Papers by Nilda Tri Putri
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, 2017
Baristand Industri Padang is an agency under control Ministry of Industry of Indonesia which it h... more Baristand Industri Padang is an agency under control Ministry of Industry of Indonesia which it has a duty to serve the industries involving research activities, standardization and certification. To realize the programs, Baristand Industri Padang implemented a quality management system including ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17065, and KNAPPP 02. Nevertheless, it has been running separately. Therefore, quality of products not only proven by testing the final product, but also needed other evidence as a certificate that ensuring the quality of products. This research aims to design the Quality Management System for Baristand Industri Padang which it was implemented using life cycle methodology. Finding of this study revealed there was integration of ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17065, and KNAPPP 02 in the context of the structure of the process, documents, and organization. In the context of the structure of processes, it obtained four groups of primary process involving mana...
Developing Business Model for Food-Small Medium Enterprise Using Business Model Canvas (Case Stud... more Developing Business Model for Food-Small Medium Enterprise Using Business Model Canvas (Case Study : Bolu Kemojo Insan Sukses). A presentation at Asia Pacific Conference on Research in Industrial and Systems Engineering (APCORISE).

Procedia Manufacturing, 2020
This research aims to identify students' perception on the application and level interest of sust... more This research aims to identify students' perception on the application and level interest of sustainable campus based on the landscape concept at Andalas University. The paper also offers proposed improvements for sustainable campus development based on landscape concepts for Andalas University (UNAND). One aspect to be considered in a sustainable campus is landscape consideration. Landscape concept considerations have not been applied optimally in the campus environment of Andalas University. The study was conducted by using questionnaires that contain questions about the applicability and level interest of sustainable campus based on the concept of landscape. Application of landscape concepts in sustainable campus development at Andalas University according to students' perceptions based on fairly good scale to very good scale with an average rating of 60.49%, while the result of average rating for very poor scales to sufficient scale is 39.51 %

Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, 2021
This research aims to evaluate the egg-laying chicken feeder that was designed at egg-laying chic... more This research aims to evaluate the egg-laying chicken feeder that was designed at egg-laying chicken farm small and medium enterprise (SME). The main reason of this tool design was due to the worker’s complain of feeling pain during the feeding process. Evaluation was performed based on Nordic Body Map questionnaire result, physiological workload, and NIOSH lifting equation calculation. The observed work ranged from the feed filling in the basket until all feeds were distributed. The results showed that the %CVL was in the range of 18%-30% and the energy consumption of workers was in the range of 1.24-3.00 Kcal/minute. Thus, physiologically, the work activities carried out by the feed workers were categorized as very light workload. Meanwhile, evaluation using Lifting Index (LI) methods in the process of feeding showed the LI value ranged from 0.9-1, therefore this activity is safe to perform manually. Based on the prototype evaluation on the feeding aid, the process of feeding acti...

CV Citra Dragon as one of the medium agricultural machine industry in West Sumatra has a plan to ... more CV Citra Dragon as one of the medium agricultural machine industry in West Sumatra has a plan to relocate the existing plant to meet customer demand each year. Production capacity enhancement and plant relocation will change the layout of the plant; therefore need to design of facility layout of CV Citra Dragon. By applying Group Technology Layout, design of production layout becomes first step in this research. The initial step is using the Average Linkage Clustering (ALC) and Rank Order Clustering (ROC) to group the machines and part family. To design the layout, Modified Spanning Tree (MST) is used. Next step is, to design layout of warehouses, offices and other production facilities. Activity Relationship Chart methods used to organize the placement of factory facilities has been designed. Based on processing data, total distance of the displacement of material in a single production amounted to 1120.16 m which means need 18.7 minutes of transportation time for one time producti...

