Serap Uğur
Serap Uğur graduated from an undergraduate program in "Computer Education and Instructional Technology" at Anadolu University and the master degree of the same program, her Doctorate degree of the Distance Education program. Since 2002, she was working as a lecturer at the Distance Education Department of Open Education Faculty. She has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Education Faculty. She experts in technological singularity and transhumanism, and works research and development activities&projects in fields such as e-learning content types, digital storytelling, animation, game-based learning, gamification, instructional design, crosscultural aspects, artificial intelligence, individual differences and human-computer interaction, VR, AR, MR and metaverse. She was Vice Corporate Communication Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator of Anadolu University, and Vice Coordinator Internship and Practice Courses. Known for her work in the field of technological singularity and Transhumanism, Uğur, conducts informative activities on distance education with Gülsün Kurubacak, with the social responsibility project "uzaktanegitimkocu" on social media.
Phone: 2223350580
Address: Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty, Learning Technologies Research and Development Unit
Phone: 2223350580
Address: Anadolu University, Open Education Faculty, Learning Technologies Research and Development Unit
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Papers by Serap Uğur
Since many digital environments, such as many web technologies, virtual classrooms, and mobile technologies are widely used in formal education, it is possible to assume that the digital era is
located at the very heart of education. In many countries, government policies also support digitalization and technology research in education. The author aims to provide answers by analysing the question from another perspective.
Materials and methods: The first 125 videos published on Youtube.com between January 11 and 18, 2023, accessed with the keyword "erectile dysfunction," published in Turkish, and displayed in search results in a standard order of relevance were studied. Videos that were less than 1 minute long, do not contain information, contains jokes, movie trailers, or product advertisements, were less than 1 month old since their publication, or were unrelated to ED were excluded from the study. The quality of the information content of the videos was assessed using DISCERN scoring. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 24 software.
Results: It was determined that out of the 100 videos that met the inclusion criteria, 74% were uploaded by healthcare professionals, 3% by the Pharmaceutical Industry, 5% by the Dietary Supplement Industry, 3% by psychologists, and 15% by non-healthcare professionals. When the videos were examined based on their content, it was determined that the topics of the published videos primarily focused on diagnosis and treatment. However, it was also found that there were videos that provided content on the etiopathology and symptoms of the disease. The total duration of the videos was 10 hours, 58 minutes, and 24 seconds (1 minute to 53.05 minutes). While the total number of views was 21.893.514 (15-1.700.000), the total number of likes was determined to be 130.340. The average views were 8.002.64 (1.998.76-11.953.26), and the average monthly likes were 47.30 (11.88-73.1). The average value for DISCERN was calculated to be 3.3 (1-5). There was a negative correlation between the DISCERN scores and the average monthly number of likes. It was found that there was a positive and significant correlation between the duration of videos and DISCERN scores. Videos uploaded by physicians had a high DISCERN score, while the content quality of the other videos was moderate to poor.
Conclusions: Overall, 50% of ED-related videos on YouTube have moderate to poor content quality. Videos uploaded by physicians had high DISCERN scores and high likes and view rates. A negative correlation existed between DISCERN ratings and average monthly likes and views.
Bu “gelecek”, özellikle covid19'un etkisiyle, çoğu kişinin düşündüğünden çok daha yakın bir zamanda gerçekleşecektir. Sağlıkla ilgili endişeler, insanların daha uzun yaşama istekleri, genç kalma arzusu gibi içgüdüler, insanların sürekli bir arayışta olmasını tetiklemektedir. Bu arayış, teknoloji ve sağlık çerçevesindedir. Sağlık ve teknolojik destekle daha üst bir seviyeye dönüşen insanı savunan görüş olan transhümanizm, ölümsüzlük arayışı içinde değildir. Bunun yerine kaliteli-sağlıklı-uzun ömürlü bir insana dönüşümü savunan bir görüştür. Transhumanizm, bilim ve teknolojinin tüm imkânlarının dönüşmüş bir insan için seferber edildiği bir felsefedir. İnsanoğlunun bu dönüşüm sürecinde kullanılan bilim ve teknolojinin imkânları NBIC (Nano, Bio, Info, Cogno), yani nanoteknoloji, biyoloji, iletişim ve cognitive (bilişsel) başlıkları altında ele alınmaktadır. Bu bölümde, biohacking ve transhumana yönelik yapılmış çalışmalar incelenmektedir.
Since many digital environments, such as many web technologies, virtual classrooms, and mobile technologies are widely used in formal education, it is possible to assume that the digital era is
located at the very heart of education. In many countries, government policies also support digitalization and technology research in education. The author aims to provide answers by analysing the question from another perspective.
Materials and methods: The first 125 videos published on Youtube.com between January 11 and 18, 2023, accessed with the keyword "erectile dysfunction," published in Turkish, and displayed in search results in a standard order of relevance were studied. Videos that were less than 1 minute long, do not contain information, contains jokes, movie trailers, or product advertisements, were less than 1 month old since their publication, or were unrelated to ED were excluded from the study. The quality of the information content of the videos was assessed using DISCERN scoring. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 24 software.
Results: It was determined that out of the 100 videos that met the inclusion criteria, 74% were uploaded by healthcare professionals, 3% by the Pharmaceutical Industry, 5% by the Dietary Supplement Industry, 3% by psychologists, and 15% by non-healthcare professionals. When the videos were examined based on their content, it was determined that the topics of the published videos primarily focused on diagnosis and treatment. However, it was also found that there were videos that provided content on the etiopathology and symptoms of the disease. The total duration of the videos was 10 hours, 58 minutes, and 24 seconds (1 minute to 53.05 minutes). While the total number of views was 21.893.514 (15-1.700.000), the total number of likes was determined to be 130.340. The average views were 8.002.64 (1.998.76-11.953.26), and the average monthly likes were 47.30 (11.88-73.1). The average value for DISCERN was calculated to be 3.3 (1-5). There was a negative correlation between the DISCERN scores and the average monthly number of likes. It was found that there was a positive and significant correlation between the duration of videos and DISCERN scores. Videos uploaded by physicians had a high DISCERN score, while the content quality of the other videos was moderate to poor.
