Papers by Sławomir Pawłowski
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Wolters Kluwer Polska eBooks, 2019
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 16, 2022
The subject of the considerations is the depth of interference with freedoms and rights during th... more The subject of the considerations is the depth of interference with freedoms and rights during the Covid-19 pandemic, with an emphasis on the freedom of movement and the freedom to conduct a business. As it was done without the state of emergency, using the so-called special acts, this raises concerns about the legality of the introduced bans, orders and restrictions. The study presents the thesis that restrictions on fundamental freedoms and rights should be carried out in compliance with constitutional protection standards. The observance of which, even during a pandemic, should not raise any doubts. Introduced by the so-called covid regulations, the general prohibition of movement or the prohibition to conduct specific business activities did not meet these standards.

The COVID-19 coronavirus has forced public authorities to take immediate action to prevent the sp... more The COVID-19 coronavirus has forced public authorities to take immediate action to prevent the spread of the pandemic. They also included interference with the sphere of human rights and freedoms, in particular with the freedom of movement. In Poland, restrictions or temporary suspension of these rights and freedoms are allowed only in cases of emergency. However, such a state was not introduced, but the so-called special coronavirus law introducing many case solutions and amending a number of important lex generalis. Without questioning the need to temporarily suspend the freedom of movement, it was done contrary to the Polish Constitution, as the authorization to apply this measure was not included in the amended Act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans. Thus, the principle of the exclusivity of the act for the regulation of the legal status of an individual, unquestioned in Polish doctrine and judicature, was violated. However, they were based on regulations, which, in principle, are of an executive nature. As a consequence, not only fundamental human rights were violated, but also the standards of the rule of law.

Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 2015
Zagadnienie udziału społeczeństwa w zarządzaniu sprawami publicznym jest współcześnie coraz ważni... more Zagadnienie udziału społeczeństwa w zarządzaniu sprawami publicznym jest współcześnie coraz ważniejszym elementem dyskursu prawniczego. Świadczy o tym wykształcenie się odrębnej terminologii, mianowicie pojęć "partycypacja społeczna", "konsultacje społeczne", czy "dyskusja publiczna", które stały się elementem języka prawnego 1 ; nadto zauważa się coraz większe zainteresowanie tą problematyką przedstawicieli nauki prawa administracyjnego 2 . Jednym z nich jest D. r. kijowski, który partycypację obywatelską (społeczną) określa jako zjawisko polegające na uczestniczeniu społeczności mieszkańców danej miejscowości, gminy, powiatu, regionu, a nawet państwa, w identyfikacji i rozwiązywaniu wspólnych potrzeb, problemów 3 . Co istotne, współcześnie aktywność wspólnot lokalnych przy realizacji zadań publicznych postrzegana jest coraz częściej nie jako wyjątek, ale zasada. Przejawem inicjatyw wykorzystujących potencjał tkwiący w społeczeństwie są ostatnio bardzo

Nieruchomości@ : kwartalnik Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości, 2019
Ustawa z dnia 4 kwietnia 2019 r. o zmianie ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami, nowelizująca u.g... more Ustawa z dnia 4 kwietnia 2019 r. o zmianie ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami, nowelizująca u.g.n. w zakresie zwrotu wywłaszczonych nieruchomości, w zasadzie została uchwalona w celu wykonania dwóch orzeczeń Trybunału Konstytucyjnego (SK 39/15 i SK 26/14), krytycznie odnoszących się do niektórych z dotychczas obowiązujących rozwiązań. Wskazana ustawa nowelizująca oprócz zmiany niekonstytucyjnych przepisów dodatkowo wprowadziła instytucję dotychczas nieznaną polskiemu ustawodawstwu wywłaszczeniowemu – termin zawity na złożenie żądania zwrotu wywłaszczonej nieruchomości (art. 136 ust. 7). W opracowaniu prezentowana jest teza, że wywłaszczona nieruchomość stanowi własność „celową”, to znaczy, że nie może być użyta na inny cel niż wskazany w decyzji o wywłaszczeniu lub umowie ekspropriacyjnej. Brak realizacji tego celu, w tym rezygnacja z niego, oznacza w istocie, że doszło przy skorzystaniu ze sfery imperium do nieuprawnionego powiększenia zasobu publicznego.

