“True North: ebooks and the ethics of librarianship”, January 7, 2013, Valhalla, NY
My company: Unglue.it.
Douglas County (CO) Libraries, home of lots of ebook innovation. Their director Jamie Larue has a blog and a Twitter account, @jaslar; very much worth reading.
Ebooks choices and the soul of librarianship, my Library Journal article on which this talk is based
“The Future of Ebooks” (panel), Computers in Libraries, March 23, 2012. (video); the first 10 minutes of this video are an earlier version of my WLA talk
Your own library’s mission statement or other guiding documents.
David Lankes wrote an interesting critique of IFLA’s assumptions.
Lane Wilkinson’s presentation It’s not just privacy, porn, and pipe-bombs (Libraries and the ethics of service), which extends his earlier blog post, On ethical reference service (or, “Fishmongers? In my library?”).
Lane has a graduate degree in philosophy and helped me a lot with understanding the background for this talk. Thanks, Lane!
Another librarian with a background in philosophy, who blogs about the philosophical dimension of librarianship, is Wayne Bivens-Tatum.
For broad yet scholarly background on philosophy, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. For background on major current schools of metaethics, see the entries on consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics.
Your E-Book Is Reading You, Wall Street Journal article
In the Library with the Lead Pipe, The ebook cargo cult
Free Library of Philadelphia Resolves NOOK Accessibility Lawsuit
Kindle lending through OverDrive was big news when it happened, e.g. Amazon and OverDrive Roll Out Kindle Books to Libraries. But some librarians questioned whether this increased access was really a good deal or if it came with too many strings attached, relating to privacy and to how much more Amazon stood to gain than libraries did, e.g. Public Library eBooks on the Amazon Kindle – We Got Screwed
A Reading Miracle. It May Be Legal, but Don’t Ask the Grox. “I am no longer an objective observer of digital copyright issues when they relate to access by the reading disabled. When I want to feel some anger (it helps me run faster) I think about people and institutions who try to use copyright law in ways that prevent people like my son from being able to read what they want to read.”
The cartoon I referenced about the frustrations of downloading a library audiobook (not ebook, mea culpa) is actually by Brad Colbow. I probably thought it was by the Oatmeal because of this one about similar copyright- and business-model-related frustrations.
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