Papers by Łukasz Piątak
Kwartalnik historii żydów = Jewish History Quarterly nr 2 (290), ISSN 1899-3044, 2024
In: Miriam L. Hjälm, Marzena Zawanowska (ed.), Strangers in the Land: Traveling Texts, Imagined Others, and Captured Souls in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions in Late Antique and Mediaeval Times, Leiden-Boston, Brill, pp. 171-189, Series: Studies on the Children of Abraham, Volume: 11, 2024
Studia Azjatystyczne 4, 2018
The Polish translation of Al-Suhrawardi's famous Qissat al-ghurba al-gharbiyya (The Tale of Weste... more The Polish translation of Al-Suhrawardi's famous Qissat al-ghurba al-gharbiyya (The Tale of Western Exile) with elucidation of some terms, symbols and topoi.
Przegląd Orientalistyczny 3-4 (271-272), 2019
Al-Munāǧāt in its two extant versions belongs to the shortest writings of Šihāb ad-Dīn Yaḥyà as-S... more Al-Munāǧāt in its two extant versions belongs to the shortest writings of Šihāb ad-Dīn Yaḥyà as-Suhrawardī (1154-1191), the founder of Illuminationist school of Islamic philosophy. The article aims at analyzing the philosophical terminology that this prayer is composed of. It demonstrates ho w much the terminology agrees with that used in his other works and how the prayer combines some major elements of the thought of As-Suhrawardī in a very concise form. All it is done based on the critical edition of the text as well as Polish translation by the author.

Kwartalnik Historii Żydów = Jewish History Quarterly, 2019
In section 10 and 15 of the fifth chapter of The Book of Kuzari Yehudah Halevi presents a summar... more In section 10 and 15 of the fifth chapter of The Book of Kuzari Yehudah Halevi presents a summary of views of Arabic philosophers on human soul in order to submit it to critique. This is put in a mouth of a Jewish sage debating with the Khazar king. The critique of philosophers' opinions causes aw of the Khazar king, who seemingly have had already accepted their points. In the description of philosophers' views Halevi summarizes and paraphrases an early treatise by Avicenna titled Compendium of the Soul without mentioning the source. The argument of the author of The Book of Kuzari is mostly of aristotelian character, however in the description of cognitive psychological process as a connection between synthesis and analysis Platonic traces can be found, whereas in accepting divine emanation as one of the sources of knowledge - Neoplatonic. On the other hand while arguing against the opinions of philosophers Halevi draws from the thought of Al-Ghazali, who devoted his famous work titled Incoherence of Philosophers to this subject. The aim of this article is to present a translation of the relevant excerpt of the Book of Kuzari with the short discussion on his key features.

w: Arzu Sadykhova, Filip Jakubowski (red.), Miscellanea Arabica Posnaniensia I, Wydawnictwo Rys, Poznań 2016, s. 139-151, 2016
The Master of Illumination (Shaykh al-Ishrāq) Shihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī (1156 – 1191)
invented ... more The Master of Illumination (Shaykh al-Ishrāq) Shihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī (1156 – 1191)
invented an idea of ‘ālam al-mithāl, an intermediary realm located between the world of pure spiritual lights (‘ālam al-anwār) and material world (‘ālam al-mādda). In his oeuvres he described the major places that exist in that world. This was subsequently developed by the scholars of Shaykhī school of Imami Shi’ism (late 18 th / early 19 th century). This article aims at tracing the key elements of this topography: the cities of Hūrqaliyā, Jabalqā and Jabarsā and the well of Barahūt in terms of origin of the ideas as well as toponymy. It will further conclude with the existence of rather puzzling interference of premodern geographical image of the Middle East in the mystical visions of the afterworld.
w: Piotr Bachtin, Maciej Klimiuk (red.), Azja i Afryka: inność – odmienność – różnorodność, Wydział Orientalistyczny, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa 2014, s. 45-57, 2014
Preteksty. Czasopismo studentóf filozofii UAM, 2013
This paper aims at reconstructing the stages of Mystical return as depicted in Risalat al-abraj (... more This paper aims at reconstructing the stages of Mystical return as depicted in Risalat al-abraj (The Epistle of Towers) by Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi (1154-1191). The work is written in rather simple Arabic almost totally bereft of philosophical technical terms. The discourse is based on hermeneutics of some Qur'anic verses whereas the stages are presented through the images and metaphors difficult to decypher by non-initiated. What is hidden behind the veil is the philosophical system of Al-Suhrawardi and numerous religious and intellectual movements that he was inspired by.

