Articles by Showkat Ahmad Dar
This article is an estimation of Taqi al-Din al-Nabhānī’s [(1909-77; an independent thinker and a... more This article is an estimation of Taqi al-Din al-Nabhānī’s [(1909-77; an independent thinker and a revivalist,and the founder of well known Islamic party, Ḥizb al-Taḥrīr (1953), and its ideology] Thought and Legacy.
Papers by Showkat Ahmad Dar

Sharī‘ah, the sacred and revealed guidelines from the Creator, that covers of all the tenets, bel... more Sharī‘ah, the sacred and revealed guidelines from the Creator, that covers of all the tenets, beliefs and laws of Islam. However, in the contemporary timeswhat essentially constitute the “Sharī‘ah” and accordingly its implementation is complex. Some argue that it includes the laws coming forth from clear-cut injunctions of Qur’an and Sunnah while others add Ijmā and Qiyās as the sources of Sharī‘ah. Besides, limiting the establishment of Sharī‘ah merely to the implementation of some corporal punishments (literally adūd, Qiā and Ta‘zīrāt) created an Islamophobic environment and people think these laws as inhuman. On contrary Sharī‘ah is considered akin to human nature and indispensable for the peace and harmony in the world; the absence and negligence of which in practical level causes imbalance and disorder in the world. Muhammad Asad (1900-1992), a great Muslim thinker with Jewish roots tried to eradicate the misconception about the Sharī‘ah from Muslim and non-Muslim reader. He pr...
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 2016

Islam and Civilisational Renewal, 2016
This book is an important-though controversial-addition to the discourse surrounding Islamic poli... more This book is an important-though controversial-addition to the discourse surrounding Islamic political thought. It traces its lineage to the debate advocating a separation of religion and politics. By putting this politico-religious discourse into a new oxymoronic term, 'religious secularity', the author attempts to construct another theological challenge to the concept of an Islamic state. Hailing from Iran, Dr. Naser Ghobadzadeh (currently a Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Justice, the Australian Catholic University), examines Islamic politico-religious discourse in the context of his homeland. Briefly reviewing the political struggles Muslims have faced during the second half of the twentieth century while trying to fulfil their aspirations of establishing an Islamic state, he attempts to describe the parallel Iranian quest for a democratic secular state. Being aware of the varied definitions and understandings of the term 'secularism', he intentionally uses the term 'secularity' to clarify the distinction between the emerging discourse in Iran and the conventional understanding of secularism as a global paradigm. This discourse, according to the author, was first developed following a series of articles written by Abdulkarim Soroush in 1989, in which the latter emphasized a separation of religion from religious knowledge (p.25). The author ignores, however, the Sunni scholar, Shaykh Ali Abdul Raziq, who, in his book entitled al-Islam wa uṣūl al-Ḥukm (1925), held the same view. This might be because of the author's focus on Shi'ite political thought. The author considers 'religious secularity' to be part of a modern-day Iranian religious reform movement which seeks to challenge the legitimacy of the Islamic state and draw attention to the detrimental impact that the unification of religion and state can have on both institutions. By articulating the term 'religious secularity', the author challenges both clerical control in the political sphere and the unification of state and religion entailed by that control. The author maintains that the Iranian clerical state model has been contested by both the Reformist Movement (1997-2005) and the Green Movement (2009 onwards). The first of these (both ultimately ineffectual) movements advocated the incompatibility of Islam with democratic forms of government, while the second argued that "modern political ideas such

