Recent Actions In Defense Of the Earth.
News From the FrontLine...
September 21, 2005 - UK HLS SUPPLIER'S QUARRY DESTROYED Received anonymously by activists in the UK: Thursday 15th September must have been a miserable day for Dickerson Ltd. (who through their sister company Donarbon remove the waste from HLS), not only did it rain all day, but the night before their limestone quarry at Greetham in Rutland had been hit hard by an ALF cell. The night was so still and quiet, that noise had to be kept to a minimum to prevent neighbouring houses becoming suspicious. Even so, with the moon illuminating the site we managed to deflate tyres on digging vehicles by destroying air valves, cut a large amount of wiring on JCBs and two large multi-part conveyer belts, sever many hydraulic lines, remove all start-up keys from various ignition points on the conveyer belts and paint slogans inside a storage shed and workers rest area. Finally we smashed our way through 2 locked doors to gain access to the site office which was ransacked, more wires were cut, office equipment damaged, paper work strewn over the floor and covered with water and the manager's new glasses and shoes cut up. Dickerson Ltd./Donarbon, maybe it's best to get away from HLS whilst you still have some quarries in working order, after all look at what the ALF did to those belonging to RMC when they collaborated with animal abuse. To be continued... ALF
September 21, 2005 - Cyberspace
HLS SUPPLIER GETTING 600,000 EMAILS A DAY Received anonymously: We continue our most effective telecommunication attack to HLS and his suppliers. With our help HLS lost FOCAL communications (and BOC also). At this time we started Phenomenex e-mail and UK phone attack. This fully automated process delivers 600.000 emails daily to 9 key e-mails of Phenomenex. Also we started Phenomenex UK phone line blockade 01625501367. They get call every 20 seconds 24 hours per day. Attack will continue until Phenomenex drop HLS. Thank you for your great work!
September 21, 2005 - Austria
3500 DUCKS LIBERATED FROM HUNTING ESTATE As reported by local activists in Austria: On 17th September, 3500 ducks were liberated from a shooting estate just North of Vienna that is breeding ducks for duck shoots.
September 20, 2005 - Austria FUR STORE PAINTED As reported by local activists in Austria: On 12th September, the fur shop "Vitasek" in the Wilhelmstrasse, 12th district in Vienna, was paintbombed. I happened to see it walking by, its fully covered in red paint and the shop keepers were trying to at least clear the display windows.
September 19, 2005 - UK HLS SUPPLIER HAS 7 VEHICLES ATTACKED Received anonymously by activists in the UK: Date: 7th September 2005Location: UPS depot near Derby
Damage Report:
*2 workers cars - covered in paint stripper and tires slashed
*1 white delivery van - tires slashed
*2 brown UPS delivery vans - splashed with paint stripper and tires
*2 cargo transport trailers - tires slashed, sprayed with slogans and
cables required for opening loading hatches cut
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move,
fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu
In solidarity will the inspiring Spanish ALF and their unrelenting
attacks against UPS. Never give in! Deal with HLS, deal with the ALF!
September 19, 2005 - UK HLS CLIENT, CHIRON DIRECTOR'S CAR ATTACKED Received anonymously by activists in the UK:" The Animal Liberation Front paid a visit to a Chiron director. Only 1 car here so we stripped it and slashed all the tyres. Not even your big gates and security will stop us. We never forget where the scum live.What use is your stupid fucking injunction now?"
September 18, 2005 - New Zealand FIVE HENS RESCUED DURING PROTEST Reported by activists in Wellington: "Five hens were rescued during a protest at the Kapiti Poultry Farm on Saturday 10th of September. As about fifteen activists arrived for a protest at the battery hen farm, several people discovered a shed door was open and entered the building. Conditions inside the shed were some of the worst ever witnessed by the activists - dead hens lay throughout the building and in cages, the air was thick with feather dust, cages were so crowded that hens were trapped beneath other hens. Many of the hens were severely debeaked, and their beaks were split.
Five hens were rescued and the protest was called off so the hens could be taken to a safe home."
September 17, 2005 - USA SMOKE AT HOME OF L.A. ANIMAL SERVICES MANAGER Received anonymously: "September 16.
The animal liberation front has taken advice from our Commander in Chief to "smoke terrorists out of their holes." The target was Los Angeles number one terrorist Gordon Stuckey. Military strength smoke grenades were detonated on the floor of this animal killers abode. Stuckey you are a disgusting human being who takes pleasure in the murder of over 50,000 animals a year. You are a target. Sleep light.

September 16, 2005 - Canada TRAVEL OFFICE RANSACKED TO PROTEST PRIMATE TRADE Received anonymously by activists in Canada: "For the international week-end of actions against the Mauritius monkey trade a group of activists decided to hit hard Thomas Cook who still refuse to make the ethical move to boycott the mauritius island until they stop the monkey trade. I guess that means they are ready to face this and a lot more.
On Friday afternoon we arrived at this Marlin/Thomas Cook travel agency in montreal very angry and masked. We barged into the office kicking and throwing everything in our way. We ran all over the office screaming and threatening the only worker there who was in total shock. The filing cabinets where totally destroyed, thrown on the ground and the files where flying all over the place.
We left the place looking like a total mess but we are still very angry … this was our first visit to Thomas Cook and we were pretty easy on them, next time you won't be counting the damage cost by the hundreds but by the thousands of dollars… you won't be so lucky if you continue pumping the economy of this
murderous island. DROP MAURITIUS NOW!"
Thomas Cook is the main dealer in holidays to Mauritius (one of the biggest exporters of primates for vivisection). More information at:

September 15, 2005 - Norway 3000+ MINK LIBERATED FROM FUR FARM Anonymous communique: "Tonight (thursday night) activists opened the cages for about 3000 minks to give them a last chance to a life outside the dirty cages. The norwegian ALF - Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront - is responsible for the action, against the fur farm owned by the leader of Vestfold Furbreeders association (Vestfold Pelsdyralslag).
Until the last cage is empty... know what to do!
Keep fighting!"

