Papers by Michael Louie C Celis

The study is focused on designing and describing the webinars sponsored by the City College of An... more The study is focused on designing and describing the webinars sponsored by the City College of Angeles-Center for Academic Events. It assesses the overall impression on the performance and command of the invited resource speaker/s and the organization and delivery of the webinars. Based on the results of the study, the challenges and impact of the webinars on the new normal education are formulated. This study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative types of research. The participants of the webinars are from the entire Philippines. They ranged from a minimum of 150 to a maximum of 500 participants per webinar. They are employed in both public and private higher education institutions and schools catering for basic education (Junior and Senior High Schools). Descriptive statistics, observation, interview, and documentary analyses were used to interpret the data gathered. Results show that topics presented in the webinars were found to be relevant. The extent to which the content of the webinars matched the announced objectives; the time allocated for discussion, interaction between resource speakers and participants, depth of treatment of the topic, pace of delivery of the webinars, and length of the webinars were adequate. The concepts presented were very useful, the extent to which they acquired new knowledge on pedagogy, resource based learning, instructional design are sufficient, extent to which they acquired skills that were new to them is adequate, and extent to which they found new sources of information and skills are useful in the delivery of instruction. Overall, the webinars guide the current abilities of the participants to use the knowledge and skills that they acquired and learned. The content is at the fingertips of participants, and that unlimited playback is possible since it is recorded.
Edu Sportivo, Dec 20, 2022

Edu Sportivo: Indonesian Journal of Physical Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought substantial challenges on individuals and societies, including ... more The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought substantial challenges on individuals and societies, including the academe. The pandemic required a sudden shift to remote learning. Teachers were called upon to support students' academic development and well-being throughout this shift while navigating adversity and stress in their own lives. The researchers aim to describe the factors affecting the relationship between Occupational Distress (OD) and Teaching Satisfaction (TS) among Physical Education teachers handling Junior and Senior High Schools in Angeles City with 150 respondents through a self-administered survey. Purposive or Convenience sampling was utilized to recruit respondents, while descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The researchers found that most respondents are women between 22 to 29 years old, female, and single. In terms of history, the majority of the respondents are ranked as Teacher I, working in public school, with a salary of 20,001-30...

Edu Sportivo: Indonesian Journal of Physical Education
Physical activity barriers, particularly for the volleyball players of Angeles City, are one of t... more Physical activity barriers, particularly for the volleyball players of Angeles City, are one of the elements that hinder team cohesiveness for all athletes during this pandemic. According to research, there are many areas where the pandemic influences physical activity and team cohesiveness. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether physical activity barriers have a direct impact on volleyball players' ability to work together as a team. Based on related literature on how it affects physical activity barriers, an online Cross-Sectional, Descriptive-Survey research was conducted on the volleyball players around Angeles City. Respondents were chosen based on specific qualities and criteria and provided unbiased selection. In analyzing the data, the pandemic practices and communication are the areas that impact the volleyball players in the middle of the pandemic. The findings showed that physical activity barriers have no association with the team cohesiveness of the volle...

The number of people have been infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) worldwide continu... more The number of people have been infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) worldwide continued to grow in 2015, reaching an estimated 70 million and about 35 million of them have died. In the Philippines, the current incident data remains under 0.1% of the total population. It has one of the lowest rates of infection, yet has the fastest growing number of cases worldwide. Lack of knowledge about HIV among the Filipino people is considered as one of the causes. This study determined the awareness of the students enrolled in biological science courses on HIV affecting humans. The study employed descriptive method of research, specifically, assessment research. This was conducted at the City College of Angeles. Cronbach's alpha, Descriptive Statistics and Spearman rho Correlation Coefficient were used to measure of internal consistency of the items in the questionnaire and in the interpretation and analysis of data. Results showed that students enrolled in Biological Sciences courses have good knowledge in terms of facts, transmission, symptoms, and prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The students have good knowledge in terms of HIV being the virus that attacks and destroys the infection-fighting CD4 cells of the immune system and having no cure for AIDS, HIV being the infection that causes AIDS, and AIDs being the most advanced stage of HIV infection. In terms of attitudes and beliefs, students were rated to have good attitude and beliefs. In items that directly concerned themselves, they have very good attitudes and beliefs. Significant positive correlations were noted among the students’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs on HIV. This implies that better knowledge on HIV is associated with more positive attitude and beliefs towards HIV. More positive attitude is likewise correlated with more positive beliefs about HIV.

