свой вклад в мировую науку. Поэтому для продвижения страны создание институтов Невои имеет важное значение как в региональном, так и в глобальном масштабе. Деятельность этих учреждений на международной арене покажет, что Узбекистан является образцом для подражания для соседних и региональных стран. В то же время институты Алишер Навои во всех аспектах будут способствовать формированию имиджа Узбекистана как привлекательной страны для бизнесменов-инвесторов, туристов, студентов, исследователей, художников.
Ключевые Слова: Институты Навои, Алишер Навои, Международные Институты Культуры, Мягкая Сила Узбекистана, Культурная Дипломатия Узбекистана, Имидж Узбекистана.

Özet Türkiye'de görsel işitsel medyayı düzenleyen ve denetleyen Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (R... more Özet Türkiye'de görsel işitsel medyayı düzenleyen ve denetleyen Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK) çeyrek asırdır faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Türkiye'de görsel işitsel medya alanında düzenleme, denetleme ve sektöre yönelik politikalar geliştirmek RTÜK'ün ana faaliyet alanlarıdır. Ancak, bugüne kadar işlemlerin büyük çoğunluğu denetleme kapsamında yapılmıştır ve RTÜK kamuoyunda çoğunlukla denetleme yapan ve ceza veren bir kurum imajı oluşturmuştur. 2018 yılında RTÜK, üçüncü kez beş yıllık stratejik plan hazırlamıştır. Bu planda kurumsal imaj sorunsalından yola çıkarak 2019-2023 döneminde kuramsal imajı olumlu yönde geliştirmek hedeflenmiştir. Bu hedef "RTÜK'ü ulusal ve uluslararası alanda tanıtmak, kurumsal imaj ve itibarını güçlendirici çalışmalar yapmak" olarak ifade edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada da kuruluşundan günümüze RTÜK imajı irdelendikten sonra RTÜK 2019-2023 Stratejik Planında kurumsal imaj ile ilgili proje faaliyetler üzerinde durulmaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: RTÜK; görsel işitsel medya; kurumsal imaj; imaj güçlendirme. RTÜK КОРПОРАТИВ ҚИЁФАСИ: 2019-2023 СТРАТEГИК РEЖА ДОИРАСИДА Ахмед АКАЛИН Ижтимоий фанлар институти жамоатчилик билан алоқалар ва ошкоралик Анкара университети Анкара, Туркия [email protected] Аннотация Туркиядаги аудиовизуал оммавий ахборот воситаларини тартибга солувчи ва назорат қилувчи Туркия радио ва телевидение кенгаши (RTÜK) деярли чорак аср давомида фаолият юритмоқда. RTÜKнинг асосий фаолияти бу соҳада сиёсатни тартибга солиш, назорат қилиш ва ривожлантиришдан иборат. Бироқ, кўплаб тадбирлар назорат доирасида амалга оширилди ҳамда RTÜK назорат ва жазо органининг имижини яратди.
Talks by Ahmet Akalın
Две недели в Долине сказок и легенд, 2020
На протяжении многих лет я слежу за публикациями разных жанров, такими как газеты, журналы, кн... more На протяжении многих лет я слежу за публикациями разных жанров, такими как газеты, журналы, книги, связанные с Тюркскими народами. Просматривал документальные и новостные программы о Тюркском Мире в СМИ. В 2016 году благодаря официальной деятельности Высшего совета Радио и Телевидения Турции (RTÜK), я посетил Иссык-Куль в Кыргызстане , город Алматы в Казахстане, а также в 2018 году был в Ташкенте, Самарканде и Бухаре. Целью посещения культурных и исторически важных центров Тюркского Мира являются: желание исследовать эту обширную географию, поближе познакомиться с местными жителями и их культурой. Поэтому в этом году я составил полный план своего летнего отпуска в Казахстан, Узбекистан и Кыргызстан.
Conference Presentations by Ahmet Akalın

Diyarbakır Şehrinin Kültürel Değerlerinin Türkiye'nin Yumuşak Gücündeki Yeri, 2024
The Position of Diyarbakır City's Cultural Values in Turkiye's Soft Power
In international rela... more The Position of Diyarbakır City's Cultural Values in Turkiye's Soft Power
In international relations, soft power is often defined as a country's ability to persuade rather than force others to its point of view. Soft power provides countries with the opportunity to shape the perceptions and attitudes of international public opinion around the world. Thanks to foreign public opinion, governments can direct the policies of other governments and create trust-based cooperation environments with them. As a result, countries have the opportunity to develop their own interests without using hard power, that is, military and economic power. Countries have soft power through their culture, foreign policy, and values. In this context, many sub-components, from people to trademarks, sports clubs, non-governmental organizations, and even cities, can add value to the soft power of the country they belong to. Because they can be attractive elements for the country they belong to, depending on the work they do, the successes they achieve, the services they offer, and the historical and cultural places they contain.
Today, when determining the soft power rankings of countries, the brand values they produce are also included. Like products and services, cities are also positioned as brands. Brand cities are at the forefront of the world arena with their attractive opportunities and contribute to the development of the country's economy by raising both the social and economic standards of its city residents. Within the scope of this study, the importance of the social, cultural, and historical values of Diyarbakir city for Türkiye’s soft power is emphasized. In the study, the descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research techniques, is used.