September 13, 2005 - Finland CAGES OPENED AT FUR FARM, BREEDING CARDS DESTROYED Received by activists in Finland: "We visited a fur farm in Polvijärvi 6.9.2005. We took all the breeding cards, app. 200. Unfortunately we could open only few of the cages. We do hope however that even some of the foxes could enjoy freedom and felt the grass under their feet. Our message to all the farmers is clear: We will be back again and again until you finish animal abuse!"
September 12, 2005 - USA KFC HAS 9 WINDOWS ETCHED received anonymously by activists in the USA: "September 9th, 2005 - Seattle, WA - Kentucky Fried Chicken has 9 windows etched and slogans spraypainted."
September 12, 2005 - Norway 6 ATTACKS ON MCDONALDS, FUR SHOPS Received anonymously by activists in Norway: "During august activists have several times targetted furshops and McDonalds in central Oslo.Two furshops have got windows broken and there have been more than 4 incidents of sabotage to McDonalds windows."
September 11, 2005 - Sweden 50 RABBITS LIBERATED Received anonymously by activists in Sweden:
On the night to september 9th we gained entry to a rabbit farm in Valdemarsvik (Sweden) that breeds rabbit for slaughter.
Inside the house there was 50 rabbits in what looked like old mink cages. Some of the cages was on the floor and difficault to open beacuse of the dirt.
In the cages there was lonely and shy rabbits that we felt we had to help. We emptied the farm of all the rabbits and placed them where they can now live a worhty life, a life all animals deserve.
We want to thank all people that during the 20 years the DBF has been in existence in Sweden has taken part of it. It is from these people we found the inspiration to take the law in our own hand ourselves to save life.
- Djurens Befrielsefront
(swedish ALF)
Natten till den 9 september tog vi oss till en kaninfarm i Valdermarsvik som
föder upp kaniner till slakt.
Inne i huset satt ett 50-tal kaniner i vad som såg ut att vara gamla minkburar. En del burar låg ner på golvet och var speciellt svåra att få upp på grund av mängder av smuts och rost.
I burarna satt ensama och skygga kaniner som vi kände att vi var tvugna att hjälpa. Därför tömde vi farmen på alla dess kaniner och placerade ut dem där de nu kan leva ett värdigt liv, ett liv som alla djur förtjänar.
Vi vill tacka alla människor som under de här 20 åren som DBF funnits i Sverige varit en del av DBF. Det är från dessa människor vi funnit inspiration till att även själva ta lagen i egna händer för att rädda liv.
// Djurens Befrielsefront
September 10, 2005 - France CHICKEN FARM SABOTAGED Received anonymously by activists in France:read the oringinal french communique:
"27/08/2005, in Roquefort Corbieres, the Pyrenees Orientales, France.
Each day in the world an incalculable number of animals are exploited, tortured and massacred, for fashion, experimentation, entertainment or for meat. This is why the Animal Liberation Front (F.L.A.) exists. The liberation of animals is without borders, in Russia or Great Britain animals are released and laboratories destroyed.
Acts of sabotage occurred at Copovi because hundreds of hens are suffering in this place while waiting to be transported under atrocious conditions to be killed.
Determined for the release of all animals.
The F.L.A."
Le 27/08/2005, a Roquefort des Corbieres, Pyrenees Orientales, France.
Chaque jour dans le monde un nombre incalculable d'animaux sont exploites, tortures et massacres; que ce soit pour la mode, l'experimentation, le divertissement ou la viande. C'est la raison pour laquelle le Front pour la Liberation des Animaux (F.L.A.) existe. La liberation animale n'a pas de frontiere, que ce soit en Russie ou encore Grande-Bretagne des animaux sont liberes et des laboratoires detruits.
Des actes de sabotage se sont produits dans l'exploitation Copovi parce que des centaines de poules sont en train de souffrir a cet endroit en attendant d'etre transportees dans des conditions atroces pour etre tuees.
Determines pour la liberation de tous les animaux.
Le F.L.A

September 9, 2005 - Russia RACCOON LIBERATED Received anonymously by the Russian ALF SG:
"Few years ago prison called "Exotic World" was opened close to the main
road of city Sochi (South of Russia, the Black Sea shore) near the park
"Dendrarium" entrance. There were birds, reptiles and other animals. Happy
raccoon was chosen as the symbol of this jail, but it was not fun at all
for real raccoon, who stayed in cage under advertising board. At day time,
when visitors come he has to stay in open place, feeling stress from big
amount of people and heavy traffic. Raccoons in nature are night animals,
but here in night he had to stay in tiny barrel, where he can't move and
had no food and water.
On the 30th of August, jumped over the fence we came inside of the prison.
The lock on the cage was destroyed, we took raccoon from the barrel and
leave this ugly place. When we were caring him, he was paying attention
especially to the sound of rivers and streams. He was smelling by his
sensitive nose all smells which came by wind.
Few hours later we designated the right place. Raccoon eat with appetite
together with us, drunk water and wash his small hands. It was too hot
during the journey and raccoon looked powerless. He entered water of the
river and began to swim. Then he walked on the grass and had rest there.
Very quickly his stage became better. Liberated he started his walk along
the river to find proper place for his own home.
Those people, who make money torturing and killing such beings, as this
raccoon, should release, that this action is not the last one. If they
don't stop their cruel business, they will face with us in future. -
Animal Liberation Front"