Asia Pacific International Events Management Journal, Apr 17, 2021
The study is focused on designing and describing the webinars sponsored by the City College of An... more The study is focused on designing and describing the webinars sponsored by the City College of Angeles-Center for Academic Events. It assesses the overall impression on the performance and command of the invited resource speaker/s and the organization and delivery of the webinars. Based on the results of the study, the challenges and impact of the webinars on the new normal education are formulated. This study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative types of research. The participants of the webinars are from the entire Philippines. They ranged from a minimum of 150 to a maximum of 500 participants per webinar. They are employed in both public and private higher education institutions and schools catering for basic education (Junior and Senior High Schools). Descriptive statistics, observation, interview, and documentary analyses were used to interpret the data gathered. Results show that topics presented in the webinars were found to be relevant. The extent to which the content of the webinars matched the announced objectives; the time allocated for discussion, interaction between resource speakers and participants, depth of treatment of the topic, pace of delivery of the webinars, and length of the webinars were adequate. The concepts presented were very useful, the extent to which they acquired new knowledge on pedagogy, resource based learning, instructional design are sufficient, extent to which they acquired skills that were new to them is adequate, and extent to which they found new sources of information and skills are useful in the delivery of instruction. Overall, the webinars guide the current abilities of the participants to use the knowledge and skills that they acquired and learned. The content is at the fingertips of participants, and that unlimited playback is possible since it is recorded.

Schools are considered second homes were safety is a priority. With this notion, it is imperative... more Schools are considered second homes were safety is a priority. With this notion, it is imperative that lessons about safety and survival should be emphasized as the number of disasters has increased in recent years. The students and teachers had become the victim with the limited information about the disaster preparedness and the disasters itself. This research explores the pedagogical practices of Physical Educators in teaching disaster preparedness in Angeles City. Using the Emergency Management Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior as underpinning points, narratives and practices of nine (9) Physical Educators were analyzed. The teachers were recruited to participate in this qualitative-exploratory study through snowball sampling. Data were analyzed using Manual Qualitative Analysis through Transcription, Coding, Categorization, and Thematic Analysis. The themes that emerged are as follows: (1) Healthy Disaster Practice; (2) Curriculum Modification/Improvement; and (3) Better Handling of Emergency Situations. Results from this research will be helpful in formulating lessons and programs that can improve knowledge and delivery of concepts in the field of health, specifically in disaster preparedness.s

Asia Pacific International Events Management Journal, 2021
The study is focused on designing and describing the webinars sponsored by the City College of An... more The study is focused on designing and describing the webinars sponsored by the City College of Angeles-Center for Academic Events. It assesses the overall impression on the performance and command of the invited resource speaker/s and the organization and delivery of the webinars. Based on the results of the study, the challenges and impact of the webinars on the new normal education are formulated. This study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative types of research. The participants of the webinars are from the entire Philippines. They ranged from a minimum of 150 to a maximum of 500 participants per webinar. They are employed in both public and private higher education institutions and schools catering for basic education (Junior and Senior High Schools). Descriptive statistics, observation, interview, and documentary analyses were used to interpret the data gathered. Results show that topics presented in the webinars were found to be relevant. The extent to which the content of the webinars matched the announced objectives; the time allocated for discussion, interaction between resource speakers and participants, depth of treatment of the topic, pace of delivery of the webinars, and length of the webinars were adequate. The concepts presented were very useful, the extent to which they acquired new knowledge on pedagogy, resource based learning, instructional design are sufficient, extent to which they acquired skills that were new to them is adequate, and extent to which they found new sources of information and skills are useful in the delivery of instruction. Overall, the webinars guide the current abilities of the participants to use the knowledge and skills that they acquired and learned. The content is at the fingertips of participants, and that unlimited playback is possible since it is recorded.

This study looked into the capacity development interventions of three selected organizations in ... more This study looked into the capacity development interventions of three selected organizations in the Philippines that participated in a larger project on strengthening CSOs funded by an international aid agency. This study specifically examined the factors that may influence capacity development interventions, namely, organizational profile and external factors. Furthermore, it also explored how capacity development interventions can influence organizational effectiveness. Using the triangulation approach, this study made use of both qualitative and quantitative methods. It specifically utilized key informant interviews, documents review, and capacity assessment tool. The three selected CSOs represent the three major geographical areas of the Philippines, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Results indicated that the knowledge, skills, experience and engagement of the Board and Management are important in carrying out their Governance and Leadership functions that are essential in the suc...

