Papers by Giancarlo Alteri
Le due raffigurazioni di Daniele sulle medaglie di Pio IX sono ... tre!, 2013
6.5 gph 6.5 gph (full or empty) 31 gph (all full), 14 gph (all empty) 44 gph Liquid nitrogen 6gph... more 6.5 gph 6.5 gph (full or empty) 31 gph (all full), 14 gph (all empty) 44 gph Liquid nitrogen 6gph 4gph 3gph 3 to 35 gph (for 0 to 5 gls He cooled) 15 to 20 gph 50gph 80 gph Liquid nitrogen Refrig. Lhe dewar, jumpers 20 Watts Solenoid box, x-fer lines off detector 40 Watts Solenoid on detector 20 Watts Solenoid lead flow, liquefaction load 20 Uhr = 0.7 g/s
Atti del convegno, Roma, 11-13 novembre 2010. A cura di Marco Buonocore - Ambrogio M. Piazzoni.

The paper wants to pick out one of the probable sources of the passion for Numismatics of Simone ... more The paper wants to pick out one of the probable sources of the passion for Numismatics of Simone Assemani. His great granduncle, Giuseppe Simonio Assemani is likely to have excited this passion on him. Giuseppe Simonio Assemani became famous as great scholar of manuscripts of many oriental languages: Coptic, Etiopic, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and, above all, Syrian. He was dispatched by the Pope Clement XI to Egypt and to the neighbouring countries in order to search those manuscripts. For his reputation, he became Prefect of the Vatican Library in 1739. Generally, we know nothing about his particular interest for ancient Numismatics, interest arisen during his prefecture at the Vatican Library. In those year, in fact, very famous collections of coins and medals entered the Library: 328 Greek and Roman Medallions of the collection owned by the cardinal Alessandro Albani, the collection of medallions, coins and medals of the cardinal Gaspare Carpegna, with 4.000 pieces; the famous collection of 6.666 casts in sulphur of cameos and carvings of Pier Leone Ghezzi, the extraordinary collection of more than 5.000 pieces of papal coins of Saverio Scilla. Giuseppe Simonio Assemani was responsible for arranging and ordering a catalogue of those big collections: When he died, a great number of Greek and Roman coins was found in his apartment, together with medals and carvings, collection that shows his private interest for Numismatics. For these reason, probably he passed this interest on his great grandchild Simone Assemani, when he was still a child.

The paper wants to pick out one of the probable sources of the passion for Numismatics of Simone ... more The paper wants to pick out one of the probable sources of the passion for Numismatics of Simone Assemani. His great granduncle, Giuseppe Simonio Assemani is likely to have excited this passion on him. Giuseppe Simonio Assemani became famous as great scholar of manuscripts of many oriental languages: Coptic, Etiopic, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and, above all, Syrian. He was dispatched by the Pope Clement XI to Egypt and to the neighbouring countries in order to search those manuscripts. For his reputation, he became Prefect of the Vatican Library in 1739. Generally, we know nothing about his particular interest for ancient Numismatics, interest arisen during his prefecture at the Vatican Library. In those year, in fact, very famous collections of coins and medals entered the Library: 328 Greek and Roman Medallions of the collection owned by the cardinal Alessandro Albani, the collection of medallions, coins and medals of the cardinal Gaspare Carpegna, with 4.000 pieces; the famous collection of 6.666 casts in sulphur of cameos and carvings of Pier Leone Ghezzi, the extraordinary collection of more than 5.000 pieces of papal coins of Saverio Scilla. Giuseppe Simonio Assemani was responsible for arranging and ordering a catalogue of those big collections: When he died, a great number of Greek and Roman coins was found in his apartment, together with medals and carvings, collection that shows his private interest for Numismatics. For these reason, probably he passed this interest on his great grandchild Simone Assemani, when he was still a child.
Bollettino Di Numismatica, 1996
Studi e Testi 535. Ambrosiana, Hagiographica, Vaticana. Studi in onore di Mons. Cesare Pasini in occasione del suo settantesimo compleanno a cura di Ambrogio M. Piazzoni, 2020
submission deadline: 30 th December 2018. The abstract has to contain: family name, first name, a... more submission deadline: 30 th December 2018. The abstract has to contain: family name, first name, affiliation, title of contribution and a brief text (500 words).
Medagliere Vaticano Le nuove acquisizioni / Medaglie pontificie «... per assomigliarlo a quello d... more Medagliere Vaticano Le nuove acquisizioni / Medaglie pontificie «... per assomigliarlo a quello di Girometti, o sia di Tenerani dal quale l'ha copiato » / Medaglie e donne illustri Bona Sforza di Polonia su una medaglia di Pastorino De Pastorini / Medaglie moderne Adolfo Wildt / Monografia Le fusioni di ricerca di Laura Cretara / Monete cinesi Due collezioni di monete cinesi offerte in dono ai Papi Pio IX e Leone XIII / Monete puniche Carthaginian coins in the collection of the Vatican Library / Raccolte numismatiche nel mondo Coins from ecclesiastical contexts in the coin collection of the Museum
submission deadline: 30 th November 2016. The abstract has to contain: family name, first name, a... more submission deadline: 30 th November 2016. The abstract has to contain: family name, first name, affiliation, title of contribution and a brief text (500 words).
Papers by Giancarlo Alteri