The subject of this gloss is a landmark ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal (CK) regarding one ... more The subject of this gloss is a landmark ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal (CK) regarding one of the institutions of antiquity - preclusion. These issues in Polish administrative law are still controversial, and the views often differ significantly. The voted judgment deserves attention because it has not been explicitly stated in Polish jurisprudence for a long time that the rules in force in civil (general) law cannot be directly applied in public (special) law. CK argues that the justification of the institution of antiquity cannot be identical in public law as in private law, because in the first the legal relations are vertical and in the second horizontal. The indicated inequality of participants in the legal relationship and the possession of a professional clerical apparatus caring for the interests of the State, including property, means that the classic justification of the institution of antiquity, in particular the stabilizing and evidentiary function, are not a suff...

Studia Prawa Publicznego
Practising as a physician, especially during the pandemic, was of interest to the legislator seve... more Practising as a physician, especially during the pandemic, was of interest to the legislator several times due to staff shortages and more. The pandemic also forced changes in many paradigms of providing healthcare services. One of them, con-tained in the so-called ‘Special Covid Act’, was to simplify the acquisition of right to practise as a doctor by a foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State. The study focuses on one of the facilitations introduced: relinquishment of the four-stage examination on knowledge of the Polish language in favor of submitting a statement on the command of the Polish in speech and writing to the extent neces-sary to practise as a doctor, i.e. resignation from an objective, verifiable assessment, in favor of a civil law declaration will, in principle not verifiable at the time of sub-mission. This solution raises a number of doubts and carries the risk of a medical error. First and foremost, a medical interview, one of the key and init...
Acta Iuridica Resoviensia, 2021
A public-law contract (administrative agreement) is one of those legal forms of activity of publi... more A public-law contract (administrative agreement) is one of those legal forms of activity of public administration, the potential of which in Poland still remains unused. It appears only as a special solution, but there is no systemic solution constituting the general basis for their conclusion. Meanwhile, in most European countries it is a permanent element of the legal system, usually in a general administrative procedure. In Poland, despite several attempts to regulate it, they were ultimately unsuccessful. Hence, it still cannot be an alternative to the classic form of public administration – an administrative act. As a consequence, many contracts concluded by the administration are treated as civil law. This is often done despite the lack of the freedom of contract characteristic of private law.
Decentralizacja i centralizacja administracji publicznej. Współczesny wymiar w teorii i praktyce, 2019
KWI Schriften; 12, Dec 7, 2020
Soweit nicht anders gekennzeichnet ist dieses Werk unter einem Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag liz... more Soweit nicht anders gekennzeichnet ist dieses Werk unter einem Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag lizenziert: Namensnennung 4.
Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego, 2021

Die Privatisierungseuphorie der vergangenen Jahrzehnte ist heute weitgehend verflogen. Nicht nur ... more Die Privatisierungseuphorie der vergangenen Jahrzehnte ist heute weitgehend verflogen. Nicht nur die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise hat das Vertrauen in die Leistungsfahigkeit der Markte erschuttert. Auch haben bei weitem nicht alle Privatisierungsmasnahmen die in sie gesetzten Erwartungen erfullt. Daher war schon vor vielen Jahren eine Trendwende weg von der Privatisierung und hin zu dem gegenlaufigen Prozess der Rekommunalisierung zu beobachten. Die Ruckkehr zum Offentlichen beschrankt sich aber nicht auf den kommunalen Bereich, sondern ist langst auch auf Landes-, Bundes-, EU- und sogar globaler Ebene zu beobachten. Ebenenubergreifend lasst sich dieser Trend zu Rekommunalisierung und Ruckverstaatlichung mit dem neuen Begriff der „Publizisierung“ erfassen. Freilich ist die Trendwende „hin zum Offentlichen“ kein durchgangiges Phanomen. Vielmehr gibt es daneben auch Bestrebungen, die auf kunftige Privatisierungen abzielen – etwa im Infrastrukturbereich. An diesen gegenlaufigen Entwick...

Division of real estate by application is still not properly recognised in the jurisprudence of a... more Division of real estate by application is still not properly recognised in the jurisprudence of administrative courts. On the one hand, this is manifested in the fact that, although it results in the takeover of private land for the benefit of a public entity for the purpose of building or extending public roads, this decision is not recognised as being expropriation. One of the most important consequences of denying to recognise this division as one of the forms of expropriation is that it is not subject to the return obligation, even if the public-purpose investment project, i.e. the construction of a public road, was not completed within 10 years of the takeover. It should be added that the lack of actions on the part of the commune to acquire such land leads to an adverse phenomenon which is referred to as “freezing the land”. On the other hand, it is argued that the division decision has no features of authoritative and compulsory acquisition of the title to real property by th...

