Peer Reviewed Publications by Luis Tapia Rubio
Journal of Latin American Theology, vol. 19, no. 1, 2024

St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology, 2023
Jamie Pitts and Luis Tapia Rubio
Ana... more Jamie Pitts and Luis Tapia Rubio
Anabaptist theology is the expression and communication of theological convictions that have sustained the ordinary life of faith communities within the Anabaptist tradition of Christianity. Alongside this ordinary Anabaptist theology, a more formal, ‘academic’ version has developed since at least the eighteenth century. In this respect, this article will first address some methodological issues and then present a historical overview of Anabaptist theology, from the emergence of Anabaptism in the Reformation era to recent global developments. The article concludes with an examination of some key theological issues within the Anabaptist theological tradition, namely, the status of confessional documents, biblical interpretation, Christology, discipleship, salvation, and ecclesiology.
Revista Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano, Documentos RYPC. [en línea] Documentos RYPC. Enero 23, 2015 , 2015
Este artículo presenta el estatuto epistemológico válido para la fe de acuerdo al Canon de la raz... more Este artículo presenta el estatuto epistemológico válido para la fe de acuerdo al Canon de la razón pura, segunda parte de Crítica de la razón pura de Immanuel Kant, demostrando específicamente cómo la fe puede ser considerada como un saber práctico desde el concepto de una fe racional. Esto se desarrolla en dos secciones. En la primera sección se presenta la fe racional kantiana, y luego, en la segunda sección, se busca demostrar cómo dicha fe racional es realmente un saber práctico que incluso puede llegar a alcanzar certeza.
Religión e incidencia pública, N° 1 (2013): pp. 111–133. ISSN 1853-4783., 2013
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal presentar la ecología holística de Leonardo Bo... more El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal presentar la ecología holística de Leonardo Boff en el marco de una propuesta ética ambiental, indicando específicamente la contribución que puede hacer el ámbito religioso en dicha propuesta ética. El artículo se introduce con una primera parte donde se justifica la consideración del pensamiento Boff dentro del marco de una ética ambiental. En la segunda parte se indican las líneas generales de la propuesta ecológica holística de Boff para luego, en la tercera y última parte, presentar el aporte que puede hacer la religión a la ética ambiental.
Teología y cultura, año 9, vol. 14 (Noviembre 2012). ISSN 1668-6233., 2012
Este artículo busca explicar los pasos filosóficos de Immanuel Kant desde la imposibilidad de pro... more Este artículo busca explicar los pasos filosóficos de Immanuel Kant desde la imposibilidad de probar la existencia de Dios hasta la fe racional. Para ello se presenta, en primer lugar, la crítica que hace Kant a los argumentos tradicionales que pretenden probar la existencia de Dios, como son el
argumento ontológico, el argumento cosmológico y la prueba físico-teológica, para, en segundo lugar, presentar la vía alternativa por la que Kant busca responder a la pregunta por la existencia de Dios, es
decir, el postulado moral. Por último, a raíz de lo expuesto anteriormente, se presenta la diferencia entre probar y postular la existencia de Dios, para llegar a la distinción entre el saber y la fe, a la que califica como fe racional.
Revista Cultura y Religión: Revista de Sociedades en Transición, Vol. VI, Nº 1 (Junio 2012 ) 31-52. ISSN: 0718-4727., 2012
El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de la filosofía de Kant en el ámbito religioso y, de... more El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de la filosofía de Kant en el ámbito religioso y, de manera específica, en la relación que puede establecerse entre la religión revelada y lo que Kant propone como religión racional. Se busca establecer si con la noción de religión racional quedan superadas, y negadas como caminos viables, las religiones históricas concretas. Se destaca cómo, en el pensamiento de Kant, la religión revelada existe en función de la religión racional, como un medio o vehículo hacia ella.
Fraternidad: Revista de Teología Interdisciplinaria. Año 1/Núm. 1. ISSN 0719-0689., 2011
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo buscar una alternativa al problema la fundamentación de ... more El presente artículo tiene como objetivo buscar una alternativa al problema la fundamentación de la moral en el contexto cristiano protestante/evangélico latinoamericano. Se presentan los paradigmas dominantes en la fundamentación de la moral cristiana y se propone el paradigma autónomo teónomo como alternativa de solución. Finalmente se ofrecen algunas correcciones teológicas como ayuda para que las comunidades protestantes y evangélicas latinoamericanas puedan aceptar dicho paradigma.
