Harvard Alumni Association

Please see the HAA staff list for contacts at the Harvard Alumni Association.

You can reach the HAA Online Help Desk by filling out this contact form, emailing [email protected], or by phone at 800-823-2478 or 617-496-0559 (M-F, 9AM - 5PM ET).

Giving & Fundraising 

Alumni & Development Services

Please contact Alumni & Development Services for help updating your record in the alumni database.

Phone: 617-495-1750
Email: [email protected]

School Alumni Offices

Each school at Harvard has an alumni office.  These offices are useful resources for a variety of questions, including:

  • Information on reunions and other events and programs run by individual schools
  • Help with school alumni websites
  • Help with school alumni email addresses

Harvard Business School
HBS contact information

Harvard College and Radcliffe College
Harvard and Radcliffe College events and reunions are run by the HAA.  Please see the HAA staff list for contact information.

Harvard Divinity School
HDS contact information

Harvard Extension School
Phone: 617-495-4024
Email: [email protected]

Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Email: [email protected]

Harvard Graduate School of Design
Phone: 617-495-4315
Email: [email protected]

Harvard Graduate School of Education
Phone: 617-496-3605
Email: [email protected]

Harvard Law School
HLS contact information

Harvard Medical School
Phone: 617-384-8520
Email: [email protected]

Harvard School of Dental Medicine
HSDM contact information

Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
Phone: 617-432-8429
Email: [email protected]

Harvard Kennedy School
Phone: 617-495-1394
Email: [email protected]

Registrars' Offices

Contact the registrars' offices to request a transcript or grade report, request a replacement diploma or graduation certification, verify a person's attendance at Harvard, or inquire about course offerings.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Registrar's Office (Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
Phone: 617-495-1543
Contact Us
FAS transcript request information

Harvard Business School: MBA Registrar Services
Phone: 617-495-6247
Email: [email protected]
HBS: MBA transcript request information

Harvard Business School: Doctoral Program Registrar
Phone: 617-495-6101
HBS: Doctoral transcript request information

Harvard Divinity School Registrar's Office
Phone: 617-495-5760
Email: [email protected]
Divinity School transcript request information

Harvard Division of Continuing Education (Harvard Extension School, Harvard Summer School)
Phone: 617-495-0977
Division of Continuing Education transcript request information

Harvard Graduate School of Design Office of the Registrar
Phone: 617-496-5154
GSD transcript request information

Harvard Graduate School of Education Office of the Registrar
Phone: 617-495-3419
Email: [email protected]
GSE transcript request information

Harvard Law School Office of the Registrar
Phone: 617-495-4612
Email: [email protected]
HLS transcript request information

Harvard Medical School Office of the Registrar
Phone: 617-432-1515
HMS transcript request information

Harvard Medical School: Post Graduate Medical Education
Email: [email protected]

Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Email: [email protected]
School of Dental Medicine transcript request information

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Registrar's Office
Phone: 617-432-1032
Email: [email protected]
Chan School of Public Health transcript request information

Harvard Kennedy School Registrar's Office
Phone: 617-495-1155
Email: [email protected]

Career Service Offices

The career service offices offer career advising and job listings for students and alumni of their respective schools.  Employers interested in hiring Harvard students or alumni can contact the career service offices for information on posting jobs and recruiting.  

FAS Office of Career Services (Harvard College, GSAS, Extension School degree recipients)
Phone: 617-495-2595

HBS Alumni Career Services
Phone: 617-495-1433
Email: [email protected]

GSD Career Services
Email: [email protected]

HDS Career Services
Phone: 617-496-3313
Email: [email protected]

GSE Career Services Office
Phone: 617-495-3427
Email: [email protected]

HKS Office of Career Advancement
Phone: 617-495-1161
Email: [email protected]

 HLS Office of Career Services
Phone: 617-495-3119
Email: [email protected]

HSPH Career Services Office
Phone: 617-432-1034
Email: [email protected]

IT help offices

If you are a current student or a recent graduate, please check with your school's IT help office for help with your student email account and information on the expiration of your current email account.

FAS Computer Services
Phone: 617-495-9000
Email: [email protected]

HMS / HSDM Student Computing
Phone: 617-432-2000
Email contact form

Contact the HBS alumni office for information on HBS alumni email addresses

GSD Computer Resources
Phone: 617-496-3810
Email: [email protected]

HDS Information Technology and Media Services
Phone: 617-496-9111
Email: [email protected]

GSE Information Technology Services
Phone: 617-496-0628
Email: [email protected]

HKS IT help
Contact the HKS alumni office for information on HKS alumni email addresses

HLS Information Technology Services
Phone: 617-495-9576
Email: [email protected]

HSPH Information Technology
Phone: 617-432-4357
Email: [email protected]

Harvard Magazine

Contact Harvard Magazine for information on magazine subscriptions, advertising, class notes and obituaries for Harvard College, Radcliffe College or GSAS graduates.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 617-495-5746

Class Notes
Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]


Harvard Library Access and Borrowing Office

Help Topics: General questions about library access; obtaining a Special Borrower Card; access to FAS libraries (Cabot, Fine Arts, Fung, Government Documents/Microforms, Harvard Map Collection, Harvard-Yenching, Houghton, Lamont, Loeb Music, SEC Library, Tozzer, Widener)
Phone: 617-495-4166
Email: [email protected]

Harvard University Archives (Pusey Library)

Help Topics: Historical information and historical materials on Harvard and Harvard alumni, early alumni records (pre-1930).
Phone: 617-495-2461
Contact form

Harvard Divinity School Library

Phone: 617-495-5788

Baker Library (HBS)

For alumni access to Baker, contact the HBS alumni office.

Countway Library (HMS, SDM, SPH)

Phone:  617-432-2136

Gutman Library (GSE)

Phone: 617-495-3423
Email: [email protected]

Harvard Law School Library (HLS)

Phone: 617-495-3455

Francis Loeb Library (GSD)