Contemporary Arab Affairs, 2016
The surprising rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and its proclamation as the cali... more The surprising rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and its proclamation as the caliphate on 29 June 2014 imposed an obvious threat to nation-states. The continuous controversy over the nature and applicability of Islamic tenets to governmental institutions has yet to be solved. The possibility and impossibility of an Islamic state in contemporary times is observed by analyzing the very nature of Islam. The concept of an Islamic state is based on the teachings of the Koran and Sunnah, as meant for human welfare and happiness that, according to Muhammad Asad, would automatically preclude the government of such a state from contemplating wars of aggression. This article attempts to analyze the political developments that have taken place since the beginning of the twentieth century and the failure of the Muslims in establishing an Islamic state, despite upholding sharī‘ah principles.
Introduction 1. Defying the oppressor: martyrdom in Judaism and Christianity 2. Dying for God in ... more Introduction 1. Defying the oppressor: martyrdom in Judaism and Christianity 2. Dying for God in Islam 3. Modern Islamist perceptions 4. 'The army of shrouds' - 'suicide' attacks in ethno-national conflicts 5. Al Qai'da's transnational martyrdom 6. Martyrs as preachers 7. Debating 'suicide' attacks 8. Approaching 'suicide' attacks Conclusion.
İnsan & Toplum Dergisi (The Journal of Human & Society), 2016
ICR Journal
The work currently under review, by M. A. Muqtedar Khan, professor at the University of Delware (... more The work currently under review, by M. A. Muqtedar Khan, professor at the University of Delware (USA) and expert in Islamic thought, governance and international relations, is a unique addition to the subject area, exploring new dimensions of Islamic political philosophy. A serious, critical evaluation of the subject—theory vis-a-vis practice—Khan challenges the many political understandings held by classical and modern Islamic political thinkers. Human minds (irrespective of their religious bents) have searched through the ages for a world order capable of providing peace and tranquillity to all people. Consequently, a number of political theories have emerged deliberating on the process and structure of governance and government.

Sharī'ah, the sacred and revealed guidelines from the Creator, that covers of all the tenets, bel... more Sharī'ah, the sacred and revealed guidelines from the Creator, that covers of all the tenets, beliefs and laws of Islam. However, in the contemporary times what essentially constitute the " Sharī'ah " and accordingly its implementation is complex. Some argue that it includes the laws coming forth from clear-cut injunctions of Qur'an and Sunnah while others add Ijmā and Qiyās as the sources of Sharī'ah. Besides, limiting the establishment of Sharī'ah merely to the implementation of some corporal punishments (literally adūd, Qiā and Ta'zīrāt) created an Islamophobic environment and people think these laws as inhuman. On contrary Sharī'ah is considered akin to human nature and indispensable for the peace and harmony in the world; the absence and negligence of which in practical level causes imbalance and disorder in the world. Muhammad Asad (1900-1992), a great Muslim thinker with Jewish roots tried to eradicate the misconception about the Sharī'ah from Muslim and non-Muslim reader. He proposed that Shariah, if applied, would be helpful in minimizing the tension caused due to the presence of various schools of jurisprudence. The present study is an attempt to explore Asad's approach and understanding of Sharī'ah and analyze his propositions that are still valid in the contemporary period.
There has been profuse literature written on the Islamic Political Thought which provides the leg... more There has been profuse literature written on the Islamic Political Thought which provides the legacy of Islamic principles of state and government and provides the scope and modes of application of these principles in the contemporary times. On the contrary, there are many assertions that the basic sources of Islam do not provide any principles for governing and the principles adopted by the first four Caliphs can't be applicable in this world of science and technology. Consequently, a modern man is free to decide his political matters according to his own will. Keeping these two diametrical distant viewpoints into consideration, this paper attempts to discuss what the Holy Quran-the basic source of Islamic Law-says about organizing and controlling political needs of a modern man and how it guides to achieve the common good in every age.

Speaking of India as 'a vibrant society with its increasing influence in the world' and 'Bright F... more Speaking of India as 'a vibrant society with its increasing influence in the world' and 'Bright Future of India' is meaningless unless we discuss the personality and thoughts of Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad (1888-1958), one of the pioneers of modern India. Mawlana Azad revered by Muslims and non-Muslims alike was a great and undisputed revolutionary thinker, a determinant freedom fighter and one of the makers of modern India. Acquainted with both traditional and modern education, Azad was 'a man of luminous intelligence and mighty intellect with an amazing capacity to pierce through a problem to its core'. Being a profound theologian, an eloquent speaker and a prolific writer, he attached great importance to communal harmony and believed that Hindu-Muslim unity was an essential element for bringing freedom and is equally important for making 'progressive and developed India' in future. His writings and speeches had a deeply religious tenor and were marked by his artistic, highly personalized diction, appealing into intuition rather than discursive reason. His vision of Islam, Qur'an-based universal humanism, continues to inspire Muslim sensitivity. A man with pragmatic outlook, Azad inspired his contemporaries and continues to inspire the generations to come. This paper is an attempt to explore the vision and thought of Azad which were inevitable in laying down the foundation of modern India. The paper is framed in such a manner so that the present generation is inspired with his personality and mission and, thus, works accordingly for the betterment of the people without any religious discrimination. To highlight his policies and principles present in his writings and speeches not excluding the literature written about him is also necessary to explore, for these draw attention towards the purpose how our ancestors were steadfast, sincere and undaunted in their policies and principles and unlike present leaders 'they meant what they said'.