Bir Başkent Eski de Olsa Başkettir, 2017
Bir Başkent Eski de Olsa Başkettir

Kültürel Değerlerin Tanıtımında Medyanın Rolü Özbekistan Örneği, 2019
Çalışmada tarihi olarak Özbekistan topraklarında yaşamış bilim insanları, evrensel bilimin gelişm... more Çalışmada tarihi olarak Özbekistan topraklarında yaşamış bilim insanları, evrensel bilimin gelişmesi bağlamında incelenmiştir. Bu temel amaca hizmet edebilmek için evrensel bilim bağlamında çok özel konuma sahip altı bilim insanının (Harezmi, Fergani, Biruni, İbn-i Sina, Uluğ Bey ve Ali Kuşçu) yaşamları, bilimsel faaliyetleri ve genel olarak kendilerinden sonraki dönemlerde evrensel bilime etkileri ele alınmıştır. Tüm bunlar araştırılırken çağdaş bilim dünyasında bu bilim insanlarının nasıl anıldığı, nasıl bir algı yarattığı, hangi yaklaşım ve akımların gelişmesinde daha önemli rol üstlendiklerine de dikkat çekilmiştir. Aynı zamanda bu bilim insanlarının ilk olarak kendi gönül coğrafyamızda-Türk-İslam coğrafyasında ve daha sonra da dünyada tanıtılabilmesi için nelerin yapılabileceği konusunda tartışma ve öneriler yapılmıştır.

Türkiye'de Babür Araştırmaları: Doktora ve Yüksek Lisans Tezleri Üzerine Betimsel Bir Araştırma, 2023
Babur Empire, founded by Gazi Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur Shah, also known as the Gurkani State, is... more Babur Empire, founded by Gazi Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur Shah, also known as the Gurkani State, is considered one of the 16 largest Turkic states established in history. With this aspect, this state founded by Babur in South Asia attracts the attention of researchers.
In this context, the number of master's and doctoral theses written in universities in Turkiye about the Babur State, including Babur and his sons and grandsons after him, the departments in which these theses were written and their contents have been a matter of curiosity. This research is limited to the number and areas of the theses in question.
This study is important in terms of presenting the academic studies about Babur, who established an empire that includes countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, which constitute a significant part of the world's population. In this study, it is aimed to present quantitative data about the theses written in Türkiye.
Literature review, which is one of the qualitative research techniques, was used as a method in the study and quantitative data were obtained by making use of the thesis query feature on the website of the Council of Higher Education (YOK). These theses are classified under titles such as the number of theses, their distribution by years, the status of being a master's or doctoral thesis, and the universities they were written in.
Drafts by Ahmet Akalın
In the study, spatial distribution of the sector incomes, namely commercial communication (advirtisement) incomes, and sponsorship incomes that arise latterly is investigated. Whether or not the sector is a productive investment tool is discussed with the interpreted output of the study. Besides, concentration in media ownership, which is in contrast with free media conditions necessary to ensure plurality is analyzed with investigation of economic activities of media owners in areas other than the media.
Thesis Chapters by Ahmet Akalın
In this study, the aims, policies, and activities of these institutes are examined. Thus, it is aimed to understand the existential functions and roles of these institutes. In this study, besides literature review, semi-structured in-depth interview, which is another technique of qualitative research method, was used to collect data. Based on the data obtained, the ways in which international cultural institutes benefit from all attractive cultural tools, from the language of their own country to the arts, with the aim of influencing the citizens of the target countries in favor of their own countries, creating sympathy and positive image were revealed.
audiovisual media ownership has gained importance. The history of the legislative regulations in this field dates back to beginning of radio broadcasting in Turkey. In the history of Turkey's audiovisual media, the laws on the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) coming to force in 1964 and 1983 along with the Constitutions of 1961 and 1982 are the foremost legislations which regulate this field. The relevant articles of these constitutions and mentioned laws were amended from time to time because of political reasons or for the sake of keeping pace with developing technology. As a result of advances in broadcasting technologies, Article 133 of 1982 Constitution was amended in 1993 and this amended article established the constitutional basis of the Law numbered 3984 which concerns the Establishment and Broadcasting of Radio and Televisions. Establishing of the Radio and Television Supreme Council with this mentioned law added a new dimension to the matter of audiovisual media ownership. The dynamism in audiovisual media technologies inevitably continued to reflect itself onto legislations that regulate the field and all of the legal regulations, Law numbered 6112 in particular, which were brought about by this reflection ended up with significant outcomes about the matter of audiovisual media ownership.
Papers by Ahmet Akalın
Bu çalışmanın konusu olan Ahıskalı Türk kadınının aile ve topluluk içindeki yeri ve rolü sinema filmleri örneğinde incelenmektedir. Çalışmada; bulundukları ülkelere uyum sağlamaya ve sürgün edilerek uzaklaştırıldıkları Ahıska’yı unutmamaya ve unutturmamaya çalışan Türklerin hikâyelerinin konu edildiği görsel-işitsel eserler nitel olarak analiz edilmektedir. Bu kapsamda faydalanılan sosyolojik çözümleme yönteminde filmin üretilmiş olduğu ya da içeriğinde ele aldığı dönemin sosyal koşullarının incelenmesi öne çıkarılmaktadır. Çalışmada örneklem olarak “Tatlı Puvar”, “Borç”, “Gerçek Aşk”, “Uzun Yol”, “Ben de Sevdim”, “Hayal” adlı sinema filmleri, “Büyük Sürgün Kafkasya” adlı dizi film ile “Sıfırlanan Hayatlar”, “Sürgünün 75. Yılında Ahıska Türkleri” adlı belgesel filmler incelenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın sonucunda, Ahıska Türklerindeki kadınların ailede ve toplum hayatında yerleri ve rolleri ile ilgili verilerin elde edilmesi ve kadın karakterlerin temsillerindeki özelliklerin ortaya konması hedeflenmektedir.
