Books by Paweł Korpal

Publisher: Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 2017
Book available at: more Book available at:
This book is an attempt to discuss the notion of psychological stress in simultaneous interpreting. The main objective of the experimental study is to examine whether the speaker’s delivery rate influences (1) the level of stress experienced by professional interpreters and interpreting trainees in simultaneous interpreting and (2) interpreting accuracy. As well as this, predominant coping strategies used by interpreting trainees and professional interpreters are investigated in the study. The results of the experiment show that high delivery rate increases the level of stress experienced by the participants and has a detrimental effect on interpreting accuracy. A negative correlation between stress levels and interpreting accuracy was observed. Contrary to predictions, no inter-group difference was observed with regard to stress levels. However, professional interpreters provided a more accurate interpretation than interpreting trainees. With regards to stress coping, task-oriented coping proved to be a predominant coping style in both experimental groups. The results of the study may offer a valuable contribution to Interpreting Studies, stress research, occupational psychology and human factors in interpreting.

publikacja wieloautorska, 2016
Book available at:
Książka „Tłumacz – praktyczne aspekty zawo... more Book available at:
Książka „Tłumacz – praktyczne aspekty zawodu" jest zbiorem dziesięciu rozdziałów napisanych przez wykładowców specjalizacji tłumaczeniowych na Wydziale Anglistyki UAM z myślą o studentach i początkujących tłumaczach. Każdy rozdział omawia wybrane praktyczne aspekty związane z funkcjonowaniem na rynku tłumaczeń, zasadami wykonywania tłumaczeń specjalistycznych, zarządzaniem terminologią, zakresem kompetencji tłumacza ustnego i nieustannym samorozwojem, narzędziami wspomagającymi tłumaczenie i szczególnym przypadkiem pracy tłumacza jako audiodeskryptora. Główne przesłanie książki to przekonanie czytelnika, że tłumaczenie jest złożonym procesem i zawodem, który wymaga szeregu umiejętności i odpowiedniej postawy etycznej. Jakość usług na rynku tłumaczeń w Polsce może ulec poprawie tylko poprzez kształcenie dobrze przygotowanych do tej szczególnej pracy tłumaczy, którzy są świadomi, że jakość ich pracy wpływa na relacje pomiędzy jednostkami, firmami i narodami.
Papers by Paweł Korpal

Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 2021
Although there is some existing empirical research on job satisfaction and working conditions of ... more Although there is some existing empirical research on job satisfaction and working conditions of court interpreters, little is known about specific stress factors inherent in the profession of a sworn translator and interpreter. The main aim of this study was to investigate psychological stress among sworn translators and interpreters working in the Polish-English language pair in the Republic of Poland by means of a self-designed online questionnaire. Among the main stress factors identified in the study were: the speaker’s delivery rate, translation and interpreting rates, non-cooperative translators and interpreters, sense of responsibility, as well as poor organisation of work. Sworn translators and interpreters were found to experience fatigue, back pain and eye irritation. Task-oriented coping was shown to be a predominant coping style among study respondents. The results of the study may offer a valuable contribution to translation and interpreting studies, stress research, and human factors in court interpreting.

Scandinavian Philology 18 (2), 284-296, 2020
The main objective of the study was to test the applicability of Bent and Bradlow’s matched inter... more The main objective of the study was to test the applicability of Bent and Bradlow’s matched interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit to the Danish-Polish language pair. We aimed to verify whether it was easier for Polish students of Danish to understand a Danish native speaker or a Polish speaker with a proficient command of Danish. Sixteen Polish students, divided into two groups of eight, listened to two recordings of two Danish texts: one recorded by a native speaker of Danish and the other one — by a native speaker of Polish who is a graduate of Danish philology from a Polish university. Before the experiment, all of the recordings were evaluated in terms of traces of foreign accent using a 7-point Likert scale, the experts being native speakers of Danish. The evaluators assessed the Polish native speaker’s pronunciation as proficient, but they identified certain segmental and suprasegmental features in his speech that are common indicators of a foreign accent in Danish. During the experiment, participants were asked to fill in each recording transcript with twenty missing words. The analysis of the results revealed that the participants scored higher when listening to the text recorded by the Polish speaker. Hence, the matched interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit was observed in a study using Polish as L1 (native language) and Danish as a foreign language. The study may provide a valuable insight into the question of non-native speech perception, foreign-accented speech and the veracity of the matched interlanguage speech intelligibility benefit for the Polish–Danish language pair.

