Papers by ITA / Judyta WACHOWSKA

Luz C. Souto, Anthony Nuckols (eds.), Repercusiones internacionales sobre la Guerra Civil y el franquismo. Memorias empuñadas desde la periferia literaria. Berlín: Peter Lang, 2023
El capítulo analiza el libro de crónicas de S. L. Shneiderman "Guerra de España. Crónicas desde l... more El capítulo analiza el libro de crónicas de S. L. Shneiderman "Guerra de España. Crónicas desde la retaguardia" publicado originalmente en yiddish en Varsovia en 1938 y editado en la traducción al polaco por primera vez en 2021, después de 83 años. Se analiza la contribución ejercida por Shneiderman a la internalización de la Guerra española y su colaboración con David Seymour, autor de las fotografías incluidas en el libro, basándose en los textos publicados por Shneiderman en la prensa polaca (no todos de los cuales fueron incluidos en el libro) y el contexto que surge desde detrás de la cámara de las fotografías de Seymour. Así, gracias a las fechas, la temática de las crónicas periodísticas (que se citan y mencionan ampliamente) y la descripción factual de las fotografías incluidas en "La maleta mexicana" (Young, 2010), se va trazando las secuencias consecutivas de la estancia de Shneiderman y Seymour en la España de la contienda y su involucración en la defensa narrativa de la parte republicana enfocada en la vida de la retaguardia.

This article is a voice in understaning the problem of Spanish «dis-exile» from a perspective sho... more This article is a voice in understaning the problem of Spanish «dis-exile» from a perspective shown by Maria Zambrano. In her various writings one can foUow a strict line of her philosophical thinking dedicated to the individual and historical consciouseness that an exiled person can recover when he/she starts his/her journey to an unknown futurę: his/her soul is crossed by signs of centuries. That is why an exile, and dis-exile as its consequence, can become an apparent contradiction: the fact of being deprived of a common and obvious reality lets reach one's origins of identity. Maria Zambrano herself was exilied for forty five years between 1939 and 1984 and this experience became an essential dimension of her life. Tal vez busąues un sitio en la tripulación de Odiseo por mucho tiempo-compartirds largos dias eon ella-escribirds ahorrando las palabrasaunąue puedan ser raspadas en el mastil un largo caminar-como la linea del hexdmetro que demarca la silueta del bugue de madera solo la tripulación es siempre la misma: ya que ćstas son las reglas de la travesia al igual que sus leyes no se puede llamar a todos los que guieran-ni mas-ni menos pero se puede tal vez durante la yentisca-y eon amigos en tomo tuyohablar largamente de lo de la poesta sin conocer la variedad de sus significados ni menos todavia la providencia-el destino Wasyl Machno Este texto fue presentado en forma de comunicación en e! simposio internacional organizado en Oxford, 7th Forum for Iberian Studies, dedicado al tema de: «Voicing Identities: Narrative of Identity in Contemporary Iberian Cultures (1975-2000)» y celebrado el 31 de Mayo y 1 de Junio de 2002. Algunos aspectos de aąuella presentación han sido reelaborados para los fines de la presente publicación. * De 1946 a 1948 estuvo en Paris eon su hermana Araceli, ciudad a la cual llegó para el entierro de su mądre.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
El Enfoque Social Y Cultural En Los Estudios Linguisticos Y Literarios Actas Del Coloquio Celebrado El 19 De Abril De 2002 En El Departamento De Filologia Romanica De La Universidad Adam Mickoewicz De Poznan 2003 Isbn 83 232 1309 7 Pags 41 52, 2003