The COVID-19 coronavirus has forced public authorities to take immediate action to prevent the sp... more The COVID-19 coronavirus has forced public authorities to take immediate action to prevent the spread of the pandemic. They also included interference with the sphere of human rights and freedoms, in particular with the freedom of movement. In Poland, restrictions or temporary suspension of these rights and freedoms are allowed only in cases of emergency. However, such a state was not introduced, but the so-called special coronavirus law introducing many case solutions and amending a number of important lex generalis. Without questioning the need to temporarily suspend the freedom of movement, it was done contrary to the Polish Constitution, as the authorization to apply this measure was not included in the amended Act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans. Thus, the principle of the exclusivity of the act for the regulation of the legal status of an individual, unquestioned in Polish doctrine and judicature, was violated. However, they were based on regulations, which, in principle, are of an executive nature. As a consequence, not only fundamental human rights were violated, but also the standards of the rule of law.

Die Modernisierung der offentlichen Verwaltung hat sich langst zu einer Daueraufgabe entwickelt. ... more Die Modernisierung der offentlichen Verwaltung hat sich langst zu einer Daueraufgabe entwickelt. In den Modernisierungsprozessen stehen derzeit zwei Segmente besonders im Fokus: Digitalisierung und Partizipation. Digitalisierung geht heute weit uber die ursprunglich mit diesem Stichwort angesprochene Umwandlung analoger Daten in elektronische Datenformate hinaus. Die Programmatik der Digitalisierung zielt auf den moglichst umfassenden Einsatz elektronischer Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken zur Unterstutzung, Beschleunigung, Rationalisierung und in Teilen auch Ersetzung von herkommlichen Verwaltungsablaufen mit der Perspektive auf eine Transformation und Durchdringung sowohl des gesamten Verwaltungshandelns als auch der gesamten Verwaltungsorganisation. Demgegenuber meint Partizipation nach gangigem Verstandnis die Beteiligung von Burgern und anderen gesellschaftlichen Akteuren an politischen Willensbildungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen. In spezifisch administrativem Zusammen...
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
Inspiracją do podjęcia problematyki umowy wywłaszczeniowej jest planowana w Polsce budowa Central... more Inspiracją do podjęcia problematyki umowy wywłaszczeniowej jest planowana w Polsce budowa Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego (CPK). W licznych wypowiedziach prasowych pojawiają się stwierdzenia, że grunty potrzebne dla jego realizacji będą pozyskiwane w drodze umowy, co sugeruje, że nie nastąpi to we władczym trybie – wywłaszczenia. W opracowaniu prezentowane są tezy, że umowa taka zawierana jest po groźbą wywłaszczenia i stanowi formę prawną wywłaszczenia. Stanowiąc alternatywę dla pozyskania niezbędnego prawa w drodze przymusowej, aktu administracyjnego, powinna być postrzegana jako umowa prawa publicznego – umowa administracyjna. Taki kierunek wykładani potwierdza niedawne orzeczenie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dnia 12 grudnia 2017 r. (SK 39/15).

Studia Prawa Publicznego
The study is a comparative analysis of the original draft Act on facilitating the preparation and... more The study is a comparative analysis of the original draft Act on facilitating the preparation and implementation of housing and associated investments, i.e. from March 2018 with the text finally adopted on 5 July 2018. Making such comparative analysis is justified by significant changes that occurred in the original concept of the act intended to encourage private investors to significantly accelerate the fulfilment of housing needs in Poland. Being similar to special public investment acts, the act initially established the voivode as the authority competent to take the final decision in the first instance. In addition, this decision was to take the form of an integrated decision, in which not only permission for the location of a residential investment would be issued, but also, in a simplified mode, consent for cutting down trees in cities would be obtained. These and other solutions were criticized during public consultations, and these opinions were taken into account. This ela...

Studia Prawa Publicznego
This article deals with the issues that accompany areas that may become subject to a decision det... more This article deals with the issues that accompany areas that may become subject to a decision determining the conditions of their development and the provisions of the local spatial development plan. It was inspired by the land development plans drafted for the city of Poznan. The author wondered whether the area in question could, alternately, be regulated by a normative or administrative act. In other words, the question which was asked was whether there existed any legal determinants that could direct an application of a particular form of development. The research undertaken in this respect allowed to draw a conclusion that the currently binding Act on Planning and Spatial Development regulates only indirectly the matters raised. And yet, for reasons of functionality, extensive areas on which many constructions are planned to be erected, ought to be located on the basis of local plans. Only such plans account for (apart from determining the technical parameters of the planned st...
Papers by Sławomir Pawłowski