Bu tarihi Savaş’tan 1270 yıl sonra, 21. Yüzyılın başında ekonomisindeki hızlı büyüme sonucu Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti devleti hammadde, pazar, enerji gereksiniminden ötürü Türkistan’da (Merkezi Asya, Orta Asya) etkisini ve hareket alanını arttırmıştır. Çin’in bölge ülkeleriyle ekonomik, politik, kültürel ve güvenlik gibi birçok alanda işbirliği söz konusudur. Her ne kadar ekonomik yönden ilişkiler bölge ülkelerindeki hükümetlerce önemsense de Çin’in “gerçek ajandası” hakkında bölge halklarının ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının endişeleri sürmektedir. Türkistan kamuoyundaki bu şüpheci bakışı tersine çevirmek isteyen Çin yönetimi yumuşak güç unsurlarından faydalanarak yeni bir imaj yaratmak istemektedir. Özellikle önemli bir yumuşak güç enstrümanı olarak gördüğü kadim Çin kültürünü merkeze alan Çin Komünist Partisi, Konfüçyüs Enstitüleri aracılığıyla ülkeler üzerinde olumlu imaj oluşturmaya ve itibar kazanmaya çalışmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada Çin’in yumuşak güç konseptine, ve bu ülkenin Türkistan’ın batısında yer alan Kırgızistan, Kazakistan, Özbekistan, Türkmenistan, Tacikistan ile Afganistan’a (Güney Türkistan) yönelik geliştirmiş olduğu yumuşak güç politikalarının Konfüçyüs Enstitüleri üzerinden değerlendirilmesi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma belge incelemeye dayalı nitel bir çalışmadır. Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir.
One of the most important tools of the soft power of states is the language that their people speak, which reflects the culture of society. Cultural activities conducted using soft power are an attractive method used to present the cultural wealth of nations to the people of other countries and language is used while performing these activities.
In the study, the role of language in expressing the soft power of states and as an instrument of soft power itself is discussed. Emphasis was placed on the importance of educational institutions that use language in transferring the major soft power tools of states to the international arena. These institutions have many activities including academic studies such as conferences, workshops, seminars, publications, library services, festivals, exhibitions, film and theater performances, arts and sports activities. The language used in all these activities is an important promotional task for the community to which it belongs.
In addition, in this study, it was confirmed that the Uzbek language, which is identified with Ali Şir Nevai, is an important soft force of Uzbekistan. The aim of the study is to explain the role of the Uzbek language in promoting the country, as well as the art, architecture, spiritual heritage, crafts, music, theater and cuisine of Uzbekistan. The study is a qualitative study based on document review. The data obtained from the research were analyzed by descriptive analysis method.
and information dimensions, there is a need to consider the form of the audience in a new way. The actual problems
of world journalism, which have achieved freedom in moving away from the vices of ideology and dissemination of
information, partially can not move away from the contradictions of human rights, information impartiality. In the
context of the new century, the study of information presented by science, the state of its presentation, the identification
of negatives and needs, the expected main step from the scientific journalistic Institute. At the same time, the historical
method, comparative and expert actions form the basis of the research in the article. Scientific views are valuable
because they offer deep approaches to the modern problem of journalism and solutions. Because the methodology
of information dissemination is one of the main tasks common to human journalism, which is not divided into races,
Nations, genders. The process of post-modernization of traditional genres of journalism in the category of information
technology integration into a single information resources, information flow transition to neoclassicism, the growing
number of scandals manipulative messaging and technological letter futuristic primitive, carefree, poor journalistic
analysis it is not a secret. In addition, in the twenty-first century, there have been frequent violations of the rules
of ethics in the media. For example, the state of monitoring and compliance with high standards in the news and
media has been neglected, and theoretical and moral reintegration, ethical and professional competence have become
commonplace in the field of journalism.
The study targets on issues related to Turkey’s culture and cultural fields until 2023. Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan is important in the consideration over. In this study, and goals for the coming period of the national culture of Turkey in the international arena are intended to be addressed.
This study is a qualitative study based on document review. In the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan, the subject of “culture” is examined through descriptive analysis. It is seen that culture, which is one of the most conscious human activities, is intertwined with policies prepared for many social and economic fields such as communication, tourism, diplomacy, education, industry, art in the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan. The Plan, which contains important goals directly or indirectly with culture, should be implemented in all risk situations and the results should be analyzed. Otherwise, as Peter Drucker stated, "plans are only good intentions unless they immediately turn into hard work."
“Navoiy institutlari”
Xalqaro munosabatlar sohasida bir davlatning boshqa xalqlarga qaratilgan strategik aloqa boshqaruv usuli sifatida qabul qilingan xalq diplomatiyasining asosi Joseph Nyening “Yumshoq kuch” tushunchasiga tayanadi. Yumshoq kuch orqali amalga oshirilgan xalq diplomatiyasining eng muhim vositalaridan biri madaniy faoliyatlardir. Madaniy faoliyatlar mamlakatlarning madaniy boyligini boshqa bir mamlakat aholisiga tanitishda foydalaniladigan ajoyib bir usuldir. Bu faoliyatlarni amalga oshirish uchun esa tildan foydalaniladi. Adabiyotning asosi va madaniyatning ko`rsatkichi bo`lgan til yordamida bir davlatning ommaviy imijini xorijda mustahkamlash uchun Alliance Francaise, British Council, Goethe instituti, Konfutsiy instituti, Yunus Emre instituti kabi xalqaro madaniy institutlar tashkil etiladi.