Sociocriticism, Oct 1, 2012
palabras clave: El universo carcelario femenino, memoria de la represión franquista, novelas hist... more palabras clave: El universo carcelario femenino, memoria de la represión franquista, novelas históricas actuales, lugar de memoria, posmemoria, género. resumen: El tema del universo carcelario femenino, como parte del sistema penitenciario franquista refleja la forma en que el estado dictatorial ejerció el poder sobre un vasto grupo de la sociedad española. El artículo al hacer un resumen de los estudios acerca del tema en cuestión (Vinyes, suárez/colectivo 36, cenarro, cuevas, Doña, los propósitos de Vallejo nágera) y enfocarlo en el actual debate sobre la memoria histórica, se propone plasmar el tema carcelario femenino en las actuales narraciones de la ficción histórica (ferreo, fonseca, chacón, cañil) y presentarlas bajo unas posibles perspectivas analíticas (lugar de memoria, posmemoria, género). Mots-clés : l'univers carcéral des femmes, la mémoire de la répression franquiste, romans historiques actuels, lieu de mémoire, la postmémoire, genre. résumé : le sujet de l'univers carcéral féminin, en tant que partie du système pénitencier franquiste, reflète les formes à l'aide desquelles l'Etat dictatorial exerçait son pouvoir sur un immense groupe social espagnol. cet article, après avoir présenté brièvement l'état des recherches sur ce sujet (Vinyes, suárez/colectivo 36,
Encuentros Vol 3 2008 Isbn 978 83 60743 38 6 Pags 220 229, 2008
Revista De Hispanismo Filosofico, 2007
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2004
This article is a voice in understaning the problem of Spanish «dis-exile» from a perspective sho... more This article is a voice in understaning the problem of Spanish «dis-exile» from a perspective shown by Maria Zambrano. In her various writings one can foUow a strict line of her philosophical thinking dedicated to the individual and historical consciouseness that an exiled person can recover when he/she starts his/her journey to an unknown futurę: his/her soul is crossed by signs of centuries. That is why an exile, and dis-exile as its consequence, can become an apparent contradiction: the fact of being deprived of a common and obvious reality lets reach one's origins of identity. Maria Zambrano herself was exilied for forty five years between 1939 and 1984 and this experience became an essential dimension of her life.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2001
The paper explains some points of the generic definition of confession, showing that there are so... more The paper explains some points of the generic definition of confession, showing that there are some determinant factors that allow to distinguish it from the autobiography such as: thematic space, reason and/or narrataire and treatment of time and memory.
¿Ła voz dormida? Memoria y género en las literaturas hispánicas, 2015
Książka dla Julia. Cortázar po latach. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2019
The novel "A Manual for Manuel" shown in a wider perspective of Cortazar's textual and activists'... more The novel "A Manual for Manuel" shown in a wider perspective of Cortazar's textual and activists' engagement with the political situation in Latin America and its dictatures
Małgorzata Grzywacz i Małgorzata Okupnik (red.). "Kobiety i/a doświadczenie wojny. 1914-1945 i później". Poznań: Wyd. NSiH UAM, 2015

M. Grzywacz, M. Okupnik (red.), "Dzieci i doświadczenie wojny. Wiek XX i XXI". Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2020
"Spanish cases of children wounded by war: new historical novel, memory and history"
On the basis... more "Spanish cases of children wounded by war: new historical novel, memory and history"
On the basis of two contemporary Spanish historical novels, the paper focuses on the effects that the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) had on Republican children, and concentrates its analysis on two figures symbolizing their involuntary engagement in the conflict and its violence. In Lo que mueve el mundo by Kirmen Uribe (Basque title Mussche, 2012) we observe the problem of temporary foreign evacuations of children and people who were engaged in their adoptions, and in Mala gente que camina by Banjamín Prado (2006) we assist the process of recognition of “lost children of Francoism”. Additionally, the paper undertakes the subject matter of both novels clar- ifying their narrative structures in relation to the official “regimes of memory” as well as to the history and Spanish contexts of post-memory of the Civil War.
Keywords: Spanish Civil War children, lost children of Francoism, new Spanish historical novel, Spanish Civil War, Francoism
Jorge Semprún: memoria, historia, literatura / mémoire, histoire, littérature (Juan F. García Bascuñana, Coord.), 2015
En la relectura de la novelas de Jorge Semprún me propongo hablar de algunos aspectos literarios ... more En la relectura de la novelas de Jorge Semprún me propongo hablar de algunos aspectos literarios de su obra que se originan sobre todo en tres relatos del llamado ciclo concentracionario: "El largo viaje" (1963), "Aquel domingo" (1980) y "La escritura o la vida" (1994), en los cuales prevalece la exigencia de describir, como dice el autor "no sólo lo individualmente espantoso, sino lo universalemente esencial".
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 44/1, 2017
The paper undertakes a comparative analysis of three texts: War’s Unwomanly Face by Svetlana Alex... more The paper undertakes a comparative analysis of three texts: War’s Unwomanly Face by Svetlana Alexievich, the novel The Sleeping Voice by Dulce Chacón, and a testimony about women’s activism, resistance and imprisonment during the Francoist regime edited by Tomasa Cuevas. The aim of the study is to examine the problems of feminine authors’ narratives being excluded from official archives of memory, as well as emotions. The issues are considered in two different political contexts which, nevertheless, reveal quite similar mechanisms of an organization using hegemonic discourses of power.
Katedra Bolaño, Szkice krytyczne, 2015
Javier Cercas i Roberto Bolaño spotykają się w powieści "Żołnierze spod Salaminy"...

