Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Institute of Eastern Studies
This paper aims at analysing the depoliticisation process of a border region's past from the perspective of simultaneous changes in biographies of people, objects and forbidden places. Turning the closed Soviet-Chinese border into a... more
This article explores modern Siberian discursive practices of interethnic divisions among prisoners, which are still based on the Soviet model of a multiethnic prisoner population. The contemporary Russian xenophobic image of the... more
T he relationship between individual and social in the perception of traumatic events has been a problem of stable concern of ethnographers and social anthropologists. 1 Th is complicated relationship between the biological and cultural... more
- by Ivan Peshkov
T he crucial role of Polish researchers in the investigation of Siberian indigenous cultures in the 19 th century provoked attempts to use the Polish heritage in the project of Soviet Siberia. Streets and schools were named after the... more
В работах, посвященных борьбе с отсталостью, достаточно убеди-тельно показаны деструктивные эффекты модернистических страте-гий государства по отношению к сообществам, зафиксированным как отсталые (Бауман 2004; Scott 1998). Принудительный... more
- by Ivan Peshkov
This article aims at presenting issues connected with the representation of Stalinism in the Russian school curriculum from two interrelated perspectives. The first perspective includes the issues related to creating narratives of the... more
The centre orientation and closed character of the Soviet space turned border areas into half-empty places remaining in absolute readiness for confrontation. Frontier forms of socialism were special, not only because of the extremely... more
The borderline territory serves a double purpose, being simultaneously zones of cultural contact and cultural barriers-administrative and often civilizational. This ambivalence frequently affects borderline area inhabitants turning them... more
The article explores the doubts and anxieties associated with the return of two communities of Russian long-term residents of Inner Asia-the Cossack repatriates of the Three Rivers Region and the local Mongolian Russians-to the Soviet... more
Статья посвящена вопросу о том, какую роль играет опыт приграничного города-посредника в формулировании тревожных прогнозов относительно последствий миграции. В этом вопросе два аспекта – когнитивный и культурный. Ответ на него автор... more