Ushbu tadqiqotimizdan maqsad, siyosiy tinchliksevarlik tushunchasi va hamjihatlik madaniyatining markazidan o`rin olgan va O`zbekiston uchun buyuk shaxs sanalgan Alisher Navoiy nomida tashkil etilishi mumkin bo`lgan bir madaniy institutning O`zbek tili, adabiyoti, san`ati, me`morchiligi, ma`naviy qadriyatlari, hunarmanchiligi, teatr va kino sohalarini targ`ib qilishni maqsad qilib, bu yo`lda zimmasiga oladigan ba`zi vazifalarni tahlil qilishdir. Tadqiqotimiz hujjatlarga asoslangan tahliliy bir izlanishdir. Tadqiqotda erishilgan ma`lumotlar ifoda usuli bilan tahlil qilindi.
Tadqiqotda mamlakatlarning yumshoq kuchi tanitilishida madaniy institutlarning roli bilan Markaziy Osiyoning madaniy markazi o`rnida bo`lgan O`zbekistonning yumshoq kuch manbalari tahlil qilinadi; yuzaga chiqarilgan yumshoq kuch manbalarining xalqaro maydonga olib chiqilishida madaniy institutlarga ehtiyoj bor yoki yo`qligi bo`yicha ham fikr yuritiladi. Chunki Buyuk Ipak Yo`li hududida joylashgan shaharlarda asrlar davomida tarixga kirgan, dunyo ilmiga hissa qo`shgan shoirlar, faylasuflar, olimlar, san`atkorlar yetishtirgan juda ko`p va bu mamlakatning targ`iboti xoh mahalliy, xoh xalqaro miqyosda amalga oshirilishida Navoiy institutlarining tashkil etilishi muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bu tashkilotlarning xalqaro maydonda olib boradigan faoliyati bilan O`zbekistonga qo`shni davlatlar uchun ham o`rnak model bo`lib xizmat qiladi. Shuningdek, Alisher Navoiy institutlari har qanday sohada sarmoyachi-tadbirkorlar, sayyohlar, talabalar, tadqiqotchilarning diqqatini jalb qiladigan mamlakat sifatida O`zbekistonning imiji shakllanishiga hissa qo`shishi tahmin qilinadi.
Kalit so`zlar: Navoiy institutlari, Alisher Navoiy, Xalqaro madaniy institutlar, O`zbekistonning yumshoq kuchi, O`zbekistonning madaniy diplomatiyasi, O`zbekiston imiji
Presentation of the Soft Power of Uzbekistan to the International Area – as a Suggestion- “Nevai Institutes”
The basis of public diplomacy, which is defined as the strategic communications management of a country for foreign peoples in the field of international relations, is based on the concept of the soft power coined by Joseph Nye. Cultural activities are one of the most important elements in the field of public diplomacy carried out by using soft power. Cultural activities are attractive method used to enhance the cultural richness of countries for the people of other countries. The language is used when carrying out these activities. International cultural institutes , such as the Alliance Française, British Council, Goethe-Institut, Confucius Institute, Yunus Emre Institute are among the most important actors to enhance the national image of a country beyond its borders through language, which represents the cornerstone of literature and is the bearer of culture.
This study aims to clarify the role that the language, literature, art, Uzbek architecture, spiritual values, handicrafts, cinema and the Uzbek theater play in the name of Ali Şir Nevai, who represents the value of the brand of Uzbekistan, which is the focus of understanding, the culture of peace and political reconciliation. The study is a qualitative study based on document review. The data obtained from the study were analyzed by the descriptive analysis method.
In this research, the role of cultural institutes in expressing the soft powers of countries and the sources of soft power in Uzbekistan, the cultural center of Turkestan (Central Asia), are discussed; the issue of whether there is a need for cultural institutes in transferring the main soft power sources to the international arena is emphasized. Because it is important to establish the Institutes of Nevai in the advancement of the country, which has throught history raised poets, philosophers, scholars, musicians, and urban artists who have contributed to world science in the cities located on the historic Silk Road. The international activities of these institutions will show that Uzbekistan is a role model for neighboring and regional countries. The Ali Şir Nevai institutes are also expected to contribute to the image of Uzbekistan as an appealing country for investors, tourists, students, researchers and artists.
Внедрение Мягкой Силы Узбекистана На Международной Арене –
Как Предложение Институт культуры Алишера Навои
Понятие публичной дипломатии, как управление стратегическими коммуникациями страны для иностранных народов в области международных отношений, была основана на концепции мягкой силы Джозефа Ная. Одним из наиболее важных элементов использования общественной дипломатии, осуществляемой с использованием мягкой силы это культурная деятельность. Культурная деятельность является привлекательным методом, которую страны используют для продвижения своего культурного богатства в международном масштабе. Для осуществления этой деятельности в первую очередь страна начинает внедрять свой язык, который является краеугольным камнем литературы и носителем культуры. Одним из ключевых участников укрепления национального имиджа государства за его пределами через язык, являются международные институты культуры, такие как Альянс Франсез, Британский Совет, Институт Гете, Институт Конфуция, институт Юнуса Эмре, Фонд Русский Мир.
Это исследование направлено на объяснение роли Института культуры Алишера Навои в продвижении Узбекского языка, литературы, искусства, архитектуры, вкуса, духовных ценностей, ремесел, кино и театра. Данная работа была проанализирована методом описательного анализа и является качественным исследованием.