The purpose of this paper is to uncover the mechanisms used by the Francoist regime to seize the ... more The purpose of this paper is to uncover the mechanisms used by the Francoist regime to seize the chil- dren of its political opponents, as well as to discuss the problem as depicted in contemporary historical novels. In order to achieve these goals, the paper begins with an inquiry into eugenics, as interpreted by the infamous Spanish psychiatrist Antonio Vallejo Nágera. Further, the author reviews the processes through which biological parents (and/or family) lost the legal control over their children, many of whom had their identities changed. Consequently, the analysis focuses on three new historical novels (La voz dormida by Dulce Chacón, Mala gente que camina by Benjamin Prado, and Si a los tres años no he vuelto by Any R. Cañil), which use the mediation of historical memory to recover the remembrance of the lost children of the Francoist regime.
Key words: lost children of the Francoist regime; Francoist state terror; historical memory; new historical novel; eugenics; Antonio Vallejo Nágera
Papers by ITA / Judyta WACHOWSKA
On the basis of two contemporary Spanish historical novels, the paper focuses on the effects that the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) had on Republican children, and concentrates its analysis on two figures symbolizing their involuntary engagement in the conflict and its violence. In Lo que mueve el mundo by Kirmen Uribe (Basque title Mussche, 2012) we observe the problem of temporary foreign evacuations of children and people who were engaged in their adoptions, and in Mala gente que camina by Banjamín Prado (2006) we assist the process of recognition of “lost children of Francoism”. Additionally, the paper undertakes the subject matter of both novels clar- ifying their narrative structures in relation to the official “regimes of memory” as well as to the history and Spanish contexts of post-memory of the Civil War.
Keywords: Spanish Civil War children, lost children of Francoism, new Spanish historical novel, Spanish Civil War, Francoism
Key words: lost children of the Francoist regime; Francoist state terror; historical memory; new historical novel; eugenics; Antonio Vallejo Nágera
On the basis of two contemporary Spanish historical novels, the paper focuses on the effects that the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) had on Republican children, and concentrates its analysis on two figures symbolizing their involuntary engagement in the conflict and its violence. In Lo que mueve el mundo by Kirmen Uribe (Basque title Mussche, 2012) we observe the problem of temporary foreign evacuations of children and people who were engaged in their adoptions, and in Mala gente que camina by Banjamín Prado (2006) we assist the process of recognition of “lost children of Francoism”. Additionally, the paper undertakes the subject matter of both novels clar- ifying their narrative structures in relation to the official “regimes of memory” as well as to the history and Spanish contexts of post-memory of the Civil War.
Keywords: Spanish Civil War children, lost children of Francoism, new Spanish historical novel, Spanish Civil War, Francoism
Key words: lost children of the Francoist regime; Francoist state terror; historical memory; new historical novel; eugenics; Antonio Vallejo Nágera
W dwunastu esejach zebranych w tomie iberyści - badacze literatury, kultury i filozofii, tłumacze i komparatyści - przyglądają się twórczości pisarza.