Once upon a time in 2017, my colleague Andy Dorner, who is awesome at devops, made a magical deploy script for HAMLET. I was like, ugh, Heroku is not a good solution, I have to AWS, I regret my life choices, and he was like, never fear! I will throw together a script which will make it all test/build/deploy every time you git push, using magic.
It worked great and I basically didn’t have to think about it until July of this year.
And then, inevitably in retrospect, I found a deploy didn’t work because nothing worked.
The presenting issue was that a URL we’d used to download a thing for certbot now 404ed. But why stop there? Travis was no longer a thing, so there goes deployment. The Amazon Linux platform had gone comprehensively obsolete, replaced by AL2 (which has a subtly but importantly different set of instructions for…everything, and they usually aren’t clearly distinguished in the various StackOverflow and Amazon documentation places one naturally ends up; for extra fun Amazon Linux isn’t quite RHEL or Centos and definitely isn’t Ubuntu or Debian, so instructions you find for those platforms almost-but-don’t-quite work, too). The supported versions of Python were different.
A sensible and disciplined person carefully swaps out one variable at a time for ease of troubleshooting. I found myself standing in the wreck of a Jenga tower, with no such option. Here’s how I rebuilt it.
(This is the linear, simplified version. In practice, picture two months of spare time flailing, git pushing to redeploy and find out what broke, leaving an absolute wreck of a git history, which it kills me not to clean up, but which I am leaving so that you feel less alone in your own desperate sallies against AWS.)
Gonna need a web server (Beanstalk/AL2)
I created a new EC2 instance, using the latest available Amazon Linux 2/Python 3.8 platform. (It turns out you can’t swap out EC2 instances under your running environment, so I couldn’t just upgrade in place.) I then created a new Beanstalk environment for that instance.
To my great shock, the sample application that Amazon provides for your brand-new Python instance is a pleasant-looking page that links to AWS Python and Django documentation. It was weirdly hospitable.
I also manually copied over all the application-environment variables from the old instance to the new one in the AWS console (Elastic Beanstalk > Environments > (name of env) > Configuration
Also, make sure to specify a keypair when you create a new environment. You can do this on instance creation, but it’s harder, and specifying it with the environment will apply it to any instances that get autoscaled. If you don’t do this you won’t be able to ssh to the instances, and then you will be sad during the inevitable debugging slog.
Finally, the default (free) instance type that gets created here is t2.micro
, but that doesn’t have enough capacity for memory-hungry neural net dependencies, so I had to destroy my first attempt and recreate an environment where I went into advanced options somewhere and specified t2.small
A digression, in which we update our application
HAMLET had been on Python 3.6, but the only available instances were Python 3.7 and 3.8. So there’s a moment in here where I create a new 3.8 pipenv on localhost and reinstall all the things, updating as needed. Luckily this is a pretty small change and the tests still pass.
How about that database (RDS)
Then I went to attach my new instance to my old database and discovered that’s not a thing, because why would it be. Instead, you need to snapshot your existing database on the old instance; create a new RDS instance attached to your new beanstalk environment; and attach the snapshot during the creation process. Luckily RDS figured it out automagically from there (I was not looking forward to spending time configuring a database).
And then I had a database that Django couldn’t connect to, because pipenv install psycopg2
fails unless you have pg_config
, which means you have to install postgresql-devel
in the packages
section of an .ebextensions
config file, which is an example of why my git history is such a mess.
What if code needs to get from GitHub to AWS (GitHub Actions)
This was the easy part. I blew away my travis config and set up GitHub Actions, which didn’t exist in 2017, but do now. This took, like, fifteen minutes and one config file, and just worked. Great job, GitHub.
Psych, your deploy is still broken (.ebextensions)
Remember how Amazon Linux and AL2 have all sorts of subtle, patchily documented differences? Yeah. It turns out the deployment process is among them. The syntax available in .ebextensions
files is a little different! .platform/hooks
now exists, and you can put shell scripts there and it’s honestly pretty useful — once you figure out what executes when! I referred frequently to this documentation of AL2 config options. After alarmingly many yakshaving commits: before, after.
Mostly this was removing stuff, which was great. Got rid of stuff which was there only to hack around problems with an old version of WSGI. No longer needed logging hacks, because logs work better on AL2. Got rid of certbot conf temporarily because I needed it to work on port 80 before I complicated things with port 443 (stay tuned!) And…
Everything’s better without Apache (nginx)
Andy had set it up with Apache and it worked so I didn’t touch it. That said, I personally have never gotten Apache to work for anything, fleeing instead to the comparatively smooth and glowing embrace of nginx. As long as everything was broken anyway, and AL2 defaults to nginx and certbot has clear instructions for nginx…why not try that.