Book Chapters by Luis Tapia Rubio
¿El poder del amor o el amor al poder? Luces y sombras del ejercicio del poder en las iglesia evangélicas en América Latina. Número 35. Colección FTL. Editorial Kairos, 2011
“El empoderamiento de las iglesias como comunidades teológicas: El aporte del movimiento emergent... more “El empoderamiento de las iglesias como comunidades teológicas: El aporte del movimiento emergente norteamericano desde una mirada Latinoamericana” (The Empowerment of Churches as Theological Communities: The Contribution of the American Emergent Movement from a Latin American Perspective). ¿El poder del amor o el amor al poder? Luces y sombras del ejercicio del poder en las iglesia evangélicas en América Latina. Número 35. Colección FTL. Editorial Kairos. 2011. Editor: Harold Segura.
Book Reviews by Luis Tapia Rubio
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South, 2022
Book Review - The Global Mission of the Jim Crow South: Southern Baptist Missionaries and the Sha... more Book Review - The Global Mission of the Jim Crow South: Southern Baptist Missionaries and the Shaping of Latin American Evangelicalism. João B. Chaves (Macon, GA: Mercer UP, 2022), 228 pages, ISBN 9780881468366
Reading Religion, 2022
Book Review - Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Atando Cabos: Latinx Contributions to Theological Educatio... more Book Review - Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Atando Cabos: Latinx Contributions to Theological Education. William B. Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2021. 149 pp. in Reading Religion, American Academy of Religion (AAR), August 2022.
Anabaptist Witness, 2022
Book Review: David C. Kirkpatrick, A Gospel for the Poor: Global Social Christianity and the Lati... more Book Review: David C. Kirkpatrick, A Gospel for the Poor: Global Social Christianity and the Latin American Evangelical Left, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2019. 288 pp. $55.00. ISBN-13: 978-0812250947.
Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano, 2014
Book Review - Corbi, Marià. Hacia una espiritualidad laica. Sin creencias, sin religiones, sin di... more Book Review - Corbi, Marià. Hacia una espiritualidad laica. Sin creencias, sin religiones, sin dioses, Editorial Herder, Barcelona, 2007. 350 pp. in Revista Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano. September 20, 2014.
Thesis by Luis Tapia Rubio

Liberal, fundamentalist, and conservative theologies are three different theological trends that ... more Liberal, fundamentalist, and conservative theologies are three different theological trends that have tried to respond to the modern epistemological crisis by following a foundationalist epistemological framework, proposing different foundations for the construction of theological knowledge. However, the alternative to overcome theology’s epistemological crisis seems to be found in a rejection of foundationalism altogether. In this respect, postliberal theology is one
contemporary theological trend that has consciously rejected foundationalism. However, one of the major critiques of postliberal theology is that its non-foundationalism reduces every theological claim to an intrasystemic profession of faith, affirming a relativistic nonfoundationalism with a limited notion of truth. In this sense, the main critique of postliberal theology is that it is still in need of a theory of reference since such a theory seems to be the only alternative to determine whether any theological claim is true and under what circumstances it is justified to believe that claim. Without a solution to this predicament, it seems that the only possible response to the current epistemological crisis in theology is to hold an outdated
foundationalist theology. Against this option, there have been different responses from the postliberal trench. However, these responses have not been sufficient to address this problem of reference. In this respect, there is a prevalent need in theology to offer not just particular
responses to this matter but a comprehensive one. That is, to show how a postliberal theological method can confirm its theological claims without the need to succumb to the logic of a foundationalist epistemology but also without holding a relativist non-foundationalism. In this regard, the theology of James Wm. McClendon Jr. is a valuable resource.
Although not sufficiently explored and usually reduce to a mere “Anabaptist” or “baptist” theology, McClendon’s theological work laid out a postliberal theological method that has no theory of reference but nonetheless still grants an important place for reference. For McClendon, the confirmation of a theological claim does not need a rational and extra-confessional “foundation.” In that respect, his theological method is anti-foundationalist, offering a confirmation for theological claims throughout a description of the internal structures and logic of the Christian convictions. However, following John L. Austin, McClendon also holds that these internal structures and logics are always connected with the rest of the world. For him, every theological claim presents an interconnection between language structure and persons, and the reality beyond that includes both. In that sense, McClendon’s method grants a place for reference in theological claims because, for him, language, including religious language, not only connects the members of a Christian community with each other but it also connects the particular Christian community with other communities, including non-religious communities. Following Austin, McClendon shows that Christian convictions do not float free from the world of fact and meaning, and truth cannot be reduced to a mere communal belief but must be understood holistically, that is, considering the affective, representative, and primary conditions
of language. In this regard, McClendon’s method is not only holistic, holding and integrating the correspondence theory of truth, the coherence theory of truth, and the pragmatic theory of truth, but it is also postfoundationalist, since it goes beyond relativism, showing that it is possible to construct a postliberal theology that embraces a truly holistic notion of truth. Hence, by introducing a distinctive form of postfoundationalist theology, McClendon offers an alternative for the confirmation of theological claims that overcomes the problem of reference in postliberal theology.
