Papers by Przemyslaw Niedzielski

Environmental Research, Jul 1, 2014
Human endometrium is a thick, blood vessel-rich, glandular tissue which undergoes cyclic changes ... more Human endometrium is a thick, blood vessel-rich, glandular tissue which undergoes cyclic changes and is potentially sensitive to the various endogenous and exogenous compounds supplied via the hematogenous route. As recently indicated, several metals including Cd, Pb, Cr and Ni represent an emerging class of potential metalloestrogens and can be implicated in alterations of the female reproductive system including endometriosis and cancer. In the present study, we investigated the content of five metals: Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in 25 samples of human endometrium collected from Polish females undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic curettage of the uterine cavity. The overall mean metal concentration (analyzed using microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry MIP-OES) decreased in the following order: Cr4Pb 4 Zn4Ni 4Cd. For the first time it was demonstrated that cigarette smoking significantly increases the endometrial content of Cd and Pb. Concentration of these metals was also positively correlated with years of smoking and the number of smoked cigarettes. Tissue samples with recognized histologic lesions (simple hyperplasia, polyposis and atrophy) were characterized by a 2-fold higher Cd level. No relation between the age of the women and metal content was found. Our study shows that human endometrium can be a potential target of metal accumulation within the human body. Quantitative analyses of endometrial metal content could serve as an additional indicator of potential impairments of the menstrual cycle and fertility.

Environmental geology, Jan 24, 2007
Study on contamination of tsunami sediments deposited on 26 December 2004 conducted shortly after... more Study on contamination of tsunami sediments deposited on 26 December 2004 conducted shortly after the tsunami in coastal zone of Thailand revealed elevated contents of salts in water-soluble and some heavy metals and arsenic in bioavailable fractions (Szczuciń ski et al. in Env Geol 49:321-331, 2005). Few months later rainy season started and effected in total rainfall of over 3,300 mm. This paper presents results of survey repeated 1 year after the tsunami. To assess the effects of rainy season on mobilization of previously determined potential contaminants, the same locations were sampled again and analysed with the same methods. The tsunami deposit layer was well preserved but in many locations the sediments were coarser than just after tsunami due to washing out of finer fractions. The water-soluble salts contents were strongly reduced after the rainy season. However, the concentrations of acid leachable heavy metals and metalloids were still elevated in comparison to reference sample from an area not impacted by tsunami. It is possible that the metals and metalloids are successively moved to more bioavailable fraction from forms which were more resistant to mobilization.
Environmental geology, Oct 26, 2005

Trace element accumulation varies in different human tissues. Distribution of several elements wa... more Trace element accumulation varies in different human tissues. Distribution of several elements was found to be disrupted in the case of excessive alcohol consumption, causing negative effects and exacerbation of pathological processes in the liver. In this study, we analyzed the levels and interactions between seven trace elements including calcium (Ca), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na), zinc (Zn), and selenium (Se) in individuals with alcohol-use disorder (AUD) and patients without AUD (control group). The liver samples were collected during autopsy from 39 individuals with AUD and 45 control subjects. Elemental composition inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) after wet mineralization by nitric acid was applied for the evaluation of the samples. Positive correlations dominated in the AUD group, mainly in relation to Mg, which strongly positively correlated with Ca, Mn, Fe...

The optimization and application of a new hyphenated procedure for iron ionic speciation, i.e., h... more The optimization and application of a new hyphenated procedure for iron ionic speciation, i.e., high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with short cation–exchange column (50 mm × 4 mm) coupled to high resolution inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP hrOES), is presented in this paper. Fe(III) and Fe(II) species were separated on the column with the mobile phase containing pyridine–2,6–dicarboxylic acid (PDCA). The total time of the analysis was approx. 5 min, with a significantly low eluent flow rate (0.5 mL min−1) compared to the literature. Additionally, a long cation-exchange column (250 mm × 4.0 mm) was used as reference. Depending on the total iron content in the sample, two plasma views were chosen, e.g., an attenuated axial (<2 g kg−1) and an attenuated radial. The standard addition method was performed for the method’s accuracy studies, and the applicability was presented on three types of samples: sediments, soils, and archaeological pottery...