Across Languages and Cultures 20(2), 235–251, 2019
Simultaneous interpreting is a cognitively demanding task, based on performing several activities... more Simultaneous interpreting is a cognitively demanding task, based on performing several activities concurrently (Gile 1995; Seeber 2011). While multitasking itself is challenging, there are numerous tasks which make interpreting even more difficult, such as rendering of numbers and proper names, or dealing with a speaker’s strong accent (Gile 2009). Among these, number interpreting is cognitively taxing since numerical data cannot be derived from the context and it needs to be rendered in a word-to-word manner (Mazza 2001). In our study, we aimed to examine cognitive load involved in number interpreting and to verify whether access to visual materials in the form of slides increases number interpreting accuracy in simultaneous interpreting performed by professional interpreters (N = 26) and interpreting trainees (N = 22). We used a remote EyeLink 1000+ eye-tracker to measure fixation count, mean fixation duration, and gaze time. The participants interpreted two short speeches from English into Polish, both containing 10 numerals. Slides were provided for one of the presentations. Our results show that novices are characterised by longer fixations and they provide a less accurate interpretation than professional interpreters. In addition, access to slides increases number interpreting accuracy. The results obtained might be a valuable contribution to studies on visual processing in simultaneous interpreting, number interpreting as a competence, as well as interpreter training.

Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 28(1), 126–143, 2020
The complexity of simultaneous interpreting may be influenced by so-called problem triggers, i.e. factors that increase the interpreter's processing capacity requirements. These items include numbers, which have been observed by many to affect interpreting. The difficulty of interpreting numerals can increase even more when the source text delivery rate is high. The eye-tracking study presented here investigates the effect of the speaker's delivery rate on number interpreting accuracy and eye behaviour. To this end, we tested professional interpreters (N = 30) and interpreting trainees (N = 24). Our results indicate that a high rate of the source text delivery compromises number interpreting accuracy. In addition, fixation count per minute increases when interpreters interpret at a fast pace. Professional interpreters provide more accurate interpretations, irrespective of the pace of speech, indicating the possible necessity of training interpreting students in dealing with problem triggers, such as numbers.

Polish Psychological Bulletin 49(4), 475–481, 2018
Investigating human emotions empirically is still considered to be challenging, mostly due to the... more Investigating human emotions empirically is still considered to be challenging, mostly due to the questionable validity of the results obtained when employing individual types of measures. Among the most frequently used methods to study emotional reactions are self-report, autonomic, neurophysiological, and behavioral measures. Importantly, previous studies on emotional responding have rarely triangulated the aforementioned research methods. In this paper we discuss main methodological considerations related to the use of physiological and self-report measures in emotion studies, based on our previous research on the processing of emotionally-laden narratives in the native and non-native language, where we employed the SUPIN S30 questionnaire as a self-report tool, and galvanic skin response (GSR) as a physiological measure (Jankowiak & Korpal, 2018). The findings revealed a more pronounced reaction to stimuli presented in the native relative to the non-native language, which was however reflected only in GSR patterns. The lack of correlation between GSR and SUPIN scores might have resulted from a number of methodological considerations, such as social desirability bias, sensitive questions, lack of emotional self-awareness, compromised ecological validity, and laboratory anxiety, all of which are thoroughly discussed in the article.

Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 54(3), 335–354, 2018
This paper presents an eye-tracking study in which number processing in simultaneous interpreting... more This paper presents an eye-tracking study in which number processing in simultaneous interpreting was investigated. Interpreting accuracy and eye behaviour were studied together to unveil the processing and rendering of numbers by interpreting trainees (N = 22) and professional interpreters (N = 26). While professional interpreters rendered numerals and the context in which they appeared with better accuracy, there was also a positive correlation between number interpreting accuracy and context interpreting accuracy. Our results indicate that interpreting arithmetic values of numerals is more cognitively demanding than interpreting their context, which is reflected in longer mean fixation duration on numbers than on the elements they referred to. Further research is needed to investigate numerical data processing in other tasks, involving other language pairs and interpreting directionality. The study outcomes may be a useful contribution to research on the cognitive aspects of simultaneous interpreting, numerical data processing, as well as interpreter training.