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Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Filosofía, Universidad de Chile, 2013
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo general develar la incidencia política de la religió... more La presente investigación tiene por objetivo general develar la incidencia política de la religión de acuerdo al pensamiento de Immanuel Kant presente en algunas de sus obras sobre filosofía de la historia y filosofía de la religión. Se postula que el rol pedagógico que Kant le asigna al cristianismo y a la Iglesia en el progreso histórico-social de la humanidad es específicamente la forma en que la religión cristiana incide en el ámbito político. En el primer capítulo se desarrolla la idea de progreso histórico-social en la filosofía kantiana, desde la legalidad propugnada por la insociable sociabilidad. Además, se postula que el progreso debe incluir necesariamente el ámbito de la moralidad, donde, en la dinámica de la Ilustración, la religión tiene un lugar preponderante, al entender la Iglesia como una comunidad ética. Desde ahí se muestra en detalle la transformación o “purificación” del cristianismo que Kant desarrolla en su filosofía de la religión. Para ello se presenta la crítica de la religión del mero culto desde la noción de una religión racional. No obstante, para comprender dicha crítica, se expone en primer lugar la noción de fe racional, como idea que da origen al concepto de religión racional. Este es el contenido del segundo capítulo. Con la presentación de todos estos elementos se presenta en el tercer capítulo, a modo de conclusión, la incidencia que tiene la religión en el ámbito de lo político.
Other Publications by Luis Tapia Rubio
Papers by Luis Tapia Rubio
Cultura Y Religion, Jun 1, 2012
El presente articulo se centra en el estudio de la filosofia de Kant en el ambito religioso y, de... more El presente articulo se centra en el estudio de la filosofia de Kant en el ambito religioso y, de manera especifica, en la relacion que puede establecerse entre la religion revelada y lo que Kant propone como religion racional. Se busca establecer si con la nocion de religion racional quedan superadas, y negadas como caminos viables, las religiones historicas concretas. Se destaca como, en el pensamiento de Kant, la religion revelada existe en funcion de la religion racional, como un medio o vehiculo hacia ella.
Peer Reviewed Publications by Luis Tapia Rubio
Anabaptist theology is the expression and communication of theological convictions that have sustained the ordinary life of faith communities within the Anabaptist tradition of Christianity. Alongside this ordinary Anabaptist theology, a more formal, ‘academic’ version has developed since at least the eighteenth century. In this respect, this article will first address some methodological issues and then present a historical overview of Anabaptist theology, from the emergence of Anabaptism in the Reformation era to recent global developments. The article concludes with an examination of some key theological issues within the Anabaptist theological tradition, namely, the status of confessional documents, biblical interpretation, Christology, discipleship, salvation, and ecclesiology.
argumento ontológico, el argumento cosmológico y la prueba físico-teológica, para, en segundo lugar, presentar la vía alternativa por la que Kant busca responder a la pregunta por la existencia de Dios, es
decir, el postulado moral. Por último, a raíz de lo expuesto anteriormente, se presenta la diferencia entre probar y postular la existencia de Dios, para llegar a la distinción entre el saber y la fe, a la que califica como fe racional.
Book Chapters by Luis Tapia Rubio
Book Reviews by Luis Tapia Rubio
Thesis by Luis Tapia Rubio
contemporary theological trend that has consciously rejected foundationalism. However, one of the major critiques of postliberal theology is that its non-foundationalism reduces every theological claim to an intrasystemic profession of faith, affirming a relativistic nonfoundationalism with a limited notion of truth. In this sense, the main critique of postliberal theology is that it is still in need of a theory of reference since such a theory seems to be the only alternative to determine whether any theological claim is true and under what circumstances it is justified to believe that claim. Without a solution to this predicament, it seems that the only possible response to the current epistemological crisis in theology is to hold an outdated
foundationalist theology. Against this option, there have been different responses from the postliberal trench. However, these responses have not been sufficient to address this problem of reference. In this respect, there is a prevalent need in theology to offer not just particular
responses to this matter but a comprehensive one. That is, to show how a postliberal theological method can confirm its theological claims without the need to succumb to the logic of a foundationalist epistemology but also without holding a relativist non-foundationalism. In this regard, the theology of James Wm. McClendon Jr. is a valuable resource.