Conclusions: Overall, 50% of ED-related videos on YouTube have moderate to poor content quality. Videos uploaded by physicians had high DISCERN scores and high likes and view rates. A negative correlation existed between DISCERN ratings and average monthly likes and views.
Bu “gelecek”, özellikle covid19'un etkisiyle, çoğu kişinin düşündüğünden çok daha yakın bir zamanda gerçekleşecektir. Sağlıkla ilgili endişeler, insanların daha uzun yaşama istekleri, genç kalma arzusu gibi içgüdüler, insanların sürekli bir arayışta olmasını tetiklemektedir. Bu arayış, teknoloji ve sağlık çerçevesindedir. Sağlık ve teknolojik destekle daha üst bir seviyeye dönüşen insanı savunan görüş olan transhümanizm, ölümsüzlük arayışı içinde değildir. Bunun yerine kaliteli-sağlıklı-uzun ömürlü bir insana dönüşümü savunan bir görüştür. Transhumanizm, bilim ve teknolojinin tüm imkânlarının dönüşmüş bir insan için seferber edildiği bir felsefedir. İnsanoğlunun bu dönüşüm sürecinde kullanılan bilim ve teknolojinin imkânları NBIC (Nano, Bio, Info, Cogno), yani nanoteknoloji, biyoloji, iletişim ve cognitive (bilişsel) başlıkları altında ele alınmaktadır. Bu bölümde, biohacking ve transhumana yönelik yapılmış çalışmalar incelenmektedir.
e-Courses are one of the most important elements of the online and distance learning. The page layout, color, typography, visuals, moving images,, content, functionality, the sufficiency of the navigation and browsing have very important effect on the learning of the users.
The fundamental aim of this study is to identify the learning styles of the students registered in the Distance Education Science programs and to identify their views on the e-Course designs that are used in the presentation of the course. To determine the learning styles, ‘The Learning Styles Inventory’ which was created by Kolb in 1984 and which was adapted to Turkish by Akkoyunlu and Aşkar (1993) was used. In this inventory, the learning styles are considered in four categories as accommodator, converger, diverger and assimilator. To identify the learners views about the e-Course designs “The Evaluation of the Web-Based Instruction Media Scale” which was developed by Erişti et. al. (2010). The data was analyzed by using SPSS 17 program and the percentages were calculated.
At the end of the study, the learning styles of the learners and their views about the e- course design was determined. The study shows that the percentage of the students having the four main learning styles on the basis of Kolb is very close. The study revealed that the learners have positive views about the typography, visuals, moving images, content and navigation and browsing. Although the learners have generally positive views about the functionality, page layout, and coloring, they have negative views about the some dimensions of the e-course designs which are related to the structural characteristics of the e-course designs.
Improving Scientific Communication for Lifelong Learners seeks to improve scientific writing and speaking skills for lifelong learning researchers by developing an adaptive and responsive open and distance application according to universal design principles. The book will focus on the efforts that are centered on improving the content, substantiality, accessibility, and delivery of scientific communications, and to convey clear information to an audience, so its members can understand, use, and build on the information portrayed. The chapters highlight specific areas such as design thinking, distance learning, educational technologies, student success and motivation, and the design of educational environments and learning communities. This book is a valuable reference tool for teachers, academics, communication specialists, students, researchers, developers, and R&D professionals from various fields such as distance learning, online learning, accreditation, qualitative and quantitative research, transhumanism and learning, computer engineering, sociology, and more.
that cause change".
According to Kurzweil, the singularity is near. Moreover, such as Marc Zuckerberg and Bill Gates unlike the
"dangerous" rhetoric of dystopian, he argues that singularity will make people more improve. In the future,
Kurzweil develops a hypothesis that artificial intelligence will go beyond human intelligence to radically change
civilization and human nature. According to him, the discovery of artificial super intelligence will trigger a
sudden technological growth. A leap will result in unimaginable changes in human civilization.
Social media, which has become the platforms that people cannot give up in their daily lives, will be the main
means of communication connecting people in the process of singularity.
At this point, education systems and institutions will also be in the process of change. Especially in mega
universities and open education systems, where technology is the main tool, adapt to this change.
In this research, it is tried to determine how mega open universities can benefit from social media in their
preparation processes for technological singularity. As a result of the interviews conducted with the field experts,
it was concluded that the social media platforms will have a high level of interpersonal communication and
interaction and that the institutions will play a role in determining the limits of their place in human life. During
this process, the determination of the needs of the program, the determination of the technologies to be used, the
research for the organization of personnel resources are important for the mega-universities to be prepared for
the singularity period.
The Handbook of Research on Learning in the Age of Transhumanism is an essential research publication that discusses global values, norms, and ethics that relate to the diverse needs of learners in the digital world and addresses future priorities and needs for transhumanism. The book will identify and scrutinize the needs of learners in the age of transhumanism and examine best practices for transhumanist leaders in learning. Featuring topics such as cybernetics, pedagogy, and sociology, this book is ideal for educators, trainers, instructional designers, curriculum developers, professionals, researchers, academicians, policymakers, and librarians.
Present and Future Paradigms of Cyberculture in the 21st Century is a comprehensive research publication that explores the influence of the internet and internet culture on society as a whole. Highlighting a wide range of topics such as digital media, activism, and psychology, this book is ideal for academicians, researchers, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and students.