В исследовании обсуждается роль институтов культуры стран мира в выражении мягкой силы, а также источники мягкой силы Узбекистана, которые являются культурным центром Туркестана (Центральная Азия); основное внимание уделяется вопросу о том, нужны ли данные институты культуры для внедрения мягкой силы на международной арене. Узбекистан, в городах расположенных на историческом Шелковом пути, на протяжении веков воспитывал поэтов, философов, ученых, музыкантов, ремесленников, которые вошли в историю и внесли свой вклад в мировую науку. Поэтому для продвижения страны создание институтов Невои имеет важное значение как в региональном, так и в глобальном масштабе. Деятельность этих учреждений на международной арене покажет, что Узбекистан является образцом для подражания для соседних и региональных стран. В то же время институты Алишер Навои во всех аспектах будут способствовать формированию имиджа Узбекистана как привлекательной страны для бизнесменов-инвесторов, туристов, студентов, исследователей, художников.
Ключевые Слова: Институты Навои, Алишер Навои, Международные Институты Культуры, Мягкая Сила Узбекистана, Культурная Дипломатия Узбекистана, Имидж Узбекистана.
Talks by Ahmet Akalın
Conference Presentations by Ahmet Akalın
In international relations, soft power is often defined as a country's ability to persuade rather than force others to its point of view. Soft power provides countries with the opportunity to shape the perceptions and attitudes of international public opinion around the world. Thanks to foreign public opinion, governments can direct the policies of other governments and create trust-based cooperation environments with them. As a result, countries have the opportunity to develop their own interests without using hard power, that is, military and economic power. Countries have soft power through their culture, foreign policy, and values. In this context, many sub-components, from people to trademarks, sports clubs, non-governmental organizations, and even cities, can add value to the soft power of the country they belong to. Because they can be attractive elements for the country they belong to, depending on the work they do, the successes they achieve, the services they offer, and the historical and cultural places they contain.
Today, when determining the soft power rankings of countries, the brand values they produce are also included. Like products and services, cities are also positioned as brands. Brand cities are at the forefront of the world arena with their attractive opportunities and contribute to the development of the country's economy by raising both the social and economic standards of its city residents. Within the scope of this study, the importance of the social, cultural, and historical values of Diyarbakir city for Türkiye’s soft power is emphasized. In the study, the descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research techniques, is used.
In this context, the number of master's and doctoral theses written in universities in Turkiye about the Babur State, including Babur and his sons and grandsons after him, the departments in which these theses were written and their contents have been a matter of curiosity. This research is limited to the number and areas of the theses in question.
This study is important in terms of presenting the academic studies about Babur, who established an empire that includes countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, which constitute a significant part of the world's population. In this study, it is aimed to present quantitative data about the theses written in Türkiye.
Literature review, which is one of the qualitative research techniques, was used as a method in the study and quantitative data were obtained by making use of the thesis query feature on the website of the Council of Higher Education (YOK). These theses are classified under titles such as the number of theses, their distribution by years, the status of being a master's or doctoral thesis, and the universities they were written in.
In the study, spatial distribution of the sector incomes, namely commercial communication (advirtisement) incomes, and sponsorship incomes that arise latterly is investigated. Whether or not the sector is a productive investment tool is discussed with the interpreted output of the study. Besides, concentration in media ownership, which is in contrast with free media conditions necessary to ensure plurality is analyzed with investigation of economic activities of media owners in areas other than the media.
In this study, the aims, policies, and activities of these institutes are examined. Thus, it is aimed to understand the existential functions and roles of these institutes. In this study, besides literature review, semi-structured in-depth interview, which is another technique of qualitative research method, was used to collect data. Based on the data obtained, the ways in which international cultural institutes benefit from all attractive cultural tools, from the language of their own country to the arts, with the aim of influencing the citizens of the target countries in favor of their own countries, creating sympathy and positive image were revealed.
audiovisual media ownership has gained importance. The history of the legislative regulations in this field dates back to beginning of radio broadcasting in Turkey. In the history of Turkey's audiovisual media, the laws on the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) coming to force in 1964 and 1983 along with the Constitutions of 1961 and 1982 are the foremost legislations which regulate this field. The relevant articles of these constitutions and mentioned laws were amended from time to time because of political reasons or for the sake of keeping pace with developing technology. As a result of advances in broadcasting technologies, Article 133 of 1982 Constitution was amended in 1993 and this amended article established the constitutional basis of the Law numbered 3984 which concerns the Establishment and Broadcasting of Radio and Televisions. Establishing of the Radio and Television Supreme Council with this mentioned law added a new dimension to the matter of audiovisual media ownership. The dynamism in audiovisual media technologies inevitably continued to reflect itself onto legislations that regulate the field and all of the legal regulations, Law numbered 6112 in particular, which were brought about by this reflection ended up with significant outcomes about the matter of audiovisual media ownership.