This meant destroying the Apache config in .ebextensions
and then not writing nginx config, because the existing stuff just worked (modulo one little change to the syntax for the WSGI file location — hamlet.wsgi:application
instead of hamlet/wsgi.py
). That was pretty great.
What if (when) you need to debug it
The most helpful thing here was connecting directly to the EC2 instance (you can do this with eb ssh
but I just used the web console) and hand-running commands to see what happened, rather than making an .ebextensions
or .platform/hooks
change, deploying it, and then hunting through logs. This was also particularly helpful for dealing with packages issues; instructions for various install processes usually reference apt-get and Debian/Ubuntu, but I have yum and AL2, and packages often have slightly different names, and oy, just logging into the instance and doing some yum list is so much easier than guessing and hoping.
Connecting directly to the EC2 instance also makes it easy to view logs, though the download full logs option in the Beanstalk console is good too. Don’t just get the last 100 lines; this doesn’t include all the log files you will need — notably the cfn-init.log
, to which I referred constantly. eb-engine.log
was very helpful too, and sometimes the nginx access and error logs.
There was also a hilarious moment (…several moments) (…not initially hilarious) when I found that my captcha wasn’t working and updating it didn’t help, and when I went to view the application logs I discovered we weren’t writing them because reasons. Rather than figure out how to do that, there I was learning strace to grab log writes before they went to the ether, which is how I discovered this psycopg2 bug. captcha is still not working.
Miscellaneous small yaks
I needed to repoint my CNAME record for hamlet.andromedayelton.com
from my old Beanstalk environment to the new one. The cryptic URL is clearly visible in the AWS web console for Beanstalk, and the hardest part of this was remembering where my CNAME record lived.
Correspondingly, I had to update ALLOWED_HOSTS
in the Django config.
There were, at this point, CSRF failures when I submitted forms, but I decided to ignore them until after I’d fixed SSL, on the theory that the CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True
Django setting might, you know, not work if the “secure” wasn’t available. This was the correct call, as CSRF magically worked once I stood up SSL. Similarly, I didn’t bother to think about whether I was redirecting http to https until after SSL was working, and it turned out there was nothing I needed to do here — my existing conf worked. (Whatever it is. Seriously, I have no idea what Amazon puts in its default nginx file, or how certbot edits it.)
I updated Pillow. captcha is now working.
Speaking of certbot, isn’t that where we started? (SSL)
Remember how my presenting problem was that certbot installation 404ed? And here we are several screens later and I haven’t installed certbot yet? Yes. Well. The prerequisites for the honestly quite helpful certbot instructions include having a working web site on port 80, and we’ve only just gotten there. I used the other Linux + pip instructions variant, because AL2 is extremely other, and no one really seemed to know how to install snapd on it. I filled in some .ebextensions
and .platform/hooks
specifics with this extremely helpful AL2 + certbot blog post, which (bonus points!) has the clearest diagram I have encountered of the order in which things happen during Beanstalk deployments. In particular, this blog post tipped me off that the certbot certificate installation script needs to run during a postdeploy hook, not during .ebextensions
, so that the changes that it makes to nginx configuration will persist across autoscaling events.
On the whole, though, EFF has improved its certbot installation process since 2017, and once I had the entire rest of the web site working, this part was fairly straightforward.
The life-changing magic of tidying up
At this point I had 3 Beanstalk environments — original HAMLET; failed (t2.micro
) first attempt at upgrading to AL2; and shiny new working HAMLET. Don’t forget to destroy the old ones when you no longer need them! Terminating them will also terminate associated resources like databases, and then you stop getting charged for them.
Which brings me to the last item on my todo list, PARTY AND BLOG ABOUT IT
🎉 🥳 🎊 Hi! I did it!
…but it is still broken
Remember that captcha? The form it guards 500s on submission. More time with strace
later, I find that the fast version of (my very old) gensim isn’t compiling, so it’s falling back to the slow version, so it doesn’t have neg_labels
available, and it needs that to run infer_vector
. I have tried a variety of things to install gensim (notably, build-essentials
isn’t a thing on this system; I need yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
), but it still doesn’t compile. This means parts of the site work — the slow gensim path is still available — but not anything involving processing uploaded text.
I strongly suspect I’m caught in version shear problems (my gensim is extremely outdated), but upgrading that is going to be its own slow and careful thing, outside the scope of getting HAMLET to stand up again at all.
🎉 🥳 🎊 Hi! I sort of did it!