Target 31(1), 2–24, 2019
An experimental study was conducted to examine whether simultaneous interpreters are affected by ... more An experimental study was conducted to examine whether simultaneous interpreters are affected by the speaker’s emotions. To this end, two measures of emotion were used: galvanic skin response (GSR) as a marker of emotional arousal, and SUPIN – the Polish adaptation of PANAS ( Positive and Negative Affect Schedule ). A group of interpreters with Polish as their A language and English as their B language ( N = 20) took part in the experiment. They were asked to simultaneously interpret two speeches (recordings accompanied by video) from Polish into English: a neutral speech and an emotional speech. The results show that the interpreters are indeed affected by the speaker’s emotions, which is reflected in both a greater galvanic skin response and higher SUPIN scores for the emotional speech, when compared to the neutral speech and baseline values. The results may shed new light on the importance of emotion processing in simultaneous interpreting.

Though previous research has shown a decreased sensitivity to emotionally-laden linguistic stimul... more Though previous research has shown a decreased sensitivity to emotionally-laden linguistic stimuli presented in the non-native (L2) compared to the native language (L1), studies conducted thus far have not examined how different modalities influence bilingual emotional language processing. The present experiment was therefore aimed at investigating how late proficient Polish (L1)–English (L2) bilinguals process emotionally-laden narratives presented in L1 and L2, in the visual and auditory modality. To this aim, we employed the galvanic skin response (GSR) method and a self-report measure (Polish adaptation of the PANAS questionnaire). The GSR findings showed a reduced galvanic skin response to L2 relative to L1, thus suggesting a decreased reactivity to emotional stimuli in L2. Additionally, we observed a more pronounced skin conductance level to visual than auditory stimuli, yet only in L1, which might be accounted for by a self-reference effect that may have been modulated by both language and modality.

The question of interpreter aptitude has been widely discussed in Interpreting Studies (e.g. Lamb... more The question of interpreter aptitude has been widely discussed in Interpreting Studies (e.g. Lambert 1991; Moser-Mercer 1994; Mackintosh 1999). Language command and cognitive skills have often been treated by interpreter trainers as the main determinants of an interpreter’s future success. However, in recent years, more and more attention from interpreting scholars has been devoted to psycho-affective factors, such as motivation, anxiety or stress resistance (e.g. Timarová and Ungoed-Thomas 2008; Rosiers et al. 2011; Bontempo and Napier 2011). This paper presents the results of a pilot study, the main objective of which was to examine whether the speed of speaker’s delivery influences the level of stress experienced by interpreting trainees during a simultaneous interpreting task. To this end, heart rate and blood pressure data were collected. The participants were asked to interpret two speeches from English into Polish. The author hypothesised that while interpreting a faster speech the participants would experience a higher level of stress than when they interpreted a slower speech. The hypothesis was corroborated only for heart rate values. No statistically significant differences were observed for either systolic or diastolic blood pressure. The study offers valuable insight into the question of stress experienced by interpreting trainees.

Korpal, Paweł. 2014. „Tłumaczenie ustne z języka C: Wyzwanie dla studentów tłumaczenia konferencyjnego?”, w: Anna Głogowska et al. (red.), Z zagadnień tłumaczenia: Teoria - kształcenie - praktyka. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 109-118.
Jednym z podstawowych wymagań stawianych przez instytucje europejskie przy zatrudnianiu tłumaczy ... more Jednym z podstawowych wymagań stawianych przez instytucje europejskie przy zatrudnianiu tłumaczy ustnych jest umiejętność tłumaczenia z przynajmniej dwóch języków (B lub C). Od potencjalnych tłumaczy oczekuje się doskonałego rozumienia obu tych języków. Czy warunek ten znajduje odzwierciedlenie w umiejętnościach studentów tłumaczenia ustnego? W eksperymencie wzięły udział dwie grupy studentów tłumaczenia konferencyjnego z Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Zadaniem uczestników było przetłumaczenie a vista tekstu z języka angielskiego na język polski. Dla pierwszej grupy język angielski był językiem B, a dla drugiej – językiem C. Użycie techniki okulografii (eye-tracking) oraz analizy jakościowej tłumaczenia pozwoliło odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy grupa studentów, dla których angielski jest językiem C, zdołała opanować tłumaczenie z tego języka na język polski w tym samym stopniu, co studenci z angielskim B w kombinacji językowej.
![Research paper thumbnail of Produkcja w tłumaczeniu konsekutywnym [Production in consecutive interpreting]](
Korpal, Paweł. 2015. "Produkcja w tłumaczeniu konsekutywnym”, in: Agnieszka Chmiel i Przemysław Janikowski (eds.), Dydaktyka tłumaczenia ustnego. Katowice: Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Wydawniczych, 185-203.
The author of this chapter discusses some aspects of the production stage in consecutive interpre... more The author of this chapter discusses some aspects of the production stage in consecutive interpreting, such as text condensation, coherence and cohesion, linguistic register, the improvisation skill, public speaking as well as the notion of psychological stress in conference
interpreting. The aim of the chapter is also to provide the reader with a handful of didactic suggestions and examples of exercises that should lead to enhanced quality of interpretation as a product. It is suggested in the present chapter that providing an accurate rendition of a speech in the target language is not enough to ensure a perfect interpretation. As an indispensable participant of a communication act, the consecutive interpreter should learn how to speak clearly, coherently and convincingly.