Bu çalışmanın konusu olan Ahıskalı Türk kadınının aile ve topluluk içindeki yeri ve rolü sinema filmleri örneğinde incelenmektedir. Çalışmada; bulundukları ülkelere uyum sağlamaya ve sürgün edilerek uzaklaştırıldıkları Ahıska’yı unutmamaya ve unutturmamaya çalışan Türklerin hikâyelerinin konu edildiği görsel-işitsel eserler nitel olarak analiz edilmektedir. Bu kapsamda faydalanılan sosyolojik çözümleme yönteminde filmin üretilmiş olduğu ya da içeriğinde ele aldığı dönemin sosyal koşullarının incelenmesi öne çıkarılmaktadır. Çalışmada örneklem olarak “Tatlı Puvar”, “Borç”, “Gerçek Aşk”, “Uzun Yol”, “Ben de Sevdim”, “Hayal” adlı sinema filmleri, “Büyük Sürgün Kafkasya” adlı dizi film ile “Sıfırlanan Hayatlar”, “Sürgünün 75. Yılında Ahıska Türkleri” adlı belgesel filmler incelenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın sonucunda, Ahıska Türklerindeki kadınların ailede ve toplum hayatında yerleri ve rolleri ile ilgili verilerin elde edilmesi ve kadın karakterlerin temsillerindeki özelliklerin ortaya konması hedeflenmektedir.
Bu tarihi Savaş’tan 1270 yıl sonra, 21. Yüzyılın başında ekonomisindeki hızlı büyüme sonucu Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti devleti hammadde, pazar, enerji gereksiniminden ötürü Türkistan’da (Merkezi Asya, Orta Asya) etkisini ve hareket alanını arttırmıştır. Çin’in bölge ülkeleriyle ekonomik, politik, kültürel ve güvenlik gibi birçok alanda işbirliği söz konusudur. Her ne kadar ekonomik yönden ilişkiler bölge ülkelerindeki hükümetlerce önemsense de Çin’in “gerçek ajandası” hakkında bölge halklarının ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının endişeleri sürmektedir. Türkistan kamuoyundaki bu şüpheci bakışı tersine çevirmek isteyen Çin yönetimi yumuşak güç unsurlarından faydalanarak yeni bir imaj yaratmak istemektedir. Özellikle önemli bir yumuşak güç enstrümanı olarak gördüğü kadim Çin kültürünü merkeze alan Çin Komünist Partisi, Konfüçyüs Enstitüleri aracılığıyla ülkeler üzerinde olumlu imaj oluşturmaya ve itibar kazanmaya çalışmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada Çin’in yumuşak güç konseptine, ve bu ülkenin Türkistan’ın batısında yer alan Kırgızistan, Kazakistan, Özbekistan, Türkmenistan, Tacikistan ile Afganistan’a (Güney Türkistan) yönelik geliştirmiş olduğu yumuşak güç politikalarının Konfüçyüs Enstitüleri üzerinden değerlendirilmesi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma belge incelemeye dayalı nitel bir çalışmadır. Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir.
One of the most important tools of the soft power of states is the language that their people speak, which reflects the culture of society. Cultural activities conducted using soft power are an attractive method used to present the cultural wealth of nations to the people of other countries and language is used while performing these activities.
In the study, the role of language in expressing the soft power of states and as an instrument of soft power itself is discussed. Emphasis was placed on the importance of educational institutions that use language in transferring the major soft power tools of states to the international arena. These institutions have many activities including academic studies such as conferences, workshops, seminars, publications, library services, festivals, exhibitions, film and theater performances, arts and sports activities. The language used in all these activities is an important promotional task for the community to which it belongs.
In addition, in this study, it was confirmed that the Uzbek language, which is identified with Ali Şir Nevai, is an important soft force of Uzbekistan. The aim of the study is to explain the role of the Uzbek language in promoting the country, as well as the art, architecture, spiritual heritage, crafts, music, theater and cuisine of Uzbekistan. The study is a qualitative study based on document review. The data obtained from the research were analyzed by descriptive analysis method.
and information dimensions, there is a need to consider the form of the audience in a new way. The actual problems
of world journalism, which have achieved freedom in moving away from the vices of ideology and dissemination of
information, partially can not move away from the contradictions of human rights, information impartiality. In the
context of the new century, the study of information presented by science, the state of its presentation, the identification
of negatives and needs, the expected main step from the scientific journalistic Institute. At the same time, the historical
method, comparative and expert actions form the basis of the research in the article. Scientific views are valuable
because they offer deep approaches to the modern problem of journalism and solutions. Because the methodology
of information dissemination is one of the main tasks common to human journalism, which is not divided into races,
Nations, genders. The process of post-modernization of traditional genres of journalism in the category of information
technology integration into a single information resources, information flow transition to neoclassicism, the growing
number of scandals manipulative messaging and technological letter futuristic primitive, carefree, poor journalistic
analysis it is not a secret. In addition, in the twenty-first century, there have been frequent violations of the rules
of ethics in the media. For example, the state of monitoring and compliance with high standards in the news and
media has been neglected, and theoretical and moral reintegration, ethical and professional competence have become
commonplace in the field of journalism.
The study targets on issues related to Turkey’s culture and cultural fields until 2023. Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan is important in the consideration over. In this study, and goals for the coming period of the national culture of Turkey in the international arena are intended to be addressed.
This study is a qualitative study based on document review. In the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan, the subject of “culture” is examined through descriptive analysis. It is seen that culture, which is one of the most conscious human activities, is intertwined with policies prepared for many social and economic fields such as communication, tourism, diplomacy, education, industry, art in the Eleventh Five-Year Development Plan. The Plan, which contains important goals directly or indirectly with culture, should be implemented in all risk situations and the results should be analyzed. Otherwise, as Peter Drucker stated, "plans are only good intentions unless they immediately turn into hard work."