w: Rafał Ilnicki, Juliusz Iwanicki (red.), Strefy refleksji religioznawczej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych UAM, Poznań 2012, s. 135–144
Ahmad Taqi ad-Din ibn Tajmijja (1263-1328) oraz żyjący dokładnie sto lat po nim Abd al-Karim al-D... more Ahmad Taqi ad-Din ibn Tajmijja (1263-1328) oraz żyjący dokładnie sto lat po nim Abd al-Karim al-Dżili (1363-1428) reprezentują dwa przeciwległe bieguny doktrynalne w ramach islamu sunnickiego. Pierwszy z nich jest jednym z najwybitniejszych, cenionych do dnia dzisiejszego, a zarazem najbardziej radykalnych umysłów hanbalickiej 1 szkoły prawa muzułmańskiego. Urodzony w Harranie przenosi się jako dziecko wraz z rodziną do Damaszku pozostającego pod panowaniem egipskich Mameluków, gdzie jego ojciec Abd al-Halim piastuje pozycję czołowego prawnika hanbalickiego tego miasta. Po śmierci rodzica obejmuje jego stanowisko i wchodzi w długotrwały konflikt z przedstawicielami pozostałych szkół prawnych, co skutkuje kilkakrotnym wyrokiem więzienia za zbyt kontrowersyjne poglądy. Swoje zaangażowanie w ideę obrony islamu sunnickiego przed zagrożeniem zewnętrznym wykazał biorąc udział osobiście w zdobyciu Akki z rąk krzyżowców w 1291 roku oraz w wyprawie zbrojnej (1305) przeciwko buntownikom szyickim oskarżanym o sprzyjanie krzyżowcom i Mongołom.
w: „Przegląd Orientalistyczny” 1–2 (241–242), 2012, s. 22–33, 2012
Great Muslim mystics Suhrawardi (1155–1191) and Ibn Arabi (1165–1240) share
the idea of an interm... more Great Muslim mystics Suhrawardi (1155–1191) and Ibn Arabi (1165–1240) share
the idea of an intermediate realm between the unseen and the world of matter and
ascribe to it a major role in their philosophical systems. This paper examines and
compares their views on its onthological status and topographical shape based on the
descriptions included in their works such as Hikmat al-Ishraq or Al-Futuhat al-
w: „Studia Bliskowschodnie” 1 (5), 2011, s. 75–81
Books by Łukasz Piątak
ks. Marek Starowieyski, Łukasz Piątak (red.), Źródła muzułmańskie o Jezusie Ewangelia Barnaby, At-Tabari, Żywot Jezusa, Słowa (logia) Jezusa u pisarzy muzułmańskich, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków, 2022
Book Reviews by Łukasz Piątak
Thesis Chapters by Łukasz Piątak

This dissertation aims primarily at presenting the critical edition of two works: AlWāridāt wa’l-... more This dissertation aims primarily at presenting the critical edition of two works: AlWāridāt wa’l-Taqdīsāt and Sharḥ al-Asmā’ al-Arba‘īn. The first text is for the first time published in its entirety. Some of its disparate fragments (around the third of the entire size in total) have been already printed in original Arabic or in Persian and French translations but were not subjected to serious critical editing based on more than one original manuscript. As far as the second is concerned, which has the character of a free form and multiple variants extant in the numerous manuscripts I cannot exclude the possibility that some of them could 7 have been issued uncritically under another title, however I do not own any substantial knowledge in that matter, except the single prayer (Du‘ā’ Idrīs) that is the base of the commentary and was published at least three times. What I hope is that for the first time various variants of the commentary (Sharḥ) have been presented simultaneously and in the form of critical edition. This dissertation contains also the critical edition of additional seven short texts of Al-Suhrawardī that are found in the manuscripts related to Al-Wāridāt wa’l-Taqdīsāt
Papers by Łukasz Piątak
invented an idea of ‘ālam al-mithāl, an intermediary realm located between the world of pure spiritual lights (‘ālam al-anwār) and material world (‘ālam al-mādda). In his oeuvres he described the major places that exist in that world. This was subsequently developed by the scholars of Shaykhī school of Imami Shi’ism (late 18 th / early 19 th century). This article aims at tracing the key elements of this topography: the cities of Hūrqaliyā, Jabalqā and Jabarsā and the well of Barahūt in terms of origin of the ideas as well as toponymy. It will further conclude with the existence of rather puzzling interference of premodern geographical image of the Middle East in the mystical visions of the afterworld.
the idea of an intermediate realm between the unseen and the world of matter and
ascribe to it a major role in their philosophical systems. This paper examines and
compares their views on its onthological status and topographical shape based on the
descriptions included in their works such as Hikmat al-Ishraq or Al-Futuhat al-
Books by Łukasz Piątak
Book Reviews by Łukasz Piątak
Thesis Chapters by Łukasz Piątak
invented an idea of ‘ālam al-mithāl, an intermediary realm located between the world of pure spiritual lights (‘ālam al-anwār) and material world (‘ālam al-mādda). In his oeuvres he described the major places that exist in that world. This was subsequently developed by the scholars of Shaykhī school of Imami Shi’ism (late 18 th / early 19 th century). This article aims at tracing the key elements of this topography: the cities of Hūrqaliyā, Jabalqā and Jabarsā and the well of Barahūt in terms of origin of the ideas as well as toponymy. It will further conclude with the existence of rather puzzling interference of premodern geographical image of the Middle East in the mystical visions of the afterworld.
the idea of an intermediate realm between the unseen and the world of matter and
ascribe to it a major role in their philosophical systems. This paper examines and
compares their views on its onthological status and topographical shape based on the
descriptions included in their works such as Hikmat al-Ishraq or Al-Futuhat al-