Shahab Sohail
Address: Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Papers by Shahab Sohail
extraordinary inclination of the customers towards online shopping. Due to the excessive use of online shopping by the
customers, there is huge data overload over the World Wide Web. The accretion of e-commerce may be considered as
an outcome of the development in the modern technologies. These developments have attracted customers towards
online shopping. While looking through online shopping portals, multiple options appear; however picking the best amongst
appearing items is not an easy task. The recommendation techniques come into picture to solve these issues and to
provide users with best of the available products. In this paper we propose a recommendation technique for books using rank
based scoring method. We look for the books on computer science from top Indian Institutions, and scores these
recommended books using above method. According to the scores, the books are ranked, and finally we recommend best
books on “Artificial Intelligence.” This method may fulfill the requirement of the millions of students and academician who
seek for their desired books
common man has changed. Rapid growth of the Internet has a
diverse effect on the daily life. The influence of the Internet has
changed the way we live and even the way we think. The use of
Internet for purchasing different products of the daily needs has
increased exponentially in recent years. Now customers prefer
online shopping for the acquisition of the various products. But
the huge e-business portals and increasing online shopping sites
make it difficult for the customers to go for a particular product.
It is very common practice that a customer wishes to know the
perception of other consumers who already have acquired the
same product. Therefore we tried to involve the human judgment
in recommending the products to the users using implicit user
feedback. In this paper we chose few products and their
respective ranks arbitrarily taken from previous work. For
obtaining user’s purchase activities a vector feedback is taken
from the user and on the basis of their feedback products are
scored, hence they are again ranked which is supposed to be the
user’s ranking. Finally we evaluate the system performance using
false negative and false positive rates, which show the
effectiveness of the proposed method.
extraordinary inclination of the customers towards online shopping. Due to the excessive use of online shopping by the
customers, there is huge data overload over the World Wide Web. The accretion of e-commerce may be considered as
an outcome of the development in the modern technologies. These developments have attracted customers towards
online shopping. While looking through online shopping portals, multiple options appear; however picking the best amongst
appearing items is not an easy task. The recommendation techniques come into picture to solve these issues and to
provide users with best of the available products. In this paper we propose a recommendation technique for books using rank
based scoring method. We look for the books on computer science from top Indian Institutions, and scores these
recommended books using above method. According to the scores, the books are ranked, and finally we recommend best
books on “Artificial Intelligence.” This method may fulfill the requirement of the millions of students and academician who
seek for their desired books
common man has changed. Rapid growth of the Internet has a
diverse effect on the daily life. The influence of the Internet has
changed the way we live and even the way we think. The use of
Internet for purchasing different products of the daily needs has
increased exponentially in recent years. Now customers prefer
online shopping for the acquisition of the various products. But
the huge e-business portals and increasing online shopping sites
make it difficult for the customers to go for a particular product.
It is very common practice that a customer wishes to know the
perception of other consumers who already have acquired the
same product. Therefore we tried to involve the human judgment
in recommending the products to the users using implicit user
feedback. In this paper we chose few products and their
respective ranks arbitrarily taken from previous work. For
obtaining user’s purchase activities a vector feedback is taken
from the user and on the basis of their feedback products are
scored, hence they are again ranked which is supposed to be the
user’s ranking. Finally we evaluate the system performance using
false negative and false positive rates, which show the
effectiveness of the proposed method.