“Navoiy institutlari”
Xalqaro munosabatlar sohasida bir davlatning boshqa xalqlarga qaratilgan strategik aloqa boshqaruv usuli sifatida qabul qilingan xalq diplomatiyasining asosi Joseph Nyening “Yumshoq kuch” tushunchasiga tayanadi. Yumshoq kuch orqali amalga oshirilgan xalq diplomatiyasining eng muhim vositalaridan biri madaniy faoliyatlardir. Madaniy faoliyatlar mamlakatlarning madaniy boyligini boshqa bir mamlakat aholisiga tanitishda foydalaniladigan ajoyib bir usuldir. Bu faoliyatlarni amalga oshirish uchun esa tildan foydalaniladi. Adabiyotning asosi va madaniyatning ko`rsatkichi bo`lgan til yordamida bir davlatning ommaviy imijini xorijda mustahkamlash uchun Alliance Francaise, British Council, Goethe instituti, Konfutsiy instituti, Yunus Emre instituti kabi xalqaro madaniy institutlar tashkil etiladi.
Ushbu tadqiqotimizdan maqsad, siyosiy tinchliksevarlik tushunchasi va hamjihatlik madaniyatining markazidan o`rin olgan va O`zbekiston uchun buyuk shaxs sanalgan Alisher Navoiy nomida tashkil etilishi mumkin bo`lgan bir madaniy institutning O`zbek tili, adabiyoti, san`ati, me`morchiligi, ma`naviy qadriyatlari, hunarmanchiligi, teatr va kino sohalarini targ`ib qilishni maqsad qilib, bu yo`lda zimmasiga oladigan ba`zi vazifalarni tahlil qilishdir. Tadqiqotimiz hujjatlarga asoslangan tahliliy bir izlanishdir. Tadqiqotda erishilgan ma`lumotlar ifoda usuli bilan tahlil qilindi.
Tadqiqotda mamlakatlarning yumshoq kuchi tanitilishida madaniy institutlarning roli bilan Markaziy Osiyoning madaniy markazi o`rnida bo`lgan O`zbekistonning yumshoq kuch manbalari tahlil qilinadi; yuzaga chiqarilgan yumshoq kuch manbalarining xalqaro maydonga olib chiqilishida madaniy institutlarga ehtiyoj bor yoki yo`qligi bo`yicha ham fikr yuritiladi. Chunki Buyuk Ipak Yo`li hududida joylashgan shaharlarda asrlar davomida tarixga kirgan, dunyo ilmiga hissa qo`shgan shoirlar, faylasuflar, olimlar, san`atkorlar yetishtirgan juda ko`p va bu mamlakatning targ`iboti xoh mahalliy, xoh xalqaro miqyosda amalga oshirilishida Navoiy institutlarining tashkil etilishi muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bu tashkilotlarning xalqaro maydonda olib boradigan faoliyati bilan O`zbekistonga qo`shni davlatlar uchun ham o`rnak model bo`lib xizmat qiladi. Shuningdek, Alisher Navoiy institutlari har qanday sohada sarmoyachi-tadbirkorlar, sayyohlar, talabalar, tadqiqotchilarning diqqatini jalb qiladigan mamlakat sifatida O`zbekistonning imiji shakllanishiga hissa qo`shishi tahmin qilinadi.
Kalit so`zlar: Navoiy institutlari, Alisher Navoiy, Xalqaro madaniy institutlar, O`zbekistonning yumshoq kuchi, O`zbekistonning madaniy diplomatiyasi, O`zbekiston imiji
Presentation of the Soft Power of Uzbekistan to the International Area – as a Suggestion- “Nevai Institutes”
The basis of public diplomacy, which is defined as the strategic communications management of a country for foreign peoples in the field of international relations, is based on the concept of the soft power coined by Joseph Nye. Cultural activities are one of the most important elements in the field of public diplomacy carried out by using soft power. Cultural activities are attractive method used to enhance the cultural richness of countries for the people of other countries. The language is used when carrying out these activities. International cultural institutes , such as the Alliance Française, British Council, Goethe-Institut, Confucius Institute, Yunus Emre Institute are among the most important actors to enhance the national image of a country beyond its borders through language, which represents the cornerstone of literature and is the bearer of culture.
This study aims to clarify the role that the language, literature, art, Uzbek architecture, spiritual values, handicrafts, cinema and the Uzbek theater play in the name of Ali Şir Nevai, who represents the value of the brand of Uzbekistan, which is the focus of understanding, the culture of peace and political reconciliation. The study is a qualitative study based on document review. The data obtained from the study were analyzed by the descriptive analysis method.
In this research, the role of cultural institutes in expressing the soft powers of countries and the sources of soft power in Uzbekistan, the cultural center of Turkestan (Central Asia), are discussed; the issue of whether there is a need for cultural institutes in transferring the main soft power sources to the international arena is emphasized. Because it is important to establish the Institutes of Nevai in the advancement of the country, which has throught history raised poets, philosophers, scholars, musicians, and urban artists who have contributed to world science in the cities located on the historic Silk Road. The international activities of these institutions will show that Uzbekistan is a role model for neighboring and regional countries. The Ali Şir Nevai institutes are also expected to contribute to the image of Uzbekistan as an appealing country for investors, tourists, students, researchers and artists.
Внедрение Мягкой Силы Узбекистана На Международной Арене –
Как Предложение Институт культуры Алишера Навои
Понятие публичной дипломатии, как управление стратегическими коммуникациями страны для иностранных народов в области международных отношений, была основана на концепции мягкой силы Джозефа Ная. Одним из наиболее важных элементов использования общественной дипломатии, осуществляемой с использованием мягкой силы это культурная деятельность. Культурная деятельность является привлекательным методом, которую страны используют для продвижения своего культурного богатства в международном масштабе. Для осуществления этой деятельности в первую очередь страна начинает внедрять свой язык, который является краеугольным камнем литературы и носителем культуры. Одним из ключевых участников укрепления национального имиджа государства за его пределами через язык, являются международные институты культуры, такие как Альянс Франсез, Британский Совет, Институт Гете, Институт Конфуция, институт Юнуса Эмре, Фонд Русский Мир.
