Celebrate the Significance of Minority Donors

National Minority Donor Awareness Month, celebrated in August, shines a spotlight on blood donors from diverse communities. It's a call to action to diversify the blood supply and ensure equitable access to blood products for all patients.

The Vital Role of Diverse Blood Donors in Saving Lives

Embracing diversity in blood donation helps address disparities in healthcare and promotes inclusivity in the healthcare system. Diverse donors are crucial in ensuring the availability of blood that is closely matched to the ethnic backgrounds of patients with conditions like Sickle Cell disease and thalassemia. By diversifying the donor base to include more individuals from various backgrounds, we increase the likelihood of finding compatible blood for those in need, ultimately saving lives and improving patient outcomes.

Learn Why We Need a Blood Supply That's As Diverse As The Nation That Depends On It


Our Advocacy Work

ABC is championing policies that promote equitable access to blood products while growing and diversifying the blood donor base to ensure patient needs are met.

Discover the Reality of Blood Donation in America

Download the definitive guide to U.S. blood donation and public messaging, where you can explore over 40 verified statistics that offer crucial insights into America's blood supply and its donors. This guide is designed to provide the latest look at the state of blood donations, utilizing data from rigorously researched sources and expert input.

2024 blood donation statistics

Learn More with Key Resources

Safety of the Blood Supply (1)

Donor Diversity & Patient Care

Learn why expanding donor diversity is critical to patient care as well as ABC’s work asking Congress to support blood centers’ efforts to reach young and diverse blood donors, ensuring current and future patient needs are met.

Safety of the Blood Supply

Safety of the Blood Supply

Learn why ensuring the safety of the nation’s blood supply is the top priority for America’s Blood Centers and the entire blood community.


Trends impacting

Trends Impacting the Blood Supply

Learn about current trends impacting the nation’s blood supply, as well as ABC’s efforts working with the Administration, Congress, and industry stakeholders to promote the value of blood and strengthen and diversify our nation’s donor base.

More from Our Partners

America's Blood Centers partners with a diverse range of national organizations to strengthen the nation's blood supply and support the work of ABC members.

Below are resources from some of our key partners to help support your efforts during this critical month.

Be a Social Advocate

With your help, we can reach more potential donors and ensure there’s blood on the shelf when it’s needed the most. Spread the word online today using these resources provided by ADRP: The Association of Blood Donor Professionals.

General Blood Donation Toolkit (1)

The Importance of Blood Donation

ADRP Sickle Cell Awareness Month Toolkit (1)

Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Sickle Cell Awareness Toolkit (1)

World Sickle Cell Awareness Day

Take Action

Are you passionate about ensuring a strong and reliable blood supply for all those in need? Take a moment to make your voice heard by using our user-friendly platform to reach out to your Members of Congress. Your advocacy can make a real difference in supporting America's blood supply as a national priority.

There is an immediate need for lawmakers to make supporting the blood supply a national priority. While the majority of independent, community-based blood centers are currently able to meet patient needs, every two seconds in the U.S., someone needs blood. With only three percent of Americans donating blood each year, we need to grow and diversify America’s donor base to ensure blood products are available for all those who depend on it.

Let's work together to amplify our impact and drive positive change. Get started now—your advocacy matters!