For the development and prosperity of any civilization, education and its related institutions ar... more For the development and prosperity of any civilization, education and its related institutions are inevitable. However, what kind of education and policies are necessary for perfect civilisation is a crucial and debatable issue. In this debate Muslim scholars argue that 'ulūm Naqaliyyah and 'ulūm 'aqaliyyah and making the reason subservient to the revelation is essential for human development, while the majority opine that only reason and material based knowledge is the real one. Scholarly speaking both are (if not equally) important to quench ones spiritual as well as material thirst. It is important to note that the classification of 'ulūm since classical times was not meant for division rather to know and understand the holistic view of human existence and the things related to it. Said Nursi , the prominent Muslim saint-scholar and theologian from Turkey of the recent past engaged himself to put humanity on the right track by making necessary reforms in the educational policy. Sensing the miserable and hazardous effects of secular education that has divorced almost completely from religion, he discussed his proposed educational policies with the then ruler who was convinced by the proposal.

Social Justice is an important issue of contemporary relevance and has been put into
debate in ac... more Social Justice is an important issue of contemporary relevance and has been put into
debate in academia to ensure a happy and peaceful social order. It is an important branch of
Justice, the concept which is vehemently presented in the teachings of Islam as the basis of faith
and of a true Muslim civilization. It the concept of Justice that encourages mankind to constitute
a balanced human community where each individual must feel that he forms with others a
compact and solid unity, based on fraternity, social solidarity and equality of rights and duties;
and where unjustified gain at the expense of other members of the community is considered an
attack against the system as a whole.
The present study is an attempt to revisit and explore the Islamic scheme of social justice with
regard to economic stability in the society because it is usually referred to economic justice
and distributive justice. The paper shall also analyse how social justice prescribed by Islam
entails social interdependence, sense of duty and responsibility towards his society and taking
pragmatic actions to help the needy in the society to the degree that sufficiently covers their
basic needs.
Articles by Showkat Ahmad Dar
Papers by Showkat Ahmad Dar
debate in academia to ensure a happy and peaceful social order. It is an important branch of
Justice, the concept which is vehemently presented in the teachings of Islam as the basis of faith
and of a true Muslim civilization. It the concept of Justice that encourages mankind to constitute
a balanced human community where each individual must feel that he forms with others a
compact and solid unity, based on fraternity, social solidarity and equality of rights and duties;
and where unjustified gain at the expense of other members of the community is considered an
attack against the system as a whole.
The present study is an attempt to revisit and explore the Islamic scheme of social justice with
regard to economic stability in the society because it is usually referred to economic justice
and distributive justice. The paper shall also analyse how social justice prescribed by Islam
entails social interdependence, sense of duty and responsibility towards his society and taking
pragmatic actions to help the needy in the society to the degree that sufficiently covers their
basic needs.
debate in academia to ensure a happy and peaceful social order. It is an important branch of
Justice, the concept which is vehemently presented in the teachings of Islam as the basis of faith
and of a true Muslim civilization. It the concept of Justice that encourages mankind to constitute
a balanced human community where each individual must feel that he forms with others a
compact and solid unity, based on fraternity, social solidarity and equality of rights and duties;
and where unjustified gain at the expense of other members of the community is considered an
attack against the system as a whole.
The present study is an attempt to revisit and explore the Islamic scheme of social justice with
regard to economic stability in the society because it is usually referred to economic justice
and distributive justice. The paper shall also analyse how social justice prescribed by Islam
entails social interdependence, sense of duty and responsibility towards his society and taking
pragmatic actions to help the needy in the society to the degree that sufficiently covers their
basic needs.