As the society develops, more and more families are transforming and evolving into the unconventi... more As the society develops, more and more families are transforming and evolving into the unconventional types. One form of family diversity which moves away from traditional notions of the family is the step-family now more commonly known as the reconstituted or blended family (Thomson, 2008). There are several studies that mentions adaptability and resiliency in stressful family environment among parents in blended families. However, few had elaborated on the actual experiences and adjustments being made by their children. The study aimed to describe the diversity and complex relationships in blended families using case studies of the children as lived experiences. Three participants were recruited via referral system. An in-depth, face-to-face informal interview was conducted using unstructured questionnaire. Qualitative content data analysis was conducted to reveal emerging themes. Four emerged themes from the transcribed and coded data were: (1) Competition vs. Favoritism; (2) Genetics vs. Affinity; (3) Social Stigma vs. Familism; and (4) Independence vs. Competition. Key findings showed that children belonging to step families are mostly concern on building sibling relationship; conflicts within this type of family structure are adult-moderated; and children transform negative social contexts into civil and appropriate relationships with their siblings.
Conference Presentations by Michael Louie C Celis

Retirement marks a significant transition in the lives of professionals, especially for those in ... more Retirement marks a significant transition in the lives of professionals, especially for those in physically demanding fields like physical education. However, for many retired physical education (PE) teachers, leaving the classroom does not equate to abandoning an active lifestyle or passion for teaching. This study explored the experiences of selected retired Physical Education teachers in Pampanga. This qualitative research utilized exploratory-narrative approach where five (5) retired PE teachers were recruited for oneon-one, in-depth interviews after network sampling. A researcher-made interview guide was used to collect the narratives and stories of the participants. Upon reaching data saturation, the researchers manually processed the data and analyzed thematically using the theoretical paradigms of Michael Kitces's (2019) Hierarchy of Retirement Needs and Ashley Crossman's (2019) Disengagement Theory. Key findings were clustered into three themes: (1) Health Challenges, (2) Socio-Personal Opportunities, and (3) Insights and Realizations. The post-retirement experiences of PE teachers shed light on how they navigate this new phase of life while remaining engaged with physical activity, teaching, and community involvement. By capturing their stories, this study revealed the enduring impact of their professional lives on their wellbeing, identity, and continued contributions to the community.

In the vibrant landscape of Philippine martial arts, Arnis stands out not only as a discipline of... more In the vibrant landscape of Philippine martial arts, Arnis stands out not only as a discipline of self-defense but also as a profound cultural representation. Arnis itself has been combating with foreign and main stream sporting events, not only for the limelight, but also in terms of equal opportunities. This study explored the experiences of selected Arnis athletes in Pampanga. This qualitative research utilized exploratorydescriptive approach where 12 Arnis school-based athletes from four different academic institutions in Pampanga were recruited for one-on-one, in-depth interviews after chain referral sampling. A researchermade interview guide was used to collect the accounts and descriptions of the participants drawn from their experiences as athletes. Upon reaching data saturation, the researchers manually processed the data and analyzed thematically using the theoretical paradigms of Tuckman's Team Development Model (1965) and Lombardo and Eichinger's Team Effectiveness Model (1995). Key findings were clustered into four themes: (1) Playing Motivation, (2) Allocating Resources, (3) Facing Challenges, and (4) Optimizing Opportunities. By analyzing the personal narratives of these players, this study illuminated the broader socio-cultural dynamics at play, revealing how Arnis serves as a vehicle for personal empowerment and the ongoing negotiation of equal position in contemporary Philippine sports.
Since the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) came to the Philippines, many people are trying to follo... more Since the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) came to the Philippines, many people are trying to follow the public health protocols that are usually not done before the pandemic starts. The Covid-19 has many effects among the basketball players in the country including their behavior and how they play well.

Sleep is considered as one of the most essential parts of our lives. However, the importance of s... more Sleep is considered as one of the most essential parts of our lives. However, the importance of sleep quality is often neglected by many. Students are prone to not having good sleep quality which then leads to having a risk on their well-being, specifically, their mental well-being. This study aimed to describe the relationship between Sleep Quality and Mental Well-being of 3rd and 4th Year Bachelor of Physical Education Students in City College of Angeles with 153 respondents through an online survey. Total Enumeration sampling was utilized to recruit the respondents, and to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Inferential statistical procedures conducted resulted in a surprising result: There is no significant relationship between Sleep Quality and Mental Well-being. The correlation coefficient for this is -0.0170, and it can be described as very low negative correlation. With a test significance value of -0.2095 compared to the critical value of 1.984 at 0.05 significance level, there is inadequate evidence to conclude that there is a significant negative linear relationship between Sleep Quality and Mental Well-being because the correlation coefficient is not significantly different from zero. Therefore, the regression line cannot be used to model a linear relationship between Sleep Quality and Mental Well-being. Furthermore, since there is no significant correlation between the two variables, the moderation is not supported. This indicates that there might be extraneous variables that can significantly influence the variables' relationship.

