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I haven't even played a game of this yet with the friend group I intend to run it for, and just the discussion that has resulted from everyone reading through it makes it worth the price of admission. More than one of my friends have said that it enables an evocation of certain aspects of themselves that they have had trouble expressing until now, and for that I'm eternally grateful for the existence of this game.


brilliant fucking game. it's body horror. it's kink. it's a proud declaration of rebellion against the world. it's a howl of rage at the state of the world. it's a howl of rage at the state of the rebellion. it's hard to read, it's fun to read, and i imagine even harder and more fun to play.

i don't know if i will ever be ready to play this game. i don't know if i want to be. but it's a brilliant expression of queer hate, joy, fear, love, pain, and desperation. i'm in awe at how coldly it read me and impacted me. this game is evocative and disgusting and beautiful. definitely recommended as long as you're not put off by the trigger warnings.


felt genuinely GIDDY reading through this. need to play it ASAP


I will eventually run this beautiful transgressive queer gayme. I will do it even if it challenges me beyond every fiber of my being. And when I do, it will be glorious.

(Also are there any existing character keepers in the making?)


i use google slides right now, i may end up sharing that once the game is a bit more finalized


This goes crazy. I'm in awe.


I'm awestruck. I need to share this, I can't carry this on my own. I simply must tell someone immediately.


Or maybe I'll just take it to my grave. That's fine too.


I can't wait to force my friends to play this!!


GOD this fucks so incredibly hard. A clear artistic vision executed without mercy or restraint. Genuinely one of the tightest games I've seen in ages.

I could gush about this thing until I cry. It's over the top, it's crass, it's disgusting, it's violent, and every bit of that is done with so much thought. This isn't random obscenity. This is carefully constructed obscenity. It gets in, makes it's point with the subtlety of a chainsaw, then gets out before it over-complicates itself.

This book reads like a howl of unbearable pain and it genuinely dredged up some bad memories. I LOVE IT.


Dripping with flavor, leaking with brilliant ideas, filled to the brim with tantalizing horrors and brutally relatable writing.

Someone finally cracked the code on enticing social mechanics in games ~ ((Also emergent erotic bug gameplay is making my week ~))


Tragic, beautiful, raw. Love this.


This is the kind of game I could write a thesis paper on. I love it~


Incredibly fun and fucked up


holy shit


Best thing to happen to TTRPGs in a long fucking while