Papers by Moheeta Khan

Journal of Nanotechnology Research, 2020
Graphene-metal nanocomposites are the best candidates for the greater sensitivity for various app... more Graphene-metal nanocomposites are the best candidates for the greater sensitivity for various applications. We have prepared Graphene-Tin Oxide (G/SnO 2) nanocomposite by using facile eco-friendly Anton-Paar microwave synthesis reactor method. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the formation of G/SnO 2 nanocomposite. The scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy images show a uniform distribution of nano-needles on the graphene surface and the average particle size was found to be in the range of 3-5 nm. The G/SnO 2 composite shows an enhanced optical property, i.e., tunability in the band of pristine SnO 2 nanoparticles while in contacted with graphene. The dielectric properties of the G/SnO 2 nanocomposite were measured in the frequency ranges of 75Hz to 4MHz and real value of dielectric constant is found to be 1200, which is quite larger than that of pristine SnO 2 nanoparticle, i.e., 12. Further, AC conductivity analysis revealed that the G/SnO 2 is two orders conductive than the pristine SnO 2. This work may offer an effective and economically viable for the preparation of graphene/metal-oxide nanocomposites for various applications.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2020
In India a multitude of scientific attitude scales are available through various channels. The sc... more In India a multitude of scientific attitude scales are available through various channels. The scales are standardized under local settings and most of the Indian researchers utilize these national level scales for the assessment of scientific attitudes. In this work 23 such Indian scales are reviewed over their psychometric properties. The study showed that most of the scales lack theoretical foundations and psychometric evidences. A scale by Bajwa & Mahajan (2012) is selected over its appropriate theoretical background. But many of the items are inappropriate, they failed in the validity checkup through 11-experts and 218-student tryout. Thus, a new scale is developed by retaining some of the items of the scale. The developed scale is standardized and validated through 200, 312 and 641 student tryouts. All statements in the developed scale show high item to scale correlation values. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) confirms the five sub-scales namely rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness, aversion to superstition and confidence in scientific method. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient value of the scale is high i.e. 0.79. The scale establishes its content, construct, concurrent and discriminant validities. This study results in to a valid scientific attitude scale that can be utilized in further researches.

IMPACT-Journals, 2018
The global documented aim of secondary science teaching is to develop and augment rationality, ob... more The global documented aim of secondary science teaching is to develop and augment rationality, objectivity, open-mindedness, curiosity, scientific temperament, etc. The development of such qualities helps in the development of a major quality as scientific attitudes (SAs). And a teacher plays vital roles in not only cognitive but non-cognitive developments among the students as well. The present work was aimed at finding the impact of teaching effectiveness (TE) and SAs over physics achievement (PA) of senior secondary students. The study utilized 309 senior secondary students in Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India. The results show good significant correlations among TE & SA and TE & PA, but a weak correlation between SA & PA. And no gendered responses were reported among students SAs and experienced physics TE. While the multiple stepwise regression analysis does not establish SAs as a predictive variable of PA and only TE was found to have 18.3% of the total variance in students' PA scores.

A perusal of the various reports of commission and committees in regard to teacher education augu... more A perusal of the various reports of commission and committees in regard to teacher education augur the preference for an extensive duration of B.Ed program in our country very early. But the two year B.Ed program found its implementation all over India in 2015. The objective is to develop more professionalism among prospective teachers, to ll the gap between theory and practice of teaching with their sustained engagement in schools, and to establish close connections between different curricular areas. It thus sets up a complete juncture for indoctrinating teaching perspectives. However in implementation of this extended program within a short period of time, institutions faced many difficulties and dilemmas. In the present paper an attempt was made to and out the B.Ed students and teacher educator experiences in two year B.Ed program through an empirical investigation of 37 teacher educators teaching to B.Ed course and 110 student teachers enrolled in B.Ed course. The researcher utilized two self constructed scales to do so and the results are being incorporated.

In Indian education system for senior secondary students of any board i.e., central, any universi... more In Indian education system for senior secondary students of any board i.e., central, any university or any state board physics is a core subject. But besides being one of the most important subjects it remains one of the most difficult subjects at school curriculum. The difficulty of a subject may be due to several institutional, psychological, personal, familial, environmental or teacher related factors which effects a student's achievement in any subject. Among these factors, personal factors such as study habits and self-concept play a vital role and are great predicators of a student's achievement in any subject. As study habits include the habitual manners a student plans his study and self-concept is one's own perception about himself , both could be good predictors of a student's achievement in subject physics as well. The present study is an attempt to study the relation of physics achievement with study habits and self-concept of senior secondary school students. A sample of 204 senior secondary school students comprising 100 boys and 104 girls was collected. Two standardized tools along with student's achievement in physics subject were used to collect data, and the results are analyzed by ANOVA and co-relational techniques.
Conference Presentations by Moheeta Khan
Reigonal Institute of Education, Bhopal, 2018
Reigonal Institute of Education, Ajmer, 2018
The global higher secondary physics teaching has ultimate goal to inculcate & augment higher orde... more The global higher secondary physics teaching has ultimate goal to inculcate & augment higher order thinking (HOT) ubiquitously. The present study concerns analysis of Indian state board higher secondary physics examination questions, for HOT skills. The researchers utilized content analysis followed by peer review methods to analyze & categorize 12 Indian state board physics examination questions in to taxonomy table and questions weighted into different cognitive processes utilizing Krathwohls’ revised Blooms taxonomy. The analysis revealed domination of lower knowledge domains and lower order thinking (LOT) skills and negligence of HOT skills in assessment questions among almost all state board physics examination papers.
Books by Moheeta Khan

Issues and challenges of secondary education in India, Rajat Publications, 2020
Teaching methodologies are the ways or strategies a teacher utilizes for the dissemination of kno... more Teaching methodologies are the ways or strategies a teacher utilizes for the dissemination of knowledge inside the classrooms. There might be several ways a teacher can orient his/her teaching depending on the nature of the subject matter and the characteristics of the learners. While secondary education is of much importance as it is the transition level between elementary and higher education. The secondary school teachers have a number of techniques to orient different teaching methodology in different teaching situations. The teachers might involve subject-specific, content-specific, or student-specific methodologies, and even a single or a combination of such methodologies. There is no set criteria or rule for the utilization of different teaching methodologies for the different subject matters. But different teaching methodologies have their different pros and cons that must be known and considered before the selection of a methodology. For example, science-related concepts may be better studied by the project or experimental methods, the use of ICT (information and communication technology) enhances certain student learning, while for the better understanding of some theoretical concepts even lecture method is appropriate. The suitability of a methodology of teaching for a subject or concept is obviously decided by the concerned teacher. It is thus imperative to understand the different teaching methodologies, their advantages, and disadvantages, to better implement them in the classrooms. Thus, the current chapter provides a brief description of some of the important teaching methodologies prevailing in secondary schools in India.
Papers by Moheeta Khan
Conference Presentations by Moheeta Khan
Books by Moheeta Khan