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Fans of Andy

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Pettitte the beast [Oct. 8th, 2006|03:14 pm]
Fans of Andy
[Current Location |Kingston NH]
[mood |chipperchipper]
[music |Who's your Daddy?(the song about NY beating Pedro)]

Andy Pettitte is, by far, my favorite player. He's so cool. I didn't become a fan of baseball until I was 12. The first game i ever saw on T.V. was the 2002 ALDS between the yankees and the Angels. The yankees were losing in the 9th inning when i turned it on and i said to my dad "who do you think's gonna win?" well my dad, being a Sox fan, said "i sure hope it's the Angels. So I, being the annoying son that I am, decided to be a yankees fan. When the yankees lost that game and were eliminated I was pretty pissed off. So next season I refused to watch anygames, but rather listen to them on WCBS radio. well that's when I first heard of a guy named pettitte. He picked a guy off at third base(doesn't usually happen that often) so I was like "I cant take it anymore!" so i flew downstairs to turn the T.V. on FOX so I could see the replay. At that point, I learned about a man named Tim McCarver and his boyfriend Joe buck... I hate you! well that's a different story. So Andy Pettitte is AMAZING and I just wanna like say "hi" to him. HE'S SO COOL!!! and LETS GO ASTROS I wanna see a Yankees vs. Astros World series matchup next season!
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(no subject) [Sep. 26th, 2004|02:13 pm]
Fans of Andy

[mood |creative]

Hey guys!

I just joined, so I figured I'd say hello. Andy has been my baseball obsession this year, and I, like everyone else, am bummed about him missing the rest of the year. Here are some icons of him, if anyone wants to use them. They're kind of similar (a lot of the pictures are the same), but there are a few differences. Here you go! Enjoy!

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I saw him :) [Aug. 28th, 2004|04:46 am]
Fans of Andy
[music |Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison]

Upset and frustrated that I didn't get to see Andy pitch last summer (I live in England, obviously don't get to see that many games live), someone here on LJ said that Andy would be pitching against the Mets while I was in NYC the other week. Headed straight down to the Mets clubhouse and against my Yankee-fan judgement, saw a Mets game (just to see Mr P, of course).

It was great to see him - doing his usual Pettitte stance, that look over the glove, that balletic pitch. The Astros lost - but it was great to see him anyway. Probably my favourite pitcher around (non NYY, anyway).

Thought I'd share that with you all :)
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: ( [Aug. 18th, 2004|10:10 pm]
Fans of Andy

[mood |disappointeddisappointed]

Pettitte to undergo season-ending surgery

Associated Press
Posted: 8 minutes ago
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Andy Pettitte's lost season came to an end Wednesday when the Houston Astros announced the pitcher would have surgery on his troublesome left elbow next week.

"It was getting to the point where the guys were focused on whether I could make it through the inning, much less get through the year," Pettitte said in a conference call. "I'm in unfamiliar territory. This is extremely disappointing."

Pettitte was put on the 15-day disabled list for the third time this season. Dr. James Andrews will do the surgery next Tuesday to repair a torn flexor tendon.

Andy Pettitte was 6-4 with a 3.90 ERA in 15 starts for the Astros this season.

Pettitte, 32, will start rehabilitation the day after surgery and be in a brace for up to six weeks. He will resume throwing 12-to-16 weeks after the procedure.

On Tuesday, the Astros pushed Pettitte's start back two days until Saturday. But the former All-Star realized his elbow wasn't right in his bullpen session on Monday.

"At that point, the reality set in that I had pushed it as far as I was going to be able to push it," Pettitte said. "I think throughout all of this that I was pretty much the only one who was not facing up to the reality that I might not make it through the season.

"This organization and my teammates had talked to me about shutting it down over the last two weeks, but I felt I was going to be able to make it."

A two-time 21-game winner, Pettitte joined the hometown Astros in December, leaving the New York Yankees as a free agent to sign a $31.5 million, three-year contract.

But Pettitte tore a tendon in his elbow in his Houston debut - while batting, of all things - and has not been right all season.

Pettitte was 6-4 with a 3.90 ERA in 15 starts for the Astros, who have had a disappointing season after coming in with high expectations. Even with Roger Clemens joining the rotation in the winter and the midseason acquisition of All-Star center fielder Carlos Beltran, the Astros fell out of the NL Central race and faded in the wild-card chase.

"It's very disappointing. I feel very bad for him. I know how hard he worked," Astros first baseman Jeff Bagwell said. "I'm thoroughly impressed in how he went about his business despite his problems. It showed a tremendous amount of heart."

The Astros plan to recall right-hander Brandon Backe from Triple-A New Orleans. He will join the team Friday in Houston.

Backe, 26, will make his first major league start on Saturday against the Chicago Cubs after 61 career relief appearances.

"It's obviously a huge loss," Astros left fielder Craig Biggio said. "He's been battling all season. You have to give him a lot of credit for trying to suck it up with a major injury. At least he knows he can get it fixed and be ready for next year."
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(no subject) [Aug. 11th, 2004|12:49 pm]
Fans of Andy

An article from the Mets' site on the return of Andy (and Roger Clemens) to New York. He's pitching tomorrow, so if you can get Mets games, watch him on TV again and hope his poor left elbow holds up!

read it right here
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New member and colorbar [Aug. 10th, 2004|11:32 pm]
Fans of Andy

[mood |sleepysleepy]
[music |DDR - Still in my Heart]

I've been reading through this community for a while and finally decided to join it. (Even though there isn't much activity!) Andy Pettitte has always held an amount of intrigue for me..

I made this colorbar more for my enjoyment than anything, because I couldn't find any dedicated to Andy, but I'm willing to share with you guys. :P Let me know what you think about it, whether you take it or not. You can change the text in the link but please leave the credit there. ^-^


Andy colorbarCollapse )
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Gossip! [Jun. 21st, 2004|11:28 am]
Fans of Andy

Hey ladies! I am looking for gossip on professional athletes for a column Im writing on my website ( The focus of the column is on Athlebrity gossip. Anyone see Jeter at Mynt in Miami? How about spotting Tom Brady at a dive bar with a date? I am looking for credible information only! I need your eyes and ears! Help me out if you can and I will compensate you for your time. Seroius inquiries only. Email me at [email protected]
THANKS and keep up the good work.
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(no subject) [Jun. 15th, 2004|05:45 pm]
Fans of Andy


Here's hoping he gets off the DL soon!
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yay [Apr. 27th, 2004|11:29 pm]
Fans of Andy

he's ready to pitch again!
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(no subject) [Apr. 10th, 2004|03:18 pm]
Fans of Andy

Pettitte placed on 15-day DL
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