It is the time for road infrastructure management system to switch the perspective of life plan-b... more It is the time for road infrastructure management system to switch the perspective of life plan-based management to another approach which is more efficient in terms of budgeting and can optimize road performance. The use of performance indicators has been recommended for this. This study aims to formulate the performance indicators for Performance Based Contracting (PBC) method widely used now now. These performance indicators are formulated for West Sumatera Province, designated as disaster zones. The integration of the three qualitative methods, namely the Delphi method, AHP and method of Natural Cut-off Point has succeeded in formulating indicators. Delphi method is used to identify indicators, while the AHP is used to prioritize the indicators and the last, the method of Natural Cut-off Point is used to select the critical indicators. A total of six critical indicators are identified, namely damage at the end of pavement, drainage, culverts, Potholes, width of pavement and crac...

Jurnal Warta Pengabdian Andalas, 2019
Saat ini, konsumen sudah semakin cerdas dalam memilih produk, termasuk produk pangan. Keamanan pa... more Saat ini, konsumen sudah semakin cerdas dalam memilih produk, termasuk produk pangan. Keamanan pangan menjadi hal penting yang harus diperhatikan oleh industri pangan. Produksi makanan yang tidak aman tidak hanya dapat mengakibatkan keracunan makanan, penarikan produk, proses hukum yang panjang, tapi juga dapat merusak reputasi publik. Persyaratan pelanggan menuntut adanya kepastian bahwa makanan diproses dengan cara yang memenuhi standar keamanan pangan, mulai dari kebun sampai ke meja. Untuk memenuhi hal tersebut maka semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses produksi pangan harus memiliki pengetahuan dan memahami dengan baik hal terkait standar penanganan pangan untuk produk yang diproduksi. Rendang merupakan salah satu makanan tradisional Sumatera Barat yang sudah mulai mendunia. Hal ini mengakibatkan kebutuhan untuk memproduksi rendang dengan standar keamanan pangan menjadi suatu hal yang sangat penting. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dalam rangka Pengabdian Masyarakat Jurusan Tek...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The closed-loop supply chain has been identified as an efficient and effective strategy for susta... more The closed-loop supply chain has been identified as an efficient and effective strategy for sustainable practices in manufacturing companies. An evaluation is essential to achieve a successful closed-loop supply chain. This study aims to evaluate the closed-loop supply chain performance in the bottled water industry using a fuzzy rule-based system. A case study is conducted to PT X, a bottled water company in West Sumatra. The results show the overall closed-loop supply chain performance of PT X is at a fair level. Nine measures in the forward chain are at a good level. In contrast, one measure (i.e., product characteristics) is classified into a poor level. Based on the results, the company needs to conduct improvements related to product characteristics. In terms of the reverse chain, two measures (i.e., material features and supplier commitment) are at a fair level, while four measures are at a good level. The company has to pay more attention to material features and supplier co...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Nowadays, hospitals are facing overcrowding of patients in outpatient treatment. It caused many p... more Nowadays, hospitals are facing overcrowding of patients in outpatient treatment. It caused many problems because the patient takes a long time to wait. The long waiting times would lead to patient dissatisfaction. This study aims to improve the performance of the outpatient queuing system. The simulation technique is applied to analyze the existing system. First, the system description is constructed to determine the outpatient process flow. Next, the required data is collected, and the probability distribution is then fitted. The simulation model is developed using ARENA software. The model is then verified using a run check model and validated using paired T-Test. The simulation reports are analyzed, and it obtained the problems of long waiting times of internal medicine patients and the high utilization of internal medicine Doctors. Scenarios are then suggested to improve system performance. Scenario-3 of addition one internal medicine Doctor and develop a booking system is selec...

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
Coal combustion plays an important role in the process of burning raw mix into cement clinker. Ho... more Coal combustion plays an important role in the process of burning raw mix into cement clinker. However, ensuring a uniform coal quality is quite challenging especially when cement producer adopts multisourcing system where different suppliers involved to supply coal demand. This research explores the optimal coal blending quality problem in SP Co., as one of the largest cement industry in Indonesia, where the coal is supplied from several suppliers characterized by heterogenous and fluctuated coal quality. In detail, the problem is to select a set of suppliers and to determine optimal order allocation of coal for supplying three cement plants distinguished by certain requirement of coal specification under some realistic constraints such as quality of coal, allocated budget of purchasing and supplier capacity. A linear programming model is proposed to solve the formulated problem and sensitivity analysis is performed to examined the robustness of the model. Using real case data, we demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of our model.

