Agata Firlej
AGATA FIRLEJ, dr.hab., comparatist, literary scholar, assistant professor in the Sub-department of West Slavic Languages and Literatures of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Main interests: representation of the Holocaust in the Czech and Polish theatre, issues related to the Czech drama and contemporary literature, literary translation. Recently published books: Nieobecność. Ujęcia Szoa w czeskiej dramaturgii (2016); Czarny kruk. O Janie Skácelu i jego poezji (Poznań 2010); chosen articles: In matters of taste, there can be disputes. Elements of Camp in Fráňa Šrámek’s Play Léto, „Bohemistyka” t. XIII, nr 2; What Was Exactly Katerina’s Gesture?, [in:] The Aspects of Genres in the Holocaust Literatures in Central Europe/Die Gattungsaspekte der Holocaustliteratur in Mitteleuropa, Praha 2015; Humour and Irony as Categories of Aestheticization of Shoah Narration (Using the Example of Arnošt Goldflam’s Play „Doma u Hitlerů“), [in:] Der Holocaust in den mitteleuropäischen Literaturen und Kulturen: Probleme der Poetisierung und Ästhetisierung, Stuttgart 2016.
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Books by Agata Firlej
Papers by Agata Firlej