The emerging eye-tracking technique has opened a window of opportunities not only in medical rese... more The emerging eye-tracking technique has opened a window of opportunities not only in medical research but also in Translation and Interpreting Studies. In recent years this research method has been used to trace the processes of reading, translation and interpreting. Eye-tracking has recently become a popular technique to examine cognitive effort involved in written translation, audiovisual translation and conference interpreting. Thanks to the use of an eye-tracker one is able to investigate the whole process and not limit oneself to analysing the quality of the output. To be more precise, by means of eye-tracking experimenters may investigate moment-by-moment changes in the cognitive effort necessary to perform a given translation/interpreting task.
Useful as the eye-tracking technique may be, researchers must often face methodological and apparatus-related challenges. The present paper is intended to discuss the eye-tracking methodology and then to address the potential problems of applying this method to investigate the processes of translation and interpreting. Among the notions to be discussed are: the types of eye-trackers and their usability, accuracy vs. ecological validity, accommodation (O'Brien 2010), sampling, the use of inferential statistics for small experimental groups as well as ethics. I will also refer to my own research on the notion of language-pair specificity in sight translation (Korpal 2012) as well as a collaborative work on numerical data processing in simultaneous interpreting (Korpal and Stachowiak, manuscript in preparation).
Korpal, Paweł. 2013. "Language policy in Denmark: The approach to English as a lingua franca”, in: Konińskie Studia Językowe 1 (4): 389-405.