Roads are the ground transport infrastructure which includes all parts of the road, including com... more Roads are the ground transport infrastructure which includes all parts of the road, including complementary buildings and equipment intended for traffic. Padang city as the capital of West Sumatra province requires road transport system to meet the needs of service to the needs of the community in various fields. However, after conducting surveys and interviews with the Public Works Department City of Padang, most roads in the city of Padang were damaged. One of the main causes of damage to the road is a puddle of water that had flooded the road. During this unprecedented performance evaluation system that delivers good performance standards for roads drainage in Padang City, Indonesia. The absence of performance standards has resulted roads drainage performance in Padang for the worse. As a result, roads drainage does not function well in a puddle of water flow and if it is allowed then the road will be damaged and cause greater harm in the future. The design of the performance evaluation system is done by using Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are adopted from other countries. KPI is tailored to the conditions of the roads drainage in the city of Padang. KPI adjustments will be done through surveys and in-depth interviews to consider the opinions of experts in the field of roads drainage. KPIs will be adjusted weighted by AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) to determine the importance of KPI. Giving weights through pair wise comparisons by experts who have the knowledge and understanding of the model designed. Further assessment was conducted to evaluate the performance of the roads drainage.

Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknologi Industri
Sektor utama penggerak ekonomi Sumatera Barat ditopang oleh lima kategori yaitu pertanian, kehuta... more Sektor utama penggerak ekonomi Sumatera Barat ditopang oleh lima kategori yaitu pertanian, kehutanan, perikanan, industri kecil menengah (IKM), perdagangan besar dan eceran, serta reparasi mobil dan motor. Oleh karena itu pemerintah berupaya untuk menberdayakan setor ini agar mampu bersaing di era digital. Salah satunya dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada IKM terkait penggunaan digital sebagai sarana promosi dan pemasaran produk, tujuannya agar mampu memperluas pasar dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan pada IKM dalam bertransformasi menuju digital dari sudut pandang manajemen perubahan khususnya pada IKM yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan terkait pengembangan dan promosi produk menggunakan teknologi informasi dengan menggunakan metode dari Kotter's yaitu leading changes management. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan 19 dari 21 IKM yang diteliti telah merasakan dampak positif digital bagi IKM mereka, namun yang menjadi penghambat mereka untuk terus bergabung dan memperluas pasar di digital adalah Sumber Daya Manusia yang dimiliki belum mampu mengelola digital itu sendiri. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran awal terkait kondisi IKM dalam bertransformasi menuju digital dan mampu memberikan masukan bagi IKM serta Pemerintah Daerah Sumatera Barat terkait pelatihan yang dibutuhkan oleh IKM dalam membantu mereka untuk bertransformasi digital.

Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, 2018
Pharmaceutical services at the hospital are an integral part of the hospital's service system... more Pharmaceutical services at the hospital are an integral part of the hospital's service system. The quality of the pharmacy service affects the hospital's performance as a service company. Pharmacy Installation of Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital based on data from Public Relation and Public Complaint Installation of Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital get complaint report on pharmacy service as many as 28 complaint reports in 2015 and 42 complaint reports in 2016. A decrease in the quality of care is indicated by the decrease in the number of in-patients in the period of 2013-2015 reaching an average of 2.89%, while the level of complaints on the quality of in-patient pharmacy service remains high with 31 complaints by years. This study aims to analyze the effect of hospital pharmacy service quality on patient satisfaction at pharmacy depo Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital. The measurements of all constructs and research indicators used questionnaires distributed to 320 in-patients as re...