In this paper, the effect of the extraction method on the concentrations of selected elements in ... more In this paper, the effect of the extraction method on the concentrations of selected elements in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) infusions is presented. Seven pure yerba mate samples (without additives) were selected, representing various types and countries of origin. An extensive sample preparation procedure was proposed: ultrasound-assisted extraction using two types of extractants (deionized and tap water) at two different temperatures (room and 80 °C). In parallel, the above extractants and temperatures were carried out for all samples by the classical brewing method (without ultrasound). In addition, microwave-assisted acid mineralization was carried out to determine the total content. All the proposed procedures were thoroughly investigated with certified reference material (tea leaves, INCT–TL–1). For the total content of all the determined elements, acceptable recoveries (80–116%) were obtained. All digests and extracts were analyzed by simultaneous ICP OES. For the first ...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Due to undesired influence, the accumulation of rare earth elements (REE) in the human body has b... more Due to undesired influence, the accumulation of rare earth elements (REE) in the human body has been discussed recently. However, it is usually limited to the study of the population living where REE ores and mines are located. The aim of the experiment presented was to analyse the concentration of REE in the hair of children and teenagers living in two areas of Madagascar in relation to the place of residence, nutritional status, age and sex. REE concentration was determined in scalp hair of 262 of subjects (5–19 years old) by an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. The content of total REE in the Malagasy hair was in the range of 0.79–44.15 mg/kg. The nutritional status was evaluated by Cole’s index, and malnutrition of children was observed more often in village areas. The concentration of these elements was also determined in 20 samples for the estimation of environmental exposure. No significant differences were detected in the content of these elements in ...

Polar Biology
The presence of marine vertebrates in dense reproductive colonies and other aggregations contribu... more The presence of marine vertebrates in dense reproductive colonies and other aggregations contributes to the input of organic matter and nutrients into the local environment and it is believed that chemical elements are subsequently remobilized from the excreta of these animals. In this study, we investigated the influence of marine vertebrates on trace elements levels (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sn, Sr, Tb, U and Zn), nutrient (total phosphorus) and soil organic matter (SOM) content from five locations with and without the presence of seabirds and marine mammals in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Soils were acid digested using a microwave digestion system, elements were quantified using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and SOM was calculated by loss-on-ignition. The non-influenced and vertebrate-influenced soils had similar concentrations of most of the trace elements assessed, however, we observed a...

The presence of marine vertebrates in reproductive colonies contributes to the input of organic m... more The presence of marine vertebrates in reproductive colonies contributes to the input of organic matter into the local environment and it is believed that trace elements are subsequently remobilized from the excreta of these animals. In this study, we investigate the influence of marine vertebrates on trace elements levels (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sn, Sr, Tb, U and Zn) and soil organic matter (SOM) content from five locations with and without marine vertebrate influence in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Soils were acid digested using microwave, elements were quantified using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and SOM was calculated by loss-on-ignition. The non-influenced and vertebrate-influenced soils had similar concentrations of most of trace elements assessed, however we observed a significant increase in SOM that was positively correlated with the concentrations of As, Cd, Se, Sr and Zn. Although marine ve...

Treasures of Time: Research of the Faculty of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 2021
The pre-Roman Iron Age, i.e. the last five last centuries BC, is one of the most mysterious perio... more The pre-Roman Iron Age, i.e. the last five last centuries BC, is one of the most mysterious periods in Polish prehistory and constitutes an extremely interesting research issue, which help concentrate the studies on it, into a compact group of research problems. The studies on the pre-Roman Iron Age carried out by the group of researchers at the Faculty of Archaeology of the Adam Mickiewicz University are based on the research traditions of Poznań archaeology. The focal point of work in recent years has been settlement pottery, which is a mass source acquired during excavations whose potential has not yet been fully exploited. One way to better understand the possibilities that this type of mass material can bring has been exploitation of the potential of archaeometry. The ongoing studies on the problems of the pre-Roman Iron Age strive to detail and explain the processes and changes occurring at the time. They fit into the Poznań tradition of studies on this period, being a continu...

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021
Abstract The article presents the first research on the elemental diversity of the prehistoric po... more Abstract The article presents the first research on the elemental diversity of the prehistoric pottery obtained from the European Postglacial Plain, performed on a large scale (over 500 fragments of pottery were examined). A new analysis approach to the results of the elemental composition of the pottery was presented by using the unsupervised classification of chemical elements. This method is based on the advanced selection of features. The subset of elements that best describes the variability of the chemical composition of ceramics is searched, which allows to create the groups of ceramic artifacts corresponding to their origin or production technology. The correspondence between the existing locations and the clusters obtained using the Gaussian Mixture Model was controlled by using the entropy-based V-measure. Data analysis revealed that elemental composition of the pottery is more complex processes that simple provenance, possibly related to the emerging local pottery traditions.