This research used the descriptive-correlational study which aims to determine the relationship b... more This research used the descriptive-correlational study which aims to determine the relationship between spirituality and academic motivation of students taking Bachelor of Physical Education. Adapted Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (SIQ) from Abdollahzadeh (2009) and Academic Motivation Scale (AMC) from Vallerand et. al. (1993) which describe the level of spirituality and academic motivations of the respondents,were utilized respectively. The method that the researchers use in selecting the respondents is purposive and convenience sampling. Frequency, mean, and sum were used to describe the demographic profile and spiritual history of the respondents, while Pearson r and Multiple Regressions were utilized to determine the relationship between spirituality and academic motivation, and to check if demographic profile and spiritual history moderates the relationship between the two variables. It is found that there is a low positive correlation between spirituality and academic motivations and it was considered that the Year Level and Influence to finish college moderates the relationship between the two variables. Findings of this study provided academic discourse regarding the pedagogy of college teaching, specifically in the significant value of spirituality and academic motivations, as well as the role of Physical education teachers in improving the spiritual dimension of health among their students.

All around the world, the internet has been widely accessible. Wherein it provides a variety of a... more All around the world, the internet has been widely accessible. Wherein it provides a variety of advantages to make things flow smoothly and serves as a new medium for acquiring knowledge, communicating with others, and promoting continuous innovation. Whereas the rapid advancement of internet use has already been adapted by many people, particularly today's student youth, whose excessive use has caused concern due to its rapidity. With that matter in mind, the researchers' overall aim in conducting this study is to describe the relationship associated with internet use and physical activity among student youth in Angeles City. The theoretical perspectives that have been applied and served as a guide for the researchers in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of this study are Self-Determination Theory by Ryan and Deci (1985) and Problematic Outcome of Internet Use Model by Winther (2014). This study is designed as a quantitative descriptive correlation. Thus, Convenience and Purposive sampling were utilized to reach 128 respondents among senior high school students in Angeles City. All of the data collected was analyzed through descriptive statistics to illustrate the frequency, percentage, and mean of factual data and inferential statistics to measure the relationship between Internet Use and Physical Activity. Consequently, results from this study emphasized the following: The relationship between Internet Use and Physical Activity has a low positive correlation. Furthermore, Gender and Academic Status moderates the relationship between Internet Use and Physical Activity.

The mandated lockdown has impacted many elements of people's lives, including everyday fitness ac... more The mandated lockdown has impacted many elements of people's lives, including everyday fitness activities of fitness freaks, resulting in severe psychological disorders and serious fitness and health concerns.Covid-19 pandemic causes a lot of problems and different illnesses one of them is mental health problems. People are seeking what they can do to prevent having problems in their mental health. A lot of people engage in different physical activities to melt away their stress and anxiety. Therefore, this study aims to know the mental health outcomes of the Zumba dancers in Angeles City during the pandemic. Well-being theory by Belyh (2019) and theory of cognitive behavioral therapy by Watson (1913), this research would utilize a descriptive- correlational approach. A proposal of one hundred seventeen (117) Zumba dancers had been surveyed. Data gathered had been implemented through descriptive and inferential. The mean ECQ score is 3.93, which corresponds to a level of engagement, while the mean MWB score is 4.58, which corresponds to a high degree of mental health. The 0.23 correlation coefficient indicates a weakly positive correlation. The computed result of 2.534 which is higher than the crucial value of 1.984 was used for the test of significance. Since there is a substantial low positive correlation between the two variables, there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between Exercise Engagement and Mental Health Outcome of Male Zumba Dancers in Angeles City. This study aims to contribute to the existing knowledge on exercise education across all ages, and the contribution of physical activities in achieving better mental health outcomes.

During the pandemic, physical education was one of the most difficult courses to teach via distan... more During the pandemic, physical education was one of the most difficult courses to teach via distance learning. As a result, teachers are struggling to adapt new strategies to keep students engaged in physical activity-based performances. Knowing how the discussion will improve and how students' learning will be assessed while engaging in the activity. Therefore, the researchers were prompted to conduct this study to explore the experiences and transitions of College PE Teachers from a variety of public institutions and schools in Pampanga in implementing Physical Activity-based Performances during online classes. Grounded on Educational Interactions Theory by Anderson (2004) and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory by Everett Rogers (1962), this research utilized an exploratory approach. Eight (8) College Physical Education Teachers were interviewed and data saturation was reached. Data gathered were manually analyzed through coding, categorization, and thematic analyses. Key data indicates: Perceived negative effects of the transition includes teachers absence of supervision, students dishonesty, and sedentary movements in both lifestyle and teaching style. Positive effects of the transition include enhancement of teacher’s creativity in teaching the lesson, a great reliever of stress and improved wellbeing. Preparation and modifications of teachers were improved in terms of attending numerous webinars about the usage of technology for teaching. The challenges that PE teachers were faced during online classes was lack of student’s interest and unstable internet connectivity. Findings were utilized to identify ways and means to improve the training and professional development of PE teachers based on actual experiences they had during online classes.
Papers by Michael Louie C Celis
Conference Presentations by Michael Louie C Celis