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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAttentionAttentional Control
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We studied the effect of different postoperative times on the behavioral recovery following brain implants. Adult male rats received cortical tissue grafts 2 weeks after aspiration of the medial frontal cortex. Either 2 (Immediate Group)... more
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      BehaviorBrain MappingDiscrimination LearningOrientation
We investigated previously reported contradictory findings regarding the nature of deficits in emotion perception among patients with schizophrenia. Some studies have concluded that such deficits are due to a generalized impairment in... more
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Patients with schizophrenia did not take significantly more trials than normal controls to learn to use a visual warning signal to avoid a non-aversive stimulus on a simple computer-administered avoidance learning task. When the stimulus... more
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Patients with schizophrenia did not take significantly more trials than normal controls to learn to use a visual warning signal to avoid a non-aversive stimulus on a simple computer-administered avoidance learning task. When the stimulus... more
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      SchizophreniaAttentionMotivationReference Values
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeurosciences
Adult male Long-Evans rats (90 days of age) were housed in 12 h light :12 h dark (Group LD), constant white light (Group LL), or constant dark (dim red light) (Group DD) for 60\p=n-\90 days. The first of two sexual behaviour tests... more
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      PhysiologySexual BehaviourReproductionRed Light
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeurosciences
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We studied the effect of different postoperative times on the behavioral recovery following brain implants. Adult male rats received cortical tissue grafts 2 weeks after aspiration of the medial frontal cortex. Either 2 (Immediate Group)... more
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      BehaviorBrain MappingDiscrimination LearningOrientation
Objective: Findings on spatial memory in depression have been inconsistent. A navigation task based on virtual reality may provide a more sensitive and consistent measure of the hippocampal-related spatial memory deficits associated with... more
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Regarding the notion of putative “best” practices in social neuroscience and science in general, we contend that following established procedures has advantages, but prescriptive uniformity in methodology can obscure flaws,... more
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    • Brain Sciences
Elevated blood homocysteine (Hcy) among middle-aged adults can increase age-related disease risk, possibly through other biochemical and hematological markers. We selected markers for hyperhomocysteinemia among middle-aged adults, studied... more
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Background: Anemia and red cell distribution width (RDW) have been linked to poor cognitive performance, pending studies of underlying mechanisms. Objective: We examined cross-sectional relationships of initial RDW status (v 1), RDW... more
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseRed Blood CellsBrain Volume
showed that when choice is between variable (risky) and fixed (safe) food amounts with the same expected values, capuchins prefer the safe alternative if choice is framed as a gain, but the risky alternative if it is framed as a loss.... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Work
Latent profile analysis (LPA) was used to classify 394 adolescents undergoing substance use treatment, based on past year psychiatric symptoms. Relations between profile membership and (a) self-reported childhood maltreatment experiences... more
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      Sexual AbuseChild MaltreatmentRisk TakingAdolescent
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      PsychologyAdolescentSubstance Abuse TreatmentChild
Sexual risk behaviors among adolescents are of great concern to public health. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1 estimates, high-risk sexual contact was responsible for approximately 30% of reported HIV infections... more
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      Risk TakingAdolescentChildChild Abuse