Chemosphere, 2021
How polluted are cities in central Europe?-Heavy metal contamination in Taraxacum officinale and ... more How polluted are cities in central Europe?-Heavy metal contamination in Taraxacum officinale and soils collected from different land use areas of three representative cities, Chemosphere, j.chemosphere.2020.129113. This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

Environmental science and pollution research international, 2017
The aim of study was to determine the phytoextraction of rare earth elements (REEs) to roots, ste... more The aim of study was to determine the phytoextraction of rare earth elements (REEs) to roots, stems and leaves of five herbaceous plant species (Achillea millefolium L., Artemisia vulgaris L., Papaver rhoeas L., Taraxacum officinale AND Tripleurospermum inodorum), growing in four areas located in close proximity to a road with varied traffic intensity. Additionally, the relationship between road traffic intensity, REE concentration in soil and the content of these elements in plant organs was estimated. A. vulgaris and P. rhoeas were able to effectively transport REEs in their leaves, independently of area collection. The highest content of REEs was observed in P. rhoeas leaves and T. inodorum roots. Generally, HREEs were accumulated in P. rhoeas roots and leaves and also in the stems of T. inodorum and T. officinale, whereas LREEs were accumulated in T. inodorum roots and T. officinale stems. It is worth underlining that there was a clear relationship between road traffic intensity...

Chemosphere, 2017
The article describes the unique studies of the chemical composition changes of new geological ob... more The article describes the unique studies of the chemical composition changes of new geological object (tsunami deposits in south Thailand - Andaman Sea Coast) during four years (2005-2008) from the beginning of formation of it (deposition of tsunami transported material, 26 December 2004). The chemical composition of the acid leachable fraction of the tsunami deposits has been studied in the scope of concentration macrocompounds - concentration of calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese and iron speciation - the occurrence of Fe(II), Fe(III) and non-ionic iron species described as complexed iron (Fe complex). The changes of chemical composition and iron speciation in the acid leachable fraction of tsunami deposits have been observed with not clear tendencies of changes direction. For iron speciation changes the transformation of the Fe complex to Fe(III) has been recorded with no significant changes of the level of Fe(II).

International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2016
The aim of the study was to estimate the ability of ten tree and bush species to tolerate and acc... more The aim of the study was to estimate the ability of ten tree and bush species to tolerate and accumulate Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As species [As(III), As(V), and total organic arsenic] in industrial sewage sludge extremely contaminated with arsenic (almost 27.5 g kg(-1)) in a pot experiment. The premise being that it will then be possible to select the most promising tree/bush species, able to grow in the vicinity of dams where sewage sludge/flotation tailings are used as landfill. Six of the ten tested tree species were able to grow on the sludge. The highest content of total As was observed in Betula pendula roots (30.0 ± 1.3 mg kg(-1) DW), where the dominant As species was the toxic As(V). The highest biomass of Quercus Q1 robur (77.3 § 2.6 g) and Acer platanoides (76.0 § 4.9 g) was observed. A proper planting of selected tree species that are able to thrive on sewage sludge/flotation tailings could be an interesting and promising way to protect dams. By utilizing differences in their root systems and water needs, we will be able to reduce the risk of fatal environmental disasters.

Plant, Soil and Environment, 2016
Soil, follow soil science glossary is: The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the imme... more Soil, follow soil science glossary is: The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the Earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants. As soil fertility depends on physical, chemical and biological characteristics, the macromineral composition of soils is an important subject in agricultural studies (Tiessen 1994, Mäder 2002). All plants are characterized by certain nutrient requirements. Therefore, to maintain soil fertility, the used nutrients must be replaced by fertilizers. Macrominerals consist of elements, which can exist in soil in different chemical forms: cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg), anions (e.g. P, C, Cl, N, S), or be built into organic molecules. Determination of four alkali and alkaline earth elements has been of vast importance to soil studies for over 50 years (David 1960). Although in the past there have been many approaches to colorimetric determination of Na (Arnold 1943), K (Takagi 1977), Mg (Pieters et al. 1948), and Ca (Peaslee 1964), the flame photometry used to be a leading method of determination of these elements in agrolaboratories, nowadays these techniques seem outdated. The rapid growth of spectrometric techniques, like atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), microwave induced plasma optical emission spectrometry (MIP-OES), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) have caused these older techniques to lose their primal significance in analytical chemistry. MIP-OES, with its first analytical application in 1960s (Mavrodineanu 1964) and later commercialization of instruments (Jankowski 2001a) comes to increase significance in modern determination of elements. The application of the method for determination of: Na (Jankowski 2001b), K, Ca, Mg (Matusiewicz 2010), is based on laboratory-made analytical instruments. MIP-OES can easily compete with technique based on inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-OES), due to the possibility of using nitrogen (in opposition to more expensive Ar) as a plasma gas (Arai 2013) and may offer lower detection limits for Na and K (Jankowski 2001), which is especially important in this study. The low cost of instrumentation and low running cost (nitrogen can be produced from air by nitrogen generator) are very attractive for routine use of MIP-OES instruments.
Lab Laboratoria Aparatura Badania, 2011