Indonesian Journal of Halal Research, 2021
Bakery product is a product with huge business opportunities in the domestic and international ha... more Bakery product is a product with huge business opportunities in the domestic and international halal food market. Bakery companies are demanded to keep the trust of the consumers to the bakery product. The design of the halal assessment model is required to determine the critical point in the bakery-making business process. This assessment tool is intended to understand, know, and determine the critical point of the bakery production process from the halalness degree and is reviewed from all aspects such as the materials’ content, as well as the material acquisition and processing method based on 18 criteria of GMP principles (Good Manufacturing Practices). The halal assessment model designed in this research used QFD (Quality Function Deployment) approach which was integrated into the company’s business process and the halal critical bakery was grouped based on SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model. Matrix 1 integrated GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and business proces...

Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of service quality, organization culture and re... more The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of service quality, organization culture and reputation on student satisfaction. This study uses 397 data collected from undergraduate students of Andalas University. The data is analyzed using structural equation modeling with SmartPLS 3.0, because of its ability to evaluate the measurement as well as the structural model. The results of this study show that service quality, organization culture and reputation significantly affect the student satisfaction. It is also found that service quality has the highest effect on student satisfaction, which means that increasing Andalas University service quality would significantly improve the satisfaction of its students. The results of this study also show that the organization culture nor reputation do not have moderating effect on the relationship between service quality and student satisfaction. This finding implies that organization culture nor reputation would not strengthen nor weaken...

Jurnal Teknologi, Jan 11, 2015
The concept of sustainability has been seen as a part, or even a core component of facilities man... more The concept of sustainability has been seen as a part, or even a core component of facilities management. In a broader context, sustainable facilities management has a very important position for its contribution to sustainable development. Nowadays, the road infrastructure performance management system also emphasizes on the importance of sustainability to optimize the function of the roads in supporting the mobilization and transportation of people and goods. The use of performance indicators has been recommended to achieve sustainability in the road management. This study is aimed at developing a Strategic Road Performance Model (SRPM) for Padang City of Indonesia which has been stipulated as a national disaster zone. A benchmark study conducted to identify as many as twenty performance indicators belongs to the three criteria used in previous studies. The three rounds of the Delphi method are done to obtain road performance indicators. A number of twelve indicators are generated from the third round of that Delphi method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is then performed to prioritize the indicators. Finally, this study generates the Strategic Road Performance Model (SRPM) based on performance indicators.
Tolerance design affects the quality and the robustness of the product. Tolerance design is mostl... more Tolerance design affects the quality and the robustness of the product. Tolerance design is mostly aimed at selecting best tolerance limit that minimizes total cost. This can be done by balancing the quality loss caused by variance on product performance and cost to control variances. This paper is aimed at selecting tolerance limits for assembly components by minimizing manufacturing and quality loss costs simultaneously. This paper explores all alternatives of machining processes of all features on the components. To find solution of this problem, zero-one programming with LINGO 8.0 software is used. The result shows that a stringent limit implies to the use of machine with a highest process capability, which also results in higher total production cost. The result of this tolerance synthesis will be used as a recommendation for manufacturing process.

Jurnal Teknologi, 2015
The concept of sustainability has been seen as a part, or even a core component of facilities man... more The concept of sustainability has been seen as a part, or even a core component of facilities management. In a broader context, sustainable facilities management has a very important position for its contribution to sustainable development. Nowadays, the road infrastructure performance management system also emphasizes on the importance of sustainability to optimize the function of the roads in supporting the mobilization and transportation of people and goods. The use of performance indicators has been recommended to achieve sustainability in the road management. This study is aimed at developing a Strategic Road Performance Model (SRPM) for Padang City of Indonesia which has been stipulated as a national disaster zone. A benchmark study conducted to identify as many as twenty performance indicators belongs to the three criteria used in previous studies. The three rounds of the Delphi method are done to obtain road performance indicators. A number of twelve indicators are generated from the third round of that Delphi method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is then performed to prioritize the indicators. Finally, this study generates the Strategic Road Performance Model (SRPM) based on performance indicators.
Papers by Nilda Tri Putri