Korpal, Paweł. 2012. "Omission in simultaneous interpreting as a deliberate act”, in: Anthony Pym and David Orrego-Carmona (eds.), Translation Research Projects 4. Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group Universitat Rovira i Virgili: 103-111.
Omission in interpreting, understood as an incomplete rendition of the information present in the... more Omission in interpreting, understood as an incomplete rendition of the information present in the source language, has long been a contentious issue. Altman (1994), Barik (1994), Gile (1995; 1999) as well as Setton (1999) have perceived omission in simultaneous interpreting either as a mistake or as a technique that interpreters may use only in extremely difficult conditions, when experiencing cognitive overload. Nevertheless, Viaggio (2002), Visson (2005) and Pym (2008) draw attention to the pragmatic approach to omission, treating it as a conscious decision made by the interpreter rather than a mistake resulting from miscomprehension. The main purpose of the study is to check whether both interpreting trainees and professional interpreters are sensitive to the pragmatic aspect of omissions. We ask whether they tend to use deliberate omission in a real interpreting task in order to eliminate message redundancy or whether they stick to the original, despite repetitions, digressions and unnecessary information contained in the text. The results of the study may shed new light on the issue of omission in simultaneous interpreting.
Korpal, Paweł. 2012. "On language-pair specificity in sight translation: An eye-tracking study”, in: Wolfram Baur et al. (eds.), Übersetzen in die Zukunft. Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag: 522-530.
Thesis Chapters by Paweł Korpal
![Research paper thumbnail of Kompetencje tłumacza ustnego [Interpreter aptitude]](
Tłumacz - praktyczne aspekty zawodu, 2016
Being a conference interpreter is commonly referred to as stressful while simultaneous interpreti... more Being a conference interpreter is commonly referred to as stressful while simultaneous interpreting is considered to be one of the most complex language tasks (Christoffels and de Groot 2005). There is no doubt that language is an interpreter’s tool and language proficiency is a prerequisite to perform this job. However, it appears that there are other factors which may have an impact on the interpreter’s professional success. Apart from a proficient command of at least two languages (mother tongue and foreign language) and acquired interpreting skills interpreters may be characterised by some personal features as well as interpersonal and cognitive abilities which facilitate performing their job. Since interpreters provide services to clients, their business skills, such as negotiation and assertiveness, may also have an influence on their job. The main purpose of this chapter is to discuss the following types of interpreting skills: linguistic, cognitive, psychological, socio-cultural and business-related.
Drafts by Paweł Korpal
Books by Paweł Korpal
This book is an attempt to discuss the notion of psychological stress in simultaneous interpreting. The main objective of the experimental study is to examine whether the speaker’s delivery rate influences (1) the level of stress experienced by professional interpreters and interpreting trainees in simultaneous interpreting and (2) interpreting accuracy. As well as this, predominant coping strategies used by interpreting trainees and professional interpreters are investigated in the study. The results of the experiment show that high delivery rate increases the level of stress experienced by the participants and has a detrimental effect on interpreting accuracy. A negative correlation between stress levels and interpreting accuracy was observed. Contrary to predictions, no inter-group difference was observed with regard to stress levels. However, professional interpreters provided a more accurate interpretation than interpreting trainees. With regards to stress coping, task-oriented coping proved to be a predominant coping style in both experimental groups. The results of the study may offer a valuable contribution to Interpreting Studies, stress research, occupational psychology and human factors in interpreting.
Książka „Tłumacz – praktyczne aspekty zawodu" jest zbiorem dziesięciu rozdziałów napisanych przez wykładowców specjalizacji tłumaczeniowych na Wydziale Anglistyki UAM z myślą o studentach i początkujących tłumaczach. Każdy rozdział omawia wybrane praktyczne aspekty związane z funkcjonowaniem na rynku tłumaczeń, zasadami wykonywania tłumaczeń specjalistycznych, zarządzaniem terminologią, zakresem kompetencji tłumacza ustnego i nieustannym samorozwojem, narzędziami wspomagającymi tłumaczenie i szczególnym przypadkiem pracy tłumacza jako audiodeskryptora. Główne przesłanie książki to przekonanie czytelnika, że tłumaczenie jest złożonym procesem i zawodem, który wymaga szeregu umiejętności i odpowiedniej postawy etycznej. Jakość usług na rynku tłumaczeń w Polsce może ulec poprawie tylko poprzez kształcenie dobrze przygotowanych do tej szczególnej pracy tłumaczy, którzy są świadomi, że jakość ich pracy wpływa na relacje pomiędzy jednostkami, firmami i narodami.
Papers by Paweł Korpal
The complexity of simultaneous interpreting may be influenced by so-called problem triggers, i.e. factors that increase the interpreter's processing capacity requirements. These items include numbers, which have been observed by many to affect interpreting. The difficulty of interpreting numerals can increase even more when the source text delivery rate is high. The eye-tracking study presented here investigates the effect of the speaker's delivery rate on number interpreting accuracy and eye behaviour. To this end, we tested professional interpreters (N = 30) and interpreting trainees (N = 24). Our results indicate that a high rate of the source text delivery compromises number interpreting accuracy. In addition, fixation count per minute increases when interpreters interpret at a fast pace. Professional interpreters provide more accurate interpretations, irrespective of the pace of speech, indicating the possible necessity of training interpreting students in dealing with problem triggers, such as numbers.