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016
The distribution of alkali and heavy metals in coastal sediments of three Polish beaches was asse... more The distribution of alkali and heavy metals in coastal sediments of three Polish beaches was assessed. In all locations there are sandy beaches of different characteristics according to the anthropogenic impact and degree of sheltering. Core sediments collected in Czołpino and Ustka were characterized by the highest concentration of Cd, Ag, Ba, and Al, Cu, Cr, Bi, Na, respectively. Among the alkaline metals core sediments were the most abundant with Ca, Bi, Mg and Na, presenting almost stable decreasing order in all beaches. The majority of dredge material collected can be classified as light or trace contaminated by Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd and Hg. An abundance of mineralogical components in core sediments in Ustka increases in Summer and Autumn, while in Puck is stable throughout the year. The content of studied metals in core sediments collected in three Polish beaches changes both in the vertical and horizontal profiles of the beach.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2016
The content of arsenic (As) in mushrooms can vary depending on the concentration level of this me... more The content of arsenic (As) in mushrooms can vary depending on the concentration level of this metalloid in the soil/substrate. The present study evaluated the content of arsenic in Boletus badius fruiting bodies collected from polluted and non-polluted sites in relation to the content of this element in overgrown substrate. It was found that mushrooms from the arsenic-polluted sites contained mean concentrations from 49 to 450 mg As kg(-1) dry matter (d.m.), with the greatest content found for specimens growing in close proximity of sludge deposits (490±20 mg As kg(-1)d.m.). The mean content of total arsenic in mushrooms from clean sites ranged from 0.03 to 0.37 mg kg(-1) It was found that B. badius could tolerate arsenic in soil substrate at concentrations of up to 2500 mg kg(-1), at least. In different years of investigation, shifts in particular arsenic forms, as well as a general increase in the accumulation of organic arsenic content, were observed. The results of this study clearly indicate that B. badius should not be collected for culinary purposes from any sites that may be affected by pollution.

Fertility and Sterility, 2016
Objective: To evaluate the content of Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in human endometrium (EN... more Objective: To evaluate the content of Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in human endometrium (END), endocervix (ECX), and endometrial (END-P) and endocervical (ECX-P) polyps in relation to histologic image and female demographic characteristics and habits. Design: Tissues were collected during curettage of the uterine cavity, subjected to histopathologic examination, digested, and analyzed with the use of a microwave induced nitrogen plasma atomic emission spectrometer. Demographic/lifestyle characteristics were assessed with the use of a questionnaire. Setting: University hospital and research laboratory. Patient(s): One hundred nine white Polish women undergoing curettage of the END (n ¼ 60) or ECX (n ¼ 23) or dissection of END-P (n ¼ 16) or ECX-P (n ¼ 10). Interventions(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Trace element concentrations in collected tissues. Result(s): Histologic states of analyzed END included: normal (n ¼ 22), irregularity (n ¼ 3), polypoid (n ¼ 12), simple hyperplasia (n ¼ 10), leiomyoma (n ¼ 5), and cancer (n ¼ 8); whereas for ECX: normal (n ¼ 10), inflammation (n ¼ 8), irregularity (n ¼ 2), and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN; n ¼ 3). All elements were identified in the sampled material. Compared with histologically normal tissues, endometrial cancer, hyperplasia, and CIN revealed significantly increased levels of toxic metals (Cd and Pb), altered status of Cu and Mn, and an elevated Cu/Zn ratio. Current and former smoking was associated with significantly higher Cd and Pb levels in investigated tissues. Polyps represented significant accumulators of Al, Cd, Ni, and Pb (END-P) or Al, Cd, and Cu (ECX-P). Conclusion(s): The findings of this study are important in understanding the presence and role of metals in the female reproductive system and its pathology.
Papers by Przemyslaw Niedzielski