Burcu Ezer
Phone: +90 222 335 05 80 - 2273
Address: Anadolu Universtiy Facult of Law, Labor and Social Security Department, Eskişehir Turkey
Address: Anadolu Universtiy Facult of Law, Labor and Social Security Department, Eskişehir Turkey
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Papers by Burcu Ezer
General health insurance, accepted for the first time in Turkish law with the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Act No. 5510, was created based on residence, not work-based, unlike other social insurance. Thus, it aims to include other people residing in Türkiye who are not covered by the (compulsory or optional) social insurance under general health insurance. As a rule, people who do not reside in Türkiye, whether Turkish citizens or not, are not covered by general health insurance. However, various exceptions have been accepted to this rule over time, and the scope of general health insurance has been expanded for people who do not reside in Türkiye. This study aims to include the exceptions to the condition of residing in Türkiye. It examines the status of Turkish citizens residing in a country other than Türkiye, benefiting from health services according to general health insurance provisions during their stay in Türkiye. In this context, the examination will be handled according to whether there is a social security agreement covering health services between the country of residence of Turkish citizens and Türkiye.
Problems About the Administrative Fines Related to the Action Against Occupational Health and Safety Legislation Abstract: Occupational Health and SafetyAct Nr.6331 and regulations based on this Act started a new era in the field of occupational health and safety. The Act brought a new organisation of occupational health and safety for the workplaces and new responsibilities to the parties as well. The primary punishment for the action against the Act Nr.6331 is administrative fines. Beside the legal and criminal responsibility, the responsibility for he fines causes problems especially about the objections in front of the courts and the payments. This study aims to clarify all this process.
Books by Burcu Ezer
Sözleşme ilişkisi bağlamında görülmekte olan işin durdurulmasına neden olan grev eylemi; işverenin yanı sıra üçüncü kişileri de etkilemektedir. Üstelik grev; işçi sınıfının en önemli aracı olması nedeniyle siyasi iktidar tarafından da tehdit olarak algılanan bir mücadele aracı niteliğindedir. Özellikle görülmekte olan işin temel nitelik taşıması halinde, grevin belli şartlar çerçevesinde kullanılması şarttır. Tüm bu sebepler grev eyleminin hukuki zemine oturtulmasını ve sınırlarının çizilmesini zorunlu hale getirmiştir.
Grevin hak olarak kabulü ve sınırlandırılması, sosyal hakların hukuk dünyasında kabulüyle benzer bir seyir izlemiştir. Önce devletlerin hukuk sistemlerinde hak veya özgürlük olarak yer alan grev; zamanla uluslararası hukukta da hukuki güvence altına alınmıştır. Türk Hukukunda da grev hakkı, işçilere toplu iş uyuşmazlıklarında başvurabilecekleri bir mücadele aracı olarak tanınmıştır. Ancak hakkın kullanılması şekil şartlarına tabi tutulmuş ve greve son çare olarak başvurulması prensibi benimsenmiştir.
The right to strike takes place in the scope of social rights in human rights classification. Contrary to other social rights, states rarely take positive action when it comes to the right to strike. Strike action consists of reactiveness and its aim is to put employer’s feet to the fire to be indulged demands about worker’s labour relations. Stated in other words, the right to strike is to withstand against employers through the instrument of their power which comes from their positions in labour relations.
A strike action doesn’t have an influence only on employers but also on third parties because it causes the work transacting under the contractual relationship to be stopped. Moreover, states regard strike action as a threat on their political power because it is the most important instrument for class consciousness. It is a necessity to use strike action in certain circumstances especially if there is an essential service. All these reasons make constituting legal basis for strike action necessary.
Legitimizing legal status of strike action and restricting it have been followed the similiar process likewise other social rights. First of all, strike action been adopted as right or as liberty on legal systems of the states. Afterwards it was put under protection by legislation in international law. In Turkish legal system, the right to strike legitimatised only for workers on labor dispute-disagreements. However it is limited through some rule of procedure and ultima ratio principle.
Chapters by Burcu Ezer
General health insurance, accepted for the first time in Turkish law with the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Act No. 5510, was created based on residence, not work-based, unlike other social insurance. Thus, it aims to include other people residing in Türkiye who are not covered by the (compulsory or optional) social insurance under general health insurance. As a rule, people who do not reside in Türkiye, whether Turkish citizens or not, are not covered by general health insurance. However, various exceptions have been accepted to this rule over time, and the scope of general health insurance has been expanded for people who do not reside in Türkiye. This study aims to include the exceptions to the condition of residing in Türkiye. It examines the status of Turkish citizens residing in a country other than Türkiye, benefiting from health services according to general health insurance provisions during their stay in Türkiye. In this context, the examination will be handled according to whether there is a social security agreement covering health services between the country of residence of Turkish citizens and Türkiye.
Problems About the Administrative Fines Related to the Action Against Occupational Health and Safety Legislation Abstract: Occupational Health and SafetyAct Nr.6331 and regulations based on this Act started a new era in the field of occupational health and safety. The Act brought a new organisation of occupational health and safety for the workplaces and new responsibilities to the parties as well. The primary punishment for the action against the Act Nr.6331 is administrative fines. Beside the legal and criminal responsibility, the responsibility for he fines causes problems especially about the objections in front of the courts and the payments. This study aims to clarify all this process.
Sözleşme ilişkisi bağlamında görülmekte olan işin durdurulmasına neden olan grev eylemi; işverenin yanı sıra üçüncü kişileri de etkilemektedir. Üstelik grev; işçi sınıfının en önemli aracı olması nedeniyle siyasi iktidar tarafından da tehdit olarak algılanan bir mücadele aracı niteliğindedir. Özellikle görülmekte olan işin temel nitelik taşıması halinde, grevin belli şartlar çerçevesinde kullanılması şarttır. Tüm bu sebepler grev eyleminin hukuki zemine oturtulmasını ve sınırlarının çizilmesini zorunlu hale getirmiştir.
Grevin hak olarak kabulü ve sınırlandırılması, sosyal hakların hukuk dünyasında kabulüyle benzer bir seyir izlemiştir. Önce devletlerin hukuk sistemlerinde hak veya özgürlük olarak yer alan grev; zamanla uluslararası hukukta da hukuki güvence altına alınmıştır. Türk Hukukunda da grev hakkı, işçilere toplu iş uyuşmazlıklarında başvurabilecekleri bir mücadele aracı olarak tanınmıştır. Ancak hakkın kullanılması şekil şartlarına tabi tutulmuş ve greve son çare olarak başvurulması prensibi benimsenmiştir.
The right to strike takes place in the scope of social rights in human rights classification. Contrary to other social rights, states rarely take positive action when it comes to the right to strike. Strike action consists of reactiveness and its aim is to put employer’s feet to the fire to be indulged demands about worker’s labour relations. Stated in other words, the right to strike is to withstand against employers through the instrument of their power which comes from their positions in labour relations.
A strike action doesn’t have an influence only on employers but also on third parties because it causes the work transacting under the contractual relationship to be stopped. Moreover, states regard strike action as a threat on their political power because it is the most important instrument for class consciousness. It is a necessity to use strike action in certain circumstances especially if there is an essential service. All these reasons make constituting legal basis for strike action necessary.
Legitimizing legal status of strike action and restricting it have been followed the similiar process likewise other social rights. First of all, strike action been adopted as right or as liberty on legal systems of the states. Afterwards it was put under protection by legislation in international law. In Turkish legal system, the right to strike legitimatised only for workers on labor dispute-disagreements. However it is limited through some rule of procedure and ultima ratio principle.