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This paper aims to prove that the basic function of audition is similar to the function of vision. Both perceptual faculties provide us with information about objects in an environment. Vision helps to extract information from... more
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Ras, M., Nowik, A.M., Klawiter, A., & Króliczak, G. (2019). When is the brain ready for mental actions? Readiness potential for mental calculations. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars), 79(4), 386–398. doi: 10.21307/ane‑2019‑036 While the... more
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      Action ResearchReadiness PotentialMental calculations
We claim that abduction should primarily be studied from the perspective of its use. The big question "What is abduction?" is most often interpreted substantively and this distracts attention from the instrumental aspect of this form of... more
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      Deductive reasoningPsychology of Reasoning
We claim that abduction should primarily be studied from the perspective of its use. The big question "What is abduction?" is most often interpreted substantively and this distracts attention from the instrumental aspect of this form of... more
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      Deductive reasoningPsychology of Reasoning
While the preparatory neural mechanisms of real and imagined body movements have been extensively studied, the underpinnings of self-initiated, voluntary mental acts are largely unknown. Therefore, using electroencephalography (EEG), we... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAction ResearchReadiness Potential
Współczesne próby łączenia percepcji z działaniem czerpią z Gibsonowskiej koncepcji ofert (affordances). Tekst szkicuje pojęciowe podstawy tej koncepcji pokazując, jak pojęcie oferty wpisuje się w teorię percepcji, rozumianej jako aktywne... more
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Pochwała tekstu Marcina Miłkowskiego i Roberta Poczobuta Marcin Miłkowski i Robert Poczobut napisali tekst wzorowy. Syntetycznie i z wielk kompetencj wybrali bodaj najwartociowsze elementy wiedzy o umyle, wypracowane we współczesnej nauce... more
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Rozmowa odbyła się w kwietniu 2003 r. z okazji obchodów 60-lecia obchodów i 40-lecia pracy naukowej prof. Leszka Nowaka. W rozmowie uczestniczyli: prof. Władysław Balicki, dr Krzysztof Brzechczyn, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Klawiter, prof. dr... more
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      Analytical MarxismFilozofia NaukiNon-Marxian Historical MaterialismPoznań School of Methodology
Contemporary research on action-perception coupling draws on Gibson's concept of affordances. The text outlines the conceptual basis of this issue, showing how the notion of affordance is embraced in the theory of perception,... more
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    • Perception
We claim that abduction should primarily be studied from the perspective of its use. The big question "What is abduction?" is most often interpreted substantively and this distracts attention from the instrumental aspect of this form of... more
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      PsychologyEpistemologyDeductive reasoningPsychology of Reasoning
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the pilot research on associations of the factor structure of psychopathy and the dimensions of the five-factor model of personality (FFM). The presented findings are of a preliminary... more
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Celem opracowania jest charakterystyka cyberstalkingu (zjawiska uporczywego nękania za pośrednictwem Internetu) w kontekście innych cyberprzestępstw oraz prezentacja aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat stopnia jego rozpowszechnienia, form,... more
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Celem bada , których wyniki prezentowane s w niniejszym artykule, by a próba scharakteryzowania rozumowania moralnego nieletnich przest pców i nieprzest pców oraz okre lenia ró nic mi dzy tymi grupami1. Teoretyczn podstaw okre lenia... more
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The aim of this article is to present the mechanism of projective identification, one of the crucial constructs of classical and contemporary psychoanalysis. The phenomenon of projective identification is examined from the point of view... more
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