Although not sufficiently explored and usually reduce to a mere “Anabaptist” or “baptist” theology, McClendon’s theological work laid out a postliberal theological method that has no theory of reference but nonetheless still grants an important place for reference. For McClendon, the confirmation of a theological claim does not need a rational and extra-confessional “foundation.” In that respect, his theological method is anti-foundationalist, offering a confirmation for theological claims throughout a description of the internal structures and logic of the Christian convictions. However, following John L. Austin, McClendon also holds that these internal structures and logics are always connected with the rest of the world. For him, every theological claim presents an interconnection between language structure and persons, and the reality beyond that includes both. In that sense, McClendon’s method grants a place for reference in theological claims because, for him, language, including religious language, not only connects the members of a Christian community with each other but it also connects the particular Christian community with other communities, including non-religious communities. Following Austin, McClendon shows that Christian convictions do not float free from the world of fact and meaning, and truth cannot be reduced to a mere communal belief but must be understood holistically, that is, considering the affective, representative, and primary conditions
of language. In this regard, McClendon’s method is not only holistic, holding and integrating the correspondence theory of truth, the coherence theory of truth, and the pragmatic theory of truth, but it is also postfoundationalist, since it goes beyond relativism, showing that it is possible to construct a postliberal theology that embraces a truly holistic notion of truth. Hence, by introducing a distinctive form of postfoundationalist theology, McClendon offers an alternative for the confirmation of theological claims that overcomes the problem of reference in postliberal theology.
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Other Publications by Luis Tapia Rubio
Papers by Luis Tapia Rubio
Anabaptist theology is the expression and communication of theological convictions that have sustained the ordinary life of faith communities within the Anabaptist tradition of Christianity. Alongside this ordinary Anabaptist theology, a more formal, ‘academic’ version has developed since at least the eighteenth century. In this respect, this article will first address some methodological issues and then present a historical overview of Anabaptist theology, from the emergence of Anabaptism in the Reformation era to recent global developments. The article concludes with an examination of some key theological issues within the Anabaptist theological tradition, namely, the status of confessional documents, biblical interpretation, Christology, discipleship, salvation, and ecclesiology.
argumento ontológico, el argumento cosmológico y la prueba físico-teológica, para, en segundo lugar, presentar la vía alternativa por la que Kant busca responder a la pregunta por la existencia de Dios, es
decir, el postulado moral. Por último, a raíz de lo expuesto anteriormente, se presenta la diferencia entre probar y postular la existencia de Dios, para llegar a la distinción entre el saber y la fe, a la que califica como fe racional.
contemporary theological trend that has consciously rejected foundationalism. However, one of the major critiques of postliberal theology is that its non-foundationalism reduces every theological claim to an intrasystemic profession of faith, affirming a relativistic nonfoundationalism with a limited notion of truth. In this sense, the main critique of postliberal theology is that it is still in need of a theory of reference since such a theory seems to be the only alternative to determine whether any theological claim is true and under what circumstances it is justified to believe that claim. Without a solution to this predicament, it seems that the only possible response to the current epistemological crisis in theology is to hold an outdated
foundationalist theology. Against this option, there have been different responses from the postliberal trench. However, these responses have not been sufficient to address this problem of reference. In this respect, there is a prevalent need in theology to offer not just particular
responses to this matter but a comprehensive one. That is, to show how a postliberal theological method can confirm its theological claims without the need to succumb to the logic of a foundationalist epistemology but also without holding a relativist non-foundationalism. In this regard, the theology of James Wm. McClendon Jr. is a valuable resource.
Although not sufficiently explored and usually reduce to a mere “Anabaptist” or “baptist” theology, McClendon’s theological work laid out a postliberal theological method that has no theory of reference but nonetheless still grants an important place for reference. For McClendon, the confirmation of a theological claim does not need a rational and extra-confessional “foundation.” In that respect, his theological method is anti-foundationalist, offering a confirmation for theological claims throughout a description of the internal structures and logic of the Christian convictions. However, following John L. Austin, McClendon also holds that these internal structures and logics are always connected with the rest of the world. For him, every theological claim presents an interconnection between language structure and persons, and the reality beyond that includes both. In that sense, McClendon’s method grants a place for reference in theological claims because, for him, language, including religious language, not only connects the members of a Christian community with each other but it also connects the particular Christian community with other communities, including non-religious communities. Following Austin, McClendon shows that Christian convictions do not float free from the world of fact and meaning, and truth cannot be reduced to a mere communal belief but must be understood holistically, that is, considering the affective, representative, and primary conditions
of language. In this regard, McClendon’s method is not only holistic, holding and integrating the correspondence theory of truth, the coherence theory of truth, and the pragmatic theory of truth, but it is also postfoundationalist, since it goes beyond relativism, showing that it is possible to construct a postliberal theology that embraces a truly holistic notion of truth. Hence, by introducing a distinctive form of postfoundationalist theology, McClendon offers an alternative for the confirmation of theological claims that overcomes the problem of reference in postliberal theology.
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