Daragh McDermott
Dr Daragh McDermott is a Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology and Undergraduate Tutor at the Department of Psychology, Anglia Ruskin University. Daragh currently teaches social psychology, the psychology of sexuality and gender as well as statistics and research methods to undergraduate students. Additionally, Daragh has previously taught research methods and psychometric to postgraduate students.
Daragh is involved in a number of on-going research projects. His primary area of interest focuses on prejudice and attitudes towards sexual and gender minorities. Current projects include an assessment of transphobia among a UK based sample, testing the efficacy of interventions to reduce transphobia and homonegativity and an exploration of LGB and T service users experiences of the NHS. In addition to this, Daragh is currently involved in research that is exploring the factors that promote resilence and well being among LBG and T young people and exploring the effects of a HIV diagnosis on the gay men's sex lives. Applications for external funding for some of these projects are currently under review. Finally, supplementary projects include research related to road safety and driving behavior.
Daraghs publication record includes forthcoming publications in PLoS One, submitted manuscripts to Sexuality and Culture as well as published work in Psychology & Sexuality, the Journal of Social Psychology, the Journal of Bisexuality and a co-edited volume entitled Sexual Minority Research in the New Millenium (Nova Sciences Publishers)
Phone: 08451965104
Address: Cos 304
Department of Psychology,
Anglia Ruskin University,
East Road,
Cambridge, CB1 1JP
Daragh is involved in a number of on-going research projects. His primary area of interest focuses on prejudice and attitudes towards sexual and gender minorities. Current projects include an assessment of transphobia among a UK based sample, testing the efficacy of interventions to reduce transphobia and homonegativity and an exploration of LGB and T service users experiences of the NHS. In addition to this, Daragh is currently involved in research that is exploring the factors that promote resilence and well being among LBG and T young people and exploring the effects of a HIV diagnosis on the gay men's sex lives. Applications for external funding for some of these projects are currently under review. Finally, supplementary projects include research related to road safety and driving behavior.
Daraghs publication record includes forthcoming publications in PLoS One, submitted manuscripts to Sexuality and Culture as well as published work in Psychology & Sexuality, the Journal of Social Psychology, the Journal of Bisexuality and a co-edited volume entitled Sexual Minority Research in the New Millenium (Nova Sciences Publishers)
Phone: 08451965104
Address: Cos 304
Department of Psychology,
Anglia Ruskin University,
East Road,
Cambridge, CB1 1JP
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Books by Daragh McDermott
Papers by Daragh McDermott