Papers by Bogusław Zieliński
Journal of the Research Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University, Mar 1, 1980
The new method of poisoning acid and base surface sites is demonstrated. The proposed method is b... more The new method of poisoning acid and base surface sites is demonstrated. The proposed method is based on adsorption of stoichiometric amounts of Hammett indicators in relation to surface base or acid centres of established strength. The poisoning with usage of Hammett indicators was tested in reactions of alkenes isomerization over superbase catalysts, decomposition of diacetone alcohol over NaOH doped magnesia ane! transformation of methanol over MgO. Suppressing the basic sites with Hammett indicators was also exploited as a means to prove the coexistance of super base ane! oneelectron donor sites on magnesia.

Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, Jun 1, 1976
Free radical properties of MgO catalysts obtained by thermal decomposition of Mg(OH)2 in nitrogen... more Free radical properties of MgO catalysts obtained by thermal decomposition of Mg(OH)2 in nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen have been investigated. All the oxides show one-electron donor properties (reduction of adsorbed tetracyanoethylene and trinitrobenzene). Only the MgO calcined in oxygen shows one-electron acceptor properties (oxidation of adsorbed perylene). Acetaldehyde transformations were studied on the above catalysts. The MgO calcined in oxygen appeared to be the most active. Presumably, its activity is due to one-electron acceptor centers on the surface.AbstractБыли исследованы свободно-радикальные свойства катализаторов MgO, приготовленных термическим разложением Mg(OH)2 в азоте, водороде и кислороде. У всех окислов были обнаружены свойства одноэлектронного донора (восстанавливают адсорбированный тетрацианоэтилен и тринитробензол). Лишь MgO, прокаленный в кислороде, обнаруживает свойства одноэлектронного акцептора (окисляет адсорбированный перилен). Были исследованы превращения ацетальдегида на этих катализаторах. Наиболее активным оказался MgO. прокаленный в кислороде. Вероятно, его активность связана с одноэлектронными акцепторными центрами на поверхности.
Journal of the Research Institute For Catalysis Hokkaido University, Mar 1, 1980
The new method of poisoning acid and base surface sites is demonstrated. The proposed method is b... more The new method of poisoning acid and base surface sites is demonstrated. The proposed method is based on adsorption of stoichiometric amounts of Hammett indicators in relation to surface base or acid centres of established strength. The poisoning with usage of Hammett indicators was tested in reactions of alkenes isomerization over superbase catalysts, decomposition of diacetone alcohol over NaOH doped magnesia ane! transformation of methanol over MgO. Suppressing the basic sites with Hammett indicators was also exploited as a means to prove the coexistance of super base ane! oneelectron donor sites on magnesia.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2016
Hvatska je kultura sjecište triju povezanih tradicija: sredozemne, srednjoeuropske i – nešto poje... more Hvatska je kultura sjecište triju povezanih tradicija: sredozemne, srednjoeuropske i – nešto pojednostavljeno – balkanske. Rad problematizira tri pitanja: hrvatska refleksija o Europi kao „duhovno-prostornoj“ kategoriji, hrvatsko traženje novoga identiteta „Europe“ i hrvatski obračuni s vlastitom prošlosti i hrvatski spor s XX. stoljećem.Croatian culture is at an intersection of three interlinked traditions: those of the Mediterranean, Central Europe and - somewhat simply put - the Balkans. The paper addresses three issues: Croatian reflection on Europe as a "space-time" category, the Croatian search for a new "European" identity, the ways Croatia deals with its own history and the Croatian dispute with the 20th century
The picture of the southern Slavic countries in the Polish public discourse after the year 1989, ... more The picture of the southern Slavic countries in the Polish public discourse after the year 1989, following the tendencies characteristic for the Euro-Atlantic discourse, became completely dominated by the context of the post-yugoslavian wars as “Balkan” wars. With the colonial Balkan image, showing the stigmatization of the western representation of the southeastern Europe we live the history (bloody wars, political intrigues, national hysteria and racial segregation) out of the picture, but in the same time we introduce the element of an chaotic aura. The contemporary Euro-Atlantic discourse is exchanging the term “Balkan” with south-eastern Europe, which in the non-colonial humanistic mission equals a purposeful “debalkanisation” of the Balkan Peninsula and its “re-europeisation”, as an element of promoting the political rules of the EU

Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Polska i serbska slawistyka, poloni styka i serbistyka, a także slawistyka po łudniowa, poniosły ... more Polska i serbska slawistyka, poloni styka i serbistyka, a także slawistyka po łudniowa, poniosły wielką stratę wraz z odejściem prof. dr Very Mitrinović (12 września 1932-26 listopada 2021), wybitnej uczonej i pedagoga, niekwe stionowanej ambasadorki kultury pol skiej w Jugosławii, Serbii i Belgradzie. Kobiety dystyngowanej i uprzejmej, któ rej wyjątkowe cechy intelektualne i oso bowe zyskały powszechny szacunek. Większą część życia związana była z Uni wersytetem w Belgradzie, ale przez ostat nie dwanaście lat pracy zawodowej (1999-2011) prowadziła wykłady i konwersato ria w Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickie wicza w Poznaniu. Tylko o nielicznych, którzy odeszli, można powiedzieć, że głęboko zapadli w naszą pamięć i wiele im zawdzięczamy. Ich zasługi z czasem pokazują ich wyjątkowość i niezwykłość na tle epoki. Feno menu Very Mitrinović nie da się opisać ani zrozumieć bez odwołania do Prof. Vera Mitrinović w atelier Edwarda Tarkowskiego, Warszawa 2003 (archiwum prywatne rodziny Mitrinović)

The question of the situation in Polish huminastics can not be viewed separately from the fate of... more The question of the situation in Polish huminastics can not be viewed separately from the fate of the university as a whole or out of the process and changes in Polish society and the European academic community. In response to a situation characterized as a crisis, numerous reactions, discussions and practical reactions, such as the establishment of the Polish Humanitarian Crisis Committee (KKPH) in 2013, are followed. In order to overcome the difficult situation, the Committee has demanded greater allocations for science, university funding, regardless of the number of students, a change in the way in which research is evaluated and research projects for exact and humanistic sciences. The crisis is also linked to the signing of the Bologna Charter and the idea of creating a unique academic space in Europe, which focuses on the teaching process and neglects the research activity. The author sees possible solutions in three concrete measures: 1) to complete the natural-scientific an...
Rad 1 problematizira tri pitanja: hrvatska refleksija o Europi kao "duhovno-prostornoj" kategorij... more Rad 1 problematizira tri pitanja: hrvatska refleksija o Europi kao "duhovno-prostornoj" kategoriji, hrvatsko traženje novoga identiteta Europe i hrvatski obračuni s vlastitom prošlosti te hrvatski spor s XX. stoljećem.
The threat that Central Europe faces nowadays is connected with two sets of causes. The first cau... more The threat that Central Europe faces nowadays is connected with two sets of causes. The first cause is Russian politics that attempts to establish a new position on a global level. And the second is the crisis within the Union, which has mainly affected Central European countries, their youngest members that still bear the post-communist burden. The paper focuses on geostrategic, ideological and cultural aspects regarding the abovementioned complex threat.
Prijetnja koja dotiče sadašnju Srednju Europu vezana je uz dvije skupine uzroka. S jedne je stran... more Prijetnja koja dotiče sadašnju Srednju Europu vezana je uz dvije skupine uzroka. S jedne je strane politika Rusije koja traži novo mjesto za sebe na globalnoj razini. S druge je strane kriza unutar same Unije koja se većinom tiče zemalja Srednje Europe kao najmlađega njezinoga člana i onoga koji nosi postkomunistički teret. Tema su rada geostrateški, ideološki i kulturološki aspekti povezani s prethodno spomenutim kompleksima prijetnje.

Scientific work of Professor Halina Janaszek-Ivanickova (1931–2016) can be placed in three postwa... more Scientific work of Professor Halina Janaszek-Ivanickova (1931–2016) can be placed in three postwar periods of Poland’s history, albeit her scientific and organizational work with regard to comparative studies was carried out on a few continents. Her scientific programme, methodological inspirations and message in each of those periods were aimed against regime limitations, but simultaneously pointed to a positive programme suggesting what can be done and what is right. Initially her programme could be placed with positivistic message and Bakhtin methodology (studies on Stefan Żeromski and Karol Capek), only for the first lady of Polish comparative studies to become after a breakthrough Revolutions of 1989 a promotor of postmodernism in Poland and other Slavic countries (“From modernism to postmodernism”, 1996). Later she pointed to a “change of paradigm” and foresaw the decline of postmodern formation (“New face of postmodernism”, 2002). With a sharp mind she anticipated a radical “...
Papers by Bogusław Zieliński