interpreting. The aim of the chapter is also to provide the reader with a handful of didactic suggestions and examples of exercises that should lead to enhanced quality of interpretation as a product. It is suggested in the present chapter that providing an accurate rendition of a speech in the target language is not enough to ensure a perfect interpretation. As an indispensable participant of a communication act, the consecutive interpreter should learn how to speak clearly, coherently and convincingly.
Useful as the eye-tracking technique may be, researchers must often face methodological and apparatus-related challenges. The present paper is intended to discuss the eye-tracking methodology and then to address the potential problems of applying this method to investigate the processes of translation and interpreting. Among the notions to be discussed are: the types of eye-trackers and their usability, accuracy vs. ecological validity, accommodation (O'Brien 2010), sampling, the use of inferential statistics for small experimental groups as well as ethics. I will also refer to my own research on the notion of language-pair specificity in sight translation (Korpal 2012) as well as a collaborative work on numerical data processing in simultaneous interpreting (Korpal and Stachowiak, manuscript in preparation).
Thesis Chapters by Paweł Korpal
Drafts by Paweł Korpal
Submission link:
ICL website:
This book is an attempt to discuss the notion of psychological stress in simultaneous interpreting. The main objective of the experimental study is to examine whether the speaker’s delivery rate influences (1) the level of stress experienced by professional interpreters and interpreting trainees in simultaneous interpreting and (2) interpreting accuracy. As well as this, predominant coping strategies used by interpreting trainees and professional interpreters are investigated in the study. The results of the experiment show that high delivery rate increases the level of stress experienced by the participants and has a detrimental effect on interpreting accuracy. A negative correlation between stress levels and interpreting accuracy was observed. Contrary to predictions, no inter-group difference was observed with regard to stress levels. However, professional interpreters provided a more accurate interpretation than interpreting trainees. With regards to stress coping, task-oriented coping proved to be a predominant coping style in both experimental groups. The results of the study may offer a valuable contribution to Interpreting Studies, stress research, occupational psychology and human factors in interpreting.
Książka „Tłumacz – praktyczne aspekty zawodu" jest zbiorem dziesięciu rozdziałów napisanych przez wykładowców specjalizacji tłumaczeniowych na Wydziale Anglistyki UAM z myślą o studentach i początkujących tłumaczach. Każdy rozdział omawia wybrane praktyczne aspekty związane z funkcjonowaniem na rynku tłumaczeń, zasadami wykonywania tłumaczeń specjalistycznych, zarządzaniem terminologią, zakresem kompetencji tłumacza ustnego i nieustannym samorozwojem, narzędziami wspomagającymi tłumaczenie i szczególnym przypadkiem pracy tłumacza jako audiodeskryptora. Główne przesłanie książki to przekonanie czytelnika, że tłumaczenie jest złożonym procesem i zawodem, który wymaga szeregu umiejętności i odpowiedniej postawy etycznej. Jakość usług na rynku tłumaczeń w Polsce może ulec poprawie tylko poprzez kształcenie dobrze przygotowanych do tej szczególnej pracy tłumaczy, którzy są świadomi, że jakość ich pracy wpływa na relacje pomiędzy jednostkami, firmami i narodami.
The complexity of simultaneous interpreting may be influenced by so-called problem triggers, i.e. factors that increase the interpreter's processing capacity requirements. These items include numbers, which have been observed by many to affect interpreting. The difficulty of interpreting numerals can increase even more when the source text delivery rate is high. The eye-tracking study presented here investigates the effect of the speaker's delivery rate on number interpreting accuracy and eye behaviour. To this end, we tested professional interpreters (N = 30) and interpreting trainees (N = 24). Our results indicate that a high rate of the source text delivery compromises number interpreting accuracy. In addition, fixation count per minute increases when interpreters interpret at a fast pace. Professional interpreters provide more accurate interpretations, irrespective of the pace of speech, indicating the possible necessity of training interpreting students in dealing with problem triggers, such as numbers.
interpreting. The aim of the chapter is also to provide the reader with a handful of didactic suggestions and examples of exercises that should lead to enhanced quality of interpretation as a product. It is suggested in the present chapter that providing an accurate rendition of a speech in the target language is not enough to ensure a perfect interpretation. As an indispensable participant of a communication act, the consecutive interpreter should learn how to speak clearly, coherently and convincingly.
Useful as the eye-tracking technique may be, researchers must often face methodological and apparatus-related challenges. The present paper is intended to discuss the eye-tracking methodology and then to address the potential problems of applying this method to investigate the processes of translation and interpreting. Among the notions to be discussed are: the types of eye-trackers and their usability, accuracy vs. ecological validity, accommodation (O'Brien 2010), sampling, the use of inferential statistics for small experimental groups as well as ethics. I will also refer to my own research on the notion of language-pair specificity in sight translation (Korpal 2012) as well as a collaborative work on numerical data processing in simultaneous interpreting (Korpal and Stachowiak, manuscript in preparation).
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