Papers by Dawid Abramowicz

Sustainability, 2024
The morphogenetic diversity of an area often determines its high geodiversity, which is subsequen... more The morphogenetic diversity of an area often determines its high geodiversity, which is subsequently used for geotourism. Areas where geotourism is being intentionally developed note the funded impacts resulting from increased interest in the area by tourists. This paper presents a morphogenetically diverse area that has been formed by glacial activity, cosmic factors—meteorite impacts, fluvial factors and anthropogenic factors—especially those related to industrial activities and settlement processes. In this manuscript, we identified and assessed geosites in the diverse landscape of the Poznań region (Poland), as well as analyzed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to possible activities aimed at the development of geotourism. The multi-criteria assessment of existing and proposed geosites and SWOT analysis was used by us to assess geotourism development potential in this genetically highly diverse landscape. The work presented here demonstrates that not all formally created geosites by geological institutions are potentially attractive from the point of view of geotourism. The main factors that reduce the attractiveness of geosites are the lack of recreational infrastructure, poor accessibility and low educational values. The spectacularity of geosites is most often determined by their aesthetic value, representativeness, rareness and paleogeographical interest. The Poznań region has a high potential for the development of geotourism due to its valuable sites (Morasko Meteorite Reserve, Dziewicza Hill, post-mining area Szachty, Genius Loci and Ostrów Tumski); however, there is a need to develop a geotourism development strategy in the area. Given the morphogenetic diversity of the study area, there is a need to create a unique landscape geointerpretation center in this part of Europe, with a role in integrating tourism and especially geotourism activities.

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Dec 28, 2022
Przedmiotem opracowania są formy partycypacji szkolnej odnoszące się do szkolnej edukacji geograf... more Przedmiotem opracowania są formy partycypacji szkolnej odnoszące się do szkolnej edukacji geograficznej. Zastosowano dwie metody badań -analizę porównawczą oraz sondaż z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza geoankiety. Wynikiem tych badań było wyróżnienie najważniejszych treści wybranych podstaw programowych oraz opracowań geograficzno--dydaktycznych odnoszących się do partycypacji szkolnej, a także rozpoznanie form tej partycypacji uczniów i nauczycieli. Wykorzystując geoankietę jako przykład Partycypacyjnych Systemów Informacji Geograficznej zaprezentowano studium przypadku z Poznania: opracowanie przez nauczycieli mapy cyfrowej wspierającej organizację zajęć terenowych. Stwierdzono, że uczniowie i nauczyciele rzadko podejmują inicjatywy o charakterze partycypacji. Istotną przesłanką do podjęcia takich działań są zarówno globalne wyzwania ekologiczne, jak i stan środowiska lokalnego. Wśród działań uczniów o charakterze partycypacji są takie, które wymagają aktywności praktyczno -technicznej oraz emocjonalno -artystycznej (kulturalnej). Ich przykładami są utworzenie pomocy dydaktycznej lub zorganizowanie wydarzenia o tematyce ekologicznej, mającego związek z zajęciami terenowymi realizowanymi poza budynkiem szkoły. Potrzebne jest zaproponowanie metod (lub strategii) kształcenia, która sprzyjałaby zwiększeniu częstości występowania inicjatyw o charakterze partycypacji w szkolnej edukacji geograficznej. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki badań oraz ustalenia stanowią część dysertacji doktorskiej D. Abramowicza pt. "Partycypacja społeczna a edukacja geograficzna -znaczenie Partycypacyjnych Systemów Informacji Geograficznej w organizowaniu zajęć terenowych (2022).

Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design
The global challenges of melting ice caps, rising global ocean levels, increased methane release ... more The global challenges of melting ice caps, rising global ocean levels, increased methane release from permafrost, and restrictions on access to water resources are primarily associated with climate change. Geographical education is of particular importance in this regard. At all levels of education, it should therefore provide knowledge about the changes taking place, shape practical skills, and foster the acquisition of appropriate attitudes in caring for the state of individual components of the geographical environment. Thus, the mentioned problems of the modern world require the selection of appropriate educational strategies. The chapter presents three educational strategies: teaching through scientific inquiry (IBSE), anticipatory learning strategy (ALS), and teaching through project-based learning (PBL). A general characterization was made, and then a proposal for their application to geography education classes was prepared. Content contexts were proposed for the respective ...
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education
Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna
Obserwowana w Polsce presja inwestycyjna przyczynia się do zmian w użytkowaniu gruntów w ... more Obserwowana w Polsce presja inwestycyjna przyczynia się do zmian w użytkowaniu gruntów w miastach, co przejawia się zwłaszcza ubywaniem gruntów rolnych. W literaturze istnieją przykłady badań prowadzonych w tym zakresie na terenie dużych miast w Polsce, jednak w przypadku mniejszych miast badań brakuje. Ważnym problemem jest rozpoznanie tych zmian w mniejszych miastach. Celem opracowania jest analiza zmian w użytkowaniu gruntów ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem gruntów rolnych w miastach powiatu poznańskiego w latach 2010 i 2020. W tym okresie największe zmiany zaszły w Luboniu, Swarzędzu i Mosinie. Powierzchnia gruntów rolnych w tych miejscowościach zmniejszyła się odpowiednio o 17,5%, 10,0% i 9,5%.
Studia Edukacyjne
Remote education is not a new issue discussed in the literature, but in the face of the restricti... more Remote education is not a new issue discussed in the literature, but in the face of the restrictions introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, this type of education has developed dynamically. In the conditions of technological progress, it seems that particularly interesting in remote education is the virtual model, applied in March-June 2020 at the level of primary education at the Cogito Public Primary School in Poznań. In order to identify and evaluate remote education in the virtual model from the perspective of students and teachers, surveys with the use of an on-line questionnaire were carried out.
Studia Edukacyjne
Remote education is not a new issue discussed in the literature, but in the face of the restricti... more Remote education is not a new issue discussed in the literature, but in the face of the restrictions introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, this type of education has developed dynamically. In the conditions of technological progress, it seems that the virtual model is particularly interesting in remote education. It was applied in March-June 2020 at the level of early childhood education at the Cogito Public Primary School in Poznań. In order to identify and evaluate remote education in the virtual model from the perspective of students and teachers, surveys with the use of an on-line questionnaire and focused group interviews were carried out.
Quaestiones Geographicae, 2022
The concept of geodiversity is becoming more widely used every year, beyond its contribution to t... more The concept of geodiversity is becoming more widely used every year, beyond its contribution to the development of geotourism. It is estimated that geodiversity is as important as biodiversity in the functioning of Earth's natural ecosystems. Therefore, an important problem is to recognize the possibilities on integrating geodiversity in geographic education, both formal and informal. The main aim of the study is to identify the subject of educating godiversity, included in the core curricula in Spain and Canary Islands and to identify the forms, didactic tools and methods of geodiversity education existed in selected national, natural parks and geoparks of Canary Islands. The study has shown that the application of geodiversity in educational practice is still unsettled.

Quaestiones Geographicae, 2020
The presented study considers the impact of public expenditure related to land development on the... more The presented study considers the impact of public expenditure related to land development on the potential of an urban green infrastructure to provide ecosystem services (ES). The study site (Szachty) is located in Poznań, the fifth largest city in Poland. In the article, we recognised the type of expenditure (permanent infrastructure and ongoing maintenance), the costs and the influence on ES (stimulating, weakening or no relevant). The study shows that the financial policy concerning the study area is focused on creating an infrastructure that enhances cultural ecosystem services (CES). However, the creation of recreational facilities weakens the potential of the area for supplying regulating services concerning maintaining nursery populations and habitats. The results highlight the need for scientific support for policymakers in understanding the synergies and trade-offs between ES, resulting from financial decisions. This is particularly important in the decision-making process...

Studia Edukacyjne, 2019
Homework in school education is one of the most important challenges in the educational process. ... more Homework in school education is one of the most important challenges in the educational process. Considerations regarding homework and its efficiency result from various approaches in both academic and school environments. Despite various opinions, discussions and the results of research on education, and at the same time the lack of legal necessity to apply homework, they remain an integral part of the education process in most schools. The aim of the research was to recognize students' opinions on homework. The study presents the results of research on the use of obligatory and non-obligatory home tasks in geography lessons. According to the students, the use of compulsory homework in a Geography lesson adversely affects their mobilization for learning outside of school. Students pay attention to the problem of a small amount of time that they could devote to the pursuit of their interests. In their opinion, the possibility to decide on the form of homework would significantly increase their motivation to learn.

Quaestiones Geographicae, 2019
Scientific research and student education aimed at preparing students to practice their professio... more Scientific research and student education aimed at preparing students to practice their profession under the conditions of civilization and technological changes play a special role in geography teaching. It is important to be aware of the impact of key competences which are necessary for every person to function in the modern world and are needed for self-fulfilment, personal development, social integration, flexible adaptation to any changes and which determine the success in adult life. Proper development of such skills contributes to the correct interpretation of natural and socio-economic phenomena and processes. The aim of the article is to present and discuss research work and teaching activities pursued by the Department of Geography Didactics and Ecological Education at the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, aimed at the use by students of various educational concepts and the resulting key competences necessary for t...
Papers by Dawid Abramowicz