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Özet Toplumsal sorunların çözülmesi hem bireysel hem de toplumsal boyutlarda değişimler gerektirmektedir. Bu bağlamda bireylerin çevresindeki insanları etkileyebilme, fiziksel ve sosyal çevreye katkıda bulunabilecek eylem gerçekleştirme... more
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The effective use of computer and Internet technologies in every field of daily life has caused learning to take a broad part in these environments. Nowadays, a great deal of educational institution, non-governmental organizations or any... more
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      Visual DesignLiterature ReviewInternet technologyEducation and Training
Web environments provide learners with a great amount of information and various environments and opportunities that they can use to navigate, yet problems may occur as a result of the abundant choices and flexibility provided by these... more
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In the present study, a mobile learning system for the professional development of academics was developed by design based action research, and the perceptions and experiences of the academics using this system were examined. In the first... more
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      Action ResearchMobile LearningDesign-based researchMobile application development
The technology advances rapidly; as a result, education and instruction are getting digitalized. So it could be estimated that; pre-service teachers who are future teachers, should have digital skills. This is the main... more
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      Preservice Teacher EducationPre-service teachersDigital SkillsDigital Fluency
This study was aimed at investigating the views held by preservice teachers from the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) and those of 6 th grade students about the process of online digital storytelling... more
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      Online LearningDigital Storytelling
Increasing applications of online learning in educational settings created a need for development of a theoretical framework specific for online learning environments. Community of Inquiry (CoI) Framework, developed by Garrison, Anderson... more
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      Faculty DevelopmentOnline LearningCommunity of Inquiry
This study explored the views of pre-service teachers regarding the indicators of information and communication technologies (ICT) at Turkish education faculties. A cross-sectional survey design was implemented with graduating students... more
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      Educational TechnologySampling
Üniversitelerin eğitim fakültelerinde öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarından, 'Okul Deneyimi' ve 'Öğretmenlik Uygulaması' dersleriyle, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'na bağlı uygulama okullarında çeşitli etkinlikler... more
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Günümüzde eğitim araştırmalarının bulguları incelenip değerlendirildiğinde, bulguların uygulamada ve kuramın oluşumunda çok az etkili olduğu görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda ortaya çıkan tasarım tabanlı araştırma, öğretme-öğrenme hakkında... more
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Abstract The purpose of the present study was to develop an “Effective Lifelong Learning Scale (ELLS)” in Turkish language. The 48-item initial version of the ELLS was applied to a total of 742 (528 for EFA and 214 for CFA) student... more
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The present study focused on whether an activity process conducted via the social network of Twitter was consistent with the nine elements (etiquette, commerce, communication, literacy, access, responsibility, law, health and security) of... more
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Quality standards have to be determined by comprehensive research in order to constitute functional infrastructure. But, there is some uncertainty about the quality for online education in reality. In the literature organizations dealing... more
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This study explored the views of pre-service teachers regarding the indicators of information and communication technologies (ICT) at Turkish education faculties. A cross-sectional survey design was implemented with graduating students... more
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      Educational TechnologySampling
Özet: FATİH Projesi pilot uygulamasının değerlendirmesi araştırması 2011-2012 öğretim yılında Ankara, Uşak, Karaman ve Mersin illerindeki beş pilot uygulama okulunda toplam 15 idareci ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler ve odak grup... more
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Autism is a neural developmental disorder that interfere the brain development and causes deficit in social interaction and communication skills as a result. One of the most important outcomes of education of children with autism is the... more
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      Research MethodologySocial InteractionCognitive LinguisticsBrain development
This paper introduces an evaluation tool prepared to examine the quality of visuals in course-books. The tool is based on Mayer's Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (ie Generative Theory) and its principles regarding the correct... more
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      IllustrationsInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyComputer Science Education