Ali Toraman
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi / Amasya Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü
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Papers by Ali Toraman
Anahtar kelimeler: Türk mitolojisi, ateş, tarih, kültür, inanış
Throughout history, some practices and rules have affected the lives of nations and have been directly influential in people's daily lives, directing or affecting their behaviours, thoughts and activities. These show themselves in the form of religious or folk beliefs and within the framework of certain rituals and cults. In Turkish culture, the acceptance of particular beings in nature as living or approaching them with respect has also led to cults around many objects such as water, tree, mountain and stone. The cults that are the subject of Turkish mythology have also shaped the behaviour and thoughts of people in various aspects. One of the crucial cults among Turkish folk beliefs, which we can express in the context of traditional Turkish religion, is fire. The Turkish nation has carried out some practices and rituals around fire or fire-centred since the earliest times, and they have taken these beliefs with them wherever they go, regardless of the changing time and place. The fire cult showed itself in various aspects of Turkish culture and mythology. Sometimes as a cleansing element, it protects from evil spirits and evil; sometimes as a healing, therapeutic element against diseases; sometimes protecting from the evil eye; In general terms, it has been a cult that has survived until today in connection with the cult of family-hearth-houseancestors. Because of these characteristics, the fire was approached with respect and some behaviours were avoided with the thought that it would anger her and harm people when she was angry.
Keywords: Turkish mythology, fire, history, culture, belief
Anahtar kelimeler: At, kuyruk, süvari, Türk kültürü.
Abstract: It is a widely accepted theory that Turks are the first society that domesticated horses. This theory is both supported by written and verbal sources and archaeological data. Especially the findings obtained from archaeological data, base the domestication and use of horses in daily life as far as B.C. 3000. Turks who domesticated horses attached significant importance to the horses in every field of their material and non-material cultures. According to the initial findings in the excavations, horses which were used as food products, mount, and beasts of burden then had their place in the belief system and became the leading roles of various religious practices. In Turkish history, dynasties and empires changed occasionally, however, cultural features preserved themselves and was passed down from generation to generation throughout the Turkish history. In this context, it is obvious that traditions observed in early Turkish societies continued in the following periods. In this study, horsetail tying and cutting tradition which was applied in Turkish culture throughout history will be discussed.
Anahtar kelimeler: Türk mitolojisi, ateş, tarih, kültür, inanış
Throughout history, some practices and rules have affected the lives of nations and have been directly influential in people's daily lives, directing or affecting their behaviours, thoughts and activities. These show themselves in the form of religious or folk beliefs and within the framework of certain rituals and cults. In Turkish culture, the acceptance of particular beings in nature as living or approaching them with respect has also led to cults around many objects such as water, tree, mountain and stone. The cults that are the subject of Turkish mythology have also shaped the behaviour and thoughts of people in various aspects. One of the crucial cults among Turkish folk beliefs, which we can express in the context of traditional Turkish religion, is fire. The Turkish nation has carried out some practices and rituals around fire or fire-centred since the earliest times, and they have taken these beliefs with them wherever they go, regardless of the changing time and place. The fire cult showed itself in various aspects of Turkish culture and mythology. Sometimes as a cleansing element, it protects from evil spirits and evil; sometimes as a healing, therapeutic element against diseases; sometimes protecting from the evil eye; In general terms, it has been a cult that has survived until today in connection with the cult of family-hearth-houseancestors. Because of these characteristics, the fire was approached with respect and some behaviours were avoided with the thought that it would anger her and harm people when she was angry.
Keywords: Turkish mythology, fire, history, culture, belief
Anahtar kelimeler: At, kuyruk, süvari, Türk kültürü.
Abstract: It is a widely accepted theory that Turks are the first society that domesticated horses. This theory is both supported by written and verbal sources and archaeological data. Especially the findings obtained from archaeological data, base the domestication and use of horses in daily life as far as B.C. 3000. Turks who domesticated horses attached significant importance to the horses in every field of their material and non-material cultures. According to the initial findings in the excavations, horses which were used as food products, mount, and beasts of burden then had their place in the belief system and became the leading roles of various religious practices. In Turkish history, dynasties and empires changed occasionally, however, cultural features preserved themselves and was passed down from generation to generation throughout the Turkish history. In this context, it is obvious that traditions observed in early Turkish societies continued in the following periods. In this study, horsetail tying and cutting tradition which was applied in Turkish culture throughout history will be discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Maddi kültür, Türk dünyası, tarih, arkeoloji.
Located in Southern Siberia, the Altai Republic is an autonomous state under the Russian Federation. The northern border of the republic is formed by the Altai region and the Kemerova region of Russia. It is bordered by Kazakhstan in the west, the Republic of Tuva and Khakass in the east, East Turkestan and Mongolia in the south. Throughout history, it came under the rule of many Turkish states such as Scythians, Huns, Göktürks, Uyghurs. There is a great material cultural heritage that has survived here. When these cultural assets within the borders of the Altai are evaluated as a historical background, they should be accepted as the common heritage of the Turkish world. This heritage is largely archaeological and is diverse, such as kurgans, rock paintings, balbals, stelae, stone statues, cultural layers. Many relics have been unearthed, studied and published in archaeological excavations that have continued for more than a century. However, many remains that have not yet been studied and excavated await researchers. In this study, as the common heritage of the Turkish World, material culture in Altai will be outlined, some problems will be expressed and suggestions will be made.
Keywords: Material culture, Turkish world, history, archeology.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Azerbaycan, usul-i cedit, milli uyanış, kültür, tarih.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Buhara, din, kültür, seyahatname, tarih.
Bukhara, which has a deep-rooted history, is located in Turkestan, which plays an important role in world history, and is one of the leading political and social centers of this geography. Bukhara is also a city of science and culture. This city, which was under the dominance of many political structures in history, was included in the dominance of the Turkish khanates established in Turkestan in the 16th century. One of them, the Khanate of Bukhara, took its name from this city and made this city its capital. In these periods when the khanates ruled, and especially in the 19th century, the interest of foreign powers in the region increased. The geographical location, strategic importance, underground resources and other riches of Turkestan attracted the attention of colonialist states, especially Russia and England, and a struggle for dominance began. Tsarist Russia, which carried out activities for this purpose, sent many diplomats, travelers and scientists to discover and get to know Turkestan. One of these diplomats, Lev Feofilovich Kostenko, came to Bukhara in the second half of the 19th century. Kostenko later wrote a book about his travels during this mission. The events he saw and wrote down give valuable information about Bukhara at that time. In this study, it will be tried to talk about the religious life of Bukhara in line with the information he saw and transferred.
Key Words: Bukhara, culture, history, religion, travelogue.