Это исследование направлено на объяснение роли Института культуры Алишера Навои в продвижении Узбекского языка, литературы, искусства, архитектуры, вкуса, духовных ценностей, ремесел, кино и театра. Данная работа была проанализирована методом описательного анализа и является качественным исследованием.
В исследовании обсуждается роль институтов культуры стран мира в выражении мягкой силы, а также источники мягкой силы Узбекистана, которые являются культурным центром Туркестана (Центральная Азия); основное внимание уделяется вопросу о том, нужны ли данные институты культуры для внедрения мягкой силы на международной арене. Узбекистан, в городах расположенных на историческом Шелковом пути, на протяжении веков воспитывал поэтов, философов, ученых, музыкантов, ремесленников, которые вошли в историю и внесли свой вклад в мировую науку. Поэтому для продвижения страны создание институтов Невои имеет важное значение как в региональном, так и в глобальном масштабе. Деятельность этих учреждений на международной арене покажет, что Узбекистан является образцом для подражания для соседних и региональных стран. В то же время институты Алишер Навои во всех аспектах будут способствовать формированию имиджа Узбекистана как привлекательной страны для бизнесменов-инвесторов, туристов, студентов, исследователей, художников.
Ключевые Слова: Институты Навои, Алишер Навои, Международные Институты Культуры, Мягкая Сила Узбекистана, Культурная Дипломатия Узбекистана, Имидж Узбекистана.
In international relations, soft power is often defined as a country's ability to persuade rather than force others to its point of view. Soft power provides countries with the opportunity to shape the perceptions and attitudes of international public opinion around the world. Thanks to foreign public opinion, governments can direct the policies of other governments and create trust-based cooperation environments with them. As a result, countries have the opportunity to develop their own interests without using hard power, that is, military and economic power. Countries have soft power through their culture, foreign policy, and values. In this context, many sub-components, from people to trademarks, sports clubs, non-governmental organizations, and even cities, can add value to the soft power of the country they belong to. Because they can be attractive elements for the country they belong to, depending on the work they do, the successes they achieve, the services they offer, and the historical and cultural places they contain.
Today, when determining the soft power rankings of countries, the brand values they produce are also included. Like products and services, cities are also positioned as brands. Brand cities are at the forefront of the world arena with their attractive opportunities and contribute to the development of the country's economy by raising both the social and economic standards of its city residents. Within the scope of this study, the importance of the social, cultural, and historical values of Diyarbakir city for Türkiye’s soft power is emphasized. In the study, the descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research techniques, is used.
In this context, the number of master's and doctoral theses written in universities in Turkiye about the Babur State, including Babur and his sons and grandsons after him, the departments in which these theses were written and their contents have been a matter of curiosity. This research is limited to the number and areas of the theses in question.
This study is important in terms of presenting the academic studies about Babur, who established an empire that includes countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, which constitute a significant part of the world's population. In this study, it is aimed to present quantitative data about the theses written in Türkiye.
Literature review, which is one of the qualitative research techniques, was used as a method in the study and quantitative data were obtained by making use of the thesis query feature on the website of the Council of Higher Education (YOK). These theses are classified under titles such as the number of theses, their distribution by years, the status of being a master's or doctoral thesis, and the universities they were written in.
Uzbekistan, which is located on a rich cultural heritage, attracts the attention of the international public more and more every day. The reason for this is the country's consistent and peaceful foreign policy, the strategic importance of its geographical location, its young and dynamic population, as well as its ancient history and cultural richness.
In this study, Uzbekistan is evaluated only with the cultural element among the components of the pillar of soft power. The concept of culture is discussed within the framework of traditional elements other than popular culture. The study focuses especially on intangible cultural (spitritual) heritage. In this context, after evaluating the list of intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan by UNESCO, the issue of which items outside this list are intangible or spiritual cultural heritage for the country is examined.
This study is important in terms of presenting the intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan as a whole to foreigners who are curious about the country, such as international researchers, investors, students, tourists. The study is a qualitative study based on document analysis. The data obtained from the study are analyzed by descriptive analysis method.
“Soft power” is a country’s ability of steering the preferences of other countries in line with its own interests by using cultural elements such as language, history, educated population, cuisine, traditions, art, cinema, architecture, music, and political values such as democracy and human rights as well as a peaceful and consistent foreign policy. From this point of view, Uzbekistan has significant soft power potential in terms of its historical depth, Uzbek that is also the language of literature, location on the Silk Road, world-famous fictional cities such as Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva, impressive natural beauties, and cultural diversity as well as its peaceful foreign policy and thriving democracy.
In this study, the cultural richness, political values, and foreign policy of Uzbekistan are read through Nye’s concept of soft power. The study is a qualitative study based on document analysis. The data obtained from the study was analysed by descriptive analysis method.
In this study, it is discussed how the process will be in several issues from the content of the prize to the identification of prize-winners in order to maximize the symbolic value of the prize in the international arena. Furthermore, recommendations for the prize regulation to be prepared are delivered.
In this context, similar to other prizes like Nobel and Pulitzer considered as standard in measuring the soft power of countries on the international fora, evaluations on the International Alisher Navoi Prize, for which the aim is to be more prestigious in the future than aforementioned prizes, are made.